require 'spec_helper' describe Spree::BillingIntegration::PaypalExpressBase do let(:order) do order = =>, :ship_address => end let(:gateway) do gateway ={:environment => 'test', :active => true, :preferred_currency => "EUR"}, :without_protection => true) gateway.stub :source_required => true gateway.stub :provider => mock('paypal provider') gateway.stub :find_authorization => mock('authorization', :params => authorization_params) gateway end let(:authorization_params) { {'transaction_id' => '123'} } let(:provider) { gateway.provider } let(:account) do mock_model(Spree::PaypalAccount) end let(:payment) do payment = payment.source = account payment.order = order payment.payment_method = gateway payment.amount = 10.0 payment end let(:amount_in_cents) { payment.amount.to_f * 100 } let!(:success_response) do mock('success_response', :success? => true, :authorization => '123', :avs_result => { 'code' => 'avs-code' }) end let(:failed_response) { mock('gateway_response', :success? => false) } before(:each) do # So it doesn't create log entries every time a processing method is called payment.log_entries.stub(:create) end describe "#capture" do before { payment.state = 'pending' } context "when payment_profiles_supported = true" do before { gateway.stub :payment_profiles_supported? => true } context "if sucessful" do before do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(amount_in_cents, '123', :currency => 'EUR').and_return(success_response) end it "should store the response_code" do payment.capture! payment.response_code.should == '123' end end context "if unsucessful" do before do gateway.should_receive(:capture).with(payment, account, anything).and_return(failed_response) end it "should not make payment complete" do lambda { payment.capture! }.should raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) payment.state.should == "failed" end end end context "when payment_profiles_supported = false" do before do payment.stub :response_code => '123' gateway.stub :payment_profiles_supported? => false end context "if sucessful" do before do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(amount_in_cents, '123', anything).and_return(success_response) end it "should store the response_code" do payment.capture! payment.response_code.should == '123' end end context "if unsucessful" do before do provider.should_receive(:capture).with(amount_in_cents, '123', anything).and_return(failed_response) end it "should not make payment complete" do lambda { payment.capture! }.should raise_error(Spree::Core::GatewayError) payment.state.should == "failed" end end end end describe "#credit" do before { payment.stub :response_code => '123' } context "when payment_profiles_supported = true" do before { gateway.stub :payment_profiles_supported? => true } it "should receive correct params" do provider.should_receive(:credit).with(1000, '123', :currency => 'EUR').and_return(success_response)!(10.0) payment.response_code.should == '123' end end context "when payment_profiles_supported = false" do before do payment.stub :response_code => '123' gateway.stub :payment_profiles_supported? => false end it "should receive correct params" do provider.should_receive(:credit).with(amount_in_cents, '123', :currency => 'EUR').and_return(success_response)!(10.0) payment.response_code.should == '123' end end end end