
663 lines
26 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenERP, Open Source Management Solution
# Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Tiny SPRL (<http://tiny.be>).
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import time
import locale
from report import report_sxw
#from addons.account.wizard import wizard_account_balance_report
parents = {
'story': 0,
'section': 0
class account_balance(report_sxw.rml_parse):
def __init__(self, cr, uid, name, context):
super(account_balance, self).__init__(cr, uid, name, context=context)
self.flag = 1
self.dr_total = 0.00
self.cr_total = 0.00
self.parent_bal = 0
self.status = 0
self.done_total = 0
self.baldiv = {}
self.empty_parent = 0
self.result_total = {}
self.total_for_perc = []
'time': time,
'lines': self.lines,
'linesForTotal': self.linesForTotal,
'linesForYear': self.linesForYear,
self.context = context
# def repeatIn(self, lst, name, nodes_parent=False,td=False,width=[],value=[],type=[]):
# self._node.data = ''
# node = self._find_parent(self._node, nodes_parent or parents)
# ns = node.nextSibling
# if value==['Cash','%']:
# if show==1:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['','Cash','%']
# type=['lable','lable','lable']
# width=[130,65,65]
# else:
# value=[' ','','Cash','%']
# type=['string','lable','lable','lable']
# width=[65,130,65,65]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['']
# type=['lable']
# width=[195]
# else:
# value=[' ','']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,195]
# else:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['Cash','%']
# type=['lable','lable']
# width=[65,65]
# else:
# value=[' ','Cash','%']
# type=['string','lable','lable']
# width=[65,65,65]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['']
# type=['lable']
# width=[65]
# else:
# value=[' ','']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,65]
# if value==['year']:
# if show==1:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[260]
# else:
# value=[' ','year']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,260]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[195]
# else:
# value=[' ','year']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,195]
# else:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[130]
# else:
# value=[' ','year']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,130]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[65]
# else:
# value=[' ','year']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,65]
# if value==['Debit','Credit','Balance']:
# if show==1:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[65,65,130]
# else:
# value=[' ','Debit','Credit','Balance']
# type=['string','lable','lable','lable']
# width=[65,65,65,130]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[65,65,65]
# else:
# value=[' ','Debit','Credit','Balance']
# type=['string','lable','lable','lable']
# width=[65,65,65,65]
# else:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['Balance']
# type=['lable']
# width=[130]
# else:
# value=[' ','Balance']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,130]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['Balance']
# type=['lable']
# width=[65]
# else:
# value=[' ','Balance']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,65]
# if value==['debit','credit','balance']:
# if show==1:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['debit','credit','balance','balance_perc']
# type=['string','string','string','string']
# width=[65,65,65,65]
# else:
# value=[pattern,'debit','credit','balance','balance_perc']
# type=['string','string','string','string','string']
# width=[65,65,65,65,65]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['debit','credit','balance']
# type=['string','string','string']
# width=[65,65,65]
# else:
# value=[pattern,'debit','credit','balance']
# type=['string','string','string','string']
# width=[65,65,65,65]
# else:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['balance','balance_perc']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,65]
# else:
# value=[pattern,'balance','balance_perc']
# type=['string','string','string']
# width=[65,65,65]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['balance']
# type=['string']
# width=[65]
# else:
# value=[pattern,'balance']
# type=['string','string']
# width=[65,65]
# if value==['sum_debit','sum_credit','']:
# if show==1:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[65,65,130]
# else:
# value=[' ','sum_debit','sum_credit','']
# type=['string','string','string','lable']
# width=[65,65,65,130]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# width=[65,65,65]
# else:
# value=[' ','sum_debit','sum_credit','']
# type=['string','string','string','lable']
# width=[65,65,65,65]
# else:
# if perc==1:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['']
# type=['lable']
# width=[130]
# else:
# value=[' ','']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,130]
# else:
# if pattern=='none':
# value=['']
# type=['lable']
# width=[65]
# else:
# value=[' ','']
# type=['string','lable']
# width=[65,65]
# if not lst:
# lst.append(1)
# for ns in node.childNodes :
# if ns and ns.nodeName!='#text' and ns.tagName=='blockTable' and td :
# width_str = ns._attrs['colWidths'].nodeValue
# ns.removeAttribute('colWidths')
# total_td = td * len(value)
# if not width:
# for v in value:
# width.append(30)
# check1=0
# for t in range(td):
# for v in range(len(value)):
# if type[v] in ('String','STRING','string'):
# if (value[v]==" " or value[0]==pattern):
# if check1==0:
# check1=1
# width_str +=',0.0'
# else:
# width_str +=',%d'%width[v]
# else:
# width_str +=',%d'%width[v]
# else:
# width_str +=',%d'%width[v]
# ns.setAttribute('colWidths',width_str)
# child_list = ns.childNodes
# check=0
# for child in child_list:
# if child.nodeName=='tr':
# lc = child.childNodes[1]
# for t in range(td):
# i=0
# for v in value:
# newnode = lc.cloneNode(1)
# temp2="%s['status']==1 and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Helvetica-bold'})) ]]"%(name)
# if type[i] in ('String','STRING','string'):
# if (v==" " or v==pattern) and i==0 and check==0:
# check=1
# if newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild:
# newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data=""
# else:
# if v==" ":
# if newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild:
# newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data=""
# else:
# t1= "[[ %s['%s%d'] ]]"%(name,v,t)
# if v=="year" or v=="sum_debit" or v=="sum_credit":
# if newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild:
# newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data = t1
# else:
# if newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild:
# newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data = t1+"[["+temp2
## newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data=[[ a['status']==1 and ( setTag('para','para',{'fontName':'Times-bold'})) ]]
# elif type[i] in ('Lable','LABLE','lable'):
# if newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild:
# newnode.childNodes[1].lastChild.data= v
# child.appendChild(newnode)
# newnode=False
# i+=1
# return super(account_balance,self).repeatIn(lst, name, nodes_parent=False)
def linesForYear(self, form):
temp = 0
years = {}
global pattern
global show
global perc
global bal_zero
global ref_bal
pattern = form['compare_pattern']
if form['show_columns'] != 1:
show = 0
show = form['show_columns']
if form['format_perc'] != 1:
perc = 0
perc = form['format_perc']
if form['account_choice'] == 'bal_zero':
bal_zero = 0
bal_zero = 1
ctx = self.context.copy()
if perc == 1:
if form['select_account'] != False:
ref_ac = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, form['select_account'], ctx.copy())
if ref_ac.balance <> 0.00:
ref_bal = ref_ac.balance
ref_bal = 1.00
ref_bal = 'nothing'
ref_bal = 'nothing'
total_for_perc = []
# if perc==1:
self.done_total = 1
self.total_for_perc = self.linesForTotal(form, ids={}, doneAccount={}, level=1)
self.done_total = 0
for t1 in range(0, len(form['fiscalyear'][0][2])):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
self.result_total["sum_credit" + str(t1)] = locale.format("%.2f", self.result_total["sum_credit" + str(t1)], grouping=True)
self.result_total["sum_debit" + str(t1)] = locale.format("%.2f", self.result_total["sum_debit" + str(t1)], grouping=True)
# self.flag=1
# self.result_total = {}
for temp in range(0, len(form['fiscalyear'][0][2])):
fy = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').name_get(self.cr, self.uid, form['fiscalyear'][0][2][temp])
years["year" + str(temp)] = fy[0][1][12:16]
return [years]
def linesForTotal(self, form, ids={}, doneAccount={}, level=1):
if self.done_total == 1:
self.done_total == 1
return [self.result_total]
accounts = []
if not ids:
ids = self.ids
if not ids:
return []
ctx = self.context.copy()
result_total_parent = []
for id in form['fiscalyear'][0][2]:
tmp = []
ctx['fiscalyear'] = id
ctx['periods'] = form['periods'][0][2]
ctx['period_manner'] = form['period_manner']
ctx['state'] = form['context'].get('state', 'all')
tmp = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, ids, ctx.copy())
if len(tmp):
merged_accounts = zip(*accounts)
# used to check for the frst record so all sum_credit and sum_debit r set to 0.00
if level == 1:
doneAccount = {}
for entry in merged_accounts:
if entry[0].id in doneAccount:
doneAccount[entry[0].id] = 1
for k in range(0, len(entry)):
temp_credit = 0.00
temp_debit = 0.00
if entry[0].type <> 'view':
temp_credit += entry[k].credit
temp_debit += entry[k].debit
if self.flag == 1:
self.result_total["sum_credit" + str(k)] = 0.00
self.result_total["sum_debit" + str(k)] = 0.00
if form['account_choice'] == 'bal_zero':
if temp_credit <> temp_debit:
self.result_total["sum_credit" + str(k)] += temp_credit
self.result_total["sum_debit" + str(k)] += temp_debit
self.result_total["sum_credit" + str(k)] += temp_credit
self.result_total["sum_debit" + str(k)] += temp_debit
self.flag = 2
if entry[0].child_id:
ids2 = [(x.code, x.id) for x in entry[0].child_id]
result_total_parent = self.linesForTotal(form, [x[1] for x in ids2], doneAccount, level + 1)
return [self.result_total]
def lines(self, form, ids={}, done={}, level=1):
accounts = []
if not ids:
ids = self.ids
if not ids:
return []
result = []
ctx = self.context.copy()
tmp1 = []
for id in form['fiscalyear'][0][2]:
ctx['fiscalyear'] = id
ctx['periods'] = form['periods'][0][2]
ctx['period_manner'] = form['period_manner']
ctx['state'] = form['context'].get('state', 'all')
tmp1 = self.pool.get('account.account').browse(self.cr, self.uid, ids, ctx.copy())
if len(tmp1):
if level == 1: #if parent is called,done is not empty when called again.
done = {}
def cmp_code(x, y):
return cmp(x.code, y.code)
for n in range(0, len(accounts)):
common = {}
merged_accounts = zip(*accounts)
for entry in merged_accounts:
j = 0
checked = 1
if form['account_choice'] != 'all': # if checked,include empty a/c;not otherwise
checked = 0
if entry[0].id in done:
done[entry[0].id] = 1
if entry[0].child_id: # this is for parent account,dont check 0 for it
checked = 4
self.status = 1 # for displaying it Bold
self.status = 0
if checked == 0:
i = 0
for i in range(0, len(entry)):
if bal_zero == 0:
if entry[i].balance <> 0.0:
checked = 4
checked = 3
i = i + 1
if entry[i].credit <> 0.0 or entry[i].debit <> 0.0:
checked = 4
checked = 3
i = i + 1
if checked == 3:
# this is the point where we skip those accounts which are encountered as empty ones
self.empty_parent = 0
self.empty_parent = 1
res = {
'code': entry[0].code,
'name': entry[0].name,
'level': level,
'status': self.status,
for j in range(0, len(entry)):
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
res["debit" + str(j)] = locale.format("%.2f", entry[j].debit, grouping=True)
res["credit" + str(j)] = locale.format("%.2f", entry[j].credit, grouping=True)
res["balance" + str(j)] = locale.format("%.2f", entry[j].balance, grouping=True)
if j == 0:
res["bal_cash" + str(j)] = "0.00"
res["bal_perc" + str(j)] = "0.00%"
temp_cash = entry[j].balance - entry[j - 1].balance
res["bal_cash" + str(j)] = locale.format("%.2f", temp_cash, grouping=True)
if entry[j - 1].balance <> 0.00:
temp_perc = (entry[j].balance - entry[j - 1].balance) * 100 / entry[j - 1].balance
temp_perc = (entry[j].balance) * 100
res["bal_perc" + str(j)] = locale.format("%.2f", temp_perc) + "%"
if ref_bal == 'nothing':
if level == 1:
self.parent_bal = 1
self.parent_bal = 0
if self.parent_bal == 1:
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = "/"
if entry[j].balance == 0.00:
if self.baldiv["baldiv" + str(level - 1) + str(j)] <> 0.00:
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = "0.00%"
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = "/"
if self.baldiv["baldiv" + str(level - 1) + str(j)] <> 0.00:
temp = self.baldiv["baldiv" + str(level - 1) + str(j)]
temp1 = (entry[j].balance * 100) / float(temp)
temp1 = round(temp1, 2)
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = str(temp1) + "%"
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = "/"
res["balance_perc" + str(j)] = str((entry[j].balance * 100) / float(ref_bal)) + "%"
if entry[0].child_id:
for q in range(0, len(form['fiscalyear'][0][2])):
self.baldiv["baldiv" + str(level) + str(q)] = entry[q].balance
ids2 = [(x.code, x.id) for x in entry[0].child_id]
dir = []
dir += self.lines(form, [x[1] for x in ids2], done, level + 1)
if dir == []:
for w in range(0, len(form['fiscalyear'][0][2])):
if entry[w].credit <> 0.0 or entry[w].debit <> 0.0 or entry[w].balance <> 0.00:
dont_pop = 1
dont_pop = 0
if dont_pop == 1:
result += dir
result.pop(-1) # here we pop up the parent having its children as emprty accounts
result += dir
return result
def get_years(self, form):
result = []
res = {}
for temp in range(0, len(form['fiscalyear'][0][2])):
res = {}
fy = self.pool.get('account.fiscalyear').name_get(self.cr, self.uid, form['fiscalyear'][0][2][temp])
res['year'] = fy[0][1]
res['last_str'] = temp
return result
def get_lines(self, year_dict, form):
final_result = []
line_l = []
res = {}
line_l = self.lines(form)
if line_l:
for l in line_l:
res = {}
res['code'] = l['code']
res['name'] = l['name']
res['level'] = l['level']
for k, v in l.items():
if k.startswith('debit' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['debit'] = v
if k.startswith('credit' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['credit'] = v
if k.startswith('balance' + str(year_dict['last_str'])) and not k.startswith('balance_perc' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['balance'] = v
if k.startswith('balance_perc' + str(year_dict['last_str'])) and not k.startswith('balance' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['balance_perc'] = v
if form['compare_pattern'] == 'bal_perc':
if k.startswith('bal_perc' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['pattern'] = v
elif form['compare_pattern'] == 'bal_cash':
if k.startswith('bal_cash' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
res['pattern'] = v
res['pattern'] = ''
return final_result
def cal_total(self, year_dict):
total_l = self.result_total
if total_l:
for k, v in total_l.items():
if k.startswith('sum_debit' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
self.dr_total = v
elif k.startswith('sum_credit' + str(year_dict['last_str'])):
self.cr_total = v
return True
def total_dr(self):
return self.dr_total
def total_cr(self):
return self.cr_total
report_sxw.report_sxw('report.account.balance.account.balance', 'account.account', 'addons/account_balance/report/account_balance.rml', parser=account_balance, header=False)
# vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4: