
374 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import contextlib
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import types
import unittest2
from .. import http
import werkzeug.test
def setUpModule():
Force load_addons once to import all the crap we don't care for as this
thing is full of side-effects
class DispatchCleanup(unittest2.TestCase):
Cleans up controllers registries in the web client so it's possible to
test controllers registration and dispatching in isolation.
def setUp(self):
self.classes = http.controllers_class
self.paths = http.controllers_path
http.controllers_class = {}
http.controllers_path = {}
def tearDown(self):
http.controllers_path = self.paths
http.controllers_class = self.classes
def jsonrpc_body(params=None):
Builds and dumps the body of a JSONRPC request with params ``params``
return json.dumps({
'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'method': 'call',
'id': None,
'params': params or {},
def jsonrpc_response(result=None):
Builds a JSONRPC response (as a Python dict) with result ``result``
return {
u'jsonrpc': u'2.0',
u'id': None,
u'result': result,
class TestHandler(logging.handlers.BufferingHandler):
def __init__(self):
logging.handlers.BufferingHandler.__init__(self, 0)
def shouldFlush(self, record):
return False
def capture_logging(logger, level=logging.DEBUG):
logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
old_level = logger.level
old_handlers = logger.handlers
old_propagate = logger.propagate
test_handler = TestHandler()
logger.handlers = [test_handler]
logger.propagate = False
yield test_handler
logger.propagate = old_propagate
logger.handlers = old_handlers
class TestDispatching(DispatchCleanup):
def setUp(self):
super(TestDispatching, self).setUp()
self.app = http.Root()
self.client = werkzeug.test.Client(self.app)
def test_not_exposed(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self):
return 'Blessid iz da feline'
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat')
self.assertEqual('404 NOT FOUND', status)
def test_basic_http(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'no walk in counsil of wickid,'
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('no walk in counsil of wickid,', ''.join(body))
def test_basic_jsonrpc(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'no place paws in path of da sinnerz,'
body, status, headers = self.client.post('/cat', data=jsonrpc_body())
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
jsonrpc_response('no place paws in path of da sinnerz,'),
class TestSubclassing(DispatchCleanup):
def setUp(self):
super(TestSubclassing, self).setUp()
self.app = http.Root()
self.client = werkzeug.test.Client(self.app)
def test_add_method(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'no sit and purr with da mockerz.'
class CeilingController(CatController):
def lol(self, req):
return 'But der delightz in lawz of Ceiling Cat,'
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('no sit and purr with da mockerz.', ''.join(body))
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat/lol')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('But der delightz in lawz of Ceiling Cat,',
def test_override_method(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'an ponderz'
class CeilingController(CatController):
def index(self, req):
return '%s much.' % super(CeilingController, self).index(req)
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('an ponderz much.', ''.join(body))
def test_make_invisible(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'Tehy liek treez bai teh waterz,'
class CeilingController(CatController):
def index(self, req):
return super(CeilingController, self).index(req)
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/cat')
self.assertEqual('404 NOT FOUND', status)
def test_make_json_invisible(self):
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return 'Tehy liek treez bai teh waterz,'
class CeilingController(CatController):
def index(self, req):
return super(CeilingController, self).index(req)
body, status, headers = self.client.post('/cat')
self.assertEqual('404 NOT FOUND', status)
def test_extends(self):
When subclassing an existing Controller new classes are "merged" into
the base one
class A(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/foo'
def index(self, req):
return '1'
class B(A):
def index(self, req):
return "%s 2" % super(B, self).index(req)
class C(A):
def index(self, req):
return "%s 3" % super(C, self).index(req)
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/foo')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('1 2 3', ''.join(body))
def test_extends_same_path(self):
When subclassing an existing Controller and specifying the same
_cp_path as the parent, ???
class A(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/foo'
def index(self, req):
return '1'
class B(A):
_cp_path = '/foo'
def index(self, req):
return '2'
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/foo')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('2', ''.join(body))
def test_re_expose(self):
An existing Controller should not be extended with a new cp_path
(re-exposing somewhere else)
class CatController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/cat'
def index(self, req):
return '[%s]' % self.speak()
def speak(self):
return 'Yu ordered cheezburgerz,'
with capture_logging('openerp.addons.web.http') as handler:
class DogController(CatController):
_cp_path = '/dog'
def speak(self):
return 'Woof woof woof woof'
[record] = handler.buffer
self.assertEqual(logging.WARN, record.levelno)
self.assertEqual("Re-exposing CatController at /dog.\n"
"\tThis usage is unsupported.",
def test_fail_redefine(self):
An existing Controller can't be overwritten by a new one on the same
path (? or should this generate a warning and still work as if it was
an extend?)
class FooController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/foo'
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
class BarController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/foo'
def test_fail_no_path(self):
A Controller must have a path (and thus be exposed)
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
class FooController(http.Controller):
def test_mixin(self):
Can mix "normal" python classes into a controller directly
class Mixin(object):
def index(self, req):
return 'ok'
class FooController(http.Controller, Mixin):
_cp_path = '/foo'
class BarContoller(Mixin, http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/bar'
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/foo')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('ok', ''.join(body))
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/bar')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('ok', ''.join(body))
def test_mixin_extend(self):
Can mix "normal" python class into a controller by extension
class FooController(http.Controller):
_cp_path = '/foo'
class M1(object):
def m1(self, req):
return 'ok 1'
class M2(object):
def m2(self, req):
return 'ok 2'
class AddM1(FooController, M1):
class AddM2(M2, FooController):
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/foo/m1')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('ok 1', ''.join(body))
body, status, headers = self.client.get('/foo/m2')
self.assertEqual('200 OK', status)
self.assertEqual('ok 2', ''.join(body))