# aim to unpick this later module Spree::PaypalExpress include ERB::Util include ActiveMerchant::RequiresParameters def self.included(target) target.before_filter :redirect_to_paypal_express_form_if_needed, :only => [:update] end def paypal_checkout load_order opts = all_opts(@order, params[:payment_method_id], 'checkout') opts.merge!(address_options(@order)) gateway = paypal_gateway if Spree::Config[:auto_capture] response = gateway.setup_purchase(opts[:money], opts) else response = gateway.setup_authorization(opts[:money], opts) end unless response.success? gateway_error(response) redirect_to edit_order_url(@order) return end redirect_to (gateway.redirect_url_for response.token, :review => payment_method.preferred_review) end def paypal_payment load_order opts = all_opts(@order,params[:payment_method_id], 'payment') opts.merge!(address_options(@order)) gateway = paypal_gateway if Spree::Config[:auto_capture] response = gateway.setup_purchase(opts[:money], opts) else response = gateway.setup_authorization(opts[:money], opts) end unless response.success? gateway_error(response) redirect_to edit_order_checkout_url(@order, :state => "payment") return end redirect_to (gateway.redirect_url_for response.token, :review => payment_method.preferred_review) end def paypal_confirm load_order opts = { :token => params[:token], :payer_id => params[:PayerID] }.merge all_opts(@order, params[:payment_method_id], 'payment') gateway = paypal_gateway @ppx_details = gateway.details_for params[:token] if @ppx_details.success? # now save the updated order info PaypalAccount.create(:email => @ppx_details.params["payer"], :payer_id => @ppx_details.params["payer_id"], :payer_country => @ppx_details.params["payer_country"], :payer_status => @ppx_details.params["payer_status"]) @order.special_instructions = @ppx_details.params["note"] unless payment_method.preferred_no_shipping ship_address = @ppx_details.address order_ship_address = Address.new :firstname => @ppx_details.params["first_name"], :lastname => @ppx_details.params["last_name"], :address1 => ship_address["address1"], :address2 => ship_address["address2"], :city => ship_address["city"], :country => Country.find_by_iso(ship_address["country"]), :zipcode => ship_address["zip"], # phone is currently blanked in AM's PPX response lib :phone => @ppx_details.params["phone"] || "(not given)" if (state = State.find_by_abbr(ship_address["state"])) order_ship_address.state = state else order_ship_address.state_name = ship_address["state"] end order_ship_address.save! @order.ship_address = order_ship_address end @order.save if payment_method.preferred_review render 'shared/paypal_express_confirm', :layout => 'spree_application' else paypal_finish end else gateway_error(@ppx_details) #Failed trying to get payment details from PPX redirect_to edit_order_checkout_url(@order, :state => "payment") end end def paypal_finish load_order opts = { :token => params[:token], :payer_id => params[:PayerID] }.merge all_opts(@order, params[:payment_method_id], 'payment' ) gateway = paypal_gateway if Spree::Config[:auto_capture] ppx_auth_response = gateway.purchase((@order.total*100).to_i, opts) else ppx_auth_response = gateway.authorize((@order.total*100).to_i, opts) end if ppx_auth_response.success? paypal_account = PaypalAccount.find_by_payer_id(params[:PayerID]) payment = @order.payments.create( :amount => ppx_auth_response.params["gross_amount"].to_f, :source => paypal_account, :source_type => 'PaypalAccount', :payment_method_id => params[:payment_method_id], :response_code => ppx_auth_response.params["ack"], :avs_response => ppx_auth_response.avs_result["code"]) # transition through the state machine. This way any callbacks can be made payment.started_processing! payment.pend! #confirm status case ppx_auth_response.params["payment_status"] when "Completed" payment.complete! when "Pending" else Rails.logger.error "Unexpected response from PayPal Express" Rails.logger.error ppx_auth_response.to_yaml end record_log payment, ppx_auth_response @order.save! #need to force checkout to complete state until @order.state == "complete" if @order.next! state_callback(:after) end end flash[:notice] = I18n.t(:order_processed_successfully) redirect_to completion_route else order_params = {} gateway_error(ppx_auth_response) #Failed trying to complete pending payment! redirect_to edit_order_checkout_url(@order, :state => "payment") end end private def record_log(payment, response) payment.log_entries.create(:details => response.to_yaml) end def redirect_to_paypal_express_form_if_needed return unless (params[:state] == "payment") if params[:order][:coupon_code] @order.update_attributes(object_params) @order.process_coupon_code end load_order payment_method = PaymentMethod.find(params[:order][:payments_attributes].first[:payment_method_id]) if payment_method.kind_of?(BillingIntegration::PaypalExpress) || payment_method.kind_of?(BillingIntegration::PaypalExpressUk) redirect_to paypal_payment_order_checkout_url(@order, :payment_method_id => payment_method) end end def fixed_opts if Spree::Config[:paypal_express_local_confirm].nil? user_action = "continue" else user_action = Spree::Config[:paypal_express_local_confirm] == "t" ? "continue" : "commit" end { :description => "Goods from #{Spree::Config[:site_name]}", # site details... #:page_style => "foobar", # merchant account can set named config :header_image => "https://" + Spree::Config[:site_url] + "/images/logo.png", :background_color => "ffffff", # must be hex only, six chars :header_background_color => "ffffff", :header_border_color => "ffffff", :allow_note => true, :locale => Spree::Config[:default_locale], :req_confirm_shipping => false, # for security, might make an option later :user_action => user_action # WARNING -- don't use :ship_discount, :insurance_offered, :insurance since # they've not been tested and may trigger some paypal bugs, eg not showing order # see http://www.pdncommunity.com/t5/PayPal-Developer-Blog/Displaying-Order-Details-in-Express-Checkout/bc-p/92902#C851 } end # hook to override paypal site options def paypal_site_opts {} end def order_opts(order, payment_method, stage) items = order.line_items.map do |item| price = (item.price * 100).to_i # convert for gateway { :name => item.variant.product.name, :description => item.variant.product.description[0..120], :sku => item.variant.sku, :qty => item.quantity, :amount => price, :weight => item.variant.weight, :height => item.variant.height, :width => item.variant.width, :depth => item.variant.weight } end credits = order.adjustments.map do |credit| if credit.amount < 0.00 { :name => credit.label, :description => credit.label, :sku => credit.id, :qty => 1, :amount => (credit.amount*100).to_i } end end credits_total = 0 if credits.compact! items.concat credits credits_total = credits.map {|i| i[:amount] * i[:qty] }.sum end opts = { :return_url => request.protocol + request.host_with_port + "/orders/#{order.number}/checkout/paypal_confirm?payment_method_id=#{payment_method}", :cancel_return_url => "http://" + request.host_with_port + "/orders/#{order.number}/edit", :order_id => order.number, :custom => order.number, :items => items } if stage == "checkout" # recalculate all totals here as we need to ignore shipping & tax because we are checking-out via paypal (spree checkout not started) opts[:subtotal] = ((order.item_total * 100) + credits_total ).to_i opts[:handling] = 0 opts[:tax] = ((order.adjustments.map { |a| a.amount if ( a.source_type == 'Order' && a.label == 'Tax') }.compact.sum) * 100 ).to_i opts[:shipping] = ((order.adjustments.map { |a| a.amount if a.source_type == 'Shipment' }.compact.sum) * 100 ).to_i # overall total opts[:money] = (order.total * 100 ).to_i opts[:callback_url] = "http://" + request.host_with_port + "/paypal_express_callbacks/#{order.number}" opts[:callback_timeout] = 3 elsif stage == "payment" #use real totals are we are paying via paypal (spree checkout almost complete) opts[:subtotal] = ((order.item_total * 100) + credits_total ).to_i opts[:tax] = ((order.adjustments.map { |a| a.amount if ( a.source_type == 'Order' && a.label == 'Tax') }.compact.sum) * 100 ).to_i opts[:shipping] = ((order.adjustments.map { |a| a.amount if a.source_type == 'Shipment' }.compact.sum) * 100 ).to_i #hack to add float rounding difference in as handling fee - prevents PayPal from rejecting orders #because the integer totals are different from the float based total. This is temporary and will be #removed once Spree's currency values are persisted as integers (normally only 1c) opts[:handling] = (order.total*100).to_i - opts.slice(:subtotal, :tax, :shipping).values.sum opts[:money] = (order.total*100).to_i end opts end def address_options(order) if payment_method.preferred_no_shipping { :no_shipping => true } else { :no_shipping => false, :address_override => true, :address => { :name => "#{order.ship_address.firstname} #{order.ship_address.lastname}", :address1 => order.ship_address.address1, :address2 => order.ship_address.address2, :city => order.ship_address.city, :state => order.ship_address.state.nil? ? order.ship_address.state_name.to_s : order.ship_address.state.abbr, :country => order.ship_address.country.iso, :zip => order.ship_address.zipcode, :phone => order.ship_address.phone } } end end def all_opts(order, payment_method, stage=nil) opts = fixed_opts.merge(order_opts(order, payment_method, stage)).merge(paypal_site_opts) if stage == "payment" opts.merge! flat_rate_shipping_and_handling_options(order, stage) end # suggest current user's email or any email stored in the order opts[:email] = current_user ? current_user.email : order.email opts end # hook to allow applications to load in their own shipping and handling costs def flat_rate_shipping_and_handling_options(order, stage) # max_fallback = 0.0 # shipping_options = ShippingMethod.all.map do |shipping_method| # max_fallback = shipping_method.fallback_amount if shipping_method.fallback_amount > max_fallback # { :name => "#{shipping_method.id}", # :label => "#{shipping_method.name} - #{shipping_method.zone.name}", # :amount => (shipping_method.fallback_amount*100) + 1, # :default => shipping_method.is_default } # end # # # default_shipping_method = ShippingMethod.find(:first, :conditions => {:is_default => true}) # # opts = { :shipping_options => shipping_options, # :max_amount => (order.total + max_fallback)*100 # } # # opts[:shipping] = (default_shipping_method.nil? ? 0 : default_shipping_method.fallback_amount) if stage == "checkout" # # opts {} end def gateway_error(response) text = response.params['message'] || response.params['response_reason_text'] || response.message msg = "#{I18n.t('gateway_error')} ... #{text}" logger.error(msg) flash[:error] = msg end # create the gateway from the supplied options def payment_method PaymentMethod.find(params[:payment_method_id]) end def paypal_gateway payment_method.provider end end