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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from osv import fields, osv
from osv.osv import object_proxy
from tools.translate import _
import pooler
import time
import tools
class audittrail_rule(osv.osv):
For Auddittrail Rule
_name = 'audittrail.rule'
_description = "Audittrail Rule"
_columns = {
"name": fields.char("Rule Name", size=32, required=True),
"object_id": fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Object', required=True, help="Select object for which you want to generate log."),
"user_id": fields.many2many('res.users', 'audittail_rules_users',
'user_id', 'rule_id', 'Users', help="if User is not added then it will applicable for all users"),
"log_read": fields.boolean("Log Reads", help="Select this if you want to keep track of read/open on any record of the object of this rule"),
"log_write": fields.boolean("Log Writes", help="Select this if you want to keep track of modification on any record of the object of this rule"),
"log_unlink": fields.boolean("Log Deletes", help="Select this if you want to keep track of deletion on any record of the object of this rule"),
"log_create": fields.boolean("Log Creates",help="Select this if you want to keep track of creation on any record of the object of this rule"),
"log_action": fields.boolean("Log Action",help="Select this if you want to keep track of actions on the object of this rule"),
"log_workflow": fields.boolean("Log Workflow",help="Select this if you want to keep track of workflow on any record of the object of this rule"),
"state": fields.selection((("draft", "Draft"), ("subscribed", "Subscribed")), "Status", required=True),
"action_id": fields.many2one('ir.actions.act_window', "Action ID"),
_defaults = {
'state': 'draft',
'log_create': 1,
'log_unlink': 1,
'log_write': 1,
_sql_constraints = [
('model_uniq', 'unique (object_id)', """There is already a rule defined on this object\n You cannot define another: please edit the existing one.""")
__functions = {}
def subscribe(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
Subscribe Rule for auditing changes on object and apply shortcut for logs on that object.
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of Auddittrail Rules IDs.
@return: True
obj_action = self.pool.get('ir.actions.act_window')
obj_model = self.pool.get('ir.model.data')
#start Loop
for thisrule in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
obj = self.pool.get(thisrule.object_id.model)
if not obj:
raise osv.except_osv(
_('WARNING: audittrail is not part of the pool'),
_('Change audittrail depends -- Setting rule as DRAFT'))
self.write(cr, uid, [thisrule.id], {"state": "draft"})
val = {
"name": 'View Log',
"res_model": 'audittrail.log',
"src_model": thisrule.object_id.model,
"domain": "[('object_id','=', " + str(thisrule.object_id.id) + "), ('res_id', '=', active_id)]"
action_id = obj_action.create(cr, uid, val)
self.write(cr, uid, [thisrule.id], {"state": "subscribed", "action_id": action_id})
keyword = 'client_action_relate'
value = 'ir.actions.act_window,' + str(action_id)
res = obj_model.ir_set(cr, uid, 'action', keyword, 'View_log_' + thisrule.object_id.model, [thisrule.object_id.model], value, replace=True, isobject=True, xml_id=False)
#End Loop
return True
def unsubscribe(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
Unsubscribe Auditing Rule on object
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param ids: List of Auddittrail Rules IDs.
@return: True
obj_action = self.pool.get('ir.actions.act_window')
ir_values_obj = self.pool.get('ir.values')
#start Loop
for thisrule in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
if thisrule.id in self.__functions:
for function in self.__functions[thisrule.id]:
setattr(function[0], function[1], function[2])
w_id = obj_action.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'View Log'), ('res_model', '=', 'audittrail.log'), ('src_model', '=', thisrule.object_id.model)])
if w_id:
obj_action.unlink(cr, uid, w_id)
value = "ir.actions.act_window" + ',' + str(w_id[0])
val_id = ir_values_obj.search(cr, uid, [('model', '=', thisrule.object_id.model), ('value', '=', value)])
if val_id:
ir_values_obj = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('ir.values')
res = ir_values_obj.unlink(cr, uid, [val_id[0]])
self.write(cr, uid, [thisrule.id], {"state": "draft"})
#End Loop
return True
class audittrail_log(osv.osv):
For Audittrail Log
_name = 'audittrail.log'
_description = "Audittrail Log"
def _name_get_resname(self, cr, uid, ids, *args):
data = {}
for resname in self.browse(cr, uid, ids,[]):
model_object = resname.object_id
res_id = resname.res_id
if model_object and res_id:
model_pool = self.pool.get(model_object.model)
res = model_pool.read(cr, uid, res_id, ['name'])
data[resname.id] = res['name']
data[resname.id] = False
return data
_columns = {
"name": fields.char("Resource Name",size=64),
"object_id": fields.many2one('ir.model', 'Object'),
"user_id": fields.many2one('res.users', 'User'),
"method": fields.char("Method", size=64),
"timestamp": fields.datetime("Date"),
"res_id": fields.integer('Resource Id'),
"line_ids": fields.one2many('audittrail.log.line', 'log_id', 'Log lines'),
_defaults = {
"timestamp": lambda *a: time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
_order = "timestamp desc"
class audittrail_log_line(osv.osv):
Audittrail Log Line.
_name = 'audittrail.log.line'
_description = "Log Line"
_columns = {
'field_id': fields.many2one('ir.model.fields', 'Fields', required=True),
'log_id': fields.many2one('audittrail.log', 'Log'),
'log': fields.integer("Log ID"),
'old_value': fields.text("Old Value"),
'new_value': fields.text("New Value"),
'old_value_text': fields.text('Old value Text'),
'new_value_text': fields.text('New value Text'),
'field_description': fields.char('Field Description', size=64),
class audittrail_objects_proxy(object_proxy):
""" Uses Object proxy for auditing changes on object of subscribed Rules"""
def get_value_text(self, cr, uid, pool, resource_pool, method, field, value):
Gets textual values for the fields.
If the field is a many2one, it returns the name.
If it's a one2many or a many2many, it returns a list of name.
In other cases, it just returns the value.
:param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
:param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
:param pool: current db's pooler object.
:param resource_pool: pooler object of the model which values are being changed.
:param field: for which the text value is to be returned.
:param value: value of the field.
:param recursive: True or False, True will repeat the process recursively
:return: string value or a list of values(for O2M/M2M)
field_obj = (resource_pool._all_columns.get(field)).column
if field_obj._type in ('one2many','many2many'):
data = pool.get(field_obj._obj).name_get(cr, uid, value)
#return the modifications on x2many fields as a list of names
res = map(lambda x:x[1], data)
elif field_obj._type == 'many2one':
#return the modifications on a many2one field as its value returned by name_get()
res = value and value[1] or value
res = value
return res
def create_log_line(self, cr, uid, log_id, model, lines=[]):
Creates lines for changed fields with its old and new values
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID for security checks,
@param model: Object which values are being changed
@param lines: List of values for line is to be created
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
obj_pool = pool.get(model.model)
model_pool = pool.get('ir.model')
field_pool = pool.get('ir.model.fields')
log_line_pool = pool.get('audittrail.log.line')
for line in lines:
field_obj = obj_pool._all_columns.get(line['name'])
assert field_obj, _("'%s' field does not exist in '%s' model" %(line['name'], model.model))
field_obj = field_obj.column
old_value = line.get('old_value', '')
new_value = line.get('new_value', '')
search_models = [model.id]
if obj_pool._inherits:
search_models += model_pool.search(cr, uid, [('model', 'in', obj_pool._inherits.keys())])
field_id = field_pool.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', line['name']), ('model_id', 'in', search_models)])
if field_obj._type == 'many2one':
old_value = old_value and old_value[0] or old_value
new_value = new_value and new_value[0] or new_value
vals = {
"log_id": log_id,
"field_id": field_id and field_id[0] or False,
"old_value": old_value,
"new_value": new_value,
"old_value_text": line.get('old_value_text', ''),
"new_value_text": line.get('new_value_text', ''),
"field_description": field_obj.string
line_id = log_line_pool.create(cr, uid, vals)
return True
def log_fct(self, cr, uid_orig, model, method, fct_src, *args, **kw):
Logging function: This function is performing the logging operation
@param model: Object whose values are being changed
@param method: method to log: create, read, write, unlink, action or workflow action
@param fct_src: execute method of Object proxy
@return: Returns result as per method of Object proxy
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
resource_pool = pool.get(model)
model_pool = pool.get('ir.model')
model_ids = model_pool.search(cr, 1, [('model', '=', model)])
model_id = model_ids and model_ids[0] or False
assert model_id, _("'%s' Model does not exist..." %(model))
model = model_pool.browse(cr, 1, model_id)
# fields to log. currently only used by log on read()
field_list = []
old_values = new_values = {}
if method == 'create':
res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
if res:
res_ids = [res]
new_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
elif method == 'read':
res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
# build the res_ids and the old_values dict. Here we don't use get_data() to
# avoid performing an additional read()
res_ids = []
for record in res:
old_values[(model.id, record['id'])] = {'value': record, 'text': record}
# log only the fields read
field_list = args[1]
elif method == 'unlink':
res_ids = args[0]
old_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
else: # method is write, action or workflow action
res_ids = []
if args:
res_ids = args[0]
if isinstance(res_ids, (long, int)):
res_ids = [res_ids]
if res_ids:
# store the old values into a dictionary
old_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
# process the original function, workflow trigger...
res = fct_src(cr, uid_orig, model.model, method, *args, **kw)
if method == 'copy':
res_ids = [res]
if res_ids:
# check the new values and store them into a dictionary
new_values = self.get_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method)
# compare the old and new values and create audittrail log if needed
self.process_data(cr, uid_orig, pool, res_ids, model, method, old_values, new_values, field_list)
return res
def get_data(self, cr, uid, pool, res_ids, model, method):
This function simply read all the fields of the given res_ids, and also recurisvely on
all records of a x2m fields read that need to be logged. Then it returns the result in
convenient structure that will be used as comparison basis.
:param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
:param uid: the current users ID. This parameter is currently not used as every
operation to get data is made as super admin. Though, it could be usefull later.
:param pool: current db's pooler object.
:param res_ids: Id's of resource to be logged/compared.
:param model: Object whose values are being changed
:param method: method to log: create, read, unlink, write, actions, workflow actions
:return: dict mapping a tuple (model_id, resource_id) with its value and textual value
{ (model_id, resource_id): { 'value': ...
'textual_value': ...
data = {}
resource_pool = pool.get(model.model)
# read all the fields of the given resources in super admin mode
for resource in resource_pool.read(cr, 1, res_ids):
values = {}
values_text = {}
resource_id = resource['id']
# loop on each field on the res_ids we just have read
for field in resource:
if field in ('__last_update', 'id'):
values[field] = resource[field]
# get the textual value of that field for this record
values_text[field] = self.get_value_text(cr, 1, pool, resource_pool, method, field, resource[field])
field_obj = resource_pool._all_columns.get(field).column
if field_obj._type in ('one2many','many2many'):
# check if an audittrail rule apply in super admin mode
if self.check_rules(cr, 1, field_obj._obj, method):
# check if the model associated to a *2m field exists, in super admin mode
x2m_model_ids = pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, 1, [('model', '=', field_obj._obj)])
x2m_model_id = x2m_model_ids and x2m_model_ids[0] or False
assert x2m_model_id, _("'%s' Model does not exist..." %(field_obj._obj))
x2m_model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, 1, x2m_model_id)
#recursive call on x2m fields that need to be checked too
data.update(self.get_data(cr, 1, pool, resource[field], x2m_model, method))
data[(model.id, resource_id)] = {'text':values_text, 'value': values}
return data
def prepare_audittrail_log_line(self, cr, uid, pool, model, resource_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list=[]):
This function compares the old data (i.e before the method was executed) and the new data
(after the method was executed) and returns a structure with all the needed information to
log those differences.
:param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
:param uid: the current users ID. This parameter is currently not used as every
operation to get data is made as super admin. Though, it could be usefull later.
:param pool: current db's pooler object.
:param model: model object which values are being changed
:param resource_id: ID of record to which values are being changed
:param method: method to log: create, read, unlink, write, actions, workflow actions
:param old_values: dict of values read before execution of the method
:param new_values: dict of values read after execution of the method
:param field_list: optional argument containing the list of fields to log. Currently only
used when performing a read, it could be usefull later on if we want to log the write
on specific fields only.
:return: dictionary with
* keys: tuples build as ID of model object to log and ID of resource to log
* values: list of all the changes in field values for this couple (model, resource)
return {
(model.id, resource_id): []
The reason why the structure returned is build as above is because when modifying an existing
record, we may have to log a change done in a x2many field of that object
key = (model.id, resource_id)
lines = {
key: []
# loop on all the fields
for field_name, field_definition in pool.get(model.model)._all_columns.items():
#if the field_list param is given, skip all the fields not in that list
if field_list and field_name not in field_list:
field_obj = field_definition.column
if field_obj._type in ('one2many','many2many'):
# checking if an audittrail rule apply in super admin mode
if self.check_rules(cr, 1, field_obj._obj, method):
# checking if the model associated to a *2m field exists, in super admin mode
x2m_model_ids = pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, 1, [('model', '=', field_obj._obj)])
x2m_model_id = x2m_model_ids and x2m_model_ids[0] or False
assert x2m_model_id, _("'%s' Model does not exist..." %(field_obj._obj))
x2m_model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, 1, x2m_model_id)
# the resource_ids that need to be checked are the sum of both old and previous values (because we
# need to log also creation or deletion in those lists).
x2m_old_values_ids = old_values.get(key, {'value': {}})['value'].get(field_name, [])
x2m_new_values_ids = new_values.get(key, {'value': {}})['value'].get(field_name, [])
# We use list(set(...)) to remove duplicates.
res_ids = list(set(x2m_old_values_ids + x2m_new_values_ids))
for res_id in res_ids:
lines.update(self.prepare_audittrail_log_line(cr, 1, pool, x2m_model, res_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list))
# if the value value is different than the old value: record the change
if key not in old_values or key not in new_values or old_values[key]['value'][field_name] != new_values[key]['value'][field_name]:
data = {
'name': field_name,
'new_value': key in new_values and new_values[key]['value'].get(field_name),
'old_value': key in old_values and old_values[key]['value'].get(field_name),
'new_value_text': key in new_values and new_values[key]['text'].get(field_name),
'old_value_text': key in old_values and old_values[key]['text'].get(field_name)
return lines
def process_data(self, cr, uid, pool, res_ids, model, method, old_values={}, new_values={}, field_list=[]):
This function processes and iterates recursively to log the difference between the old
data (i.e before the method was executed) and the new data and creates audittrail log
:param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
:param uid: the current users ID,
:param pool: current db's pooler object.
:param res_ids: Id's of resource to be logged/compared.
:param model: model object which values are being changed
:param method: method to log: create, read, unlink, write, actions, workflow actions
:param old_values: dict of values read before execution of the method
:param new_values: dict of values read after execution of the method
:param field_list: optional argument containing the list of fields to log. Currently only
used when performing a read, it could be usefull later on if we want to log the write
on specific fields only.
:return: True
# loop on all the given ids
for res_id in res_ids:
# compare old and new values and get audittrail log lines accordingly
lines = self.prepare_audittrail_log_line(cr, uid, pool, model, res_id, method, old_values, new_values, field_list)
# if at least one modification has been found
for model_id, resource_id in lines:
vals = {
'method': method,
'object_id': model_id,
'user_id': uid,
'res_id': resource_id,
if (model_id, resource_id) not in old_values and method not in ('copy', 'read'):
# the resource was not existing so we are forcing the method to 'create'
# (because it could also come with the value 'write' if we are creating
# new record through a one2many field)
vals.update({'method': 'create'})
if (model_id, resource_id) not in new_values and method not in ('copy', 'read'):
# the resource is not existing anymore so we are forcing the method to 'unlink'
# (because it could also come with the value 'write' if we are deleting the
# record through a one2many field)
vals.update({'method': 'unlink'})
# create the audittrail log in super admin mode, only if a change has been detected
if lines[(model_id, resource_id)]:
log_id = pool.get('audittrail.log').create(cr, 1, vals)
model = pool.get('ir.model').browse(cr, uid, model_id)
self.create_log_line(cr, 1, log_id, model, lines[(model_id, resource_id)])
return True
def check_rules(self, cr, uid, model, method):
Checks if auditrails is installed for that db and then if one rule match
@param cr: the current row, from the database cursor,
@param uid: the current users ID,
@param model: value of _name of the object which values are being changed
@param method: method to log: create, read, unlink,write,actions,workflow actions
@return: True or False
pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname)
if 'audittrail.rule' in pool.models:
model_ids = pool.get('ir.model').search(cr, 1, [('model', '=', model)])
model_id = model_ids and model_ids[0] or False
if model_id:
rule_ids = pool.get('audittrail.rule').search(cr, 1, [('object_id', '=', model_id), ('state', '=', 'subscribed')])
for rule in pool.get('audittrail.rule').read(cr, 1, rule_ids, ['user_id','log_read','log_write','log_create','log_unlink','log_action','log_workflow']):
if len(rule['user_id']) == 0 or uid in rule['user_id']:
if rule.get('log_'+method,0):
return True
elif method not in ('default_get','read','fields_view_get','fields_get','search','search_count','name_search','name_get','get','request_get', 'get_sc', 'unlink', 'write', 'create', 'read_group', 'import_data'):
if rule['log_action']:
return True
def execute_cr(self, cr, uid, model, method, *args, **kw):
fct_src = super(audittrail_objects_proxy, self).execute_cr
if self.check_rules(cr,uid,model,method):
return self.log_fct(cr, uid, model, method, fct_src, *args, **kw)
return fct_src(cr, uid, model, method, *args, **kw)
def exec_workflow_cr(self, cr, uid, model, method, *args, **kw):
fct_src = super(audittrail_objects_proxy, self).exec_workflow_cr
if self.check_rules(cr,uid,model,'workflow'):
return self.log_fct(cr, uid, model, method, fct_src, *args, **kw)
return fct_src(cr, uid, model, method, *args, **kw)
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