
275 lines
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/** Bars **/
Flotr.addType('bars', {
options: {
show: false, // => setting to true will show bars, false will hide
lineWidth: 2, // => in pixels
barWidth: 1, // => in units of the x axis
fill: true, // => true to fill the area from the line to the x axis, false for (transparent) no fill
fillColor: null, // => fill color
fillOpacity: 0.4, // => opacity of the fill color, set to 1 for a solid fill, 0 hides the fill
horizontal: false, // => horizontal bars (x and y inverted)
stacked: false, // => stacked bar charts
centered: true, // => center the bars to their x axis value
topPadding: 0.1 // => top padding in percent
stack : {
positive : [],
negative : [],
_positive : [], // Shadow
_negative : [] // Shadow
draw : function (options) {
context = options.context;
context.lineJoin = 'miter';
// @TODO linewidth not interpreted the right way.
context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
context.strokeStyle = options.color;
if (options.fill) context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
plot : function (options) {
data = options.data,
context = options.context,
shadowSize = options.shadowSize,
i, geometry, left, top, width, height;
if (data.length < 1) return;
this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
if (geometry === null) continue;
left = geometry.left;
top = geometry.top;
width = geometry.width;
height = geometry.height;
if (options.fill) context.fillRect(left, top, width, height);
if (shadowSize) {
context.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.05)';
context.fillRect(left + shadowSize, top + shadowSize, width, height);
if (options.lineWidth) {
context.strokeRect(left, top, width, height);
translate : function (context, horizontal) {
if (horizontal) {
context.rotate(-Math.PI / 2);
context.scale(-1, 1);
getBarGeometry : function (x, y, options) {
horizontal = options.horizontal,
barWidth = options.barWidth,
centered = options.centered,
stack = options.stacked ? this.stack : false,
lineWidth = options.lineWidth,
bisection = centered ? barWidth / 2 : 0,
xScale = horizontal ? options.yScale : options.xScale,
yScale = horizontal ? options.xScale : options.yScale,
xValue = horizontal ? y : x,
yValue = horizontal ? x : y,
stackOffset = 0,
stackValue, left, right, top, bottom;
// Stacked bars
if (stack) {
stackValue = yValue > 0 ? stack.positive : stack.negative;
stackOffset = stackValue[xValue] || stackOffset;
stackValue[xValue] = stackOffset + yValue;
left = xScale(xValue - bisection);
right = xScale(xValue + barWidth - bisection);
top = yScale(yValue + stackOffset);
bottom = yScale(stackOffset);
// TODO for test passing... probably looks better without this
if (bottom < 0) bottom = 0;
// TODO Skipping...
// if (right < xa.min || left > xa.max || top < ya.min || bottom > ya.max) continue;
return (x === null || y === null) ? null : {
x : xValue,
y : yValue,
xScale : xScale,
yScale : yScale,
top : top,
left : Math.min(left, right) - lineWidth / 2,
width : Math.abs(right - left) - lineWidth,
height : bottom - top
hit : function (options) {
data = options.data,
args = options.args,
mouse = args[0],
n = args[1],
x = mouse.x,
y = mouse.y,
hitGeometry = this.getBarGeometry(x, y, options),
width = hitGeometry.width / 2,
left = hitGeometry.left,
geometry, i;
for (i = data.length; i--;) {
geometry = this.getBarGeometry(data[i][0], data[i][1], options);
if (geometry.y > hitGeometry.y && Math.abs(left - geometry.left) < width) {
n.x = data[i][0];
n.y = data[i][1];
n.index = i;
n.seriesIndex = options.index;
drawHit : function (options) {
// TODO hits for stacked bars; implement using calculateStack option?
context = options.context,
args = options.args,
geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
left = geometry.left,
top = geometry.top,
width = geometry.width,
height = geometry.height;
context.strokeStyle = options.color;
context.lineWidth = options.lineWidth;
this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
// Draw highlight
context.moveTo(left, top + height);
context.lineTo(left, top);
context.lineTo(left + width, top);
context.lineTo(left + width, top + height);
if (options.fill) {
context.fillStyle = options.fillStyle;
clearHit: function (options) {
context = options.context,
args = options.args,
geometry = this.getBarGeometry(args.x, args.y, options),
left = geometry.left,
width = geometry.width,
top = geometry.top,
height = geometry.height,
lineWidth = 2 * options.lineWidth;
this.translate(context, options.horizontal);
left - lineWidth,
Math.min(top, top + height) - lineWidth,
width + 2 * lineWidth,
Math.abs(height) + 2 * lineWidth
extendXRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
extendYRange : function (axis, data, options, bars) {
this._extendRange(axis, data, options, bars);
_extendRange: function (axis, data, options, bars) {
max = axis.options.max;
if (_.isNumber(max) || _.isString(max)) return;
newmin = axis.min,
newmax = axis.max,
horizontal = options.horizontal,
orientation = axis.orientation,
positiveSums = this.positiveSums || {},
negativeSums = this.negativeSums || {},
value, datum, index, j;
// Sides of bars
if ((orientation == 1 && !horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && horizontal)) {
if (options.centered) {
newmax = Math.max(axis.datamax + options.barWidth, newmax);
newmin = Math.min(axis.datamin - options.barWidth, newmin);
if (options.stacked &&
((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal))){
for (j = data.length; j--;) {
value = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 1 : 0)]+'';
datum = data[j][(orientation == 1 ? 0 : 1)];
// Positive
if (datum > 0) {
positiveSums[value] = (positiveSums[value] || 0) + datum;
newmax = Math.max(newmax, positiveSums[value]);
// Negative
else {
negativeSums[value] = (negativeSums[value] || 0) + datum;
newmin = Math.min(newmin, negativeSums[value]);
// End of bars
if ((orientation == 1 && horizontal) || (orientation == -1 && !horizontal)) {
if (options.topPadding && (axis.max === axis.datamax || (options.stacked && this.stackMax !== newmax))) {
newmax += options.topPadding * (newmax - newmin);
this.stackMin = newmin;
this.stackMax = newmax;
this.negativeSums = negativeSums;
this.positiveSums = positiveSums;
axis.max = newmax;
axis.min = newmin;