
694 lines
24 KiB

#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/platypus/flowables.py
__version__=''' $Id$ '''
A flowable is a "floating element" in a document whose exact position is determined by the
other elements that precede it, such as a paragraph, a diagram interspersed between paragraphs,
a section header, etcetera. Examples of non-flowables include page numbering annotations,
headers, footers, fixed diagrams or logos, among others.
Flowables are defined here as objects which know how to determine their size and which
can draw themselves onto a page with respect to a relative "origin" position determined
at a higher level. The object's draw() method should assume that (0,0) corresponds to the
bottom left corner of the enclosing rectangle that will contain the object. The attributes
vAlign and hAlign may be used by 'packers' as hints as to how the object should be placed.
Some Flowables also know how to "split themselves". For example a
long paragraph might split itself between one page and the next.
Packers should set the canv attribute during wrap, split & draw operations to allow
the flowable to work out sizes etc in the proper context.
The "text" of a document usually consists mainly of a sequence of flowables which
flow into a document from top to bottom (with column and page breaks controlled by
higher level components).
import os
import string
from copy import deepcopy
from types import ListType, TupleType, StringType
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.colors import red, gray, lightgrey
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfutils
from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize, _FUZZ
PAGE_HEIGHT = defaultPageSize[1]
class TraceInfo:
"Holder for info about where an object originated"
def __init__(self):
self.srcFile = '(unknown)'
self.startLineNo = -1
self.startLinePos = -1
self.endLineNo = -1
self.endLinePos = -1
# Flowable Objects - a base class and a few examples.
# One is just a box to get some metrics. We also have
# a paragraph, an image and a special 'page break'
# object which fills the space.
class Flowable:
"""Abstract base class for things to be drawn. Key concepts:
1. It knows its size
2. It draws in its own coordinate system (this requires the
base API to provide a translate() function.
_fixedWidth = 0 #assume wrap results depend on arguments?
_fixedHeight = 0
def __init__(self):
self.width = 0
self.height = 0
self.wrapped = 0
#these are hints to packers/frames as to how the floable should be positioned
self.hAlign = 'LEFT' #CENTER/CENTRE or RIGHT
self.vAlign = 'BOTTOM' #MIDDLE or TOP
#optional holder for trace info
self._traceInfo = None
self._showBoundary = None
def _drawOn(self,canv):
'''ensure canv is set on and then draw'''
self.canv = canv
self.draw()#this is the bit you overload
del self.canv
def drawOn(self, canvas, x, y, _sW=0):
"Tell it to draw itself on the canvas. Do not override"
if _sW and hasattr(self,'hAlign'):
a = self.hAlign
if a in ['CENTER','CENTRE']:
x = x + 0.5*_sW
elif a == 'RIGHT':
x = x + _sW
elif a != 'LEFT':
raise ValueError, "Bad hAlign value "+str(a)
canvas.translate(x, y)
if hasattr(self, '_showBoundary') and self._showBoundary:
#diagnostic tool support
canvas.rect(0,0,self.width, self.height)
def wrapOn(self, canv, aW, aH):
'''intended for use by packers allows setting the canvas on
during the actual wrap'''
self.canv = canv
w, h = self.wrap(aW,aH)
del self.canv
return w, h
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
"""This will be called by the enclosing frame before objects
are asked their size, drawn or whatever. It returns the
size actually used."""
return (self.width, self.height)
def minWidth(self):
"""This should return the minimum required width"""
return getattr(self,'_minWidth',self.width)
def splitOn(self, canv, aW, aH):
'''intended for use by packers allows setting the canvas on
during the actual split'''
self.canv = canv
S = self.split(aW,aH)
del self.canv
return S
def split(self, availWidth, availheight):
"""This will be called by more sophisticated frames when
wrap fails. Stupid flowables should return []. Clever flowables
should split themselves and return a list of flowables"""
return []
def getKeepWithNext(self):
"""returns boolean determining whether the next flowable should stay with this one"""
if hasattr(self,'keepWithNext'): return self.keepWithNext
elif hasattr(self,'style') and hasattr(self.style,'keepWithNext'): return self.style.keepWithNext
else: return 0
def getSpaceAfter(self):
"""returns how much space should follow this item if another item follows on the same page."""
if hasattr(self,'spaceAfter'): return self.spaceAfter
elif hasattr(self,'style') and hasattr(self.style,'spaceAfter'): return self.style.spaceAfter
else: return 0
def getSpaceBefore(self):
"""returns how much space should precede this item if another item precedess on the same page."""
if hasattr(self,'spaceBefore'): return self.spaceBefore
elif hasattr(self,'style') and hasattr(self.style,'spaceBefore'): return self.style.spaceBefore
else: return 0
def isIndexing(self):
"""Hook for IndexingFlowables - things which have cross references"""
return 0
def identity(self, maxLen=None):
This method should attempt to return a string that can be used to identify
a particular flowable uniquely. The result can then be used for debugging
and or error printouts
if hasattr(self, 'getPlainText'):
r = self.getPlainText(identify=1)
elif hasattr(self, 'text'):
r = self.text
r = '...'
if r and maxLen:
r = r[:maxLen]
return "<%s at %d>%s" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), r)
class XBox(Flowable):
"""Example flowable - a box with an x through it and a caption.
This has a known size, so does not need to respond to wrap()."""
def __init__(self, width, height, text = 'A Box'):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.text = text
def __repr__(self):
return "XBox(w=%s, h=%s, t=%s)" % (self.width, self.height, self.text)
def draw(self):
self.canv.rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
self.canv.line(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
self.canv.line(0, self.height, self.width, 0)
#centre the text
self.canv.drawCentredString(0.5*self.width, 0.5*self.height, self.text)
def _trimEmptyLines(lines):
#don't want the first or last to be empty
while len(lines) and string.strip(lines[0]) == '':
lines = lines[1:]
while len(lines) and string.strip(lines[-1]) == '':
lines = lines[:-1]
return lines
def _dedenter(text,dedent=0):
tidy up text - carefully, it is probably code. If people want to
indent code within a source script, you can supply an arg to dedent
and it will chop off that many character, otherwise it leaves
left edge intact.
lines = string.split(text, '\n')
if dedent>0:
templines = _trimEmptyLines(lines)
lines = []
for line in templines:
line = string.rstrip(line[dedent:])
lines = _trimEmptyLines(lines)
return lines
class Preformatted(Flowable):
"""This is like the HTML <PRE> tag.
It attempts to display text exactly as you typed it in a fixed width "typewriter" font.
The line breaks are exactly where you put
them, and it will not be wrapped."""
def __init__(self, text, style, bulletText = None, dedent=0):
"""text is the text to display. If dedent is set then common leading space
will be chopped off the front (for example if the entire text is indented
6 spaces or more then each line will have 6 spaces removed from the front).
self.style = style
self.bulletText = bulletText
self.lines = _dedenter(text,dedent)
def __repr__(self):
bT = self.bulletText
H = "Preformatted("
if bT is not None:
H = "Preformatted(bulletText=%s," % repr(bT)
return "%s'''\\ \n%s''')" % (H, string.join(self.lines,'\n'))
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
self.width = availWidth
self.height = self.style.leading*len(self.lines)
return (self.width, self.height)
def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
#returns two Preformatted objects
#not sure why they can be called with a negative height
if availHeight < self.style.leading:
return []
linesThatFit = int(availHeight * 1.0 / self.style.leading)
text1 = string.join(self.lines[0:linesThatFit], '\n')
text2 = string.join(self.lines[linesThatFit:], '\n')
style = self.style
if style.firstLineIndent != 0:
style = deepcopy(style)
style.firstLineIndent = 0
return [Preformatted(text1, self.style), Preformatted(text2, style)]
def draw(self):
#call another method for historical reasons. Besides, I
#suspect I will be playing with alternate drawing routines
#so not doing it here makes it easier to switch.
cur_x = self.style.leftIndent
cur_y = self.height - self.style.fontSize
if self.style.textColor:
tx = self.canv.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
#set up the font etc.
tx.setFont( self.style.fontName,
for text in self.lines:
class Image(Flowable):
"""an image (digital picture). Formats supported by PIL/Java 1.4 (the Python/Java Imaging Library
are supported. At the present time images as flowables are always centered horozontally
in the frame. We allow for two kinds of lazyness to allow for many images in a document
which could lead to file handle starvation.
lazy=1 don't open image until required.
lazy=2 open image when required then shut it.
_fixedWidth = 1
_fixedHeight = 1
def __init__(self, filename, width=None, height=None, kind='direct', mask="auto", lazy=1):
"""If size to draw at not specified, get it from the image."""
self.hAlign = 'CENTER'
self._mask = mask
# if it is a JPEG, will be inlined within the file -
# but we still need to know its size now
fp = hasattr(filename,'read')
if fp:
self._file = filename
self.filename = `filename`
self._file = self.filename = filename
if not fp and os.path.splitext(filename)[1] in ['.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG']:
from reportlab.lib.utils import open_for_read
f = open_for_read(filename, 'b')
info = pdfutils.readJPEGInfo(f)
self.imageWidth = info[0]
self.imageHeight = info[1]
self._img = None
elif fp:
def _setup(self,width,height,kind,lazy):
self._lazy = lazy
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._kind = kind
if lazy<=0: self._setup_inner()
def _setup_inner(self):
width = self._width
height = self._height
kind = self._kind
img = self._img
if img: self.imageWidth, self.imageHeight = img.getSize()
if self._lazy>=2: del self._img
if kind in ['direct','absolute']:
self.drawWidth = width or self.imageWidth
self.drawHeight = height or self.imageHeight
elif kind in ['percentage','%']:
self.drawWidth = self.imageWidth*width*0.01
self.drawHeight = self.imageHeight*height*0.01
elif kind in ['bound','proportional']:
factor = min(float(width)/self.imageWidth,float(height)/self.imageHeight)
self.drawWidth = self.imageWidth*factor
self.drawHeight = self.imageHeight*factor
def __getattr__(self,a):
if a=='_img':
from reportlab.lib.utils import ImageReader #this may raise an error
self._img = ImageReader(self._file)
del self._file
return self._img
elif a in ('drawWidth','drawHeight','imageWidth','imageHeight'):
return self.__dict__[a]
raise AttributeError(a)
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
#the caller may decide it does not fit.
return (self.drawWidth, self.drawHeight)
def draw(self):
lazy = self._lazy
if lazy>=2: self._lazy = 1
self.canv.drawImage( self._img or self.filename,
if lazy>=2:
self._img = None
self._lazy = lazy
def identity(self,maxLen=None):
r = Flowable.identity(self,maxLen)
if r[-4:]=='>...' and type(self.filename) is StringType:
r = "%s filename=%s>" % (r[:-4],self.filename)
return r
class Spacer(Flowable):
"""A spacer just takes up space and doesn't draw anything - it guarantees
a gap between objects."""
_fixedWidth = 1
_fixedHeight = 1
def __init__(self, width, height):
self.width = width
self.height = height
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%s, %s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,self.width, self.height)
def draw(self):
class PageBreak(Spacer):
"""Move on to the next page in the document.
This works by consuming all remaining space in the frame!"""
def __init__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "PageBreak()"
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
self.width = availWidth
self.height = availHeight
return (availWidth,availHeight) #step back a point
class SlowPageBreak(PageBreak):
class CondPageBreak(Spacer):
"""Throw a page if not enough vertical space"""
def __init__(self, height):
self.height = height
def __repr__(self):
return "CondPageBreak(%s)" %(self.height,)
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
if availHeight<self.height:
return (availWidth, availHeight)
return (0, 0)
def _listWrapOn(F,availWidth,canv,mergeSpace=1):
'''return max width, required height for a list of flowables F'''
W = 0
H = 0
pS = 0
n = len(F)
nm1 = n - 1
for i in xrange(n):
f = F[i]
w,h = f.wrapOn(canv,availWidth,0xfffffff)
W = max(W,w)
H = H+h
if i:
h = f.getSpaceBefore()
if mergeSpace: H += max(h-pS,0)
else: H += h
if i!=nm1:
pS = f.getSpaceAfter()
H += pS
return W, H
def _makeIndexable(V):
"if it isn't a list or tuple, wrap it in a list"
if type(V) not in (ListType, TupleType): V = V is not None and [V] or []
return V
class KeepTogether(Flowable):
def __init__(self,flowables,maxHeight=None):
self._flowables = _makeIndexable(flowables)
self._maxHeight = maxHeight
def __repr__(self):
f = self._flowables
L = map(repr,f)
import string
L = "\n"+string.join(L, "\n")
L = string.replace(L, "\n", "\n ")
return "KeepTogether(%s,maxHeight=%s) # end KeepTogether" % (L,self._maxHeight)
def wrap(self, aW, aH):
W,H = _listWrapOn(self._flowables,aW,self.canv)
self._CPage = (H>aH) and (not self._maxHeight or H<=self._maxHeight)
return W, 0xffffff # force a split
def split(self, aW, aH):
S = getattr(self,'_CPage',1) and [CondPageBreak(aH+1)] or []
for f in self._flowables: S.append(f)
return S
class Macro(Flowable):
"""This is not actually drawn (i.e. it has zero height)
but is executed when it would fit in the frame. Allows direct
access to the canvas through the object 'canvas'"""
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def __repr__(self):
return "Macro(%s)" % repr(self.command)
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
return (0,0)
def draw(self):
exec self.command in globals(), {'canvas':self.canv}
class CallerMacro(Flowable):
like Macro, but with callable command(s)
def __init__(self, drawCallable=None, wrapCallable=None):
_ = lambda *args: None
self._drawCallable = drawCallable or _
self._wrapCallable = wrapCallable or _
def __repr__(self):
return "CallerMacro(%s)" % repr(self.command)
def wrap(self, aW, aH):
return (0,0)
def draw(self):
class ParagraphAndImage(Flowable):
'''combine a Paragraph and an Image'''
def __init__(self,P,I,xpad=3,ypad=3):
self.P, self.style, self.I, self.xpad, self.ypad = P,P.style,I,xpad,ypad
def wrap(self,availWidth,availHeight):
wI, hI = self.I.wrap(availWidth,availHeight)
self.wI, self.hI = wI, hI
# work out widths array for breaking
self.width = availWidth
P, style, xpad, ypad = self.P, self.style, self.xpad, self.ypad
leading = style.leading
leftIndent = style.leftIndent
later_widths = availWidth - leftIndent - style.rightIndent
intermediate_widths = later_widths - xpad - wI
first_line_width = intermediate_widths - style.firstLineIndent
P.width = 0
P.blPara = P.breakLines([first_line_width] + int((hI+ypad)/leading)*[intermediate_widths]+[later_widths])
P.height = len(P.blPara.lines)*leading
self.height = max(hI,P.height)
return (self.width, self.height)
def split(self,availWidth, availHeight):
P, wI, hI, ypad = self.P, self.wI, self.hI, self.ypad
if hI+ypad>availHeight or len(P.frags)<=0: return []
S = P.split(availWidth,availHeight)
if not S: return S
P = self.P = S[0]
del S[0]
style = self.style = P.style
P.height = len(self.P.blPara.lines)*style.leading
self.height = max(hI,P.height)
return [self]+S
def draw(self):
canv = self.canv
class FailOnWrap(Flowable):
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
raise ValueError("FailOnWrap flowable wrapped and failing as ordered!")
def draw(self):
class FailOnDraw(Flowable):
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
return (0,0)
def draw(self):
raise ValueError("FailOnDraw flowable drawn, and failing as ordered!")
class HRFlowable(Flowable):
'''Like the hr tag'''
def __init__(self,
spaceBefore=1, spaceAfter=1,
hAlign='CENTER', vAlign='BOTTOM'):
self.width = width
self.lineWidth = thickness
self.spaceBefore = spaceBefore
self.spaceAfter = spaceAfter
self.color = color
self.hAlign = hAlign
self.vAlign = vAlign
def __repr__(self):
return "HRFlowable(width=%s, height=%s)" % (self.width, self.height)
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
w = self.width
if type(w) is type(''):
w = w.strip()
if w.endswith('%'): w = availWidth*float(w[:-1])*0.01
else: w = float(w)
w = min(w,availWidth)
self._width = w
return w, self.lineWidth
def draw(self):
canv = self.canv
canv.setLineCap({'butt':0,'round':1, 'square': 2}[self.lineCap.lower()])
canv.line(0, 0, self._width, self.height)
class _PTOInfo:
def __init__(self,trailer,header):
self.trailer = _makeIndexable(trailer)
self.header = _makeIndexable(header)
class PTOContainer(Flowable):
A container for flowables decorated with trailer & header lists.
If the split operation would be called then the trailer and header
lists are injected before and after the split. This allows specialist
"please turn over" and "continued from previous" like behaviours.'''
def __init__(self,content,trailer=None,header=None):
I = _PTOInfo(trailer,header)
self._content = C = []
for _ in _makeIndexable(content):
if isinstance(_,PTOContainer):
if not hasattr(_,'_ptoinfo'): _._ptoinfo = I
def wrap(self,availWidth,availHeight):
self.width, self.height = _listWrapOn(self._content,availWidth,self.canv)
return self.width,self.height
def getSpaceBefore(self):
return self._content[0].getSpaceBefore()
def getSpaceAfter(self):
return self._content[-1].getSpaceAfter()
def split(self, availWidth, availHeight):
canv = self.canv
C = self._content
x = i = H = pS = 0
n = len(C)
I2W = {}
for x in xrange(n):
c = C[x]
I = c._ptoinfo
if I not in I2W.keys():
T = I.trailer
Hdr = I.header
tW, tH = _listWrapOn(T, availWidth, self.canv)
tSB = T[0].getSpaceBefore()
I2W[I] = T,tW,tH,tSB
T,tW,tH,tSB = I2W[I]
_, h = c.wrapOn(canv,availWidth,0xfffffff)
if x: h += max(c.getSpaceBefore()-pS,0)
pS = c.getSpaceAfter()
H += h+pS
if H+tH+max(tSB,pS)>=availHeight-_FUZZ: break
i += 1
#first retract last thing we tried
H -= (h+pS)
#attempt a sub split on the last one we have
aH = (availHeight - H - max(pS,tSB) - tH)*0.99
if aH>=0.05*availHeight:
SS = c.splitOn(canv,availWidth,aH)
SS = []
if SS:
from doctemplate import FrameBreak
F = [FrameBreak()]
if SS:
R1 = C[:i] + SS[:1] + T + F
R2 = Hdr + SS[1:]+C[i+1:]
elif not i:
return []
R1 = C[:i-1]+T
R2 = Hdr + C[i:]
return R1 + [PTOContainer(R2,deepcopy(I.trailer),deepcopy(I.header))]
def drawOn(self, canv, x, y, _sW=0):
'''we simulate being added to a frame'''
pS = 0
aW = self.width+_sW
C = self._content
y += self.height
for c in C:
w, h = c.wrapOn(canv,aW,0xfffffff)
if c is not C[0]: h += max(c.getSpaceBefore()-pS,0)
y -= h
if c is not C[-1]:
pS = c.getSpaceAfter()
y -= pS