
34 lines
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import openerp.exceptions
from openerp.tests.common import TransactionCase
class TestRules(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestRules, self).setUp()
self.id1 = self.env['test_access_right.some_obj']\
.create({'val': 1}).id
self.id2 = self.env['test_access_right.some_obj']\
.create({'val': -1}).id
# create a global rule forbidding access to records with a negative
# (or zero) val
'name': 'Forbid negatives',
'model_id': self.browse_ref('test_access_rights.model_test_access_right_some_obj').id,
'domain_force': "[('val', '>', 0)]"
def test_basic_access(self):
env = self.env(user=self.browse_ref('base.public_user'))
# put forbidden record in cache
browse2 = env['test_access_right.some_obj'].browse(self.id2)
# this is the one we want
browse1 = env['test_access_right.some_obj'].browse(self.id1)
# this should not blow up
self.assertEqual(browse1.val, 1)
# but this should
with self.assertRaises(openerp.exceptions.AccessError):
self.assertEqual(browse2.val, -1)