
119 lines
4.6 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import openerp
from openerp.addons.web import http
from openerp.addons.web.http import request
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound
import urllib
def get_html_head():
head = ['<link href="https://www.openerp.com/saas_master/static/site_new/fonts/lato/stylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">']
return "\n ".join(head)
class Ecommerce(http.Controller):
def to_url(self, paths):
url = ""
for path in paths:
if isinstance(path, (int, long)):
path = "%s" % path
url = "%s/%s" % (url, urllib.quote_plus(path.encode('utf-8')))
return url
def path_category(self, category_browse):
paths = []
cat = category_browse
while cat.parent_id:
cat = cat.parent_id
return paths
def render_product(self, cr, uid, product_id):
product_obj = request.registry.get('product.product')
product = product_obj.read(cr, uid, product_id, [])
if not product:
raise NotFound()
content = request.registry.get("ir.ui.view").render(cr, uid, 'ecommerce.product', product)
return content
# select main category or sub categories
def render_product_list(self, cr, uid, category_id=None, search="", offset=0):
product_obj = request.registry.get('product.product')
product_ids = product_obj.search(cr, uid, category_id and [('pos_categ_id.id', 'child_of', category_id)] or [(1, '=', 1)], limit=20, offset=offset)
products = []
for prod in product_obj.browse(cr, uid, product_ids):
paths = self.path_category(prod.pos_categ_id)
paths += [prod.pos_categ_id.name, prod.id, prod.name]
product = prod.read(['image_small', 'image_medium', 'list_price', 'description_sale', 'name'])[0]
product['url'] = self.to_url(paths)
return request.registry.get("ir.ui.view").render(cr, uid, 'ecommerce.product_list', {'products': products, 'search': search})
def render_category_list(self, cr, uid, category_id=None):
category_obj = request.registry.get('pos.category')
category_ids = category_obj.search(cr, uid, [('parent_id', '=', False)])
def get_category_data(category):
paths = self.path_category(category)
child_ids = []
for child in category.child_id:
return {
'name': category.name,
'url': self.to_url(paths),
'selected': category['id'] == category_id,
'child_ids': child_ids,
categories = []
for category in category_obj.browse(cr, uid, category_ids):
return request.registry.get("ir.ui.view").render(cr, uid, 'ecommerce.categories', {'categories': categories})
@http.route(['/shop', '/shop/', '/shop/<path:path>'], type='http', auth="db")
def shop(self, path=None, offset=0):
category_obj = request.registry.get('pos.category')
cr = request.cr
uid = request.session._uid
paths = [urllib.unquote_plus(path) for path in path and path.strip('/').split('/') or []]
product_id = None
category_id = None
if paths:
if len(paths) >= 2 and paths[-2].isdigit():
product_id = int(paths[-2])
if product_id:
category = len(paths) >= 3 and paths[-3] or None
category = paths[-1]
if category:
category_id = category_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', 'ilike', category)])[0]
content = request.registry.get("ir.ui.view").render(cr, uid, 'ecommerce.product_container', {})
products = product_id and \
self.render_product(cr, uid, product_id) or \
self.render_product_list(cr, uid, category_id, "trucmuch", offset=offset)
content = content.replace('<div class="placeholder_product"/>', products)
categories = self.render_category_list(cr, uid, category_id)
content = content.replace('<div class="placeholder_category"/>', categories)
html = open(openerp.addons.get_module_resource('ecommerce', 'views', 'homepage.html'), 'rb').read().decode('utf8')
html = html.replace('<!--placeholder_container-->', content)
html = html.replace('<!--editable-->', get_html_head())
return html
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