
945 lines
36 KiB

#Copyright ReportLab Europe Ltd. 2000-2004
#see license.txt for license details
#history http://www.reportlab.co.uk/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/public/reportlab/trunk/reportlab/platypus/paragraph.py
__version__=''' $Id$ '''
from string import split, strip, join, whitespace, find
from operator import truth
from types import StringType, ListType
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import stringWidth
from reportlab.platypus.paraparser import ParaParser
from reportlab.platypus.flowables import Flowable
from reportlab.lib.colors import Color
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY
from reportlab.lib.utils import _className
from copy import deepcopy
from reportlab.lib.abag import ABag
class ParaLines(ABag):
class ParaLines contains the broken into lines representation of Paragraphs
kind=0 Simple
fontName, fontSize, textColor apply to whole Paragraph
lines [(extraSpace1,words1),....,(extraspaceN,wordsN)]
kind==1 Complex
lines [FragLine1,...,FragLineN]
class FragLine(ABag):
"""class FragLine contains a styled line (ie a line with more than one style)
extraSpace unused space for justification only
wordCount 1+spaces in line for justification purposes
words [ParaFrags] style text lumps to be concatenated together
fontSize maximum fontSize seen on the line; not used at present,
but could be used for line spacing.
#our one and only parser
# XXXXX if the parser has any internal state using only one is probably a BAD idea!
def _lineClean(L):
return join(filter(truth,split(strip(L))))
def cleanBlockQuotedText(text,joiner=' '):
"""This is an internal utility which takes triple-
quoted text form within the document and returns
(hopefully) the paragraph the user intended originally."""
L=filter(truth,map(_lineClean, split(text, '\n')))
return join(L, joiner)
def setXPos(tx,dx):
if dx>1e-6 or dx<-1e-6:
def _leftDrawParaLine( tx, offset, extraspace, words, last=0):
return offset
def _centerDrawParaLine( tx, offset, extraspace, words, last=0):
m = offset + 0.5 * extraspace
return m
def _rightDrawParaLine( tx, offset, extraspace, words, last=0):
m = offset + extraspace
return m
def _justifyDrawParaLine( tx, offset, extraspace, words, last=0):
text = join(words)
if last:
#last one, left align
nSpaces = len(words)-1
if nSpaces:
tx.setWordSpace(extraspace / float(nSpaces))
return offset
def _putFragLine(tx,words):
cur_x = 0
for f in words:
if hasattr(f,'cbDefn'):
func = getattr(tx._canvas,f.cbDefn.name,None)
if not func:
raise AttributeError, "Missing %s callback attribute '%s'" % (f.cbDefn.kind,f.cbDefn.name)
if f is words[-1]: tx._textOut('',1)
if (tx._fontname,tx._fontsize)!=(f.fontName,f.fontSize):
tx._setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize)
if tx.XtraState.textColor!=f.textColor:
tx.XtraState.textColor = f.textColor
if tx.XtraState.rise!=f.rise:
tx._textOut(f.text,f is words[-1]) # cheap textOut
txtlen = tx._canvas.stringWidth(f.text, tx._fontname, tx._fontsize)
if not tx.XtraState.underline and f.underline:
tx.XtraState.underline = 1
tx.XtraState.underline_x = cur_x
elif tx.XtraState.underline and not f.underline:
tx.XtraState.underline = 0
spacelen = tx._canvas.stringWidth(' ', tx._fontname, tx._fontsize)
tx.XtraState.underlines.append( (tx.XtraState.underline_x, cur_x-spacelen) )
cur_x = cur_x + txtlen
if tx.XtraState.underline:
tx.XtraState.underlines.append( (tx.XtraState.underline_x, cur_x) )
def _leftDrawParaLineX( tx, offset, line, last=0):
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
return offset
def _centerDrawParaLineX( tx, offset, line, last=0):
m = offset+0.5*line.extraSpace
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
return m
def _rightDrawParaLineX( tx, offset, line, last=0):
m = offset+line.extraSpace
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
return m
def _justifyDrawParaLineX( tx, offset, line, last=0):
if last:
#last one, left align
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
nSpaces = line.wordCount - 1
if nSpaces:
tx.setWordSpace(line.extraSpace / float(nSpaces))
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
_putFragLine(tx, line.words)
return offset
from _rl_accel import _sameFrag
except ImportError:
from reportlab.lib._rl_accel import _sameFrag
except ImportError:
def _sameFrag(f,g):
'returns 1 if two ParaFrags map out the same'
if hasattr(f,'cbDefn') or hasattr(g,'cbDefn'): return 0
for a in ('fontName', 'fontSize', 'textColor', 'rise', 'underline'):
if getattr(f,a)!=getattr(g,a): return 0
return 1
def _getFragWords(frags):
''' given a Parafrag list return a list of fragwords
[[size, (f00,w00), ..., (f0n,w0n)],....,[size, (fm0,wm0), ..., (f0n,wmn)]]
each pair f,w represents a style and some string
each sublist represents a word
R = []
W = []
n = 0
for f in frags:
text = f.text
#del f.text # we can't do this until we sort out splitting
# of paragraphs
if text!='':
S = split(text)
if S==[]: S = ['']
if W!=[] and text[0] in whitespace:
W = []
n = 0
for w in S[:-1]:
n = n + stringWidth(w, f.fontName, f.fontSize)
W = []
n = 0
w = S[-1]
n = n + stringWidth(w, f.fontName, f.fontSize)
if text[-1] in whitespace:
W = []
n = 0
elif hasattr(f,'cbDefn'):
if W!=[]:
return R
def _split_blParaSimple(blPara,start,stop):
f = blPara.clone()
for a in ('lines', 'kind', 'text'):
if hasattr(f,a): delattr(f,a)
f.words = []
for l in blPara.lines[start:stop]:
for w in l[1]:
return [f]
def _split_blParaHard(blPara,start,stop):
f = []
lines = blPara.lines[start:stop]
for l in lines:
for w in l.words:
if l is not lines[-1]:
i = len(f)-1
while hasattr(f[i],'cbDefn'): i = i-1
g = f[i]
if g.text and g.text[-1]!=' ': g.text = g.text+' '
return f
def _drawBullet(canvas, offset, cur_y, bulletText, style):
'''draw a bullet text could be a simple string or a frag list'''
tx2 = canvas.beginText(style.bulletIndent, cur_y)
tx2.setFont(style.bulletFontName, style.bulletFontSize)
tx2.setFillColor(hasattr(style,'bulletColor') and style.bulletColor or style.textColor)
if type(bulletText) is StringType:
for f in bulletText:
tx2.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize)
#AR making definition lists a bit less ugly
#bulletEnd = tx2.getX()
bulletEnd = tx2.getX() + style.bulletFontSize * 0.6
offset = max(offset,bulletEnd - style.leftIndent)
return offset
def _handleBulletWidth(bulletText,style,maxWidths):
'''work out bullet width and adjust maxWidths[0] if neccessary
if bulletText <> None:
if type(bulletText) is StringType:
bulletWidth = stringWidth( bulletText, style.bulletFontName, style.bulletFontSize)
#it's a list of fragments
bulletWidth = 0
for f in bulletText:
bulletWidth = bulletWidth + stringWidth(f.text, f.fontName, f.fontSize)
bulletRight = style.bulletIndent + bulletWidth + 0.6 * style.bulletFontSize
indent = style.leftIndent+style.firstLineIndent
if bulletRight > indent:
#..then it overruns, and we have less space available on line 1
maxWidths[0] = maxWidths[0] - (bulletRight - indent)
def splitLines0(frags,widths):
given a list of ParaFrags we return a list of ParaLines
each ParaLine has
1) ExtraSpace
2) blankCount
3) [textDefns....]
each text definition is a (ParaFrag, start, limit) triplet
#initialise the algorithm
lines = []
lineNum = 0
maxW = widths[lineNum]
i = -1
l = len(frags)
lim = start = 0
while 1:
#find a non whitespace character
while i<l:
while start<lim and text[start]==' ': start=start+1
if start==lim:
i = i + 1
if i==l: break
start = 0
f = frags[i]
text = f.text
lim = len(text)
break # we found one
if start==lim: break #if we didn't find one we are done
#start of a line
g = (None,None,None)
line = []
cLen = 0
nSpaces = 0
while cLen<maxW:
j = find(text,' ',start)
if j<0: j==lim
w = stringWidth(text[start:j],f.fontName,f.fontSize)
cLen = cLen + w
if cLen>maxW and line!=[]:
cLen = cLen-w
#this is the end of the line
while g.text[lim]==' ':
lim = lim - 1
nSpaces = nSpaces-1
if j<0: j = lim
if g[0] is f: g[2] = j #extend
g = (f,start,j)
if j==lim:
def _do_under_lines(i, t_off, tx):
y = tx.XtraState.cur_y - i*tx.XtraState.style.leading - tx.XtraState.f.fontSize/8.0 # 8.0 factor copied from para.py
text = join(tx.XtraState.lines[i][1])
textlen = tx._canvas.stringWidth(text, tx._fontname, tx._fontsize)
tx._canvas.line(t_off, y, t_off+textlen, y)
def _do_under(i, t_off, tx):
y = tx.XtraState.cur_y - i*tx.XtraState.style.leading - tx.XtraState.f.fontSize/8.0 # 8.0 factor copied from para.py
for x1,x2 in tx.XtraState.underlines:
tx._canvas.line(t_off+x1, y, t_off+x2, y)
tx.XtraState.underlines = []
class Paragraph(Flowable):
""" Paragraph(text, style, bulletText=None, caseSensitive=1)
text a string of stuff to go into the paragraph.
style is a style definition as in reportlab.lib.styles.
bulletText is an optional bullet defintion.
caseSensitive set this to 0 if you want the markup tags and their attributes to be case-insensitive.
This class is a flowable that can format a block of text
into a paragraph with a given style.
The paragraph Text can contain XML-like markup including the tags:
<b> ... </b> - bold
<i> ... </i> - italics
<u> ... </u> - underline
<super> ... </super> - superscript
<sub> ... </sub> - subscript
<font name=fontfamily/fontname color=colorname size=float>
<onDraw name=callable label="a label">
The whole may be surrounded by <para> </para> tags
It will also be able to handle any MathML specified Greek characters.
def __init__(self, text, style, bulletText = None, frags=None, caseSensitive=1):
self.caseSensitive = caseSensitive
self._setup(text, style, bulletText, frags, cleanBlockQuotedText)
def __repr__(self):
import string
n = self.__class__.__name__
L = [n+"("]
keys = self.__dict__.keys()
for k in keys:
v = getattr(self, k)
rk = repr(k)
rv = repr(v)
rk = " "+string.replace(rk, "\n", "\n ")
rv = " "+string.replace(rv, "\n", "\n ")
L.append(") #"+n)
return string.join(L, "\n")
def _setup(self, text, style, bulletText, frags, cleaner):
if frags is None:
text = cleaner(text)
_parser.caseSensitive = self.caseSensitive
style, frags, bulletTextFrags = _parser.parse(text,style)
if frags is None:
raise "xml parser error (%s) in paragraph beginning\n'%s'"\
% (_parser.errors[0],text[:min(30,len(text))])
if bulletTextFrags: bulletText = bulletTextFrags
#AR hack
self.text = text
self.frags = frags
self.style = style
self.bulletText = bulletText
self.debug = 0 #turn this on to see a pretty one with all the margins etc.
def wrap(self, availWidth, availHeight):
# work out widths array for breaking
self.width = availWidth
leftIndent = self.style.leftIndent
first_line_width = availWidth - (leftIndent+self.style.firstLineIndent) - self.style.rightIndent
later_widths = availWidth - leftIndent - self.style.rightIndent
self.blPara = self.breakLines([first_line_width, later_widths])
self.height = len(self.blPara.lines) * self.style.leading
return (self.width, self.height)
def minWidth(self):
'Attempt to determine a minimum sensible width'
frags = self.frags
nFrags= len(frags)
if nFrags==1:
f = frags[0]
fS = f.fontSize
fN = f.fontName
words = hasattr(f,'text') and split(f.text, ' ') or f.words
func = lambda w, fS=fS, fN=fN: stringWidth(w,fN,fS)
words = _getFragWords(frags)
func = lambda x: x[0]
return max(map(func,words))
def _get_split_blParaFunc(self):
return self.blPara.kind==0 and _split_blParaSimple or _split_blParaHard
def split(self,availWidth, availHeight):
if len(self.frags)<=0: return []
#the split information is all inside self.blPara
if not hasattr(self,'blPara'):
blPara = self.blPara
style = self.style
leading = style.leading
lines = blPara.lines
n = len(lines)
s = int(availHeight/leading)
if s<=1:
del self.blPara
return []
if n<=s: return [self]
func = self._get_split_blParaFunc()
#this is a major hack
P1.blPara = ParaLines(kind=1,lines=blPara.lines[0:s],aH=availHeight,aW=availWidth)
P1._JustifyLast = 1
if style.firstLineIndent != 0:
style = deepcopy(style)
style.firstLineIndent = 0
return [P1,P2]
def draw(self):
#call another method for historical reasons. Besides, I
#suspect I will be playing with alternate drawing routines
#so not doing it here makes it easier to switch.
def breakLines(self, width):
Returns a broken line structure. There are two cases
A) For the simple case of a single formatting input fragment the output is
A fragment specifier with
kind = 0
fontName, fontSize, leading, textColor
lines= A list of lines
Each line has two items.
1) unused width in points
2) word list
B) When there is more than one input formatting fragment the out put is
A fragment specifier with
kind = 1
lines= A list of fragments each having fields
extraspace (needed for justified)
words=word list
each word is itself a fragment with
various settings
This structure can be used to easily draw paragraphs with the various alignments.
You can supply either a single width or a list of widths; the latter will have its
last item repeated until necessary. A 2-element list is useful when there is a
different first line indent; a longer list could be created to facilitate custom wraps
around irregular objects."""
if type(width) <> ListType: maxWidths = [width]
else: maxWidths = width
lines = []
lineno = 0
style = self.style
fFontSize = float(style.fontSize)
#for bullets, work out width and ensure we wrap the right amount onto line one
maxWidth = maxWidths[0]
self.height = 0
frags = self.frags
nFrags= len(frags)
if nFrags==1:
f = frags[0]
fontSize = f.fontSize
fontName = f.fontName
words = hasattr(f,'text') and split(f.text, ' ') or f.words
spaceWidth = stringWidth(' ', fontName, fontSize)
cLine = []
currentWidth = - spaceWidth # hack to get around extra space for word 1
for word in words:
wordWidth = stringWidth(word, fontName, fontSize)
newWidth = currentWidth + spaceWidth + wordWidth
if newWidth<=maxWidth or len(cLine)==0:
# fit one more on this line
currentWidth = newWidth
if currentWidth>self.width: self.width = currentWidth
#end of line
lines.append((maxWidth - currentWidth, cLine))
cLine = [word]
currentWidth = wordWidth
lineno = lineno + 1
maxWidth = maxWidths[lineno]
except IndexError:
maxWidth = maxWidths[-1] # use the last one
#deal with any leftovers on the final line
if cLine!=[]:
if currentWidth>self.width: self.width = currentWidth
lines.append((maxWidth - currentWidth, cLine))
return f.clone(kind=0, lines=lines)
elif nFrags<=0:
return ParaLines(kind=0, fontSize=style.fontSize, fontName=style.fontName,
textColor=style.textColor, lines=[])
if hasattr(self,'blPara'):
#NB this is an utter hack that awaits the proper information
#preserving splitting algorithm
return self.blPara
n = 0
nSp = 0
for w in _getFragWords(frags):
spaceWidth = stringWidth(' ',w[-1][0].fontName, w[-1][0].fontSize)
if n==0:
currentWidth = -spaceWidth # hack to get around extra space for word 1
words = []
maxSize = 0
wordWidth = w[0]
f = w[1][0]
if wordWidth>0:
newWidth = currentWidth + spaceWidth + wordWidth
newWidth = currentWidth
if newWidth<=maxWidth or n==0:
# fit one more on this line
n = n + 1
maxSize = max(maxSize,f.fontSize)
nText = w[1][1]
if words==[]:
g = f.clone()
words = [g]
g.text = nText
elif not _sameFrag(g,f):
if currentWidth>0 and ((nText!='' and nText[0]!=' ') or hasattr(f,'cbDefn')):
if hasattr(g,'cbDefn'):
i = len(words)-1
while hasattr(words[i],'cbDefn'): i = i-1
words[i].text = words[i].text + ' '
g.text = g.text + ' '
nSp = nSp + 1
g = f.clone()
g.text = nText
if nText!='' and nText[0]!=' ':
g.text = g.text + ' ' + nText
for i in w[2:]:
g = i[0].clone()
maxSize = max(maxSize,g.fontSize)
currentWidth = newWidth
if currentWidth>self.width: self.width = currentWidth
#end of line
lines.append(FragLine(extraSpace=(maxWidth - currentWidth),wordCount=n,
words=words, fontSize=maxSize))
#start new line
lineno = lineno + 1
maxWidth = maxWidths[lineno]
except IndexError:
maxWidth = maxWidths[-1] # use the last one
currentWidth = wordWidth
n = 1
maxSize = f.fontSize
g = f.clone()
words = [g]
g.text = w[1][1]
for i in w[2:]:
g = i[0].clone()
maxSize = max(maxSize,g.fontSize)
#deal with any leftovers on the final line
if words<>[]:
if currentWidth>self.width: self.width = currentWidth
lines.append(ParaLines(extraSpace=(maxWidth - currentWidth),wordCount=n,
words=words, fontSize=maxSize))
return ParaLines(kind=1, lines=lines)
return lines
def beginText(self, x, y):
return self.canv.beginText(x, y)
def drawPara(self,debug=0):
"""Draws a paragraph according to the given style.
Returns the final y position at the bottom. Not safe for
paragraphs without spaces e.g. Japanese; wrapping
algorithm will go infinite."""
#stash the key facts locally for speed
canvas = self.canv
style = self.style
blPara = self.blPara
lines = blPara.lines
#work out the origin for line 1
leftIndent = style.leftIndent
cur_x = leftIndent
#if has a background, draw it
if style.backColor:
self.width - (leftIndent+style.rightIndent),
if debug:
# This boxes and shades stuff to show how the paragraph
# uses its space. Useful for self-documentation so
# the debug code stays!
# box the lot
canvas.rect(0, 0, self.width, self.height)
#left and right margins
canvas.rect(0, 0, leftIndent, self.height)
canvas.rect(self.width - style.rightIndent, 0, style.rightIndent, self.height)
# shade above and below
#self.drawLine(x + leftIndent, y, x + leftIndent, cur_y)
nLines = len(lines)
bulletText = self.bulletText
if nLines > 0:
#canvas.addLiteral('%% %s.drawPara' % _className(self))
alignment = style.alignment
offset = style.firstLineIndent
lim = nLines-1
noJustifyLast = not (hasattr(self,'_JustifyLast') and self._JustifyLast)
if blPara.kind==0:
if alignment == TA_LEFT:
dpl = _leftDrawParaLine
elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
dpl = _centerDrawParaLine
elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
dpl = _rightDrawParaLine
elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
dpl = _justifyDrawParaLine
f = blPara
cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
if bulletText <> None:
offset = _drawBullet(canvas,offset,cur_y,bulletText,style)
#set up the font etc.
tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
#now the font for the rest of the paragraph
tx.setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize, style.leading)
t_off = dpl( tx, offset, lines[0][0], lines[0][1], noJustifyLast and nLines==1)
if f.underline:
tx.XtraState.cur_y = cur_y
tx.XtraState.f = f
tx.XtraState.style = style
tx.XtraState.lines = lines
_do_under_lines(0, t_off+leftIndent, tx)
#now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
for i in range(1, nLines):
t_off = dpl( tx, 0, lines[i][0], lines[i][1], noJustifyLast and i==lim)
if f.underline:
_do_under_lines(i, t_off+leftIndent, tx)
for i in range(1, nLines):
dpl( tx, 0, lines[i][0], lines[i][1], noJustifyLast and i==lim)
f = lines[0]
cur_y = self.height - f.fontSize
# default?
dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
if bulletText <> None:
offset = _drawBullet(canvas,offset,cur_y,bulletText,style)
if alignment == TA_LEFT:
dpl = _leftDrawParaLineX
elif alignment == TA_CENTER:
dpl = _centerDrawParaLineX
elif self.style.alignment == TA_RIGHT:
dpl = _rightDrawParaLineX
elif self.style.alignment == TA_JUSTIFY:
dpl = _justifyDrawParaLineX
raise ValueError, "bad align %s" % repr(alignment)
#set up the font etc.
tx = self.beginText(cur_x, cur_y)
tx.XtraState.cur_y = cur_y
tx.XtraState.f = f
tx.XtraState.style = style
#f = lines[0].words[0]
#tx._setFont(f.fontName, f.fontSize)
tx._fontname,tx._fontsize = None, None
t_off = dpl( tx, offset, lines[0], noJustifyLast and nLines==1)
_do_under(0, t_off+leftIndent, tx)
#now the middle of the paragraph, aligned with the left margin which is our origin.
for i in range(1, nLines):
f = lines[i]
t_off = dpl( tx, 0, f, noJustifyLast and i==lim)
_do_under(i, t_off+leftIndent, tx)
def getPlainText(self,identify=None):
"""Convenience function for templates which want access
to the raw text, without XML tags. """
frags = getattr(self,'frags',None)
if frags:
plains = []
for frag in frags:
return join(plains, '')
elif identify:
text = getattr(self,'text',None)
if text is None: text = repr(self)
return text
return ''
def getActualLineWidths0(self):
"""Convenience function; tells you how wide each line
actually is. For justified styles, this will be
the same as the wrap width; for others it might be
useful for seeing if paragraphs will fit in spaces."""
assert hasattr(self, 'width'), "Cannot call this method before wrap()"
if self.blPara.kind:
func = lambda frag, w=self.width: w - frag.extraSpace
func = lambda frag, w=self.width: w - frag[0]
return map(func,self.blPara.lines)
if __name__=='__main__': #NORUNTESTS
def dumpParagraphLines(P):
print 'dumpParagraphLines(<Paragraph @ %d>)' % id(P)
lines = P.blPara.lines
n =len(lines)
for l in range(n):
line = lines[l]
if hasattr(line,'words'):
words = line.words
words = line[1]
nwords = len(words)
print 'line%d: %d(%s)\n ' % (l,nwords,str(getattr(line,'wordCount','Unknown'))),
for w in range(nwords):
print "%d:'%s'"%(w,getattr(words[w],'text',words[w])),
def dumpParagraphFrags(P):
print 'dumpParagraphFrags(<Paragraph @ %d>) minWidth() = %.2f' % (id(P), P.minWidth())
frags = P.frags
n =len(frags)
for l in range(n):
print "frag%d: '%s'" % (l, frags[l].text)
l = 0
cum = 0
for W in _getFragWords(frags):
cum = cum + W[0]
print "fragword%d: cum=%3d size=%d" % (l, cum, W[0]),
for w in W[1:]:
print "'%s'" % w[1],
l = l + 1
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
import sys
TESTS = sys.argv[1:]
if TESTS==[]: TESTS=['4']
def flagged(i,TESTS=TESTS):
return 'all' in TESTS or '*' in TESTS or str(i) in TESTS
styleSheet = getSampleStyleSheet()
B = styleSheet['BodyText']
style = ParagraphStyle("discussiontext", parent=B)
style.fontName= 'Helvetica'
if flagged(1):
text='''The <font name=courier color=green>CMYK</font> or subtractive method follows the way a printer
mixes three pigments (cyan, magenta, and yellow) to form colors.
Because mixing chemicals is more difficult than combining light there
is a fourth parameter for darkness. For example a chemical
combination of the <font name=courier color=green>CMY</font> pigments generally never makes a perfect
black -- instead producing a muddy color -- so, to get black printers
don't use the <font name=courier color=green>CMY</font> pigments but use a direct black ink. Because
<font name=courier color=green>CMYK</font> maps more directly to the way printer hardware works it may
be the case that &amp;| &amp; | colors specified in <font name=courier color=green>CMYK</font> will provide better fidelity
and better control when printed.
aW, aH = 456.0, 42.8
w,h = P.wrap(aW, aH)
S = P.split(aW,aH)
for s in S:
aH = 500
if flagged(2):
P=Paragraph("""Price<super><font color="red">*</font></super>""", styleSheet['Normal'])
w,h = P.wrap(24, 200)
if flagged(3):
text = """Dieses Kapitel bietet eine schnelle <b><font color=red>Programme :: starten</font></b>
<onDraw name=myIndex label="Programme :: starten">
<b><font color=red>Eingabeaufforderung :: (&gt;&gt;&gt;)</font></b>
<onDraw name=myIndex label="Eingabeaufforderung :: (&gt;&gt;&gt;)">
<b><font color=red>&gt;&gt;&gt; (Eingabeaufforderung)</font></b>
<onDraw name=myIndex label="&gt;&gt;&gt; (Eingabeaufforderung)">
Einf\374hrung in Python <b><font color=red>Python :: Einf\374hrung</font></b>
<onDraw name=myIndex label="Python :: Einf\374hrung">.
Das Ziel ist, die grundlegenden Eigenschaften von Python darzustellen, ohne
sich zu sehr in speziellen Regeln oder Details zu verstricken. Dazu behandelt
dieses Kapitel kurz die wesentlichen Konzepte wie Variablen, Ausdr\374cke,
Kontrollfluss, Funktionen sowie Ein- und Ausgabe. Es erhebt nicht den Anspruch,
umfassend zu sein."""
P=Paragraph(text, styleSheet['Code'])
w,h = P.wrap(6*72, 9.7*72)
if flagged(4):
text='''Die eingebaute Funktion <font name=Courier>range(i, j [, stride])</font><onDraw name=myIndex label="eingebaute Funktionen::range()"><onDraw name=myIndex label="range() (Funktion)"><onDraw name=myIndex label="Funktionen::range()"> erzeugt eine Liste von Ganzzahlen und f\374llt sie mit Werten <font name=Courier>k</font>, f\374r die gilt: <font name=Courier>i &lt;= k &lt; j</font>. Man kann auch eine optionale Schrittweite angeben. Die eingebaute Funktion <font name=Courier>xrange()</font><onDraw name=myIndex label="eingebaute Funktionen::xrange()"><onDraw name=myIndex label="xrange() (Funktion)"><onDraw name=myIndex label="Funktionen::xrange()"> erf\374llt einen \344hnlichen Zweck, gibt aber eine unver\344nderliche Sequenz vom Typ <font name=Courier>XRangeType</font><onDraw name=myIndex label="XRangeType"> zur\374ck. Anstatt alle Werte in der Liste abzuspeichern, berechnet diese Liste ihre Werte, wann immer sie angefordert werden. Das ist sehr viel speicherschonender, wenn mit sehr langen Listen von Ganzzahlen gearbeitet wird. <font name=Courier>XRangeType</font> kennt eine einzige Methode, <font name=Courier>s.tolist()</font><onDraw name=myIndex label="XRangeType::tolist() (Methode)"><onDraw name=myIndex label="s.tolist() (Methode)"><onDraw name=myIndex label="Methoden::s.tolist()">, die seine Werte in eine Liste umwandelt.'''
aW = 420
aH = 64.4
P=Paragraph(text, B)
w,h = P.wrap(aW,aH)
print 'After initial wrap',w,h
S = P.split(aW,aH)
w0,h0 = S[0].wrap(aW,aH)
print 'After split wrap',w0,h0
if flagged(5):
text = '<para> %s <![CDATA[</font></b>& %s < >]]></para>' % (chr(163),chr(163))
P=Paragraph(text, styleSheet['Code'])
w,h = P.wrap(6*72, 9.7*72)
if flagged(6):
for text in ['''Here comes <FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="14pt">Helvetica 14</FONT> with <STRONG>strong</STRONG> <EM>emphasis</EM>.''',
'''Here comes <font face="Helvetica" size="14pt">Helvetica 14</font> with <Strong>strong</Strong> <em>emphasis</em>.''',
'''Here comes <font face="Courier" size="3cm">Courier 3cm</font> and normal again.''',
P=Paragraph(text, styleSheet['Normal'], caseSensitive=0)
w,h = P.wrap(6*72, 9.7*72)
if flagged(7):
text = """<para align="CENTER" fontSize="24" leading="30"><b>Generated by:</b>\tDilbert</para>"""
P=Paragraph(text, styleSheet['Code'])
w,h = P.wrap(6*72, 9.7*72)