
176 lines
4.5 KiB

# Translation of OpenERP Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * auth_oauth
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 7.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-14 00:10+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-17 08:37+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-7/language/nl/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: nl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,validation_endpoint:0
msgid "Validation URL"
msgstr "Validatie URL"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,auth_endpoint:0
msgid "Authentication URL"
msgstr "Authenticatie URL"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_oauth.model_base_config_settings
msgid "base.config.settings"
msgstr "base.config.settings"
#. module: auth_oauth
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:14
#, python-format
msgid "Sign up error"
msgstr "Aanmeld fout"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,name:0
msgid "Provider name"
msgstr "Provider name"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,scope:0
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Bereik"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:res.users,oauth_provider_id:0
msgid "OAuth Provider"
msgstr "OAuth Provider"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,css_class:0
msgid "CSS class"
msgstr "CSS klasse"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,body:0
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Body"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_oauth.model_res_users
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Gebruikers"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,sequence:0
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "onbekend"
#. module: auth_oauth
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:16
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:18
#, python-format
msgid "Authentication error"
msgstr "Authenticatie fout"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:res.users,oauth_access_token:0
msgid "OAuth Access Token"
msgstr "OAuth Access Token"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,client_id:0
#: field:base.config.settings,auth_oauth_facebook_client_id:0
#: field:base.config.settings,auth_oauth_google_client_id:0
msgid "Client ID"
msgstr "Client ID"
#. module: auth_oauth
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:16
#, python-format
msgid "Access Denied"
msgstr "Toegang geweigerd"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:auth_oauth.menu_oauth_providers
msgid "OAuth Providers"
msgstr "OAuth Providers"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: model:ir.model,name:auth_oauth.model_auth_oauth_provider
msgid "OAuth2 provider"
msgstr "OAuth2 provider"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:res.users,oauth_uid:0
msgid "OAuth User ID"
msgstr "OAuth User ID"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:base.config.settings,auth_oauth_facebook_enabled:0
msgid "Allow users to sign in with Facebook"
msgstr "Gestaan dat gebruikers inloggen ia Facebook."
#. module: auth_oauth
#: sql_constraint:res.users:0
msgid "OAuth UID must be unique per provider"
msgstr "OAuth UID moet uniek zijn per provider"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: help:res.users,oauth_uid:0
msgid "Oauth Provider user_id"
msgstr "Oauth Provider user_id"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,data_endpoint:0
msgid "Data URL"
msgstr "Data URL"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: view:auth.oauth.provider:0
msgid "arch"
msgstr "arch"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:auth_oauth.action_oauth_provider
msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Providers"
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:base.config.settings,auth_oauth_google_enabled:0
msgid "Allow users to sign in with Google"
msgstr "Toestaan da gebruikers inloggen via Google."
#. module: auth_oauth
#: field:auth.oauth.provider,enabled:0
msgid "Allowed"
msgstr "Toegestaan"
#. module: auth_oauth
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:14
#, python-format
msgid "Sign up is not allowed on this database."
msgstr "Aanmelden is niet toegestaan binnen deze database."
#. module: auth_oauth
#. openerp-web
#: code:addons/auth_oauth/static/src/js/auth_oauth.js:18
#, python-format
msgid ""
"You do not have access to this database or your invitation has expired. "
"Please ask for an invitation and be sure to follow the link in your "
"invitation email."
msgstr "U heeft geen toegang tot deze database of uw uitnodiging is verlopen. Vraag aub een nieuwe uitnodiging en wees er zeker van om de link te volgen in uw uitnodigings e-mail."