
2711 lines
88 KiB
Executable File

Copyright DHTMLX LTD. http://www.dhtmlx.com
You allowed to use this component or parts of it under GPL terms
To use it on other terms or get Professional edition of the component please contact us at sales@dhtmlx.com
window.dhtmlx || (dhtmlx = {});
dhtmlx.version = "3.0";
dhtmlx.codebase = "./";
dhtmlx.extend = function (a, b) {
for (var c in b) a[c] = b[c];
b.k && a.k();
return a
dhtmlx.proto_extend = function () {
for (var a = arguments, b = a[0], c = [], d = a.length - 1; d > 0; d--) {
if (typeof a[d] == "function") a[d] = a[d].prototype;
for (var e in a[d]) if (e == "_init") c.push(a[d][e]);
else b[e] || (b[e] = a[d][e])
a[0].k && c.push(a[0].k);
b.k = function () {
for (var g = 0; g < c.length; g++) c[g].apply(this, arguments)
b.base = a[1];
var f = function (g) {
this.B && this.B(g, this.defaults)
f.prototype = b;
b = a = null;
return f
dhtmlx.bind = function (a, b) {
return function () {
return a.apply(b, arguments)
dhtmlx.require = function (a) {
if (!dhtmlx.ha[a]) {
dhtmlx.exec(dhtmlx.ajax().sync().get(dhtmlx.codebase + a).responseText);
dhtmlx.ha[a] = true
dhtmlx.ha = {};
dhtmlx.exec = function (a) {
window.execScript ? window.execScript(a) : window.eval(a)
dhtmlx.methodPush = function (a, b) {
return function () {
var c = false;
return c = a[b].apply(a, arguments)
dhtmlx.isNotDefined = function (a) {
return typeof a == "undefined"
dhtmlx.delay = function (a, b, c, d) {
setTimeout(function () {
var e = a.apply(b, c);
a = b = c = null;
return e
}, d || 1)
dhtmlx.uid = function () {
if (!this.S) this.S = (new Date).valueOf();
return this.S
dhtmlx.toNode = function (a) {
if (typeof a == "string") return document.getElementById(a);
return a
dhtmlx.toArray = function (a) {
return dhtmlx.extend(a || [], dhtmlx.PowerArray)
dhtmlx.toFunctor = function (a) {
return typeof a == "string" ? eval(a) : a
dhtmlx.j = {};
dhtmlx.event = function (a, b, c, d) {
a = dhtmlx.toNode(a);
var e = dhtmlx.uid();
dhtmlx.j[e] = [a, b, c];
if (d) c = dhtmlx.bind(c, d);
if (a.addEventListener) a.addEventListener(b, c, false);
else a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("on" + b, c);
return e
dhtmlx.eventRemove = function (a) {
if (a) {
var b = dhtmlx.j[a];
if (b[0].removeEventListener) b[0].removeEventListener(b[1], b[2], false);
else b[0].detachEvent && b[0].detachEvent("on" + b[1], b[2]);
delete this.j[a]
dhtmlx.EventSystem = {
k: function () {
this.j = {};
this.A = {};
this.s = {}
block: function () {
this.j.U = true
unblock: function () {
this.j.U = false
mapEvent: function (a) {
dhtmlx.extend(this.s, a)
callEvent: function (a, b) {
if (this.j.U) return true;
a = a.toLowerCase();
var c = this.j[a.toLowerCase()],
d = true;
if (c) for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) if (c[e].apply(this, b || []) === false) d = false;
if (this.s[a] && !this.s[a].callEvent(a, b)) d = false;
return d
attachEvent: function (a, b, c) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
c = c || dhtmlx.uid();
b = dhtmlx.toFunctor(b);
var d = this.j[a] || dhtmlx.toArray();
this.j[a] = d;
this.A[c] = {
f: b,
t: a
return c
detachEvent: function (a) {
var b = this.A[a].t,
c = this.A[a].f;
b = this.j[b];
delete this.A[a]
dhtmlx.PowerArray = {
removeAt: function (a, b) {
if (a >= 0) this.splice(a, b || 1)
remove: function (a) {
insertAt: function (a, b) {
if (!b && b !== 0) this.push(a);
else {
var c = this.splice(b, this.length - b);
this[b] = a;
this.push.apply(this, c)
find: function (a) {
for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) if (a == this[i]) return i;
return -1
each: function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) a.call(b || this, this[c])
map: function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < this.length; c++) this[c] = a.call(b || this, this[c]);
return this
dhtmlx.env = {};
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) dhtmlx.La = true;
else {
dhtmlx.r = !! document.all;
dhtmlx.Ka = !document.all;
dhtmlx.Ma = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("KHTML") != -1;
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var a;
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else {
a = "";
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return a
dhtmlx.env.svg = function () {
return document.implementation.hasFeature("http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#BasicStructure", "1.1")
dhtmlx.zIndex = {
drag: 1E4
dhtmlx.html = {
create: function (a, b, c) {
b = b || {};
var d = document.createElement(a);
for (var e in b) d.setAttribute(e, b[e]);
if (b.style) d.style.cssText = b.style;
if (b["class"]) d.className = b["class"];
if (c) d.innerHTML = c;
return d
getValue: function (a) {
a = dhtmlx.toNode(a);
if (!a) return "";
return dhtmlx.isNotDefined(a.value) ? a.innerHTML : a.value
remove: function (a) {
if (a instanceof Array) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.remove(a[b]);
else a && a.parentNode && a.parentNode.removeChild(a)
insertBefore: function (a, b, c) {
if (a) b ? b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b) : c.appendChild(a)
locate: function (a, b) {
a = a || event;
for (var c = a.target || a.srcElement; c;) {
if (c.getAttribute) {
var d = c.getAttribute(b);
if (d) return d
c = c.parentNode
return null
offset: function (a) {
if (a.getBoundingClientRect) {
var b = a.getBoundingClientRect(),
c = document.body,
d = document.documentElement,
e = window.pageYOffset || d.scrollTop || c.scrollTop,
f = window.pageXOffset || d.scrollLeft || c.scrollLeft,
g = d.clientTop || c.clientTop || 0,
i = d.clientLeft || c.clientLeft || 0,
j = b.top + e - g,
k = b.left + f - i;
return {
y: Math.round(j),
x: Math.round(k)
} else {
for (k = j = 0; a;) {
j += parseInt(a.offsetTop, 10);
k += parseInt(a.offsetLeft, 10);
a = a.offsetParent
return {
y: j,
x: k
pos: function (a) {
a = a || event;
if (a.pageX || a.pageY) return {
x: a.pageX,
y: a.pageY
var b = dhtmlx.r && document.compatMode != "BackCompat" ? document.documentElement : document.body;
return {
x: a.clientX + b.scrollLeft - b.clientLeft,
y: a.clientY + b.scrollTop - b.clientTop
preventEvent: function (a) {
a && a.preventDefault && a.preventDefault();
stopEvent: function (a) {
(a || event).cancelBubble = true;
return false
addCss: function (a, b) {
a.className += " " + b
removeCss: function (a, b) {
a.className = a.className.replace(RegExp(b, "g"), "")
(function () {
var a = document.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");
if (a.length) {
a = (a[a.length - 1].getAttribute("src") || "").split("/");
a.splice(a.length - 1, 1);
dhtmlx.codebase = a.slice(0, a.length).join("/") + "/"
dhtmlx.ui = {};
dhtmlx.Destruction = {
k: function () {
destructor: function () {
this.destructor = function () {};
this.ib = this.v = null;
this.fa && document.body.appendChild(this.fa);
this.fa = null;
if (this.g) {
this.g.innerHTML = "";
this.g.v = null
this.data = this.g = this.L = null;
this.j = this.A = {}
dhtmlx.destructors = [];
dhtmlx.event(window, "unload", function () {
for (var a = 0; a < dhtmlx.destructors.length; a++) dhtmlx.destructors[a].destructor();
dhtmlx.destructors = [];
for (var b in dhtmlx.j) {
a = dhtmlx.j[b];
if (a[0].removeEventListener) a[0].removeEventListener(a[1], a[2], false);
else a[0].detachEvent && a[0].detachEvent("on" + a[1], a[2]);
delete dhtmlx.j[b]
dhtmlx.math = {};
dhtmlx.math.fb = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"];
dhtmlx.math.toHex = function (a, b) {
a = parseInt(a, 10);
for (str = ""; a > 0;) {
str = this.fb[a % 16] + str;
a = Math.floor(a / 16)
for (; str.length < b;) str = "0" + str;
return str
dhtmlx.ui.Map = function (a) {
this.name = "Map";
this.q = "map_" + dhtmlx.uid();
this.Pa = a;
this.s = []
dhtmlx.ui.Map.prototype = {
addRect: function (a, b, c) {
this.X(a, "RECT", b, c)
addPoly: function (a, b) {
this.X(a, "POLY", b)
X: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = "";
if (arguments.length == 4) e = "userdata='" + d + "'";
this.s.push("<area " + this.Pa + "='" + a + "' shape='" + b + "' coords='" + c.join() + "' " + e + "></area>")
addSector: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var i = [];
i.push(Math.floor(e * g));
for (var j = b; j < c; j += Math.PI / 18) {
i.push(Math.floor(d + f * Math.cos(j)));
i.push(Math.floor((e + f * Math.sin(j)) * g))
i.push(Math.floor(d + f * Math.cos(c)));
i.push(Math.floor((e + f * Math.sin(c)) * g));
i.push(Math.floor(e * g));
return this.addPoly(a, i)
render: function (a) {
var b = dhtmlx.html.create("DIV");
b.style.cssText = "position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; top:0px; left:0px;";
var c = dhtmlx.r ? "" : "src=''";
b.innerHTML = "<map id='" + this.q + "' name='" + this.q + "'>" + this.s.join("\n") + "</map><img " + c + " class='dhx_map_img' usemap='#" + this.q + "'>";
a.v = b;
this.s = []
dhtmlx.chart = {};
dhtmlx.chart.area = {
pvt_render_area: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = this.C(a, b, c, d, e),
i = Math.floor(g.cellWidth / 2);
if (b.length) {
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[0]);
a.fillStyle = this.e.color.call(this, b[0]);
var j = this.p(b[0], c, d, g),
k = this.e.offset ? c.x + g.cellWidth * 0.5 : c.x;
a.moveTo(k, d.y);
a.lineTo(k, j);
f.addRect(b[0].id, [k - i, j - i, k + i, j + i]);
this.e.yAxis || this.renderTextAt(false, !this.e.offset ? false : true, k, j - this.e.labelOffset, this.e.label(b[0]));
for (var h = 1; h < b.length; h++) {
var m = k + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * h) - 0.5,
l = this.p(b[h], c, d, g);
a.lineTo(m, l);
f.addRect(b[h].id, [m - i, l - i, m + i, l + i]);
this.e.yAxis || this.renderTextAt(false, !this.e.offset && h == b.length - 1 ? "left" : "center", m, l - this.e.labelOffset, this.e.label(b[h]))
a.lineTo(k + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * [b.length - 1]), d.y);
a.lineTo(k, d.y);
dhtmlx.chart.stackedArea = {
pvt_render_stackedArea: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = this.C(a, b, c, d, e),
i = Math.floor(g.cellWidth / 2),
j = [];
if (b.length) {
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[0]);
a.fillStyle = this.e.color.call(this, b[0]);
var k = e ? b[0].$startY : d.y,
h = this.e.offset ? c.x + g.cellWidth * 0.5 : c.x,
m = this.p(b[0], c, d, g) - (e ? d.y - k : 0);
j[0] = m;
a.moveTo(h, k);
a.lineTo(h, m);
f.addRect(b[0].id, [h - i, m - i, h + i, m + i]);
this.e.yAxis || this.renderTextAt(false, true, h, m - this.e.labelOffset, this.e.label(b[0]));
for (var l = 1; l < b.length; l++) {
var n = h + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * l) - 0.5,
o = this.p(b[l], c, d, g) - (e ? d.y - b[l].$startY : 0);
j[l] = o;
a.lineTo(n, o);
f.addRect(b[l].id, [n - i, o - i, n + i, o + i]);
this.e.yAxis || this.renderTextAt(false, true, n, o - this.e.labelOffset, this.e.label(b[l]))
a.lineTo(h + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * [b.length - 1]), k);
if (e) for (l = b.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) {
n = h + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * l) - 0.5;
var s = b[l].$startY;
a.lineTo(n, s)
} else a.lineTo(h + Math.floor(g.cellWidth * (length - 1)) - 0.5, k);
a.lineTo(h, k);
for (l = 0; l < b.length; l++) b[l].$startY = j[l]
dhtmlx.chart.spline = {
pvt_render_spline: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = this.C(a, b, c, d, e);
Math.floor(f.cellWidth / 2);
var g = [];
if (b.length) {
var i = this.e.offset ? c.x + f.cellWidth * 0.5 : c.x;
for (e = 0; e < b.length; e++) {
var j = !e ? i : Math.floor(f.cellWidth * e) - 0.5 + i,
k = this.p(b[e], c, d, f);
x: j,
y: k
var h = this.Ha(g);
for (e = 0; e < g.length - 1; e++) {
var m = g[e].x;
c = g[e].y;
for (var l = g[e + 1].x, n = g[e + 1].y, o = m; o < l; o++) this.i(a, o, this.P(o, m, e, h.a, h.b, h.c, h.d), o + 1, this.P(o + 1, m, e, h.a, h.b, h.c, h.d), this.e.line.color(b[e]), this.e.line.width);
this.i(a, l - 1, this.P(o, m, e, h.a, h.b, h.c, h.d), l, n, this.e.line.color(b[e]), this.e.line.width);
this.M(a, m, c, b[e], this.e.label(b[e]))
this.M(a, l, n, b[e], this.e.label(b[e]))
Ha: function (a) {
var b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k;
b = [];
m = [];
k = a.length;
for (var h = 0; h < k - 1; h++) {
b[h] = a[h + 1].x - a[h].x;
m[h] = (a[h + 1].y - a[h].y) / b[h]
c = [];
d = [];
c[0] = 0;
c[1] = 2 * (b[0] + b[1]);
d[0] = 0;
d[1] = 6 * (m[1] - m[0]);
for (h = 2; h < k - 1; h++) {
c[h] = 2 * (b[h - 1] + b[h]) - b[h - 1] * b[h - 1] / c[h - 1];
d[h] = 6 * (m[h] - m[h - 1]) - b[h - 1] * d[h - 1] / c[h - 1]
e = [];
e[k - 1] = e[0] = 0;
for (h = k - 2; h >= 1; h--) e[h] = (d[h] - b[h] * e[h + 1]) / c[h];
f = [];
g = [];
i = [];
j = [];
for (h = 0; h < k - 1; h++) {
f[h] = a[h].y;
g[h] = -b[h] * e[h + 1] / 6 - b[h] * e[h] / 3 + (a[h + 1].y - a[h].y) / b[h];
i[h] = e[h] / 2;
j[h] = (e[h + 1] - e[h]) / (6 * b[h])
return {
a: f,
b: g,
c: i,
d: j
P: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
return d[c] + (a - b) * (e[c] + (a - b) * (f[c] + (a - b) * g[c]))
dhtmlx.chart.barH = {
pvt_render_barH: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g, i, j, k, h = d.x - c.x,
m = !! this.e.yAxis,
l = this.O("h");
g = l.max;
i = l.min;
var n = Math.floor((d.y - c.y) / b.length);
e || this.$(a, b, c, d, i, g, n);
if (m) {
g = parseFloat(this.e.xAxis.end);
i = parseFloat(this.e.xAxis.start)
var o = this.z(i, g);
k = o[0];
j = o[1];
var s = k ? h / k : 10;
if (!m) {
var t = 10;
s = k ? (h - t) / k : 10
var q = parseInt(this.e.width, 10);
if (q * this.h.length + 4 > n) q = n / this.h.length - 4;
var v = Math.floor((n - q * this.h.length) / 2),
p = typeof this.e.radius != "undefined" ? parseInt(this.e.radius, 10) : Math.round(q / 5),
u = false,
r = this.e.gradient;
if (r && typeof r != "function") {
u = r;
r = false
} else if (r) {
r = a.createLinearGradient(c.x, c.y, d.x, c.y);
m || this.i(a, c.x - 0.5, c.y, c.x - 0.5, d.y, "#000000", 1);
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
var w = parseFloat(this.e.value(b[d]));
if (w > g) w = g;
w -= i;
w *= j;
var x = c.x,
y = c.y + v + d * n + (q + 1) * e;
if (w < 0 || this.e.yAxis && w === 0) this.renderTextAt("middle", true, x + 10, y + q / 2 + v, this.e.label(b[d]));
else {
m || (w += t / s);
var B = r || this.e.color.call(this, b[d]);
if (this.e.border) {
a.fillStyle = B;
this.o(a, x, y, q, p, s, w, 0);
a.lineTo(x, 0);
a.fillStyle = "#000000";
a.globalAlpha = 0.37;
this.o(a, x, y, q, p, s, w, 0);
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[d]);
a.fillStyle = r || this.e.color.call(this, b[d]);
var z = this.o(a, x, y, q, p, s, w, this.e.border ? 1 : 0);
if (r && !u) a.lineTo(c.x + h, y + (this.e.border ? 1 : 0));
a.globalAlpha = 1;
if (u != false) {
var A = this.G(a, c.x, y + q, c.x + s * w + 2, y, u, B, "x");
a.fillStyle = A.gradient;
z = this.o(a, x, y + A.offset, q - A.offset * 2, p, s, w, A.offset);
a.globalAlpha = 1
this.renderTextAt("middle", false, z[0] + 3, parseInt(y + (z[1] - y) / 2, 10), this.e.label(b[d]));
f.addRect(b[d].id, [x, y, z[0], z[1]], e)
o: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
var j = 0;
if (e > f * g) {
var k = (e - f * g) / e;
j = -Math.asin(k) + Math.PI / 2
a.moveTo(b, c + i);
var h = b + f * g - e - (e ? 0 : i);
e < f * g && a.lineTo(h, c + i);
f = c + e;
e && a.arc(h, f, e - i, -Math.PI / 2 + j, 0, false);
var m = c + d - e - (e ? 0 : i),
l = h + e - (e ? i : 0);
a.lineTo(l, m);
var n = h;
e && a.arc(n, m, e - i, 0, Math.PI / 2 - j, false);
var o = c + d - i;
a.lineTo(b, o);
a.lineTo(b, c + i);
return [l, o]
$: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
this.xa(a, b, c, d, e, f);
this.ya(a, b, c, d, g)
ya: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (this.e.yAxis) {
var f = c.x - 0.5,
g = d.y + 0.5,
i = c.y;
this.i(a, f, g, f, i, this.e.yAxis.color, 1);
for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) this.renderTextAt("middle", 0, 0, i + e / 2 + a * e, this.e.yAxis.template(b[a]), "dhx_axis_item_y", c.x - 5);
this.oa(c, d)
xa: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g, i = {},
j = this.e.xAxis;
if (j) {
b = d.y + 0.5;
var k = c.x - 0.5,
h = d.x - 0.5;
this.i(a, k, b, h, b, j.color, 1);
if (j.step) g = parseFloat(j.step);
if (typeof j.step == "undefined" || typeof j.start == "undefined" || typeof j.end == "undefined") {
i = this.V(e, f);
e = i.start;
f = i.end;
g = i.step;
this.e.xAxis.end = f;
this.e.xAxis.start = e;
this.e.xAxis.step = g
if (g !== 0) {
for (var m = (h - k) * g / (f - e), l = 0, n = e; n <= f; n += g) {
if (i.fixNum) n = parseFloat((new Number(n)).toFixed(i.fixNum));
var o = Math.floor(k + l * m) + 0.5;
n != e && j.lines && this.i(a, o, b, o, c.y, this.e.xAxis.color, 0.2);
this.renderTextAt(false, true, o, b + 2, j.template(n.toString()), "dhx_axis_item_x");
this.renderTextAt(true, false, k, d.y + this.e.padding.bottom - 3, this.e.xAxis.title, "dhx_axis_title_x", d.x - c.x);
j.lines && this.i(a, k, c.y - 0.5, h, c.y - 0.5, this.e.xAxis.color, 0.2)
dhtmlx.chart.stackedBarH = {
pvt_render_stackedBarH: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g, i, j, k, h = d.x - c.x,
m = !! this.e.yAxis;
i = this.Q(b);
g = i.max;
i = i.min;
var l = Math.floor((d.y - c.y) / b.length);
e || this.$(a, b, c, d, i, g, l);
if (m) {
g = parseFloat(this.e.xAxis.end);
i = parseFloat(this.e.xAxis.start)
j = this.z(i, g);
k = j[0];
j = j[1];
var n = k ? h / k : 10;
if (!m) {
var o = 10;
n = k ? (h - o) / k : 10
k = parseInt(this.e.width, 10);
if (k + 4 > l) k = l - 4;
var s = Math.floor((l - k) / 2),
t = 0,
q = false,
v = this.e.gradient;
q = false;
if (v = this.e.gradient) q = true;
m || this.i(a, c.x - 0.5, c.y, c.x - 0.5, d.y, "#000000", 1);
for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
if (!e) b[d].$startX = c.x;
var p = parseFloat(this.e.value(b[d]));
if (p > g) p = g;
p -= i;
p *= j;
var u = c.x,
r = c.y + s + d * l;
if (e) u = b[d].$startX || u;
if (p < 0 || this.e.yAxis && p === 0) this.renderTextAt("middle", true, u + 10, r + k / 2, this.e.label(b[d]));
else {
m || (p += o / n);
var w = this.e.color.call(this, b[d]);
if (this.e.border) {
a.fillStyle = w;
this.o(a, u, r, k, t, n, p, 0);
a.lineTo(u, 0);
a.fillStyle = "#000000";
a.globalAlpha = 0.37;
this.o(a, u, r, k, t, n, p, 0);
a.globalAlpha = 1;
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[d]);
a.fillStyle = this.e.color.call(this, b[d]);
var x = this.o(a, u, r, k, t, n, p, this.e.border ? 1 : 0);
if (v && !q) a.lineTo(c.x + h, r + (this.e.border ? 1 : 0));
if (q != false) {
w = this.G(a, u, r + k, u, r, q, w, "x");
a.fillStyle = w.gradient;
x = this.o(a, u, r, k, t, n, p, 0);
a.globalAlpha = 1
this.renderTextAt("middle", true, b[d].$startX + (x[0] - b[d].$startX) / 2 - 1, r + (x[1] - r) / 2, this.e.label(b[d]));
f.addRect(b[d].id, [b[d].$startX, r, x[0], x[1]], e);
b[d].$startX = x[0]
dhtmlx.chart.stackedBar = {
pvt_render_stackedBar: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g, i, j, k = d.y - c.y;
j = !! this.e.yAxis;
var h = !! this.e.xAxis;
i = this.Q(b);
g = i.max;
i = i.min;
var m = Math.floor((d.x - c.x) / b.length);
e || this.N(a, b, c, d, i, g, m);
if (j) {
g = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.end);
i = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.start)
g = this.z(i, g);
j = g[0];
g = g[1];
j = j ? k / j : 10;
var l = parseInt(this.e.width, 10);
if (l + 4 > m) l = m - 4;
var n = Math.floor((m - l) / 2),
o = this.e.gradient ? this.e.gradient : false;
h || this.i(a, c.x, d.y + 0.5, d.x, d.y + 0.5, "#000000", 1);
for (h = 0; h < b.length; h++) {
var s = parseFloat(this.e.value(b[h]));
if (s) {
e || (s -= i);
s *= g;
var t = c.x + n + h * m,
q = d.y;
if (e) q = b[h].$startY || q;
if (!(q < c.y + 1)) if (s < 0 || this.e.yAxis && s === 0) this.renderTextAt(true, true, t + Math.floor(l / 2), q, this.e.label(b[h]));
else {
var v = this.e.color.call(this, b[h]);
if (this.e.border) {
a.fillStyle = v;
this.I(a, t - 1, q, l + 2, j, s, 0, c.y);
a.lineTo(t, q);
a.fillStyle = "#000000";
a.globalAlpha = 0.37;
this.I(a, t - 1, q, l + 2, j, s, 0, c.y);
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[h]);
a.fillStyle = this.e.color.call(this, b[h]);
var p = this.I(a, t, q, l, j, s, this.e.border ? 1 : 0, c.y);
a.globalAlpha = 1;
if (o) {
v = this.G(a, t, q, t + l, p[1], o, v, "y");
a.fillStyle = v.gradient;
p = this.I(a, t + v.offset, q, l - v.offset * 2, j, s, this.e.border ? 1 : 0, c.y);
a.globalAlpha = 1
this.renderTextAt(false, true, t + Math.floor(l / 2), p[1] + (q - p[1]) / 2 - 7, this.e.label(b[h]));
f.addRect(b[h].id, [t, p[1], p[0], b[h].$startY || q], e);
b[h].$startY = this.e.border ? p[1] + 1 : p[1]
I: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
a.moveTo(b, c);
f = c - e * f + g;
if (f < i) f = i;
a.lineTo(b, f);
e = b + d;
f = f;
a.lineTo(e, f);
var j = b + d;
a.lineTo(j, c);
a.lineTo(b, c);
return [j, f - 2 * g]
dhtmlx.chart.line = {
pvt_render_line: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
e = this.C(a, b, c, d, e);
var g = Math.floor(e.cellWidth / 2);
if (b.length) for (var i = this.p(b[0], c, d, e), j = this.e.offset ? c.x + e.cellWidth * 0.5 : c.x, k = j, h = 1; h <= b.length; h++) {
var m = Math.floor(e.cellWidth * h) - 0.5 + k;
if (b.length != h) {
var l = this.p(b[h], c, d, e);
this.i(a, j, i, m, l, this.e.line.color(b[h - 1]), this.e.line.width)
this.M(a, j, i, b[h - 1], !! this.e.offset);
f.addRect(b[h - 1].id, [j - g, i - g, j + g, i + g]);
i = l;
j = m
M: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = parseInt(this.e.item.radius, 10);
a.lineWidth = parseInt(this.e.item.borderWidth, 10);
a.fillStyle = this.e.item.color(d);
a.strokeStyle = this.e.item.borderColor(d);
a.arc(b, c, f, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
e && this.renderTextAt(false, true, b, c - f - this.e.labelOffset, this.e.label(d))
p: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = d.minValue,
f = d.maxValue,
g = d.unit,
i = d.valueFactor;
a = this.e.value(a);
i = (parseFloat(a) - e) * i;
this.e.yAxis || (i += d.startValue / g);
d = c.y - Math.floor(g * i);
if (i < 0) d = c.y;
if (a > f) d = b.y;
if (a < e) d = c.y;
return d
C: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var f = {};
f.totalHeight = d.y - c.y;
f.cellWidth = Math.round((d.x - c.x) / (!this.e.offset ? b.length - 1 : b.length));
var g = !! this.e.yAxis,
i = this.e.view.indexOf("stacked") != -1 ? this.Q(b) : this.O();
f.maxValue = i.max;
f.minValue = i.min;
e || this.N(a, b, c, d, f.minValue, f.maxValue, f.cellWidth);
if (g) {
f.maxValue = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.end);
f.minValue = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.start)
b = this.z(f.minValue, f.maxValue);
a = b[0];
f.valueFactor = b[1];
f.unit = a ? f.totalHeight / a : 10;
f.startValue = 0;
if (!g) {
f.startValue = f.unit > 10 ? f.unit : 10;
f.unit = a ? (f.totalHeight - f.startValue) / a : 10
return f
dhtmlx.chart.bar = {
pvt_render_bar: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g, i, j, k, h = d.y - c.y,
m = !! this.e.yAxis,
l = !! this.e.xAxis;
i = this.O();
g = i.max;
i = i.min;
var n = Math.floor((d.x - c.x) / b.length);
!e && !(this.e.origin != "auto" && !m) && this.N(a, b, c, d, i, g, n);
if (m) {
g = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.end);
i = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.start)
j = this.z(i, g);
k = j[0];
j = j[1];
var o = k ? h / k : k;
if (!m && !(this.e.origin != "auto" && l)) {
var s = 10;
o = k ? (h - s) / k : s
}!e && this.e.origin != "auto" && !m && this.e.origin > i && this.da(a, b, c, d, n, d.y - o * (this.e.origin - i));
h = parseInt(this.e.width, 10);
if (this.h && h * this.h.length + 4 > n) h = n / this.h.length - 4;
k = Math.floor((n - h * this.h.length) / 2);
var t = typeof this.e.radius != "undefined" ? parseInt(this.e.radius, 10) : Math.round(h / 5),
q = false,
v = this.e.gradient;
if (v && typeof v != "function") {
q = v;
v = false
} else if (v) {
v = a.createLinearGradient(0, d.y, 0, c.y);
l || this.i(a, c.x, d.y + 0.5, d.x, d.y + 0.5, "#000000", 1);
for (var p = 0; p < b.length; p++) {
var u = parseFloat(this.e.value(b[p]));
if (u > g) u = g;
u -= i;
u *= j;
var r = c.x + k + p * n + (h + 1) * e,
w = d.y;
if (u < 0 || this.e.yAxis && u === 0 && !(this.e.origin != "auto" && this.e.origin > i)) this.renderTextAt(true, true, r + Math.floor(h / 2), w, this.e.label(b[p]));
else {
if (!m && !(this.e.origin != "auto" && l)) u += s / o;
var x = v || this.e.color.call(this, b[p]);
this.e.border && this.va(a, r, w, h, i, t, o, u, x);
a.globalAlpha = this.e.alpha.call(this, b[p]);
var y = this.ua(a, c, r, w, h, i, t, o, u, x, v, q);
a.globalAlpha = 1;
q && this.wa(a, r, w, h, i, t, o, u, x, q);
y[0] != r ? this.renderTextAt(false, true, r + Math.floor(h / 2), y[1], this.e.label(b[p])) : this.renderTextAt(true, true, r + Math.floor(h / 2), y[3], this.e.label(b[p]));
f.addRect(b[p].id, [r, y[3], y[2], y[1]], e)
K: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
var i = this.e.xAxis,
j = c;
if (i && this.e.origin != "auto" && this.e.origin > g) {
c -= (this.e.origin - g) * e;
j = c;
d -= this.e.origin - g;
if (d < 0) {
d *= -1;
a.translate(b + f, c);
c = b = 0
c -= 0.5
return {
value: d,
x0: b,
y0: c,
start: j
ua: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, h, m) {
a.fillStyle = k;
var l = this.K(a, c, d, j, i, e, f);
e = this.H(a, l.x0, l.y0, e, g, i, l.value, this.e.border ? 1 : 0);
if (h && !m) a.lineTo(l.x0 + (this.e.border ? 1 : 0), b.y);
a = l.x0;
b = l.x0 != c ? c + e[0] : e[0];
d = l.x0 != c ? l.start - e[1] : d;
c = l.x0 != c ? l.start : e[1];
return [a, d, b, c]
va: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j) {
b = this.K(a, b, c, i, g, d, e);
a.fillStyle = j;
this.H(a, b.x0, b.y0, d, f, g, b.value, 0);
a.lineTo(b.x0, 0);
a.fillStyle = "#000000";
a.globalAlpha = 0.37;
this.H(a, b.x0, b.y0, d, f, g, b.value, 0);
wa: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i, j, k) {
b = this.K(a, b, c, i, g, d, e);
j = this.G(a, b.x0, b.y0, b.x0 + d, b.y0 - g * b.value + 2, k, j, "y");
a.fillStyle = j.gradient;
this.H(a, b.x0 + j.offset, b.y0, d - j.offset * 2, f, g, b.value, j.offset);
H: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
var j = 0;
if (e > f * g) {
var k = (e - f * g) / e;
j = -Math.acos(k) + Math.PI / 2
a.moveTo(b + i, c);
var h = c - Math.floor(f * g) + e + (e ? 0 : i);
e < f * g && a.lineTo(b + i, h);
f = b + e;
e && a.arc(f, h, e - i, -Math.PI + j, -Math.PI / 2, false);
g = b + d - e - (e ? 0 : i);
f = h - e + (e ? i : 0);
a.lineTo(g, f);
h = h;
e && a.arc(g, h, e - i, -Math.PI / 2, 0 - j, false);
d = b + d - i;
a.lineTo(d, c);
a.lineTo(b + i, c);
return [d, f]
dhtmlx.chart.pie = {
pvt_render_pie: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.na(a, b, c, d, 1, f)
na: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g = 0,
i = this.Ga(c, d);
c = this.e.radius ? this.e.radius : i.radius;
for (var j = [], k = [], h = 0, m = 0; m < b.length; m++) g += parseFloat(this.e.value(b[m]));
for (m = 0; m < b.length; m++) {
k[m] = parseFloat(this.e.value(b[m]));
j[m] = Math.PI * 2 * (g ? (k[m] + h) / g : 1 / b.length);
h += k[m]
d = this.e.x ? this.e.x : i.x;
var l = this.e.y ? this.e.y : i.y;
e == 1 && this.e.shadow && this.sa(a, d, l, c);
l /= e;
var n = -Math.PI / 2;
a.scale(1, e);
for (m = 0; m < b.length; m++) if (k[m]) {
a.lineWidth = 2;
a.moveTo(d, l);
alpha1 = -Math.PI / 2 + j[m] - 1.0E-4;
a.arc(d, l, c, n, alpha1, false);
a.lineTo(d, l);
var o = this.e.color.call(this, b[m]);
a.fillStyle = o;
a.strokeStyle = this.e.lineColor(b[m]);
this.e.pieInnerText && this.ba(d, l, 5 * c / 6, n, alpha1, e, this.e.pieInnerText(b[m], g), true);
this.e.label && this.ba(d, l, c + this.e.labelOffset, n, alpha1, e, this.e.label(b[m]));
if (e != 1) {
this.W(a, d, l, n, alpha1, c, true);
a.fillStyle = "#000000";
a.globalAlpha = 0.2;
this.W(a, d, l, n, alpha1, c, false);
a.globalAlpha = 1;
a.fillStyle = o
f.addSector(b[m].id, n, alpha1, d, l, c, e);
n = alpha1
if (this.e.gradient) {
b = e != 1 ? d + c / 3 : d;
f = e != 1 ? l + c / 3 : l;
this.bb(a, d, l, c, b, f)
a.scale(1, 1 / e)
Ga: function (a, b) {
var c = b.x - a.x,
d = b.y - a.y;
b = a.x + c / 2;
a = a.y + d / 2;
var e = Math.min(c / 2, d / 2);
return {
x: b,
y: a,
radius: e
W: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a.lineWidth = 1;
if (d <= 0 && e >= 0 || d >= 0 && e <= Math.PI || d <= Math.PI && e >= Math.PI) {
if (d <= 0 && e >= 0) {
d = 0;
g = false;
this.ca(a, b, c, f, d, e)
if (d <= Math.PI && e >= Math.PI) {
e = Math.PI;
g = false;
this.ca(a, b, c, f, d, e)
var i = (this.e.height || Math.floor(f / 4)) / this.e.cant;
a.arc(b, c, f, d, e, false);
a.lineTo(b + f * Math.cos(e), c + f * Math.sin(e) + i);
a.arc(b, c + i, f, e, d, true);
a.lineTo(b + f * Math.cos(d), c + f * Math.sin(d));
g && a.stroke()
ca: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a.arc(b, c, d, e, f, false);
sa: function (a, b, c, d) {
for (var e = ["#676767", "#7b7b7b", "#a0a0a0", "#bcbcbc", "#d1d1d1", "#d6d6d6"], f = e.length - 1; f > -1; f--) {
a.fillStyle = e[f];
a.arc(b + 2, c + 2, d + f, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
Fa: function (a) {
a.addColorStop(0, "#ffffff");
a.addColorStop(0.7, "#7a7a7a");
a.addColorStop(1, "#000000");
return a
bb: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
a.globalAlpha = 0.3;
var g;
if (typeof this.e.gradient != "function") {
g = a.createRadialGradient(e, f, d / 4, b, c, d);
g = this.Fa(g)
} else g = this.e.gradient(g);
a.fillStyle = g;
a.arc(b, c, d, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
a.globalAlpha = 1
ba: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
var j = this.renderText(0, 0, g, 0, 1);
if (j) {
var k = j.scrollWidth;
j.style.width = k + "px";
if (k > a) k = a;
var h = 8;
if (i) h = k / 1.8;
var m = d + (e - d) / 2;
c -= (h - 8) / 2;
var l = -h,
n = -8,
o = "left";
if (m >= Math.PI / 2 && m < Math.PI) {
l = -k - l + 1;
o = "right"
if (m <= 3 * Math.PI / 2 && m >= Math.PI) {
l = -k - l + 1;
o = "right"
d = (b + Math.floor(c * Math.sin(m))) * f + n;
h = a + Math.floor((c + h / 2) * Math.cos(m)) + l;
var s = e < Math.PI / 2 + 0.01,
t = m < Math.PI / 2;
if (t && s) h = Math.max(h, a + 3);
else if (!t && !s) h = Math.min(h, a - k);
if (!i && f < 1 && d > b * f) d += this.e.height || Math.floor(c / 4);
j.style.top = d + "px";
j.style.left = h + "px";
j.style.width = k + "px";
j.style.textAlign = o;
j.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"
dhtmlx.chart.pie3D = {
pvt_render_pie3D: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
this.na(a, b, c, d, this.e.cant, f)
dhtmlx.Template = {
J: {},
empty: function () {
return ""
setter: function (a, b) {
return dhtmlx.Template.fromHTML(b)
obj_setter: function (a, b) {
var c = dhtmlx.Template.setter(a, b),
d = this;
return function () {
return c.apply(d, arguments)
fromHTML: function (a) {
if (typeof a == "function") return a;
if (this.J[a]) return this.J[a];
a = (a || "").toString();
a = a.replace(/[\r\n]+/g, "\\n");
a = a.replace(/\{obj\.([^}?]+)\?([^:]*):([^}]*)\}/g, '"+(obj.$1?"$2":"$3")+"');
a = a.replace(/\{common\.([^}\(]*)\}/g, '"+common.$1+"');
a = a.replace(/\{common\.([^\}\(]*)\(\)\}/g, '"+(common.$1?common.$1(obj):"")+"');
a = a.replace(/\{obj\.([^}]*)\}/g, '"+obj.$1+"');
a = a.replace(/#([a-z0-9_]+)#/gi, '"+obj.$1+"');
a = a.replace(/\{obj\}/g, '"+obj+"');
a = a.replace(/\{-obj/g, "{obj");
a = a.replace(/\{-common/g, "{common");
a = 'return "' + a + '";';
return this.J[a] = Function("obj", "common", a)
dhtmlx.Type = {
add: function (a, b) {
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this.T(b, "edit");
this.T(b, "loading");
a.types[c] = dhtmlx.extend(dhtmlx.extend({}, a.types[c] || this.ta), b);
return c
ta: {
css: "default",
template: function () {
return ""
template_edit: function () {
return ""
template_loading: function () {
return "..."
width: 150,
height: 80,
margin: 5,
padding: 0
T: function (a, b) {
b = "template" + (b ? "_" + b : "");
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c = c.split("->");
switch (c[0]) {
case "html":
c = dhtmlx.html.getValue(c[1]).replace(/\"/g, '\\"');
case "http":
c = (new dhtmlx.ajax).sync().get(c[1], {
uid: (new Date).valueOf()
a[b] = dhtmlx.Template.fromHTML(c)
dhtmlx.SingleRender = {
k: function () {},
eb: function (a) {
return this.type.Oa(a, this.type) + this.type.template(a, this.type) + this.type.Na
render: function () {
if (!this.callEvent || this.callEvent("onBeforeRender", [this.data])) {
if (this.data) this.L.innerHTML = this.eb(this.data);
this.callEvent && this.callEvent("onAfterRender", [])
dhtmlx.ui.Tooltip = function (a) {
this.name = "Tooltip";
this.version = "3.0";
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template: a
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.Settings);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.SingleRender);
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dy: 0,
dx: 20
this.L = this.g = document.createElement("DIV");
this.g.className = "dhx_tooltip";
dhtmlx.html.insertBefore(this.g, document.body.firstChild)
dhtmlx.ui.Tooltip.prototype = {
show: function (a, b) {
if (!this.Z) {
if (this.data != a) {
this.data = a;
this.g.style.top = b.y + this.e.dy + "px";
this.g.style.left = b.x + this.e.dx + "px";
this.g.style.display = "block"
hide: function () {
this.data = null;
this.g.style.display = "none"
disable: function () {
this.Z = true
enable: function () {
this.Z = false
types: {
"default": dhtmlx.Template.fromHTML("{obj.id}")
template_item_start: dhtmlx.Template.empty,
template_item_end: dhtmlx.Template.empty
dhtmlx.AutoTooltip = {
tooltip_setter: function (a, b) {
var c = new dhtmlx.ui.Tooltip(b);
this.attachEvent("onMouseMove", function (d, e) {
c.show(this.get(d), dhtmlx.html.pos(e))
this.attachEvent("onMouseOut", function () {
this.attachEvent("onMouseMoving", function () {
return c
dhtmlx.DataStore = function () {
this.name = "DataStore";
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.EventSystem);
this.pull = {};
this.order = dhtmlx.toArray();
this.gb = false
dhtmlx.DataStore.prototype = {
setDriver: function (a) {
this.driver = dhtmlx.DataDriver[a]
qa: function (a) {
if (a.item) {
if (!(a.item instanceof Array)) a.item = [a.item];
for (var b = 0; b < a.item.length; b++) {
var c = a.item[b],
d = this.id(c);
a.item[b] = d;
this.pull[d] = c;
c.parent = a.id;
c.level = a.level + 1;
Wa: function (a) {
for (var b = this.driver.getInfo(a), c = this.driver.getRecords(a), d = (b.u || 0) * 1, e = 0, f = 0; f < c.length; f++) {
var g = this.driver.getDetails(c[f]),
i = this.id(g);
if (!this.pull[i]) {
this.order[e + d] = i;
this.pull[i] = g;
if (this.gb) {
g.level = 1;
for (f = 0; f < b.w; f++) if (!this.order[f]) {
i = dhtmlx.uid();
g = {
id: i,
$template: "loading"
this.pull[i] = g;
this.order[f] = i
this.callEvent("onStoreLoad", [this.driver, a]);
id: function (a) {
return a.id || (a.id = dhtmlx.uid())
get: function (a) {
return this.pull[a]
set: function (a, b) {
this.pull[a] = b;
refresh: function (a) {
a ? this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [a, this.pull[a], "update"]) : this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [null, null, null])
getRange: function (a, b) {
if (arguments.length) {
a = this.indexById(a);
b = this.indexById(b);
if (a > b) {
var c = b;
b = a;
a = c
} else {
a = this.min || 0;
b = Math.min(this.max || Infinity, this.dataCount() - 1)
return this.getIndexRange(a, b)
getIndexRange: function (a, b) {
b = Math.min(b, this.dataCount() - 1);
var c = dhtmlx.toArray();
for (a = a; a <= b; a++) c.push(this.get(this.order[a]));
return c
dataCount: function () {
return this.order.length
exists: function (a) {
return !!this.pull[a]
move: function (a, b) {
if (!(a < 0 || b < 0)) {
var c = this.idByIndex(a),
d = this.get(c);
this.order.insertAt(c, Math.min(this.order.length, b));
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [c, d, "move"])
add: function (a, b) {
var c = this.id(a),
d = this.dataCount();
if (dhtmlx.isNotDefined(b) || b < 0) b = d;
if (b > d) b = Math.min(this.order.length, b);
if (this.callEvent("onbeforeAdd", [c, b])) {
if (this.exists(c)) return null;
this.pull[c] = a;
this.order.insertAt(c, b);
if (this.m) {
var e = this.m.length;
if (!b && this.order.length) e = 0;
this.m.insertAt(c, e)
this.callEvent("onafterAdd", [c, b]);
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [c, a, "add"]);
return c
remove: function (a) {
if (a instanceof
Array) for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) this.remove(a[b]);
else if (this.callEvent("onbeforedelete", [a])) {
if (!this.exists(a)) return null;
b = this.get(a);
this.m && this.m.remove(a);
delete this.pull[a];
this.callEvent("onafterdelete", [a]);
this.callEvent("onStoreUpdated", [a, b, "delete"])
clearAll: function () {
this.pull = {};
this.order = dhtmlx.toArray();
this.m = null;
this.callEvent("onClearAll", []);
idByIndex: function (a) {
return this.order[a]
indexById: function (a) {
return a = this.order.find(a)
next: function (a, b) {
return this.order[this.indexById(a) + (b || 1)]
first: function () {
return this.order[0]
last: function () {
return this.order[this.order.length - 1]
previous: function (a, b) {
return this.order[this.indexById(a) - (b || 1)]
sort: function (a, b, c) {
var d = a;
if (typeof a == "function") d = {
as: a,
dir: b
else if (typeof a == "string") d = {
by: a,
dir: b,
as: c
var e = [d.by, d.dir, d.as];
if (this.callEvent("onbeforesort", e)) {
if (this.order.length) {
var f = dhtmlx.sort.create(d),
g = this.getRange(this.first(), this.last());
this.order = g.map(function (i) {
return this.id(i)
}, this)
this.callEvent("onaftersort", e)
filter: function (a, b) {
if (this.m) {
this.order = this.m;
delete this.m
if (a) {
var c = a;
if (typeof a == "string") {
a = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a);
c = function (e, f) {
return a(e).toLowerCase().indexOf(f) != -1
b = (b || "").toString().toLowerCase();
var d = dhtmlx.toArray();
this.order.each(function (e) {
c(this.get(e), b) && d.push(e)
}, this);
this.m = this.order;
this.order = d
each: function (a, b) {
for (var c = 0; c < this.order.length; c++) a.call(b || this, this.get(this.order[c]))
provideApi: function (a, b) {
b && this.mapEvent({
onbeforesort: a,
onaftersort: a,
onbeforeadd: a,
onafteradd: a,
onbeforedelete: a,
onafterdelete: a
for (var c = ["sort", "add", "remove", "exists", "idByIndex", "indexById", "get", "set", "refresh", "dataCount", "filter", "next", "previous", "clearAll", "first", "last"], d = 0; d < c.length; d++) a[c[d]] = dhtmlx.methodPush(this, c[d])
dhtmlx.sort = {
create: function (a) {
return dhtmlx.sort.dir(a.dir, dhtmlx.sort.by(a.by, a.as))
as: {
"int": function (a, b) {
a *= 1;
b *= 1;
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
string_strict: function (a, b) {
a = a.toString();
b = b.toString();
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
string: function (a, b) {
a = a.toString().toLowerCase();
b = b.toString().toLowerCase();
return a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0
by: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "function") b = dhtmlx.sort.as[b || "string"];
a = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a);
return function (c, d) {
return b(a(c), a(d))
dir: function (a, b) {
if (a == "asc") return b;
return function (c, d) {
return b(c, d) * -1
dhtmlx.Group = {
k: function () {
this.data.attachEvent("onStoreLoad", dhtmlx.bind(function () {
this.e.group && this.group(this.e.group, false)
}, this));
this.attachEvent("onBeforeRender", dhtmlx.bind(function (a) {
if (this.e.sort) {
}, this));
this.attachEvent("onBeforeSort", dhtmlx.bind(function () {
this.e.sort = null
}, this))
Ja: function (a, b) {
a.attachEvent("onClearAll", dhtmlx.bind(function () {
}, b))
sum: function (a, b) {
a = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a);
b = b || this.data;
var c = 0;
b.each(function (d) {
c += a(d) * 1
return c
min: function (a, b) {
a = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a);
b = b || this.data;
var c = Infinity;
b.each(function (d) {
if (a(d) * 1 < c) c = a(d) * 1
return c * 1
max: function (a, b) {
a = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a);
b = b || this.data;
var c = -Infinity;
b.each(function (d) {
if (a(d) * 1 > c) c = a(d) * 1
return c
cb: function (a) {
var b = function (j, k) {
j = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, j);
return j(k[0])
c = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, a.by);
a.map[c] || (a.map[c] = [c, b]);
var d = {},
e = [];
this.data.each(function (j) {
var k = c(j);
if (!d[k]) {
id: k
d[k] = dhtmlx.toArray()
for (var f in a.map) {
var g = a.map[f][1] || b;
if (typeof g != "function") g = this[g];
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) e[i][f] = g.call(this, a.map[f][0], d[e[i].id])
this.ja = this.data;
this.data = new dhtmlx.DataStore;
this.data.provideApi(this, true);
this.Ja(this.data, this);
this.parse(e, "json")
group: function (a, b) {
b !== false && this.render()
ungroup: function (a) {
if (this.ja) {
this.data = this.ja;
this.data.provideApi(this, true)
a !== false && this.render()
group_setter: function (a, b) {
return b
sort_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
by: b
this.n(b, {
as: "string",
dir: "asc"
return b
dhtmlx.KeyEvents = {
k: function () {
dhtmlx.event(this.g, "keypress", this.Ta, this)
Ta: function (a) {
a = a || event;
var b = a.which || a.keyCode;
this.callEvent(this.hb ? "onEditKeyPress" : "onKeyPress", [b, a.ctrlKey, a.shiftKey, a])
dhtmlx.MouseEvents = {
k: function () {
if (this.on_click) {
dhtmlx.event(this.g, "click", this.Qa, this);
dhtmlx.event(this.g, "contextmenu", this.Ra, this)
this.on_dblclick && dhtmlx.event(this.g, "dblclick", this.Sa, this);
if (this.on_mouse_move) {
dhtmlx.event(this.g, "mousemove", this.la, this);
dhtmlx.event(this.g, dhtmlx.r ? "mouseleave" : "mouseout", this.la, this)
Qa: function (a) {
return this.R(a, this.on_click, "ItemClick")
Sa: function (a) {
return this.R(a, this.on_dblclick, "ItemDblClick")
Ra: function (a) {
var b = dhtmlx.html.locate(a, this.q);
if (b && !this.callEvent("onBeforeContextMenu", [b, a])) return dhtmlx.html.preventEvent(a)
la: function (a) {
if (dhtmlx.r) a = document.createEventObject(event);
this.ia && window.clearTimeout(this.ia);
this.callEvent("onMouseMoving", [a]);
this.ia = window.setTimeout(dhtmlx.bind(function () {
a.type == "mousemove" ? this.Ua(a) : this.Va(a)
}, this), 500)
Ua: function (a) {
this.R(a, this.on_mouse_move, "MouseMove") || this.callEvent("onMouseOut", [a || event])
Va: function (a) {
this.callEvent("onMouseOut", [a || event])
R: function (a, b, c) {
a = a || event;
for (var d = a.target || a.srcElement, e = "", f = null, g = false; d && d.parentNode;) {
if (!g && d.getAttribute) if (f = d.getAttribute(this.q)) {
d.getAttribute("userdata") && this.callEvent("onLocateData", [f, d]);
if (!this.callEvent("on" + c, [f, a, d])) return;
g = true
if (e = d.className) {
e = e.split(" ");
e = e[0] || e[1];
if (b[e]) return b[e].call(this, a, f, d)
d = d.parentNode
return g
dhtmlx.Settings = {
k: function () {
this.e = this.config = {}
define: function (a, b) {
if (typeof a == "object") return this.ma(a);
return this.Y(a, b)
Y: function (a, b) {
var c = this[a + "_setter"];
return this.e[a] = c ? c.call(this, a, b) : b
ma: function (a) {
if (a) for (var b in a) this.Y(b, a[b])
B: function (a, b) {
var c = dhtmlx.extend({}, b);
typeof a == "object" && !a.tagName && dhtmlx.extend(c, a);
n: function (a, b) {
for (var c in b) switch (typeof a[c]) {
case "object":
a[c] = this.n(a[c] || {}, b[c]);
case "undefined":
a[c] = b[c];
return a
Xa: function (a, b, c) {
if (typeof a == "object" && !a.tagName) a = a.container;
this.g = dhtmlx.toNode(a);
if (!this.g && c) this.g = c(a);
this.g.className += " " + b;
this.g.onselectstart = function () {
return false
this.L = this.g
ab: function (a) {
if (typeof a == "object") return this.type_setter("type", a);
this.type = dhtmlx.extend({}, this.types[a]);
customize: function (a) {
a && dhtmlx.extend(this.type, a);
this.type.Oa = dhtmlx.Template.fromHTML(this.template_item_start(this.type));
this.type.Na = this.template_item_end(this.type);
type_setter: function (a, b) {
this.ab(typeof b == "object" ? dhtmlx.Type.add(this, b) : b);
return b
template_setter: function (a, b) {
return this.type_setter("type", {
template: b
css_setter: function (a, b) {
this.g.className += " " + b;
return b
dhtmlx.compat = function (a, b) {
dhtmlx.compat[a] && dhtmlx.compat[a](b)
(function () {
if (!window.dhtmlxError) {
var a = function () {};
window.dhtmlxError = {
catchError: a,
throwError: a
window.convertStringToBoolean = function (c) {
return !!c
window.dhtmlxEventable = function (c) {
dhtmlx.extend(c, dhtmlx.EventSystem)
var b = {
getXMLTopNode: function () {},
doXPath: function (c) {
return dhtmlx.DataDriver.xml.xpath(this.xml, c)
xmlDoc: {
responseXML: true
dhtmlx.compat.dataProcessor = function (c) {
var d = "_sendData",
e = "_in_progress",
f = "_tMode",
g = "_waitMode";
c[d] = function (i, j) {
if (i) {
if (j) this[e][j] = (new Date).valueOf();
if (!this.callEvent("onBeforeDataSending", j ? [j, this.getState(j)] : [])) return false;
var k = this,
h = this.serverProcessor;
this[f] != "POST" ? dhtmlx.ajax().get(h + (h.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + this.serialize(i, j), "", function (m, l) {
b.xml = dhtmlx.DataDriver.xml.checkResponse(m, l);
k.afterUpdate(k, null, null, null, b)
}) : dhtmlx.ajax().post(h, this.serialize(i, j), function (m, l) {
b.xml = dhtmlx.DataDriver.xml.checkResponse(m, l);
k.afterUpdate(k, null, null, null, b)
if (!dhtmlx.attaches) dhtmlx.attaches = {};
dhtmlx.attaches.attachAbstract = function (a, b) {
var c = document.createElement("DIV");
c.id = "CustomObject_" + dhtmlx.uid();
c.style.width = "100%";
c.style.height = "100%";
c.cmp = "grid";
b.container = c.id;
var d = this.vs[this.av];
d.grid = new window[a](b);
d.gridId = c.id;
d.gridObj = c;
d.grid.setSizes = function () {
this.resize ? this.resize() : this.render()
var e = "_viewRestore";
return this.vs[this[e]()].grid
dhtmlx.attaches.attachDataView = function (a) {
return this.attachAbstract("dhtmlXDataView", a)
dhtmlx.attaches.attachChart = function (a) {
return this.attachAbstract("dhtmlXChart", a)
dhtmlx.compat.layout = function () {};
dhtmlx.ajax = function (a, b, c) {
if (arguments.length !== 0) {
var d = new dhtmlx.ajax;
if (c) d.master = c;
d.get(a, null, b)
if (!this.getXHR) return new dhtmlx.ajax;
return this
dhtmlx.ajax.prototype = {
getXHR: function () {
return dhtmlx.r ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.xmlHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest
send: function (a, b, c) {
var d = this.getXHR();
if (typeof c == "function") c = [c];
if (typeof b == "object") {
var e = [];
for (var f in b) e.push(f + "=" + encodeURIComponent(b[f]));
b = e.join("&")
if (b && !this.post) {
a = a + (a.indexOf("?") != -1 ? "&" : "?") + b;
b = null
d.open(this.post ? "POST" : "GET", a, !this.pa);
this.post && d.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
if (!this.pa) {
var g = this;
d.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (!d.readyState || d.readyState == 4) {
if (c && g) for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) if (c[i]) c[i].call(g.master || g, d.responseText, d.responseXML, d);
c = d = g = g.master = null
d.send(b || null);
return d
get: function (a, b, c) {
this.post = false;
return this.send(a, b, c)
post: function (a, b, c) {
this.post = true;
return this.send(a, b, c)
sync: function () {
this.pa = true;
return this
dhtmlx.DataLoader = {
k: function () {
this.data = new dhtmlx.DataStore
load: function (a, b, c) {
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
if (typeof b == "string") {
b = c
if (!this.data.feed) this.data.feed = function (d, e) {
if (this.F) return this.F = [d, e];
else this.F = true;
this.load(a + (a.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + "posStart=" + d + "&count=" + e, function () {
var f = this.F;
this.F = false;
typeof f == "object" && this.data.feed.apply(this, f)
dhtmlx.ajax(a, [this.ka, b], this)
parse: function (a, b) {
this.callEvent("onXLS", []);
b && this.data.setDriver(b);
this.ka(a, null)
ka: function (a, b) {
this.data.Wa(this.data.driver.toObject(a, b));
this.callEvent("onXLE", [])
dhtmlx.DataDriver = {};
dhtmlx.DataDriver.json = {
toObject: function (a) {
if (typeof a == "string") {
eval("dhtmlx.temp=" + a);
return dhtmlx.temp
return a
getRecords: function (a) {
if (a && !(a instanceof Array)) return [a];
return a
getDetails: function (a) {
return a
getInfo: function (a) {
return {
w: a.total_count || 0,
u: a.pos || 0
dhtmlx.DataDriver.html = {
toObject: function (a) {
if (typeof a == "string") {
var b = null;
if (a.indexOf("<") == -1) b = dhtmlx.toNode(a);
if (!b) {
b = document.createElement("DIV");
b.innerHTML = a
return b.getElementsByTagName(this.tag)
return a
getRecords: function (a) {
if (a.tagName) return a.childNodes;
return a
getDetails: function (a) {
return dhtmlx.DataDriver.xml.tagToObject(a)
getInfo: function () {
return {
w: 0,
u: 0
tag: "LI"
dhtmlx.DataDriver.jsarray = {
toObject: function (a) {
if (typeof a == "string") {
eval("dhtmlx.temp=" + a);
return dhtmlx.temp
return a
getRecords: function (a) {
return a
getDetails: function (a) {
for (var b = {}, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b["data" + c] = a[c];
return b
getInfo: function () {
return {
w: 0,
u: 0
dhtmlx.DataDriver.csv = {
toObject: function (a) {
return a
getRecords: function (a) {
return a.split(this.row)
getDetails: function (a) {
a = this.stringToArray(a);
for (var b = {}, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) b["data" + c] = a[c];
return b
getInfo: function () {
return {
w: 0,
u: 0
stringToArray: function (a) {
a = a.split(this.cell);
for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) a[b] = a[b].replace(/^[ \t\n\r]*(\"|)/g, "").replace(/(\"|)[ \t\n\r]*$/g, "");
return a
row: "\n",
cell: ","
dhtmlx.DataDriver.xml = {
toObject: function (a, b) {
if (b && (b = this.checkResponse(a, b))) return b;
if (typeof a == "string") return this.fromString(a);
return a
getRecords: function (a) {
return this.xpath(a, this.records)
records: "/*/item",
userdata: "/*/userdata",
getDetails: function (a) {
return this.tagToObject(a, {})
getUserData: function (a, b) {
b = b || {};
var c = this.xpath(a, this.userdata);
for (a = 0; a < c.length; a++) {
var d = this.tagToObject(c[a]);
b[d.name] = d.value
return b
getInfo: function (a) {
return {
w: a.documentElement.getAttribute("total_count") || 0,
u: a.documentElement.getAttribute("pos") || 0
xpath: function (a, b) {
if (window.XPathResult) {
var c = a;
if (a.nodeName.indexOf("document") == -1) a = a.ownerDocument;
var d = [];
a = a.evaluate(b, c, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
for (b = a.iterateNext(); b;) {
b = a.iterateNext()
return d
return a.selectNodes(b)
tagToObject: function (a, b) {
b = b || {};
for (var c = a.attributes, d = 0; d < c.length; d++) b[c[d].name] = c[d].value;
var e = false,
f = a.childNodes;
for (d = 0; d < f.length; d++) if (f[d].nodeType == 1) {
var g = f[d].tagName;
if (typeof b[g] != "undefined") {
b[g] instanceof Array || (b[g] = [b[g]]);
b[g].push(this.tagToObject(f[d], {}))
} else b[f[d].tagName] = this.tagToObject(f[d], {});
e = true
if (!c.length && !e) return this.nodeValue(a);
b.value = this.nodeValue(a);
return b
nodeValue: function (a) {
if (a.firstChild) return a.firstChild.data;
return ""
fromString: function (a) {
if (window.DOMParser) return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(a, "text/xml");
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
temp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.xmlDOM");
return temp
checkResponse: function (a, b) {
if (b && b.firstChild && b.firstChild.tagName != "parsererror") return b;
if (a = this.from_string(a.responseText.replace(/^[\s]+/, ""))) return a
dhtmlx.DataDriver.dhtmlxgrid = {
Ia: "_get_cell_value",
toObject: function (a) {
return this.ea = a
getRecords: function (a) {
return a.rowsBuffer
getDetails: function (a) {
for (var b = {}, c = 0; c < this.ea.getColumnsNum(); c++) b["data" + c] = this.ea[this.Ia](a, c);
return b
getInfo: function () {
return {
w: 0,
u: 0
dhtmlx.Canvas = {
k: function () {
this.D = []
Ya: function (a) {
this.l = dhtmlx.html.create("canvas", {
width: a.offsetWidth,
height: a.offsetHeight
if (!this.l.getContext) if (dhtmlx.r) {
return this.l
getCanvas: function (a) {
return (this.l || this.Ya(this.g)).getContext(a || "2d")
$a: function () {
if (this.l) {
this.l.setAttribute("width", this.l.parentNode.offsetWidth);
this.l.setAttribute("height", this.l.parentNode.offsetHeight)
renderText: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
if (c) {
a = dhtmlx.html.create("DIV", {
"class": "dhx_canvas_text" + (d ? " " + d : ""),
style: "left:" + a + "px; top:" + b + "px;"
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if (e) a.style.width = e + "px";
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renderTextAt: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
if (e = this.renderText.call(this, c, d, e, f, g)) {
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if (b) e.style.left = b == "left" ? c - e.offsetWidth + "px" : parseInt(c - e.offsetWidth / 2, 10) + "px"
return e
clearCanvas: function () {
for (var a = 0; a < this.D.length; a++) this.g.removeChild(this.D[a]);
this.D = [];
if (this.g.v) {
this.g.v = null
this.getCanvas().clearRect(0, 0, this.l.offsetWidth, this.l.offsetHeight)
dhtmlXChart = function (a) {
this.name = "Chart";
this.version = "3.0";
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.Settings);
this.Xa(a, "dhx_chart");
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.DataLoader);
this.data.provideApi(this, true);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.EventSystem);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.MouseEvents);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.Destruction);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.Canvas);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.Group);
dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.AutoTooltip);
for (var b in dhtmlx.chart) dhtmlx.extend(this, dhtmlx.chart[b]);
this.B(a, {
color: "RAINBOW",
alpha: "1",
label: false,
value: "{obj.value}",
padding: {},
view: "pie",
lineColor: "#ffffff",
cant: 0.5,
width: 15,
labelWidth: 100,
line: {},
item: {},
shadow: true,
gradient: false,
border: true,
labelOffset: 20,
origin: "auto"
this.h = [this.e];
this.data.attachEvent("onStoreUpdated", dhtmlx.bind(function () {
}, this));
this.attachEvent("onLocateData", this.db)
dhtmlXChart.prototype = {
q: "dhx_area_id",
on_click: {},
on_dblclick: {},
on_mouse_move: {},
resize: function () {
view_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof this.e.offset == "undefined") this.e.offset = b == "area" || b == "stackedArea" ? false : true;
return b
render: function () {
if (this.callEvent("onBeforeRender", [this.data])) {
this.e.legend && this.za(this.getCanvas(), this.data.getRange(), this.g.offsetWidth, this.g.offsetHeight);
for (var a = this.Ea(this.g.offsetWidth, this.g.offsetHeight), b = new dhtmlx.ui.Map(this.q), c = this.e, d = 0; d < this.h.length; d++) {
this.e = this.h[d];
this["pvt_render_" + this.e.view](this.getCanvas(), this.data.getRange(), a.start, a.end, d, b)
this.e = c
value_setter: dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter,
alpha_setter: dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter,
label_setter: dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter,
lineColor_setter: dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter,
pieInnerText_setter: dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter,
gradient_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "function" && b && (b === true || b != "3d")) b = "light";
return b
colormap: {
RAINBOW: function (a) {
a = Math.floor(this.indexById(a.id) / this.dataCount() * 1536);
if (a == 1536) a -= 1;
return this.Za[Math.floor(a / 256)](a % 256)
color_setter: function (a, b) {
return this.colormap[b] || dhtmlx.Template.obj_setter(a, b)
legend_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
template: b
this.n(b, {
width: 150,
height: 18,
layout: "y",
align: "left",
valign: "bottom",
template: "",
marker: {
type: "square",
width: 25,
height: 15
b.template = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.template);
return b
item_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
color: b,
borderColor: b
this.n(b, {
radius: 4,
color: "#000000",
borderColor: "#000000",
borderWidth: 2
b.color = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.color);
b.borderColor = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.borderColor);
return b
line_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
color: b
this.n(b, {
width: 3,
color: "#d4d4d4"
b.color = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.color);
return b
padding_setter: function (a, b) {
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
left: b,
right: b,
top: b,
bottom: b
this.n(b, {
left: 50,
right: 20,
top: 35,
bottom: 40
return b
xAxis_setter: function (a, b) {
if (!b) return false;
if (typeof b != "object") b = {
template: b
this.n(b, {
title: "",
color: "#000000",
template: "{obj}",
lines: false
if (b.template) b.template = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.template);
return b
yAxis_setter: function (a, b) {
this.n(b, {
title: "",
color: "#000000",
template: "{obj}",
lines: true
if (b.template) b.template = dhtmlx.Template.setter(0, b.template);
return b
N: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
e = this.Da(a, b, c, d, e, f);
this.da(a, b, c, d, g, e);
return e
da: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
if (this.e.xAxis) {
var g = c.x - 0.5;
f = parseInt(f ? f : d.y, 10) + 0.5;
var i = d.x,
j, k = true;
this.i(a, g, f, i, f, this.e.xAxis.color, 1);
for (var h = 0; h < b.length; h++) {
if (this.e.offset === true) j = g + e / 2 + h * e;
else {
j = g + h * e;
k = !! h
var m = this.e.origin != "auto" && this.e.view == "bar" && parseFloat(this.e.value(b[h])) < this.e.origin;
this.Ba(j, f, b[h], k, m);
this.e.view_setter != "bar" && this.Ca(a, j, d.y, c.y)
this.renderTextAt(true, false, g, d.y + this.e.padding.bottom - 3, this.e.xAxis.title, "dhx_axis_title_x", d.x - c.x);
this.e.xAxis.lines && this.e.offset && this.i(a, i + 0.5, d.y, i + 0.5, c.y + 0.5, this.e.xAxis.color, 0.2)
Da: function (a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var g;
b = {};
if (this.e.yAxis) {
var i = c.x - 0.5,
j = d.y,
k = c.y,
h = d.y;
this.i(a, i, j, i, k, this.e.yAxis.color, 1);
if (this.e.yAxis.step) g = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.step);
if (typeof this.e.yAxis.step == "undefined" || typeof this.e.yAxis.start == "undefined" || typeof this.e.yAxis.end == "undefined") {
b = this.V(e, f);
e = b.start;
f = b.end;
g = b.step;
this.e.yAxis.end = f;
this.e.yAxis.start = e
if (g !== 0) {
k = (j - k) * g / (f - e);
for (var m = 0, l = e; l <= f; l += g) {
if (b.fixNum) l = parseFloat((new Number(l)).toFixed(b.fixNum));
var n = Math.floor(j - m * k) + 0.5;
!(l == e && this.e.origin == "auto") && this.e.yAxis.lines && this.i(a, i, n, d.x, n, this.e.yAxis.color, 0.2);
if (l == this.e.origin) h = n;
this.renderText(0, n - 5, this.e.yAxis.template(l.toString()), "dhx_axis_item_y", c.x - 5);
this.oa(c, d);
return h
oa: function (a, b) {
if (a = this.renderTextAt("middle", false, 0, parseInt((b.y - a.y) / 2 + a.y, 10), this.e.yAxis.title, "dhx_axis_title_y")) a.style.left = (dhtmlx.env.transform ? (a.offsetHeight - a.offsetWidth) / 2 : 0) + "px"
V: function (a, b) {
if (this.e.origin != "auto" && this.e.origin < a) a = this.e.origin;
var c, d, e;
c = (b - a) / 8 || 1;
var f = Math.floor(this.ga(c)),
g = Math.pow(10, f),
i = c / g;
i = i > 5 ? 10 : 5;
c = parseInt(i, 10) * g;
if (c > Math.abs(a)) d = a < 0 ? -c : 0;
else {
var j = Math.abs(a),
k = Math.floor(this.ga(j)),
h = j / Math.pow(10, k);
d = Math.ceil(h * 10) / 10 * Math.pow(10, k) - c;
if (a < 0) d = -d - 2 * c
for (e = d; e < b;) {
e += c;
e = parseFloat((new Number(e)).toFixed(Math.abs(f)))
return {
start: d,
end: e,
step: c,
fixNum: Math.abs(f)
O: function (a) {
var b, c;
if ((c = arguments.length && a == "h" ? this.e.xAxis : this.e.yAxis) && typeof c.end != "undefied" && typeof c.start != "undefied" && c.step) {
b = parseFloat(c.end);
c = parseFloat(c.start)
} else {
b = this.max(this.h[0].value);
c = this.min(this.h[0].value);
if (this.h.length > 1) for (var d = 1; d < this.h.length; d++) {
var e = this.max(this.h[d].value),
f = this.min(this.h[d].value);
if (e > b) b = e;
if (f < c) c = f
return {
max: b,
min: c
ga: function (a) {
var b = "log";
return Math.floor(Math[b](a) / Math.LN10)
Ba: function (a, b, c, d, e) {
var to = offset = 11,from = 0,
val = this.e.xAxis.template(c);
this.e.xAxis && this.renderTextAt(e, d, a+from, b+from, val.slice(from,to), "dhx_axis_item_x");
if(to > val.length){break;}
from += offset;to += offset;
Ca: function (a, b, c, d) {
this.e.xAxis && this.e.xAxis.lines && this.i(a, b, c, b, d, this.e.xAxis.color, 0.2)
i: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
a.strokeStyle = f;
a.lineWidth = g;
a.moveTo(b, c);
a.lineTo(d, e);
z: function (a, b) {
var c = 1;
if (b != a) {
a = b - a;
if (Math.abs(a) < 1) for (; Math.abs(a) < 1;) {
c *= 10;
a *= c
} else a = a;
return [a, c]
Za: [function (a) {
return "#FF" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(a / 2, 2) + "00"
}, function (a) {
return "#FF" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(a / 2 + 128, 2) + "00"
}, function (a) {
return "#" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(255 - a, 2) + "FF00"
}, function (a) {
return "#00FF" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(a, 2)
}, function (a) {
return "#00" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(255 - a, 2) + "FF"
}, function (a) {
return "#" + dhtmlx.math.toHex(a, 2) + "00FF"
addSeries: function (a) {
var b = this.e;
this.e = dhtmlx.extend({}, b);
this.B(a, {});
this.e = b
db: function (a, b) {
this.ra = b.getAttribute("userdata");
for (a = 0; a < this.h.length; a++) {
var c = this.h[a].tooltip;
c && c.disable()
}(c = this.h[this.ra].tooltip) && c.enable()
za: function (a, b) {
var c = 0,
d = 0,
e = this.e.legend,
f, g, i = this.e.legend.layout != "x" ? "width:" + e.width + "px" : "",
j = dhtmlx.html.create("DIV", {
"class": "dhx_chart_legend",
style: "left:" + c + "px; top:" + d + "px;" + i
}, "");
var k = [];
if (e.values) for (h = 0; h < e.values.length; h++) k.push(this.aa(j, e.values[h].text));
else for (var h = 0; h < b.length; h++) k.push(this.aa(j, e.template(b[h])));
g = j.offsetWidth;
f = j.offsetHeight;
this.e.legend.width = g;
this.e.legend.height = f;
if (g < this.g.offsetWidth) {
if (e.layout == "x" && e.align == "center") c = (this.g.offsetWidth - g) / 2;
if (e.align == "right") c = this.g.offsetWidth - g
if (f < this.g.offsetHeight) if (e.valign == "middle" && e.align != "center" && e.layout != "x") d = (this.g.offsetHeight - f) / 2;
else if (e.valign == "bottom") d = this.g.offsetHeight - f;
j.style.left = c + "px";
j.style.top = d + "px";
for (h = 0; h < k.length; h++) {
var m = k[h],
l = e.values ? e.values[h].color : this.e.color.call(this, b[h]);
this.Aa(a, m.offsetLeft + c, m.offsetTop + d, l)
k = null
aa: function (a, b) {
var c = "";
if (this.e.legend.layout == "x") c = "float:left;";
b = dhtmlx.html.create("DIV", {
style: c + "padding-left:" + (10 + this.e.legend.marker.width) + "px",
"class": "dhx_chart_legend_item"
}, b);
return b
Aa: function (a, b, c, d) {
var e = this.e.legend;
a.strokeStyle = a.fillStyle = d;
a.lineWidth = e.marker.height;
a.lineCap = e.marker.type;
b += a.lineWidth / 2 + 5;
c += a.lineWidth / 2 + 3;
a.moveTo(b, c);
b = b + e.marker.width - e.marker.height + 1;
a.lineTo(b, c);
Ea: function (a, b) {
var c, d, e, f;
c = this.e.padding.left;
d = this.e.padding.top;
e = a - this.e.padding.right;
f = b - this.e.padding.bottom;
if (this.e.legend) {
a = this.e.legend;
b = this.e.legend.width;
var g = this.e.legend.height;
if (a.layout == "x") if (a.valign == "center") if (a.align == "right") e -= b;
else {
if (a.align == "left") c += b
} else if (a.valign == "bottom") f -= g;
else d += g;
else if (a.align == "right") e -= b;
else if (a.align == "left") c += b
return {
start: {
x: c,
y: d
end: {
x: e,
y: f
Q: function (a) {
var b, c;
if (this.e.yAxis && typeof this.e.yAxis.end != "undefied" && typeof this.e.yAxis.start != "undefied" && this.e.yAxis.step) {
b = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.end);
c = parseFloat(this.e.yAxis.start)
} else {
for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
a[d].$sum = 0;
a[d].$min = Infinity;
for (b = 0; b < this.h.length; b++) {
c = parseFloat(this.h[b].value(a[d]));
if (!isNaN(c)) {
a[d].$sum += c;
if (c < a[d].$min) a[d].$min = c
b = -Infinity;
c = Infinity;
for (d = 0; d < a.length; d++) {
if (a[d].$sum > b) b = a[d].$sum;
if (a[d].$min < c) c = a[d].$min
if (c > 0) c = 0
return {
max: b,
min: c
G: function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, i) {
if (f == "light") {
a = i == "x" ? a.createLinearGradient(b, c, d, c) : a.createLinearGradient(b, c, b, e);
a.addColorStop(0, "#FFFFFF");
a.addColorStop(0.9, g);
a.addColorStop(1, g);
g = 2
} else {
a.globalAlpha = 0.37;
g = 0;
a = i == "x" ? a.createLinearGradient(b, e, b, c) : a.createLinearGradient(b, c, d, c);
a.addColorStop(0, "#000000");
a.addColorStop(0.5, "#FFFFFF");
a.addColorStop(0.6, "#FFFFFF");
a.addColorStop(1, "#000000")
return {
gradient: a,
offset: g