
89 lines
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import unittest2
from lxml import etree
import common
# test group that demo user should not have
GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES = 'base.group_no_one'
class TestACL(common.TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestACL, self).setUp()
self.res_currency = self.registry('res.currency')
self.res_partner = self.registry('res.partner')
self.res_users = self.registry('res.users')
self.demo_uid = 3
self.tech_group = self.registry('ir.model.data').get_object(self.cr, self.uid,
def test_field_visibility_restriction(self):
"""Check that model-level ``groups`` parameter effectively restricts access to that
field for users who do not belong to one of the explicitly allowed groups"""
# Verify the test environment first
original_fields = self.res_currency.fields_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [])
form_view = self.res_currency.fields_view_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, False, 'form')
view_arch = etree.fromstring(form_view.get('arch'))
has_tech_feat = self.res_users.has_group(self.cr, self.demo_uid, GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES)
self.assertFalse(has_tech_feat, "`demo` user should not belong to the restricted group before the test")
self.assertTrue('rate' in original_fields, "'rate' field must be properly visible before the test")
self.assertNotEquals(view_arch.xpath("//field[@name='rate']"), [],
"Field 'rate' must be found in view definition before the test")
# Restrict access to the field and check it's gone
self.res_currency._columns['rate'].groups = GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES
fields = self.res_currency.fields_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [])
form_view = self.res_currency.fields_view_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, False, 'form')
view_arch = etree.fromstring(form_view.get('arch'))
self.assertFalse('rate' in fields, "'rate' field should be gone")
self.assertEquals(view_arch.xpath("//field[@name='rate']"), [],
"Field 'rate' must not be found in view definition")
# Make demo user a member of the restricted group and check that the field is back
self.tech_group.write({'users': [(4, self.demo_uid)]})
has_tech_feat = self.res_users.has_group(self.cr, self.demo_uid, GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES)
fields = self.res_currency.fields_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [])
form_view = self.res_currency.fields_view_get(self.cr, self.demo_uid, False, 'form')
view_arch = etree.fromstring(form_view.get('arch'))
#import pprint; pprint.pprint(fields); pprint.pprint(form_view)
self.assertTrue(has_tech_feat, "`demo` user should now belong to the restricted group")
self.assertTrue('rate' in fields, "'rate' field must be properly visible again")
self.assertNotEquals(view_arch.xpath("//field[@name='rate']"), [],
"Field 'rate' must be found in view definition again")
self.tech_group.write({'users': [(3, self.demo_uid)]})
self.res_currency._columns['rate'].groups = False
def test_field_crud_restriction(self):
"Read/Write RPC access to restricted field should be forbidden"
# Verify the test environment first
has_tech_feat = self.res_users.has_group(self.cr, self.demo_uid, GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES)
self.assertFalse(has_tech_feat, "`demo` user should not belong to the restricted group")
self.assert_(self.res_partner.read(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], ['bank_ids']))
self.assert_(self.res_partner.write(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], {'bank_ids': []}))
# Now restrict access to the field and check it's forbidden
self.res_partner._columns['bank_ids'].groups = GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES
# FIXME TODO: enable next tests when access rights checks per field are implemented
# from openerp.osv.orm import except_orm
# with self.assertRaises(except_orm):
# self.res_partner.read(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], ['bank_ids'])
# with self.assertRaises(except_orm):
# self.res_partner.write(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], {'bank_ids': []})
# Add the restricted group, and check that it works again
self.tech_group.write({'users': [(4, self.demo_uid)]})
has_tech_feat = self.res_users.has_group(self.cr, self.demo_uid, GROUP_TECHNICAL_FEATURES)
self.assertTrue(has_tech_feat, "`demo` user should now belong to the restricted group")
self.assert_(self.res_partner.read(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], ['bank_ids']))
self.assert_(self.res_partner.write(self.cr, self.demo_uid, [1], {'bank_ids': []}))
self.tech_group.write({'users': [(3, self.demo_uid)]})
self.res_partner._columns['bank_ids'].groups = False
if __name__ == '__main__':
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