#!/bin/sh export PATH=/env/bin global hostname global user global autoboot_timeout global boot.default global allow_color global linux.bootargs.base global linux.bootargs.console #linux.bootargs.dyn.* will be cleared at the beginning of boot global linux.bootargs.dyn.ip global linux.bootargs.dyn.root global editcmd [ -z "${global.hostname}" ] && global.hostname=generic [ -z "${global.user}" ] && global.user=none magicvar -a global.user "username (used in network filenames)" [ -z "${global.autoboot_timeout}" ] && global.autoboot_timeout=3 magicvar -a global.autoboot_timeout "timeout in seconds before automatic booting" [ -z "${global.boot.default}" ] && global.boot.default=net [ -z "${global.allow_color}" ] && global.allow_color=true magicvar -a global.allow_color "Allow color on the console (boolean)" [ -z "${global.editcmd}" ] && global.editcmd=sedit [ -e /env/config-board ] && /env/config-board /env/config # request password to login if a timeout is specified and password set if [ -n ${global.login.timeout} ]; then [ ${global.login.timeout} -gt 0 ] && login_cmd=login fi # allow the input if not [ -n ${global.console.input_allow} ] && global.console.input_allow=1 # allow to stop the boot before execute the /env/init/* # but without waiting timeout -s -a -v key 0 autoboot="$?" if [ "${key}" = "q" ]; then ${login_cmd} exit fi [ -n ${login_cmd} ] && global.console.input_allow=0 for i in /env/init/*; do . $i done if [ -e /env/menu ]; then echo -e -n "\nHit m for menu or any other key to stop autoboot: " else echo -e -n "\nHit any key to stop autoboot: " fi [ -n ${login_cmd} ] && global.console.input_allow=1 if [ "$autoboot" = 0 ]; then timeout -a $global.autoboot_timeout -v key autoboot="$?" fi [ -n ${login_cmd} ] && global.console.input_allow=0 if [ "${key}" = "q" ]; then ${login_cmd} exit fi if [ "$autoboot" = 0 ]; then boot fi if [ -e /env/menu ]; then ${login_cmd} if [ "${key}" != "m" ]; then echo -e "\ntype exit to get to the menu" sh fi /env/menu/mainmenu fi ${login_cmd}