
262 lines
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/*! DataItemUpdate class for realization Optimistic concurrency control
Wrapper for DataItem object
It's used during outputing updates instead of DataItem object
Create wrapper for every data item with update information.
class DataItemUpdate extends DataItem {
/*! constructor
@param data
hash of data
@param config
DataConfig object
@param index
index of element
public function __construct($data,$config,$index,$type){
$this->child = new $type($data, $config, $index);
/*! returns parent_id (for Tree and TreeGrid components)
public function get_parent_id(){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'get_parent_id')) {
return $this->child->get_parent_id();
} else {
return '';
/*! generate XML on the data hash base
public function to_xml(){
$str= "<update ";
$str .= 'status="'.$this->data['type'].'" ';
$str .= 'id="'.$this->data['dataId'].'" ';
$str .= 'parent="'.$this->get_parent_id().'"';
$str .= '>';
$str .= $this->child->to_xml();
$str .= '</update>';
return $str;
/*! return starting tag for XML string
public function to_xml_start(){
$str="<update ";
$str .= 'status="'.$this->data['type'].'" ';
$str .= 'id="'.$this->data['dataId'].'" ';
$str .= 'parent="'.$this->get_parent_id().'"';
$str .= '>';
$str .= $this->child->to_xml_start();
return $str;
/*! return ending tag for XML string
public function to_xml_end(){
$str = $this->child->to_xml_end();
$str .= '</update>';
return $str;
/*! returns false for outputing only current item without child items
public function has_kids(){
return false;
/*! sets count of child items
@param value
count of child items
public function set_kids($value){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'set_kids')) {
/*! sets attribute for item
public function set_attribute($name, $value){
if (method_exists($this->child, 'set_attribute')) {
LogMaster::log("setting attribute: \nname = {$name}\nvalue = {$value}");
$this->child->set_attribute($name, $value);
} else {
LogMaster::log("set_attribute method doesn't exists");
class DataUpdate{
protected $table; //!< table , where actions are stored
protected $url; //!< url for notification service, optional
protected $sql; //!< DB wrapper object
protected $config; //!< DBConfig object
protected $request; //!< DBRequestConfig object
protected $event;
protected $item_class;
protected $demu;
//protected $config;//!< DataConfig instance
//protected $request;//!< DataRequestConfig instance
/*! constructor
@param connector
Connector object
@param config
DataConfig object
@param request
DataRequestConfig object
function __construct($sql, $config, $request, $table, $url){
$this->config= $config;
$this->request= $request;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->demu = false;
public function set_demultiplexor($path){
$this->demu = $path;
public function set_event($master, $name){
$this->event = $master;
$this->item_class = $name;
private function select_update($actions_table, $join_table, $id_field_name, $version, $user) {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$actions_table}";
$sql .= " LEFT OUTER JOIN {$join_table} ON ";
$sql .= "{$actions_table}.DATAID = {$join_table}.{$id_field_name} ";
$sql .= "WHERE {$actions_table}.ID > '{$version}' AND {$actions_table}.USER <> '{$user}'";
return $sql;
private function get_update_max_version() {
$sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as VERSION FROM {$this->table}";
$res = $this->sql->query($sql);
$data = $this->sql->get_next($res);
if ($data == false || $data['VERSION'] == false)
return 1;
return $data['VERSION'];
private function log_update_action($actions_table, $dataId, $status, $user) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO {$actions_table} (DATAID, TYPE, USER) VALUES ('{$dataId}', '{$status}', '{$user}')";
if ($this->demu)
/*! records operations in actions_table
@param action
DataAction object
public function log_operations($action) {
$type = $this->sql->escape($action->get_status());
$dataId = $this->sql->escape($action->get_new_id());
$user = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_user());
if ($type!="error" && $type!="invalid" && $type !="collision") {
$this->log_update_action($this->table, $dataId, $type, $user);
/*! return action version in XMl format
public function get_version() {
$version = $this->get_update_max_version();
return "<userdata name='version'>".$version."</userdata>";
/*! adds action version in output XML as userdata
public function version_output() {
echo $this->get_version();
/*! create update actions in XML-format and sends it to output
public function get_updates() {
$sub_request = new DataRequestConfig($this->request);
$version = $this->request->get_version();
$user = $this->request->get_user();
$sub_request->parse_sql($this->select_update($this->table, $this->request->get_source(), $this->config->id['db_name'], $version, $user));
$output = $this->render_set($this->sql->select($sub_request), $this->item_class);
echo $this->updates_start();
echo $this->get_version();
echo $output;
echo $this->updates_end();
protected function render_set($res, $name){
while ($data=$this->sql->get_next($res)){
$data = new DataItemUpdate($data,$this->config,$index, $name);
return $output;
/*! returns update start string
protected function updates_start() {
$start = '<updates>';
return $start;
/*! returns update end string
protected function updates_end() {
$start = '</updates>';
return $start;
/*! checks if action version given by client is deprecated
@param action
DataAction object
public function check_collision($action) {
$version = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_version());
//$user = $this->sql->escape($this->request->get_user());
$last_version = $this->get_update_max_version();
if (($last_version > $version)&&($action->get_status() == 'update')) {