
1441 lines
60 KiB

/*globals: openerp, $, console */
* OpenERP web_calendar
openerp.web_calendar = function(instance) {
var _t = instance.web._t,
_lt = instance.web._lt;
var QWeb = instance.web.qweb;
function get_class(name) {
return new instance.web.Registry({'tmp' : name}).get_object("tmp");
var fc_defaultOptions = {
monthNames: Date.CultureInfo.monthNames,
monthNamesShort: Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedMonthNames,
dayNames: Date.CultureInfo.dayNames,
dayNamesShort: Date.CultureInfo.abbreviatedDayNames,
weekNumberTitle: _t("W"),
allDayText: _t("all-day"),
firstDay: Date.CultureInfo.firstDayOfWeek,
function is_virtual_id(id) {
return typeof id == "string" && id.indexOf('-') >= 0;
instance.web.views.add('calendar', 'instance.web_calendar.FullCalendarView');
instance.web_calendar.FullCalendarView = instance.web.View.extend({
template: "FullCalendarView",
display_name: _lt('Calendar'),
quick_create_class: 'instance.web_calendar.QuickCreate',
init: function (parent, dataset, view_id, options) {
this.ready = $.Deferred();
this.dataset = dataset;
this.model = dataset.model;
this.fields_view = {};
this.view_id = view_id;
this.view_type = 'calendar';
this.COLOR_PALETTE = ['#f57900', '#cc0000', '#d400a8', '#75507b', '#3465a4', '#73d216', '#c17d11', '#edd400',
'#fcaf3e', '#ef2929', '#ff00c9', '#ad7fa8', '#729fcf', '#8ae234', '#e9b96e', '#fce94f',
'#ff8e00', '#ff0000', '#b0008c', '#9000ff', '#0078ff', '#00ff00', '#e6ff00', '#ffff00',
'#905000', '#9b0000', '#840067', '#510090', '#0000c9', '#009b00', '#9abe00', '#ffc900' ];
this.color_map = {};
this.last_search = [];
this.range_start = null;
this.range_stop = null;
this.selected_filters = [];
set_default_options: function(options) {
_.defaults(this.options, {
// All possible views options should be defaulted here
confirm_on_delete: true,
destroy: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
view_loading: function (fv) {
var self = this;
this.fields_view = fv;
this.$calendar = this.$el.find(".oe_fullcalendar_widget");
this.info_fields = [];
/* buttons */
this.$buttons = $(QWeb.render("CalendarView.buttons", {'widget': this}));
if (this.options.$buttons) {
} else {
this.$buttons.on('click', 'button.oe_calendar_button_new', function () {
self.dataset.index = null;
/* xml view calendar options */
var attrs = fv.arch.attrs;
if (!attrs.date_start) {
throw new Error(_t("Calendar view has not defined 'date_start' attribute."));
this.name = fv.name || attrs.string;
this.view_id = fv.view_id;
this.mode = attrs.mode; // one of month, week or day
this.date_start = attrs.date_start; // Field name of starting date field
this.date_delay = attrs.date_delay; // duration
this.date_stop = attrs.date_stop;
this.all_day = attrs.all_day;
this.attendee_people = attrs.attendee;
this.how_display_event = '';
if (typeof attrs.quick_create_instance !== "undefined")
self.quick_create_class = attrs.quick_create_instance;
if (typeof attrs.quick_add !== "undefined" && attrs.quick_add == "True")
this.quick_add_pop = true;
this.quick_add_pop = false;
// The display format which will be used to display the event where fields are between "[" and "]"
if (typeof attrs.display !== "undefined")
this.how_display_event = attrs.display; // String with [FIELD]
// If this field is set ot true, we don't open the event in form view, but in a popup with the view_id passed by this parameter
if (attrs.event_open_popup == null || attrs.event_open_popup == "False")
this.open_popup_action = false;
else {
this.open_popup_action = attrs.event_open_popup;
// If this field is set to true, we will use de calendar_friends model as filter and not the color field.
if (typeof attrs.use_contacts !== "undefined" && attrs.use_contacts == "True")
this.useContacts = true;
this.useContacts = false;
// If this field is set ot true, we don't add itself as an attendee when we use attendee_people to add each attendee icon on an event
// The color is the color of the attendee, so don't need to show again that it will be present
if (typeof attrs.color_is_attendee == null || attrs.color_is_attendee == "False")
this.colorIsAttendee = false;
this.colorIsAttendee = true;
this.color_field = attrs.color;
if (this.color_field && this.selected_filters.length === 0) {
var default_filter;
if ((default_filter = this.dataset.context['calendar_default_' + this.color_field])) {
this.selected_filters.push(default_filter + '');
this.fields = fv.fields;
for (var fld = 0; fld < fv.arch.children.length; fld++) {
return (new instance.web.Model(this.dataset.model))
.call("check_access_rights", ["create", false])
.then(function (create_right) {
self.create_right = create_right;
self.init_fullcalendar().then(function() {
self.trigger('calendar_view_loaded', fv);
get_fc_init_options: function () {
var self = this;
return $.extend({}, fc_defaultOptions, {
defaultView: (this.mode == "month")?"month":
(this.mode == "week"?"agendaWeek":
(this.mode == "day"?"agendaDay":"month")),
header: {
left: 'prev,next today',
center: 'title',
right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
selectable: !this.options.read_only_mode && this.create_right,
selectHelper: true,
editable: !this.options.read_only_mode,
droppable: true,
// callbacks
eventDrop: function (event, _day_delta, _minute_delta, _all_day, _revertFunc) {
var data = self.get_event_data(event);
self.proxy('update_record')(event._id, data); // we don't revert the event, but update it.
eventResize: function (event, _day_delta, _minute_delta, _revertFunc) {
var data = self.get_event_data(event);
self.proxy('update_record')(event._id, data);
eventRender: function (event, element, view) {
eventAfterRender: function (event, element, view) {
if ((view.name !== 'month') && (((event.end-event.start)/60000)<=30)) {
//if duration is too small, we see the html code of img
var current_title = $(element.find('.fc-event-time')).text();
var new_title = current_title.substr(0,current_title.indexOf("<img")>0?current_title.indexOf("<img"):current_title.length)
eventClick: function (event) { console.log(event); self.open_event(event._id,event.title); },
select: function (start_date, end_date, all_day, _js_event, _view) {
var data_template = self.get_event_data({
start: start_date,
end: end_date,
allDay: all_day,
drop: function(start_date, all_day) {
if (this.classList.contains("ui-dialog")) {
return; //don't look click event on calendar if popup hover !
var data_template = self.get_event_data({
start: start_date,
allDay: all_day,
var stored_data = $(this).data('eventDefaults');
data_template = $.extend({}, stored_data, data_template);
// Opening quick create widget
unselectAuto: false,
// Options
weekNumbers: true,
snapMinutes: 15,
timeFormat : {
// for agendaWeek and agendaDay
agenda: 'h:mm{ - h:mm}', // 5:00 - 6:30
// for all other views
'': 'h(:mm)tt' // 7pm
firstHour: 8,
weekMode : 'liquid',
aspectRatio: 1.8,
calendarMiniChanged: function (context) {
return function(datum,obj) {
var curView = context.$calendar.fullCalendar( 'getView');
var curDate = new Date(obj.currentYear , obj.currentMonth, obj.currentDay);
if (curView.name == "agendaWeek") {
if (curDate <= curView.end && curDate >= curView.start) {
else if (curView.name != "agendaDay" || (curView.name == "agendaDay" && curDate.compareTo(curView.start)==0)) {
context.$calendar.fullCalendar('gotoDate', obj.currentYear , obj.currentMonth, obj.currentDay);
init_fullcalendar: function() {
var self = this;
if (!this.sidebar && this.options.$sidebar) {
this.sidebar = new instance.web_calendar.Sidebar(this);
//Initialize small calendar
this.$small_calendar = self.$el.find(".oe_calendar_mini");
this.$small_calendar.datepicker({ onSelect: self.calendarMiniChanged(self) });
if (this.useContacts) {
new instance.web.Model("res.users").query(["partner_id"]).filter([["id", "=",this.dataset.context.uid]]).first()
function(result) {
var sidebar_items = {};
var filter_value = result.partner_id[0];
var filter_item = {
value: filter_value,
label: result.partner_id[1] + " [Me]",
color: self.get_color(filter_value)
sidebar_items[filter_value] = filter_item ;
filter_item = {
value: -1,
label: "All partners [All]",
color: self.get_color(-1)
sidebar_items[-1] = filter_item ;
new instance.web.Model("web_calendar.contacts").query(["partner_id"]).filter([["user_id", "=",self.dataset.context.uid]]).all().then(function(result) {
_.each(result, function(item) {
filter_value = item.partner_id[0];
filter_item = {
value: filter_value,
label: item.partner_id[1],
color: self.get_color(filter_value)
sidebar_items[filter_value] = filter_item ;
self.allFilters = sidebar_items;
}).done(function () {
return $.when();
open_quick_create: function(data_template) {
if (this.quick) {
return this.quick.trigger('close');
var QuickCreate = get_class(this.quick_create_class);
this.options.disable_quick_create = this.options.disable_quick_create || !this.quick_add_pop;
this.quick = new QuickCreate(this, this.dataset, true, this.options, data_template);
this.quick.on('added', this, this.proxy('quick_created'))
.on('slowadded', this, this.proxy('slow_created'))
.on('close', this, function() {
delete this.quick;
* Refresh one fullcalendar event identified by it's 'id' by reading OpenERP record state.
* If event was not existent in fullcalendar, it'll be created.
refresh_event: function(id) {
var self = this;
if (is_virtual_id(id))
// Should avoid "refreshing" a virtual ID because it can't
// really be modified so it should never be refreshed. As upon
// edition, a NEW event with a non-virtual id will be created.
console.warn("Unwise use of refresh_event on a virtual ID.");
this.dataset.read_ids([id], _.keys(this.fields)).done(function (incomplete_records) {
self.perform_necessary_name_gets(incomplete_records).then(function(records) {
// Event boundaries were already changed by fullcalendar, but we need to reload them:
var new_event = self.event_data_transform(records[0]);
// fetch event_obj
var event_objs = self.$calendar.fullCalendar('clientEvents', id);
if (event_objs.length == 1) { // Already existing obj to update
var event_obj = event_objs[0];
// update event_obj
_(new_event).each(function (value, key) {
event_obj[key] = value;
self.$calendar.fullCalendar('updateEvent', event_obj);
} else { // New event object to create
self.$calendar.fullCalendar('renderEvent', new_event);
// By forcing attribution of this event to this source, we
// make sure that the event will be removed when the source
// will be removed (which occurs at each do_search)
self.$calendar.fullCalendar('clientEvents', id)[0].source = self.event_source;
get_color: function(key) {
if (this.color_map[key]) {
return this.color_map[key];
var index = ((_.keys(this.color_map).length + 4) % 24) + 1;
this.color_map[key] = index;
return index;
old_get_color: function(key) {
if (this.color_map[key]) {
return this.color_map[key];
var index = _.keys(this.color_map).length % this.COLOR_PALETTE.length;
var color = this.COLOR_PALETTE[index];
this.color_map[key] = color;
return color;
* In o2m case, records from dataset won't have names attached to their *2o values.
* We should make sure this is the case.
perform_necessary_name_gets: function(evts) {
var def = $.Deferred();
var self = this;
var to_get = {};
_(this.info_fields).each(function (fieldname) {
if (!_(["many2one", "one2one"]).contains(
to_get[fieldname] = [];
_(evts).each(function (evt) {
var value = evt[fieldname];
if (value === false || (value instanceof Array))
if (to_get[fieldname].length === 0)
delete to_get[fieldname];
var defs = _(to_get).map(function (ids, fieldname) {
return (new instance.web.Model(self.fields[fieldname].relation))
.call('name_get', ids).then(function (vals) {
return [fieldname, vals];
$.when.apply(this, defs).then(function() {
var values = arguments;
_(values).each(function(value) {
var fieldname = value[0];
var name_gets = value[1];
_(name_gets).each(function(name_get) {
.filter(function (e) {return e[fieldname] == name_get[0];})
.each(function(evt) {
evt[fieldname] = name_get;
return def;
isInArray: function(array_is, array_in) {
for(var z=0; z<array_is.length; z++){
if( array_in.indexOf(array_is[z]) !== -1)
return true;
return false;
* Transform OpenERP event object to fullcalendar event object
event_data_transform: function(evt) {
var self = this;
var date_start = instance.web.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_start]),
date_stop = this.date_stop ? instance.web.auto_str_to_date(evt[this.date_stop]) : null,
date_delay = evt[this.date_delay] || 1.0,
all_day = this.all_day ? evt[this.all_day] : false,
res_computed_text = '',
the_title = '',
attendees = [];
if (this.date_stop && this.fields[this.date_stop].type == 'date') {
if (this.info_fields) {
var temp_ret = {};
res_computed_text = this.how_display_event;
_.each(this.info_fields, function (fieldname) {
var value = evt[fieldname];
if (_.contains(["many2one", "one2one"], self.fields[fieldname].type)) {
if (value === false)
temp_ret[fieldname] = null;
else if (value instanceof Array)
temp_ret[fieldname] = value[1]; // Yipee, no name_get to make
throw new Error("Incomplete data received from dataset for record " + evt.id);
else if (_.contains(["one2many","many2many"], self.fields[fieldname].type)) {
if (value === false)
temp_ret[fieldname] = null;
else if (value instanceof Array)
temp_ret[fieldname] = value; // if x2many, keep all id !
throw new Error("Incomplete data received from dataset for record " + evt.id);
else {
temp_ret[fieldname] = value;
res_computed_text = res_computed_text.replace("["+fieldname+"]",temp_ret[fieldname]);
if (res_computed_text.length) {
the_title = res_computed_text;
else {
var res_text= [];
_.each(temp_ret, function(val,key) { res_text.push(val)} );
the_title = res_text.join(', ');
the_title = the_title.replace(/&/g,'&amp;').replace(/</g,'&lt;'); //.replace(/>/g,'&gt;');
if (typeof this.attendee_people !== "undefined") {
var attendee_showed = 0;
var attendee_other = '';
function (the_attendee_people) {
attendee_showed += 1;
//style = 'style="border:2px solid '+self.get_color((the_attendee_people in self.allFilters) ? the_attendee_people : '-1')+'"';
if (attendee_showed<= MAX_ATTENDEES) {
// if (the_attendee_people in self.allFilters && (!self.colorIsAttendee || temp_ret[self.color_field]!=the_attendee_people)) { //&& the_attendee_people != this.colorIsAttendee
the_title += '<img title="' + self.all_attendees[the_attendee_people] + '" class="attendee_head" width="20px" height="20px" src="/web/binary/image?model=res.partner&field=image_small&id=' + the_attendee_people + '"></img>';
else {
attendee_other += self.all_attendees[the_attendee_people] +", ";
if (attendee_other.length) {
the_title += '<span class="attendee_head" title="' + attendee_other.substring(0, attendee_other.length - 2) + '">+</span>';
if (!date_stop && date_delay) {
date_stop = date_start.clone().addHours(date_delay);
if (this.fields[this.date_start].type != "date" && all_day) {
var r = {
'start': date_start.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),
'end': date_stop.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),
'title': the_title, //res_text.join(', '),
'allDay': (this.fields[this.date_start].type == 'date' || (this.all_day && evt[this.all_day]) || false),
'id': evt.id,
if (!self.useContacts || self.all_filters[evt[this.color_field]] != undefined) {
if (this.color_field && evt[this.color_field]) {
var color_key = evt[this.color_field];
if (typeof color_key === "object") {
color_key = color_key[0];
//r.color = this.get_color(color_key);
r.className = 'cal_opacity calendar_color_'+ this.get_color(color_key);
else { // if form all, get color -1
// r.color = self.all_filters[-1].color;
r.className = 'cal_opacity calendar_color_'+ self.all_filters[-1].color;
return r;
* Transform fullcalendar event object to OpenERP Data object
get_event_data: function(event) {
// Normalize event_end without changing fullcalendars event.
var event_end = event.end;
if (event.allDay) {
// Sometimes fullcalendar doesn't give any event.end.
if (event_end === null || typeof event_end === "undefined")
event_end = event.start;
// Avoid inplace changes
event_end = (new Date(event_end.getTime())).addDays(1);
var data = {
name: event.title
data[this.date_start] = instance.web.parse_value(event.start, this.fields[this.date_start]);
//Bug whenmove a all_day event from week or day, we don't have a dateend or duration...
if (event_end == null) {
event_end = event.start.addHours(2);
if (this.date_stop) {
data[this.date_stop] = instance.web.parse_value(event_end, this.fields[this.date_stop]);
if (this.all_day) {
data[this.all_day] = event.allDay;
if (this.date_delay) {
var diff_seconds = Math.round((event_end.getTime() - event.start.getTime()) / 1000);
data[this.date_delay] = diff_seconds / 3600;
return data;
do_search: function(domain, context, _group_by) {
var self = this;
if (typeof this.event_source !== "undefined")
this.$calendar.fullCalendar('removeEventSource', this.event_source);
this.event_source = {
events: function(start, end, callback) {
var current_event_source = self.event_source;
self.dataset.read_slice(_.keys(self.fields), {
offset: 0,
domain: self.get_range_domain(domain, start, end),
context: context,
}).done(function(events) {
if (self.event_source !== current_event_source) {
// Event source changed while waiting for AJAX response
console.log("Consecutive ``do_search`` called. Cancelling.");
// We should make sure that *2many used in title of event have their extended form [ID, NAME]...
events = $.map(events, function (e) {
if (self.attendee_people != undefined) { //If we filter on contacts...
if (self.isInArray(self.selected_filters,e[self.attendee_people]) || (self.selected_filters.indexOf(-1) > -1)) {
return e;
else {
return null;
else { //We adds all events # TO TEST ? if (self.isInArray(self.selected_filters,e[self.color_field])){
return e;
return null;
if (!self.useContacts) { // If we use all peoples as filter in sidebars
var now_filters = {};
var filter_value;
var filter_item;
_.each(events, function (e) {
filter_value = e[self.color_field][0];
filter_item = {
value: filter_value,
label: e[self.color_field][1],
color: self.get_color(filter_value)
if (!now_filters[e[self.color_field][0]])
now_filters[e[self.color_field][0]] = filter_item;
self.allFilters = now_filters;
return self.perform_necessary_name_gets(events).then(callback);
else {
var all_attendees = [];
_.each(events, function (e) {
self.all_attendees = {}
all_attendees = _.chain(all_attendees).flatten().uniq().value();
new instance.web.Model("res.partner").query(["name"]).filter([["id", "in",all_attendees]]).all().then(function(result) {
_.each(result, function(item) {
self.all_attendees[item.id] = item.name;
}).done(function() {
return self.perform_necessary_name_gets(events).then(callback);
eventDataTransform: function (event) {
return self.event_data_transform(event);
this.$calendar.fullCalendar('addEventSource', this.event_source);
* Build OpenERP Domain to filter object by this.date_start field
* between given start, end dates.
get_range_domain: function(domain, start, end) {
var format = instance.web.date_to_str;
return new instance.web.CompoundDomain(
[[this.date_start, '>=', format(start.clone())],
[this.date_start, '<=', format(end.clone())]]);
// do_show: function () {
// this.$el.show();
// },
* Updates record identified by ``id`` with values in object ``data``
update_record: function(id, data) {
var self = this;
delete(data.name); // Cannot modify actual name yet
var index = this.dataset.get_id_index(id);
if (index !== null) {
event_id = this.dataset.ids[index];
this.dataset.write(event_id, data, {}).done(function() {
if (is_virtual_id(event_id)) {
// this is a virtual ID and so this will create a new event
// with an unknown id for us.
} else {
// classical event that we can refresh
return false;
open_event: function(id,title) {
if (! this.open_popup_action) {
var index = this.dataset.get_id_index(id);
this.dataset.index = index;
else {
var self = this;
var pop = new instance.web.form.FormOpenPopup(this);
pop.show_element(this.dataset.model, id, this.dataset.get_context(), {
title: _.str.sprintf(_t("View: %s"),title),
view_id: this.open_popup_action,
res_id: id,
target: 'new',
var form_controller = pop.view_form;
form_controller.on("load_record", self, function(){
button_delete = _.str.sprintf("<button class='oe_button oe_bold delme'><span> %s </span></button>",_t("Delete"));
button_edit = _.str.sprintf("<button class='oe_button oe_bold editme oe_highlight'><span> %s </span></button>",_t("Edit event &gt;&gt;"));
function() {
function() {
var action = {
type: 'ir.actions.act_window',
res_model: 'crm.meeting',
view_mode: 'form',
view_type: 'form',
views: [[false, 'form']],
res_id: id,
context: {},
return false;
do_show: function() {
if (this.$buttons) {
return this._super();
do_hide: function () {
if (this.$buttons) {
return this._super();
is_action_enabled: function(action) {
if (action === 'create' && !this.options.creatable)
return false;
return this._super(action);
* Handles a newly created record
* @param {id} id of the newly created record
quick_created: function (id) {
/** Note:
* it's of the most utter importance NOT to use inplace
* modification on this.dataset.ids as reference to this
* data is spread out everywhere in the various widget.
* Some of these reference includes values that should
* trigger action upon modification.
this.dataset.ids = this.dataset.ids.concat([id]);
// Inform every body that dataset changed
this.dataset.trigger("dataset_changed", id);
slow_created: function () {
// refresh all view, because maybe some recurrents item
var self = this;
remove_event: function(id) {
var self = this;
function do_it() {
return $.when(self.dataset.unlink([id])).then(function() {
self.$calendar.fullCalendar('removeEvents', id);
if (this.options.confirm_on_delete) {
if (confirm(_t("Are you sure you want to delete this record ?"))) {
return do_it();
} else
return do_it();
* Quick creation view.
* Triggers a single event "added" with a single parameter "name", which is the
* name entered by the user
* @class
* @type {*}
instance.web_calendar.QuickCreate = instance.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'CalendarView.quick_create',
init: function(parent, dataset, buttons, options, data_template) {
this.dataset = dataset;
this._buttons = buttons || false;
this.options = options;
// Can hold data pre-set from where you clicked on agenda
this.data_template = data_template || {};
get_title: function () {
var parent = this.getParent();
var title =
(typeof parent.field_widget === "undefined") ?
(parent.string || parent.name) :
parent.field_widget.string || parent.field_widget.name || '';
return _t("Create: ") + title;
start: function () {
var self = this;
if (this.options.disable_quick_create) {
self.$input = this.$el.find('input');
self.$input.keyup(function(event) {
if(event.keyCode == 13){
this.$el.find(".oe_calendar_quick_create_add").click(function () {
this.$el.find(".oe_calendar_quick_create_edit").click(function () {
this.$el.find(".oe_calendar_quick_create_close").click(function (ev) {
self.$input.keyup(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27 && self._buttons) {
self.$el.dialog({ title: this.get_title()});
self.on('added', self, function() {
self.$el.on('dialogclose', self, function() {
focus: function() {
* Gathers data from the quick create dialog a launch quick_create(data) method
quick_add: function() {
var val = this.$input.val();
if (/^\s*$/.test(val)) { return; }
this.quick_create({'name': val});
slow_add: function() {
var val = this.$input.val();
this.slow_create({'name': val});
* Handles saving data coming from quick create box
quick_create: function(data, options) {
var self = this;
this.dataset.create($.extend({}, this.data_template, data), options)
.then(function(id) {
self.trigger('added', id);
}).fail(function(r, event) {
// This will occurs if there are some more fields required
* Show full form popup
slow_create: function(data) {
var self = this;
var def = $.Deferred();
var defaults = {};
_.each($.extend({}, this.data_template, data), function(val, field_name) {
defaults['default_' + field_name] = val;
if (defaults['default_allday'] && (defaults['default_date_deadline'] || defaults['default_duration'])) {
delete defaults['default_date_deadline'];
delete defaults['default_duration'];
var pop = new instance.web.form.FormOpenPopup(this);
var context = new instance.web.CompoundContext(this.dataset.context, defaults)
pop.show_element(this.dataset.model, null, context, {
title: this.get_title(),
disable_multiple_selection: true,
// Ensuring we use ``self.dataset`` and DO NOT create a new one.
create_function: function(data, options) {
return self.dataset.create(data, options).done(function(r) {
// Although ``self.dataset.create`` DOES not call ``dataset_changed`` in O2M
// it gets called thanks to ``create_completed`` -> ``added``
// XXXvlab: why ``create`` does not call dataset_changed AND adds id in dataset.ids
// is a mystery for me ATM.
}).fail(function (r, event) {
if (!r.data.message) //else manage by openerp
throw new Error(r);
// ATM this method should not be attainable as the current pop up is
// spawned only for newly created objects.
// write_function: function(id, data, options) {
// return self.dataset.write(id, data, options).done(function() {
// }).fail(function (r, event) {
// throw new Error(r);
// });
// },
read_function: function(id, fields, options) {
return self.dataset.read_ids.apply(self.dataset, arguments).done(function() {
}).fail(function (r, event) {
if (!r.data.message) //else manage by openerp
throw new Error(r);
pop.on('closed', self, function() {
// Hum, this is bad trick happening: we must avoid
// calling ``self.trigger('close')`` directly because
// it would itself destroy all child element including
// the slow create popup, which would then re-trigger
// recursively the 'closed' signal.
// Thus, here, we use a deferred and its state to cut
// the endless recurrence.
if (def.state() === "pending")
pop.on('create_completed', self, function(id) {
def.then(function() {
return def;
* Form widgets
function widget_calendar_lazy_init() {
if (instance.web.form.Many2ManyCalendarView)
instance.web_fullcalendar.FieldFullCalendarView = instance.web_fullcalendar.FullCalendarView.extend({
init: function (parent) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Warning: this means only a field_widget should instanciate this Class
this.field_widget = parent;
view_loading: function (fv) {
var self = this;
return $.when(this._super.apply(this, arguments)).then(function() {
self.on('event_rendered', this, function (event, element, view) {
// In forms, we could be hidden in a notebook. Thus we couldn't
// render correctly fullcalendar so we try to detect when we are
// not visible to wait for when we will be visible.
init_fullcalendar: function() {
if (this.$calendar.width() !== 0) { // visible
return this._super();
// find all parents tabs.
var def = $.Deferred();
var self = this;
this.$calendar.parents(".ui-tabs").on('tabsactivate', this, function() {
if (self.$calendar.width() !== 0) { // visible
return def;
instance.web_calendar.BufferedDataSet = instance.web.BufferedDataSet.extend({
* Adds verification on possible missing fields for the sole purpose of
* O2M dataset being compatible with the ``slow_create`` detection of
* missing fields... which is as simple to try to write and upon failure
* go to ``slow_create``. Current BufferedDataSet would'nt fail because
* they do not send data to the server at create time.
create: function (data, options) {
var def = $.Deferred();
var self = this;
var create = this._super;
if (typeof this.required_fields === "undefined") {
this.required_fields = (new instance.web.Model(this.model))
.call('fields_get').then(function (fields_def) {
return _(fields_def).chain()
// equiv to .pairs()
.map(function (value, key) { return [key, value]; })
// equiv to .omit(self.field_widget.field.relation_field)
.filter(function (pair) { return pair[0] !== self.field_widget.field.relation_field; })
.filter(function (pair) { return pair[1].required; })
.map(function (pair) { return pair[0]; })
$.when(this.required_fields).then(function (required_fields) {
var missing_fields = _(required_fields).filter(function (v) {
return typeof data[v] === "undefined";
var default_get = (missing_fields.length !== 0) ?
self.default_get(missing_fields) : [];
$.when(default_get).then(function (defaults) {
// Remove all fields that have a default from the missing fields.
missing_fields = _(missing_fields).filter(function (f) {
return typeof defaults[f] === "undefined";
if (missing_fields.length !== 0) {
_t("Missing required fields %s"), missing_fields.join(", ")),
create.apply(self, [data, options]).then(function (result) {
return def;
instance.web_calendar.fields_dataset = new instance.web.Registry({
'many2many': 'instance.web.DataSetStatic',
'one2many': 'instance.web_calendar.BufferedDataSet',
function get_field_dataset_class(type) {
var obj = instance.web_calendar.fields_dataset.get_any([type]);
if (!obj) {
throw new Error(_.str.sprintf(_t("Dataset for type '%s' is not defined."), type));
// Override definition of legacy datasets to add field_widget context
return obj.extend({
init: function (parent) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.field_widget = parent;
get_context: function() {
this.context = this.field_widget.build_context();
return this.context;
* Common part to manage any field using calendar view
instance.web_calendar.FieldCalendar = instance.web.form.AbstractField.extend({
disable_utility_classes: true,
fullcalendar_view_class: 'instance.web_calendar.FieldFullCalendarView',
init: function(field_manager, node) {
this._super(field_manager, node);
this.is_loaded = $.Deferred();
this.initial_is_loaded = this.is_loaded;
var self = this;
// This dataset will use current widget to '.build_context()'.
var field_type = field_manager.fields_view.fields[node.attrs.name].type;
this.dataset = new (get_field_dataset_class(field_type))(
this, this.field.relation);
this.dataset.on('unlink', this, function(_ids) {
// quick_create widget instance will be attached when spawned
this.quick_create = null;
this.no_rerender = true;
start: function() {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var self = this;
self.on("change:effective_readonly", self, function() {
self.is_loaded = self.is_loaded.then(function() {
return $.when(self.load_view()).done(function() {
load_view: function() {
var self = this;
var calendar_view_class = get_class(this.fullcalendar_view_class);
this.calendar_view = new calendar_view_class(this, this.dataset, false, $.extend({
'create_text': _t("Add"),
'creatable': self.get("effective_readonly") ? false : true,
'quick_creatable': self.get("effective_readonly") ? false : true,
'read_only_mode': self.get("effective_readonly") ? true : false,
'confirm_on_delete': false,
}, this.options));
var embedded = (this.field.views || {}).calendar;
if (embedded) {
var loaded = $.Deferred();
this.calendar_view.on("calendar_view_loaded", self, function() {
alert('Why never here ?');
this.calendar_view.on('switch_mode', this, this.open_popup);
$.async_when().done(function () {
return loaded;
render_value: function() {
console.log("In render value");
var self = this;
this.is_loaded = this.is_loaded.then(function() {
return self.calendar_view.do_search(self.build_domain(), self.dataset.get_context(), []);
open_popup: function(type, unused) {
if (type !== "form")
if (this.dataset.index === null) {
if (typeof this.open_popup_add === "function")
} else {
if (typeof this.open_popup_edit === "function")
open_popup_add: function() {
throw new Error("Not Implemented");
open_popup_edit: function() {
var id = this.dataset.ids[this.dataset.index];
var self = this;
var pop = (new instance.web.form.FormOpenPopup(this));
pop.show_element(this.field.relation, id, this.build_context(), {
title: _t("Open: ") + this.string,
write_function: function(id, data, _options) {
return self.dataset.write(id, data, {}).done(function() {
// Note that dataset will trigger itself the
// ``dataset_changed`` signal
read_function: function(id, fields, options) {
return self.dataset.read_ids.apply(self.dataset, arguments).done(function() {
}).fail(function (r, event) {
throw new Error(r);
alternative_form_view: this.field.views ? this.field.views.form : undefined,
parent_view: this.view, //XXXvlab: to check ! this.view is likely undefined
child_name: this.name,
readonly: this.get("effective_readonly")
instance.web_calendar.FieldMany2ManyCalendar = instance.web_calendar.FieldCalendar.extend({
init: function(field_manager, node) {
this._super(field_manager, node);
this.dataset.on('dataset_changed', this, function() {
// Will set dirty state if necessary
this.set({'value': this.dataset.ids});
set_value: function(value_) {
value_ = value_ || [];
if (value_.length >= 1 && value_[0] instanceof Array) {
value_ = value_[0][2];
get_value: function() {
// see to use ``commands.replace_with`` provided in
// ``instance.web.form`` but not yet shared.
return [[6, false, this.get('value')]];
open_popup_add: function() {
var pop = (new instance.web.form.SelectCreatePopup(this));
var self = this;
title: _t("Add: ") + this.string
new instance.web.CompoundDomain(
["!", ["id", "in", this.dataset.ids]]),
pop.on("elements_selected", this, function(element_ids) {
_.each(element_ids, function(id) {
if (!_.detect(self.dataset.ids, function(x) {return x == id;})) {
self.dataset.set_ids([].concat(self.dataset.ids, [id]));
instance.web_calendar.FieldOne2ManyCalendar = instance.web_calendar.FieldCalendar.extend({
init: function(field_manager, node) {
this._super(field_manager, node);
this.dataset.on('dataset_changed', this, function() {
// Force dirty state, as if dataset changed, then 'get_value'
// result will change because it uses directly the dataset to
// compute its result.
set_value: instance.web.form.FieldOne2Many.prototype.set_value,
get_value: instance.web.form.FieldOne2Many.prototype.get_value,
// XXX needed by set_value for no reason at all, TO REMOVE when
// FieldOne2Many.set_value will be cleaned.
trigger_on_change: function() {},
reload_current_view: function() {},
open_popup_add: false, // deactivate button "Add"
instance.web_calendar.Sidebar = instance.web.Widget.extend({
template: 'CalendarView.sidebar',
start: function() {
this.filter = new instance.web_calendar.SidebarFilter(this, this.getParent());
instance.web_calendar.SidebarFilter = instance.web.Widget.extend({
events: {
'change input:checkbox': 'filter_click'
init: function(parent, view) {
this.view = view;
events_loaded: function(filters) {
var self = this;
self.selected_filters = [];
self.view.all_filters = filters;
this.$el.html(QWeb.render('CalendarView.sidebar.responsible', { filters: filters }));
filter_click: function(e) {
var self = this,
responsibles = [];
//$e = $(e.target);
self.view.selected_filters = [];
this.$('div.oe_calendar_responsible input:checked').each(function() {
if (e==null && parseInt($(this).val())<0) {
; return;
if (e !== null) { //First intialize
self.view.$calendar.fullCalendar('refetchEvents'); //RERENDER ALL...
addUpdateButton: function() {
var self=this;
var button = "<button class='oe_button oe_form_button oe_link' style='margin-top:7px'><span class='add_contacts_link' >Manage contacts</span></button>";
this.$(".add_contacts_link").on('click', function() {
self.rpc("/web/action/load", {
action_id: "web_calendar.action_calendar_contacts"
}).then( function(result) { return self.do_action(result); });
// vim:et fdc=0 fdl=0 foldnestmax=3 fdm=syntax: