
234 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import fnmatch
import logging
import os
import sys
import bb.utils
from bblayers.common import LayerPlugin
logger = logging.getLogger('bitbake-layers')
def plugin_init(plugins):
return ActionPlugin()
class ActionPlugin(LayerPlugin):
def do_add_layer(self, args):
"""Add a layer to bblayers.conf."""
layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
if not os.path.exists(layerdir):
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't exist\n")
return 1
layer_conf = os.path.join(layerdir, 'conf', 'layer.conf')
if not os.path.exists(layer_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer directory doesn't contain a conf/layer.conf file\n")
return 1
bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
return 1
notadded, _ = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, layerdir, None)
if notadded:
for item in notadded:
sys.stderr.write("Specified layer %s is already in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
def do_remove_layer(self, args):
"""Remove a layer from bblayers.conf."""
bblayers_conf = os.path.join('conf', 'bblayers.conf')
if not os.path.exists(bblayers_conf):
sys.stderr.write("Unable to find bblayers.conf\n")
return 1
if args.layerdir.startswith('*'):
layerdir = args.layerdir
elif not '/' in args.layerdir:
layerdir = '*/%s' % args.layerdir
layerdir = os.path.abspath(args.layerdir)
(_, notremoved) = bb.utils.edit_bblayers_conf(bblayers_conf, None, layerdir)
if notremoved:
for item in notremoved:
sys.stderr.write("No layers matching %s found in BBLAYERS\n" % item)
return 1
def do_flatten(self, args):
"""flatten layer configuration into a separate output directory.
Takes the specified layers (or all layers in the current layer
configuration if none are specified) and builds a "flattened" directory
containing the contents of all layers, with any overlayed recipes removed
and bbappends appended to the corresponding recipes. Note that some manual
cleanup may still be necessary afterwards, in particular:
* where non-recipe files (such as patches) are overwritten (the flatten
command will show a warning for these)
* where anything beyond the normal layer setup has been added to
layer.conf (only the lowest priority number layer's layer.conf is used)
* overridden/appended items from bbappends will need to be tidied up
* when the flattened layers do not have the same directory structure (the
flatten command should show a warning when this will cause a problem)
Warning: if you flatten several layers where another layer is intended to
be used "inbetween" them (in layer priority order) such that recipes /
bbappends in the layers interact, and then attempt to use the new output
layer together with that other layer, you may no longer get the same
build results (as the layer priority order has effectively changed).
if len(args.layer) == 1:
logger.error('If you specify layers to flatten you must specify at least two')
return 1
outputdir = args.outputdir
if os.path.exists(outputdir) and os.listdir(outputdir):
logger.error('Directory %s exists and is non-empty, please clear it out first' % outputdir)
return 1
layers = self.bblayers
if len(args.layer) > 2:
layernames = args.layer
found_layernames = []
found_layerdirs = []
for layerdir in layers:
layername = self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
if layername in layernames:
for layername in layernames:
if not layername in found_layernames:
logger.error('Unable to find layer %s in current configuration, please run "%s show-layers" to list configured layers' % (layername, os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
layers = found_layerdirs
layernames = []
# Ensure a specified path matches our list of layers
def layer_path_match(path):
for layerdir in layers:
if path.startswith(os.path.join(layerdir, '')):
return layerdir
return None
applied_appends = []
for layer in layers:
overlayed = []
for f in self.tinfoil.cooker.collection.overlayed.keys():
for of in self.tinfoil.cooker.collection.overlayed[f]:
if of.startswith(layer):
logger.plain('Copying files from %s...' % layer )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(layer):
if '.git' in dirs:
if '.hg' in dirs:
for f1 in files:
f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
if f1full in overlayed:
logger.plain(' Skipping overlayed file %s' % f1full )
ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
if ext != '.bbappend':
fdest = f1full[len(layer):]
fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
if os.path.exists(fdest):
if f1 == 'layer.conf' and root.endswith('/conf'):
logger.plain(' Skipping layer config file %s' % f1full )
logger.warning('Overwriting file %s', fdest)
bb.utils.copyfile(f1full, fdest)
if ext == '.bb':
for append in self.tinfoil.cooker.collection.get_file_appends(f1full):
if layer_path_match(append):
logger.plain(' Applying append %s to %s' % (append, fdest))
self.apply_append(append, fdest)
# Take care of when some layers are excluded and yet we have included bbappends for those recipes
for b in self.tinfoil.cooker.collection.bbappends:
(recipename, appendname) = b
if appendname not in applied_appends:
first_append = None
layer = layer_path_match(appendname)
if layer:
if first_append:
self.apply_append(appendname, first_append)
fdest = appendname[len(layer):]
fdest = os.path.normpath(os.sep.join([outputdir,fdest]))
bb.utils.copyfile(appendname, fdest)
first_append = fdest
# Get the regex for the first layer in our list (which is where the conf/layer.conf file will
# have come from)
first_regex = None
layerdir = layers[0]
bitbake: bitbake: Initial multi-config support This patch adds the notion of supporting multiple configurations within a single build. To enable it, set a line in local.conf like: BBMULTICONFIG = "configA configB configC" This would tell bitbake that before it parses the base configuration, it should load conf/configA.conf and so on for each different configuration. These would contain lines like: MACHINE = "A" or other variables which can be set which can be built in the same build directory (or change TMPDIR not to conflict). One downside I've already discovered is that if we want to inherit this file right at the start of parsing, the only place you can put the configurations is in "cwd", since BBPATH isn't constructed until the layers are parsed and therefore using it as a preconf file isn't possible unless its located there. Execution of these targets takes the form "bitbake multiconfig:configA:core-image-minimal core-image-sato" so similar to our virtclass approach for native/nativesdk/multilib using BBCLASSEXTEND. Implementation wise, the implication is that instead of tasks being uniquely referenced with "recipename/fn:task" it now needs to be "configuration:recipename:task". We already started using "virtual" filenames for recipes when we implemented BBCLASSEXTEND and this patch adds a new prefix to these, "multiconfig:<configname>:" and hence avoid changes to a large part of the codebase thanks to this. databuilder has an internal array of data stores and uses the right one depending on the supplied virtual filename. That trick allows us to use the existing parsing code including the multithreading mostly unchanged as well as most of the cache code. For recipecache, we end up with a dict of these accessed by multiconfig (mc). taskdata and runqueue can only cope with one recipecache so for taskdata, we pass in each recipecache and have it compute the result and end up with an array of taskdatas. We can only have one runqueue so there extensive changes there. This initial implementation has some drawbacks: a) There are no inter-multi-configuration dependencies as yet b) There are no sstate optimisations. This means if the build uses the same object twice in say two different TMPDIRs, it will either load from an existing sstate cache at the start or build it twice. We can then in due course look at ways in which it would only build it once and then reuse it. This will likely need significant changes to the way sstate currently works to make that possible. (Bitbake rev: 5287991691578825c847bac2368e9b51c0ede3f0) Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2016-08-16 16:47:06 +00:00
for layername, pattern, regex, _ in self.tinfoil.cooker.bbfile_config_priorities:
if regex.match(os.path.join(layerdir, 'test')):
first_regex = regex
if first_regex:
# Find the BBFILES entries that match (which will have come from this conf/layer.conf file)
bbfiles = str(self.tinfoil.config_data.getVar('BBFILES', True)).split()
bbfiles_layer = []
for item in bbfiles:
if first_regex.match(item):
newpath = os.path.join(outputdir, item[len(layerdir)+1:])
if bbfiles_layer:
# Check that all important layer files match BBFILES
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(outputdir):
for f1 in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(f1)[1]
if ext in ['.bb', '.bbappend']:
f1full = os.sep.join([root, f1])
entry_found = False
for item in bbfiles_layer:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f1full, item):
entry_found = True
if not entry_found:
logger.warning("File %s does not match the flattened layer's BBFILES setting, you may need to edit conf/layer.conf or move the file elsewhere" % f1full)
def get_file_layer(self, filename):
layerdir = self.get_file_layerdir(filename)
if layerdir:
return self.get_layer_name(layerdir)
return '?'
def get_file_layerdir(self, filename):
layer = bb.utils.get_file_layer(filename, self.tinfoil.config_data)
return self.bbfile_collections.get(layer, None)
def apply_append(self, appendname, recipename):
with open(appendname, 'r') as appendfile:
with open(recipename, 'a') as recipefile:
recipefile.write('##### bbappended from %s #####\n' % self.get_file_layer(appendname))
def register_commands(self, sp):
parser_add_layer = self.add_command(sp, 'add-layer', self.do_add_layer, parserecipes=False)
parser_add_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to add')
parser_remove_layer = self.add_command(sp, 'remove-layer', self.do_remove_layer, parserecipes=False)
parser_remove_layer.add_argument('layerdir', help='Layer directory to remove (wildcards allowed, enclose in quotes to avoid shell expansion)')
parser_flatten = self.add_command(sp, 'flatten', self.do_flatten)
parser_flatten.add_argument('layer', nargs='*', help='Optional layer(s) to flatten (otherwise all are flattened)')
parser_flatten.add_argument('outputdir', help='Output directory')