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# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# BitBake Toaster Implementation
# Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import re
from django.db.models import F, Q, Sum
from django.db import IntegrityError
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect, get_object_or_404
from orm.models import Build, Target, Task, Layer, Layer_Version, Recipe
from orm.models import LogMessage, Variable, Package_Dependency, Package
from orm.models import Task_Dependency, Package_File
from orm.models import Target_Installed_Package, Target_File
from orm.models import TargetKernelFile, TargetSDKFile, Target_Image_File
from orm.models import BitbakeVersion, CustomImageRecipe
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, resolve
from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned, ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, EmptyPage, PageNotAnInteger
from django.http import HttpResponseNotFound
from django.utils import timezone
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from toastergui.templatetags.projecttags import json as jsonfilter
from decimal import Decimal
import json
import os
from os.path import dirname
import mimetypes
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("toaster")
class MimeTypeFinder(object):
# setting this to False enables additional non-standard mimetypes
# to be included in the guess
_strict = False
# returns the mimetype for a file path as a string,
# or 'application/octet-stream' if the type couldn't be guessed
def get_mimetype(self, path):
guess = mimetypes.guess_type(path, self._strict)
guessed_type = guess[0]
if guessed_type == None:
guessed_type = 'application/octet-stream'
return guessed_type
# all new sessions should come through the landing page;
# determine in which mode we are running in, and redirect appropriately
def landing(request):
# in build mode, we redirect to the command-line builds page
# if there are any builds for the default (cli builds) project
default_project = Project.objects.get_or_create_default_project()
default_project_builds = Build.objects.filter(project = default_project)
# we only redirect to projects page if there is a user-generated project
num_builds = Build.objects.all().count()
user_projects = Project.objects.filter(is_default = False)
has_user_project = user_projects.count() > 0
if num_builds == 0 and has_user_project:
return redirect(reverse('all-projects'), permanent = False)
if num_builds > 0:
return redirect(reverse('all-builds'), permanent = False)
context = {'lvs_nos' : Layer_Version.objects.all().count()}
return render(request, 'landing.html', context)
def objtojson(obj):
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.db.models import Model
if isinstance(obj, datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
elif isinstance(obj, timedelta):
return obj.total_seconds()
elif isinstance(obj, QuerySet) or isinstance(obj, set):
return list(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
return str(obj)
elif type(obj).__name__ == "RelatedManager":
return [ for x in obj.all()]
elif hasattr( obj, '__dict__') and isinstance(obj, Model):
d = obj.__dict__
nd = dict(d)
for di in d.keys():
if di.startswith("_"):
del nd[di]
elif isinstance(d[di], Model):
nd[di] = d[di].pk
elif isinstance(d[di], int) and hasattr(obj, "get_%s_display" % di):
nd[di] = getattr(obj, "get_%s_display" % di)()
return nd
elif isinstance( obj, type(lambda x:x)):
import inspect
return inspect.getsourcelines(obj)[0]
raise TypeError("Unserializable object %s (%s) of type %s" % ( obj, dir(obj), type(obj)))
def _template_renderer(template):
def func_wrapper(view):
def returned_wrapper(request, *args, **kwargs):
context = view(request, *args, **kwargs)
except RedirectException as e:
return e.get_redirect_response()
if request.GET.get('format', None) == 'json':
# objects is a special keyword - it's a Page, but we need the actual objects here
# in XHR, the objects come in the "rows" property
if "objects" in context:
context["rows"] = context["objects"].object_list
del context["objects"]
# we're about to return; to keep up with the XHR API, we set the error to OK
context["error"] = "ok"
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter(context, default=objtojson ),
content_type = "application/json; charset=utf-8")
return render(request, template, context)
return returned_wrapper
return func_wrapper
def _lv_to_dict(prj, x = None):
if x is None:
def wrapper(x):
return _lv_to_dict(prj, x)
return wrapper
return {"id":,
"tooltip": "%s | %s" % (x.layer.vcs_url,x.get_vcs_reference()),
"detail": "(%s" % x.layer.vcs_url + (")" if x.release == None else " | "+x.get_vcs_reference()+")"),
"giturl": x.layer.vcs_url,
"layerdetailurl" : reverse('layerdetails', args=(,,
"revision" : x.get_vcs_reference(),
def _build_page_range(paginator, index = 1):
page =
except PageNotAnInteger:
page =
except EmptyPage:
page =
page.page_range = [page.number]
crt_range = 0
for i in range(1,5):
if (page.number + i) <= paginator.num_pages:
page.page_range = page.page_range + [ page.number + i]
crt_range +=1
if (page.number - i) > 0:
page.page_range = [page.number -i] + page.page_range
crt_range +=1
if crt_range == 4:
return page
def _verify_parameters(g, mandatory_parameters):
miss = []
for mp in mandatory_parameters:
if not mp in g:
if len(miss):
return miss
return None
def _redirect_parameters(view, g, mandatory_parameters, *args, **kwargs):
from urllib import unquote, urlencode
except ImportError:
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlencode
url = reverse(view, kwargs=kwargs)
params = {}
for i in g:
params[i] = g[i]
for i in mandatory_parameters:
if not i in params:
params[i] = unquote(str(mandatory_parameters[i]))
return redirect(url + "?%s" % urlencode(params), permanent = False, **kwargs)
class RedirectException(Exception):
def __init__(self, view, g, mandatory_parameters, *args, **kwargs):
super(RedirectException, self).__init__()
self.view = view
self.g = g
self.mandatory_parameters = mandatory_parameters
self.oargs = args
self.okwargs = kwargs
def get_redirect_response(self):
return _redirect_parameters(self.view, self.g, self.mandatory_parameters, self.oargs, **self.okwargs)
def __get_q_for_val(name, value):
if "OR" in value or "AND" in value:
result = None
for x in value.split("OR"):
x = __get_q_for_val(name, x)
result = result | x if result else x
return result
if "AND" in value:
result = None
for x in value.split("AND"):
x = __get_q_for_val(name, x)
result = result & x if result else x
return result
if value.startswith("NOT"):
value = value[3:]
if value == 'None':
value = None
kwargs = { name : value }
return ~Q(**kwargs)
if value == 'None':
value = None
kwargs = { name : value }
return Q(**kwargs)
def _get_filtering_query(filter_string):
search_terms = filter_string.split(FIELD_SEPARATOR)
and_keys = search_terms[0].split(AND_VALUE_SEPARATOR)
and_values = search_terms[1].split(AND_VALUE_SEPARATOR)
and_query = None
for kv in zip(and_keys, and_values):
or_keys = kv[0].split(OR_VALUE_SEPARATOR)
or_values = kv[1].split(OR_VALUE_SEPARATOR)
query = None
for key, val in zip(or_keys, or_values):
x = __get_q_for_val(key, val)
query = query | x if query else x
and_query = and_query & query if and_query else query
return and_query
def _get_toggle_order(request, orderkey, toggle_reverse = False):
if toggle_reverse:
return "%s:+" % orderkey if request.GET.get('orderby', "") == "%s:-" % orderkey else "%s:-" % orderkey
return "%s:-" % orderkey if request.GET.get('orderby', "") == "%s:+" % orderkey else "%s:+" % orderkey
def _get_toggle_order_icon(request, orderkey):
if request.GET.get('orderby', "") == "%s:+"%orderkey:
return "down"
elif request.GET.get('orderby', "") == "%s:-"%orderkey:
return "up"
return None
# we check that the input comes in a valid form that we can recognize
def _validate_input(field_input, model):
invalid = None
if field_input:
field_input_list = field_input.split(FIELD_SEPARATOR)
# Check we have only one colon
if len(field_input_list) != 2:
invalid = "We have an invalid number of separators: " + field_input + " -> " + str(field_input_list)
return None, invalid
# Check we have an equal number of terms both sides of the colon
if len(field_input_list[0].split(AND_VALUE_SEPARATOR)) != len(field_input_list[1].split(AND_VALUE_SEPARATOR)):
invalid = "Not all arg names got values"
return None, invalid + str(field_input_list)
# Check we are looking for a valid field
valid_fields = model._meta.get_all_field_names()
for field in field_input_list[0].split(AND_VALUE_SEPARATOR):
if True in [field.startswith(x) for x in valid_fields]:
return None, (field, valid_fields)
return field_input, invalid
# uses search_allowed_fields in orm/ to create a search query
# for these fields with the supplied input text
def _get_search_results(search_term, queryset, model):
search_object = None
for st in search_term.split(" "):
queries = None
for field in model.search_allowed_fields:
query = Q(**{field + '__icontains': st})
queries = queries | query if queries else query
search_object = search_object & queries if search_object else queries
queryset = queryset.filter(search_object)
return queryset
# function to extract the search/filter/ordering parameters from the request
# it uses the request and the model to validate input for the filter and orderby values
def _search_tuple(request, model):
ordering_string, invalid = _validate_input(request.GET.get('orderby', ''), model)
if invalid:
raise BaseException("Invalid ordering model:" + str(model) + str(invalid))
filter_string, invalid = _validate_input(request.GET.get('filter', ''), model)
if invalid:
raise BaseException("Invalid filter " + str(invalid))
search_term = request.GET.get('search', '')
return (filter_string, search_term, ordering_string)
# returns a lazy-evaluated queryset for a filter/search/order combination
def _get_queryset(model, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, ordering_secondary=''):
if filter_string:
filter_query = _get_filtering_query(filter_string)
queryset = queryset.filter(filter_query)
queryset = queryset.all()
if search_term:
queryset = _get_search_results(search_term, queryset, model)
if ordering_string:
column, order = ordering_string.split(':')
if column == re.sub('-','',ordering_secondary):
if order.lower() == DESCENDING:
column = '-' + column
if ordering_secondary:
queryset = queryset.order_by(column, ordering_secondary)
queryset = queryset.order_by(column)
# insure only distinct records (e.g. from multiple search hits) are returned
return queryset.distinct()
# returns the value of entries per page and the name of the applied sorting field.
# if the value is given explicitly as a GET parameter it will be the first selected,
# otherwise the cookie value will be used.
def _get_parameters_values(request, default_count, default_order):
current_url = resolve(request.path_info).url_name
pagesize = request.GET.get('count', request.session.get('%s_count' % current_url, default_count))
orderby = request.GET.get('orderby', request.session.get('%s_orderby' % current_url, default_order))
return (pagesize, orderby)
# set cookies for parameters. this is usefull in case parameters are set
# manually from the GET values of the link
def _set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request):
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve
current_url = resolve(request.path_info).url_name
request.session['%s_count' % current_url] = pagesize
request.session['%s_orderby' % current_url] =orderby
# date range: normalize GUI's dd/mm/yyyy to date object
def _normalize_input_date(date_str,default):
date_str=re.sub('/', '-', date_str)
# accept dd/mm/yyyy to d/m/yy
date_in = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%d-%m-%Y")
except ValueError:
# courtesy try with two digit year
date_in = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%d-%m-%y")
except ValueError:
return default
date_in = date_in.replace(tzinfo=default.tzinfo)
return date_in
# convert and normalize any received date range filter, for example:
# "completed_on__gte!completed_on__lt:01/03/2015!02/03/2015_daterange" to
# "completed_on__gte!completed_on__lt:2015-03-01!2015-03-02"
def _modify_date_range_filter(filter_string):
# was the date range radio button selected?
if 0 > filter_string.find('_daterange'):
return filter_string,''
# normalize GUI dates to database format
filter_string = filter_string.replace('_daterange','').replace(':','!');
filter_list = filter_string.split('!');
if 4 != len(filter_list):
return filter_string
today = timezone.localtime(
date_id = filter_list[1]
date_from = _normalize_input_date(filter_list[2],today)
date_to = _normalize_input_date(filter_list[3],today)
# swap dates if manually set dates are out of order
if date_to < date_from:
date_to,date_from = date_from,date_to
# convert to strings, make 'date_to' inclusive by moving to begining of next day
date_from_str = date_from.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
date_to_str = (date_to+timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
daterange_selected = re.sub('__.*','', date_id)
return filter_string,daterange_selected
def _add_daterange_context(queryset_all, request, daterange_list):
# calculate the exact begining of local today and yesterday
today_begin = timezone.localtime(
yesterday_begin = today_begin - timedelta(days=1)
# add daterange persistent
context_date = {}
context_date['last_date_from'] = request.GET.get('last_date_from',timezone.localtime("%d/%m/%Y"))
context_date['last_date_to' ] = request.GET.get('last_date_to' ,context_date['last_date_from'])
# calculate the date ranges, avoid second sort for 'created'
# fetch the respective max range from the database
for key in daterange_list:
queryset_key = queryset_all.order_by(key)
except AttributeError:
except AttributeError:
return context_date,today_begin,yesterday_begin
# build dashboard for a single build, coming in as argument
# Each build may contain multiple targets and each target
# may generate multiple image files. display them all.
def builddashboard( request, build_id ):
template = "builddashboard.html"
if Build.objects.filter( pk=build_id ).count( ) == 0 :
return redirect( builds )
build = Build.objects.get( pk = build_id );
layerVersionId = Layer_Version.objects.filter( build = build_id );
recipeCount = Recipe.objects.filter( layer_version__id__in = layerVersionId ).count( );
tgts = Target.objects.filter( build_id = build_id ).order_by( 'target' );
# set up custom target list with computed package and image data
targets = []
ntargets = 0
# True if at least one target for this build has an SDK artifact
# or image file
has_artifacts = False
for t in tgts:
elem = {}
elem['target'] = t
target_has_images = False
image_files = []
npkg = 0
pkgsz = 0
package = None
for package in Package.objects.filter(id__in = [x.package_id for x in t.target_installed_package_set.all()]):
pkgsz = pkgsz + package.size
if package.installed_name:
npkg = npkg + 1
elem['npkg'] = npkg
elem['pkgsz'] = pkgsz
ti = Target_Image_File.objects.filter(target_id =
for i in ti:
ndx = i.file_name.rfind('/')
if ndx < 0:
ndx = 0;
f = i.file_name[ndx + 1:]
'path': f,
'size': i.file_size,
'suffix': i.suffix
if len(image_files) > 0:
target_has_images = True
elem['targetHasImages'] = target_has_images
elem['imageFiles'] = image_files
elem['target_kernel_artifacts'] = t.targetkernelfile_set.all()
target_sdk_files = t.targetsdkfile_set.all()
target_sdk_artifacts_count = target_sdk_files.count()
elem['target_sdk_artifacts_count'] = target_sdk_artifacts_count
elem['target_sdk_artifacts'] = target_sdk_files
if target_has_images or target_sdk_artifacts_count > 0:
has_artifacts = True
# how many packages in this build - ignore anonymous ones
packageCount = 0
packages = Package.objects.filter( build_id = build_id )
for p in packages:
if ( p.installed_name ):
packageCount = packageCount + 1
logmessages = list(LogMessage.objects.filter( build = build_id ))
context = {
'build' : build,
'project' : build.project,
'hasArtifacts' : has_artifacts,
'ntargets' : ntargets,
'targets' : targets,
'recipecount' : recipeCount,
'packagecount' : packageCount,
'logmessages' : logmessages,
return render( request, template, context )
def generateCoveredList2( revlist = None ):
if not revlist:
revlist = []
covered_list = [ x for x in revlist if x.outcome == Task.OUTCOME_COVERED ]
while len(covered_list):
revlist = [ x for x in revlist if x.outcome != Task.OUTCOME_COVERED ]
if len(revlist) > 0:
return revlist
newlist = _find_task_revdep_list(covered_list)
revlist = list(set(revlist + newlist))
covered_list = [ x for x in revlist if x.outcome == Task.OUTCOME_COVERED ]
return revlist
def task( request, build_id, task_id ):
template = "task.html"
tasks_list = Task.objects.filter( pk=task_id )
if tasks_list.count( ) == 0:
return redirect( builds )
task_object = tasks_list[ 0 ];
dependencies = sorted(
_find_task_dep( task_object ),
key=lambda t:'%s_%s %s'%(, t.recipe.version, t.task_name))
reverse_dependencies = sorted(
_find_task_revdep( task_object ),
key=lambda t:'%s_%s %s'%(, t.recipe.version, t.task_name ))
coveredBy = '';
if ( task_object.outcome == Task.OUTCOME_COVERED ):
# _list = generateCoveredList( task )
coveredBy = sorted(generateCoveredList2( _find_task_revdep( task_object ) ), key = lambda x:
log_head = ''
log_body = ''
if task_object.outcome == task_object.OUTCOME_FAILED:
uri_list= [ ]
variables = Variable.objects.filter(build=build_id)
if v.count() > 0:
if (v.count() > 0):
for mirror in v[0].variable_value.split('\\n'):
s=re.sub('.* ','',mirror.strip(' \t\n\r'))
if len(s):
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.filter( pk = build_id )[ 0 ],
'object' : task_object,
'task' : task_object,
'covered_by' : coveredBy,
'deps' : dependencies,
'rdeps' : reverse_dependencies,
'log_head' : log_head,
'log_body' : log_body,
'showing_matches' : False,
'uri_list' : uri_list,
'task_in_tasks_table_pg': int(task_object.order / 25) + 1
if request.GET.get( 'show_matches', "" ):
context[ 'showing_matches' ] = True
context[ 'matching_tasks' ] = Task.objects.filter(
sstate_checksum=task_object.sstate_checksum ).filter(
return render( request, template, context )
def recipe(request, build_id, recipe_id, active_tab="1"):
template = "recipe.html"
if Recipe.objects.filter(pk=recipe_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
recipe_object = Recipe.objects.get(pk=recipe_id)
layer_version = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=recipe_object.layer_version_id)
layer = Layer.objects.get(pk=layer_version.layer_id)
tasks_list = Task.objects.filter(recipe_id = recipe_id, build_id = build_id).exclude(order__isnull=True).exclude(task_name__endswith='_setscene').exclude(outcome=Task.OUTCOME_NA)
package_count = Package.objects.filter(recipe_id = recipe_id).filter(build_id = build_id).filter(size__gte=0).count()
if active_tab != '1' and active_tab != '3' and active_tab != '4' :
active_tab = '1'
tab_states = {'1': '', '3': '', '4': ''}
tab_states[active_tab] = 'active'
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'object' : recipe_object,
'layer_version' : layer_version,
'layer' : layer,
'tasks' : tasks_list,
'package_count' : package_count,
'tab_states' : tab_states,
return render(request, template, context)
def recipe_packages(request, build_id, recipe_id):
template = "recipe_packages.html"
if Recipe.objects.filter(pk=recipe_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
(pagesize, orderby) = _get_parameters_values(request, 10, 'name:+')
mandatory_parameters = { 'count': pagesize, 'page' : 1, 'orderby': orderby }
retval = _verify_parameters( request.GET, mandatory_parameters )
if retval:
return _redirect_parameters( 'recipe_packages', request.GET, mandatory_parameters, build_id = build_id, recipe_id = recipe_id)
(filter_string, search_term, ordering_string) = _search_tuple(request, Package)
recipe_object = Recipe.objects.get(pk=recipe_id)
queryset = Package.objects.filter(recipe_id = recipe_id).filter(build_id = build_id).filter(size__gte=0)
package_count = queryset.count()
queryset = _get_queryset(Package, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, 'name')
packages = _build_page_range(Paginator(queryset, pagesize),request.GET.get('page', 1))
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'recipe' : recipe_object,
'objects' : packages,
'object_count' : package_count,
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request,"name"),
'ordericon': _get_toggle_order_icon(request,"name"),
'orderkey': "name",
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request,"size", True),
'ordericon': _get_toggle_order_icon(request,"size"),
'orderkey': 'size',
'dclass': 'sizecol span2',
response = render(request, template, context)
_set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request)
return response
from django.core.serializers.json import DjangoJSONEncoder
from django.http import HttpResponse
def xhr_dirinfo(request, build_id, target_id):
top = request.GET.get('start', '/')
return HttpResponse(_get_dir_entries(build_id, target_id, top), content_type = "application/json")
from django.utils.functional import Promise
from django.utils.encoding import force_text
class LazyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, Promise):
return force_text(obj)
return super(LazyEncoder, self).default(obj)
from toastergui.templatetags.projecttags import filtered_filesizeformat
import os
def _get_dir_entries(build_id, target_id, start):
node_str = {
Target_File.ITYPE_REGULAR : '-',
Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY : 'd',
Target_File.ITYPE_SYMLINK : 'l',
Target_File.ITYPE_SOCKET : 's',
Target_File.ITYPE_FIFO : 'p',
Target_File.ITYPE_CHARACTER : 'c',
Target_File.ITYPE_BLOCK : 'b',
response = []
objects = Target_File.objects.filter(target__exact=target_id, directory__path=start)
target_packages = Target_Installed_Package.objects.filter(target__exact=target_id).values_list('package_id', flat=True)
for o in objects:
# exclude root inode '/'
if o.path == '/':
entry = {}
entry['parent'] = start
entry['name'] = os.path.basename(o.path)
entry['fullpath'] = o.path
# set defaults, not all dentries have packages
entry['installed_package'] = None
entry['package_id'] = None
entry['package'] = None
entry['link_to'] = None
if o.inodetype == Target_File.ITYPE_DIRECTORY:
entry['isdir'] = 1
# is there content in directory
entry['childcount'] = Target_File.objects.filter(target__exact=target_id, directory__path=o.path).all().count()
entry['isdir'] = 0
# resolve the file to get the package from the resolved file
resolved_id = o.sym_target_id
resolved_path = o.path
if target_packages.count():
while resolved_id != "" and resolved_id != None:
tf = Target_File.objects.get(pk=resolved_id)
resolved_path = tf.path
resolved_id = tf.sym_target_id
thisfile=Package_File.objects.all().filter(path__exact=resolved_path, package_id__in=target_packages)
if thisfile.count():
p = Package.objects.get(pk=thisfile[0].package_id)
entry['installed_package'] = p.installed_name
entry['package_id'] = str(
entry['package'] =
# don't use resolved path from above, show immediate link-to
if o.sym_target_id != "" and o.sym_target_id != None:
entry['link_to'] = Target_File.objects.get(pk=o.sym_target_id).path
entry['size'] = filtered_filesizeformat(o.size)
if entry['link_to'] != None:
entry['permission'] = node_str[o.inodetype] + o.permission
entry['permission'] = node_str[o.inodetype] + o.permission
entry['owner'] = o.owner
entry['group'] =
except Exception as e:
print("Exception ", e)
# sort by directories first, then by name
rsorted = sorted(response, key=lambda entry : entry['name'])
rsorted = sorted(rsorted, key=lambda entry : entry['isdir'], reverse=True)
return json.dumps(rsorted, cls=LazyEncoder).replace('</', '<\\/')
def dirinfo(request, build_id, target_id, file_path=None):
template = "dirinfo.html"
objects = _get_dir_entries(build_id, target_id, '/')
packages_sum = Package.objects.filter(id__in=Target_Installed_Package.objects.filter(target_id=target_id).values('package_id')).aggregate(Sum('installed_size'))
dir_list = None
if file_path != None:
Link from the included package detail file list page and is
requesting opening the dir info to a specific file path.
Provide the list of directories to expand and the full path to
highlight in the page.
# Aassume target's path separator matches host's, that is, os.sep
sep = os.sep
dir_list = []
head = file_path
while head != sep:
(head, tail) = os.path.split(head)
if head != sep:
dir_list.insert(0, head)
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id)
context = { 'build': build,
'project': build.project,
'target': Target.objects.get(pk=target_id),
'packages_sum': packages_sum['installed_size__sum'],
'objects': objects,
'dir_list': dir_list,
'file_path': file_path,
return render(request, template, context)
def _find_task_dep(task_object):
tdeps = Task_Dependency.objects.filter(task=task_object).filter(depends_on__order__gt=0)
tdeps = tdeps.exclude(depends_on__outcome=Task.OUTCOME_NA).select_related("depends_on")
return [x.depends_on for x in tdeps]
def _find_task_revdep(task_object):
tdeps = Task_Dependency.objects.filter(depends_on=task_object).filter(task__order__gt=0)
tdeps = tdeps.exclude(task__outcome = Task.OUTCOME_NA).select_related("task", "task__recipe", "task__build")
# exclude self-dependencies to prevent infinite dependency loop
# in generateCoveredList2()
tdeps = tdeps.exclude(task=task_object)
return [tdep.task for tdep in tdeps]
def _find_task_revdep_list(tasklist):
tdeps = Task_Dependency.objects.filter(depends_on__in=tasklist).filter(task__order__gt=0)
tdeps = tdeps.exclude(task__outcome=Task.OUTCOME_NA).select_related("task", "task__recipe", "task__build")
# exclude self-dependencies to prevent infinite dependency loop
# in generateCoveredList2()
tdeps = tdeps.exclude(task=F('depends_on'))
return [tdep.task for tdep in tdeps]
def _find_task_provider(task_object):
task_revdeps = _find_task_revdep(task_object)
for tr in task_revdeps:
if tr.outcome != Task.OUTCOME_COVERED:
return tr
for tr in task_revdeps:
trc = _find_task_provider(tr)
if trc is not None:
return trc
return None
def configuration(request, build_id):
template = 'configuration.html'
context = dict(Variable.objects.filter(build=build_id, variable_name__in=var_names)\
.values_list('variable_name', 'variable_value'))
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id)
context.update({'objectname': 'configuration',
'build': build,
'project': build.project,
'targets': Target.objects.filter(build=build_id)})
return render(request, template, context)
def configvars(request, build_id):
template = 'configvars.html'
(pagesize, orderby) = _get_parameters_values(request, 100, 'variable_name:+')
mandatory_parameters = { 'count': pagesize, 'page' : 1, 'orderby' : orderby, 'filter' : 'description__regex:.+' }
retval = _verify_parameters( request.GET, mandatory_parameters )
(filter_string, search_term, ordering_string) = _search_tuple(request, Variable)
if retval:
# if new search, clear the default filter
if search_term and len(search_term):
return _redirect_parameters( 'configvars', request.GET, mandatory_parameters, build_id = build_id)
queryset = Variable.objects.filter(build=build_id).exclude(variable_name__istartswith='B_').exclude(variable_name__istartswith='do_')
queryset_with_search = _get_queryset(Variable, queryset, None, search_term, ordering_string, 'variable_name').exclude(variable_value='',vhistory__file_name__isnull=True)
queryset = _get_queryset(Variable, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, 'variable_name')
# remove records where the value is empty AND there are no history files
queryset = queryset.exclude(variable_value='',vhistory__file_name__isnull=True)
variables = _build_page_range(Paginator(queryset, pagesize), request.GET.get('page', 1))
# show all matching files (not just the last one)
file_filter= search_term + ":"
if filter_string.find('/conf/') > 0:
file_filter += 'conf/(local|bblayers).conf'
if filter_string.find('conf/machine/') > 0:
file_filter += 'conf/machine/'
if filter_string.find('conf/distro/') > 0:
file_filter += 'conf/distro/'
if filter_string.find('/bitbake.conf') > 0:
file_filter += '/bitbake.conf'
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id)
context = {
'objectname': 'configvars',
'object_search_display':'BitBake variables',
'file_filter': file_filter,
'build': build,
'project': build.project,
'objects' : variables,
'default_orderby' : 'variable_name:+',
# Specifies the display of columns for the table, appearance in "Edit columns" box, toggling default show/hide, and specifying filters for columns
'tablecols' : [
{'name': 'Variable',
'qhelp': "BitBake is a generic task executor that considers a list of tasks with dependencies and handles metadata that consists of variables in a certain format that get passed to the tasks",
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "variable_name"),
'ordericon':_get_toggle_order_icon(request, "variable_name"),
{'name': 'Value',
'qhelp': "The value assigned to the variable",
{'name': 'Set in file',
'qhelp': "The last configuration file that touched the variable value",
'clclass': 'file', 'hidden' : 0,
'orderkey' : 'vhistory__file_name',
'filter' : {
'class' : 'vhistory__file_name',
'label': 'Show:',
'options' : [
('Local configuration variables', 'vhistory__file_name__contains:'+build_dir+'/conf/',queryset_with_search.filter(vhistory__file_name__contains=build_dir+'/conf/').count(), 'Select this filter to see variables set by the <code>local.conf</code> and <code>bblayers.conf</code> configuration files inside the <code>/build/conf/</code> directory'),
('Machine configuration variables', 'vhistory__file_name__contains:conf/machine/',queryset_with_search.filter(vhistory__file_name__contains='conf/machine').count(), 'Select this filter to see variables set by the configuration file(s) inside your layers <code>/conf/machine/</code> directory'),
('Distro configuration variables', 'vhistory__file_name__contains:conf/distro/',queryset_with_search.filter(vhistory__file_name__contains='conf/distro').count(), 'Select this filter to see variables set by the configuration file(s) inside your layers <code>/conf/distro/</code> directory'),
('Layer configuration variables', 'vhistory__file_name__contains:conf/layer.conf',queryset_with_search.filter(vhistory__file_name__contains='conf/layer.conf').count(), 'Select this filter to see variables set by the <code>layer.conf</code> configuration file inside your layers'),
('bitbake.conf variables', 'vhistory__file_name__contains:/bitbake.conf',queryset_with_search.filter(vhistory__file_name__contains='/bitbake.conf').count(), 'Select this filter to see variables set by the <code>bitbake.conf</code> configuration file'),
{'name': 'Description',
'qhelp': "A brief explanation of the variable",
'clclass': 'description', 'hidden' : 0,
'dclass': "span4",
'filter' : {
'class' : 'description',
'label': 'Show:',
'options' : [
('Variables with description', 'description__regex:.+', queryset_with_search.filter(description__regex='.+').count(), 'We provide descriptions for the most common BitBake variables. The list of descriptions lives in <code>meta/conf/documentation.conf</code>'),
response = render(request, template, context)
_set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request)
return response
def bfile(request, build_id, package_id):
template = 'bfile.html'
files = Package_File.objects.filter(package = package_id)
build = Build.objects.get(pk=build_id)
context = {
'build': build,
'project': build.project,
'objects' : files
return render(request, template, context)
# A set of dependency types valid for both included and built package views
# value for invalid row id
Given a package id, target_id retrieves two sets of this image and package's
dependencies. The return value is a dictionary consisting of two other
lists: a list of 'runtime' dependencies, that is, having RDEPENDS
values in source package's recipe, and a list of other dependencies, that is
the list of possible recipe variables as found in OTHER_DEPENDS_BASE plus
The lists are built in the sort order specified for the package runtime
dependency views.
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
def _get_package_dependencies(package_id, target_id = INVALID_KEY):
runtime_deps = []
other_deps = []
other_depends_types = OTHER_DEPENDS_BASE
if target_id != INVALID_KEY :
rdepends_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRDEPENDS
other_depends_types += [Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRECOMMENDS]
else :
rdepends_type = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RDEPENDS
other_depends_types += [Package_Dependency.TYPE_RRECOMMENDS]
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
if target_id != INVALID_KEY :
alldeps = package.package_dependencies_source.filter(target_id__exact = target_id)
else :
alldeps = package.package_dependencies_source.all()
for idep in alldeps:
dep_package = Package.objects.get(pk=idep.depends_on_id)
dep_entry = Package_Dependency.DEPENDS_DICT[idep.dep_type]
if dep_package.version == '' :
version = ''
else :
version = dep_package.version + "-" + dep_package.revision
installed = False
if target_id != INVALID_KEY :
if Target_Installed_Package.objects.filter(target_id__exact = target_id, package_id__exact = > 0:
installed = True
dep = {
'name' :,
'version' : version,
'size' : dep_package.size,
'dep_type' : idep.dep_type,
'dep_type_display' : dep_entry[0].capitalize(),
'dep_type_help' : dep_entry[1] % (,,
'depends_on_id' :,
'installed' : installed,
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
if target_id != INVALID_KEY:
dep['alias'] = _get_package_alias(dep_package)
if idep.dep_type == rdepends_type :
elif idep.dep_type in other_depends_types :
rdep_sorted = sorted(runtime_deps, key=lambda k: k['name'])
odep_sorted = sorted(
sorted(other_deps, key=lambda k: k['name']),
key=lambda k: k['dep_type'])
retvalues = {'runtime_deps' : rdep_sorted, 'other_deps' : odep_sorted}
return retvalues
# Return the count of packages dependent on package for this target_id image
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
def _get_package_reverse_dep_count(package, target_id):
return package.package_dependencies_target.filter(target_id__exact=target_id, dep_type__exact = Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRDEPENDS).count()
# Return the count of the packages that this package_id is dependent on.
# Use one of the two RDEPENDS types, either TRDEPENDS if the package was
# installed, or else RDEPENDS if only built.
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
def _get_package_dependency_count(package, target_id, is_installed):
if is_installed :
return package.package_dependencies_source.filter(target_id__exact = target_id,
dep_type__exact = Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRDEPENDS).count()
else :
return package.package_dependencies_source.filter(dep_type__exact = Package_Dependency.TYPE_RDEPENDS).count()
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
def _get_package_alias(package):
alias = package.installed_name
if alias != None and alias != '' and alias !=
return alias
return ''
def _get_fullpackagespec(package):
r =
version_good = package.version != None and package.version != ''
revision_good = package.revision != None and package.revision != ''
if version_good or revision_good:
r += '_'
if version_good:
r += package.version
if revision_good:
r += '-'
if revision_good:
r += package.revision
return r
def package_built_detail(request, build_id, package_id):
template = "package_built_detail.html"
if Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
# follow convention for pagination w/ search although not used for this view
queryset = Package_File.objects.filter(package_id__exact=package_id)
(pagesize, orderby) = _get_parameters_values(request, 25, 'path:+')
mandatory_parameters = { 'count': pagesize, 'page' : 1, 'orderby' : orderby }
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
retval = _verify_parameters( request.GET, mandatory_parameters )
if retval:
return _redirect_parameters( 'package_built_detail', request.GET, mandatory_parameters, build_id = build_id, package_id = package_id)
(filter_string, search_term, ordering_string) = _search_tuple(request, Package_File)
paths = _get_queryset(Package_File, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, 'path')
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
package.fullpackagespec = _get_fullpackagespec(package)
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'package' : package,
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
'dependency_count' : _get_package_dependency_count(package, -1, False),
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
'objects' : paths,
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "path"),
'ordericon':_get_toggle_order_icon(request, "path"),
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "size", True),
'ordericon':_get_toggle_order_icon(request, "size"),
'dclass': 'sizecol span2',
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
if paths.all().count() < 2:
context['disable_sort'] = True;
response = render(request, template, context)
_set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request)
return response
def package_built_dependencies(request, build_id, package_id):
template = "package_built_dependencies.html"
if Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
package.fullpackagespec = _get_fullpackagespec(package)
dependencies = _get_package_dependencies(package_id)
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'package' : package,
'runtime_deps' : dependencies['runtime_deps'],
'other_deps' : dependencies['other_deps'],
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
'dependency_count' : _get_package_dependency_count(package, -1, False)
return render(request, template, context)
def package_included_detail(request, build_id, target_id, package_id):
template = "package_included_detail.html"
if Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
# follow convention for pagination w/ search although not used for this view
(pagesize, orderby) = _get_parameters_values(request, 25, 'path:+')
mandatory_parameters = { 'count': pagesize, 'page' : 1, 'orderby' : orderby }
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
retval = _verify_parameters( request.GET, mandatory_parameters )
if retval:
return _redirect_parameters( 'package_included_detail', request.GET, mandatory_parameters, build_id = build_id, target_id = target_id, package_id = package_id)
(filter_string, search_term, ordering_string) = _search_tuple(request, Package_File)
queryset = Package_File.objects.filter(package_id__exact=package_id)
paths = _get_queryset(Package_File, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, 'path')
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
package.fullpackagespec = _get_fullpackagespec(package)
package.alias = _get_package_alias(package)
target = Target.objects.get(pk=target_id)
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'target' : target,
'package' : package,
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
'reverse_count' : _get_package_reverse_dep_count(package, target_id),
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
'dependency_count' : _get_package_dependency_count(package, target_id, True),
'objects': paths,
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "path"),
'ordericon':_get_toggle_order_icon(request, "path"),
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "size", True),
'ordericon':_get_toggle_order_icon(request, "size"),
'dclass': 'sizecol span2',
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
if paths.all().count() < 2:
context['disable_sort'] = True
response = render(request, template, context)
_set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request)
return response
def package_included_dependencies(request, build_id, target_id, package_id):
template = "package_included_dependencies.html"
if Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
package.fullpackagespec = _get_fullpackagespec(package)
package.alias = _get_package_alias(package)
target = Target.objects.get(pk=target_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
dependencies = _get_package_dependencies(package_id, target_id)
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'package' : package,
'target' : target,
'runtime_deps' : dependencies['runtime_deps'],
'other_deps' : dependencies['other_deps'],
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
'reverse_count' : _get_package_reverse_dep_count(package, target_id),
'dependency_count' : _get_package_dependency_count(package, target_id, True)
return render(request, template, context)
def package_included_reverse_dependencies(request, build_id, target_id, package_id):
template = "package_included_reverse_dependencies.html"
if Build.objects.filter(pk=build_id).count() == 0 :
return redirect(builds)
(pagesize, orderby) = _get_parameters_values(request, 25, 'package__name:+')
mandatory_parameters = { 'count': pagesize, 'page' : 1, 'orderby': orderby }
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
retval = _verify_parameters( request.GET, mandatory_parameters )
if retval:
return _redirect_parameters( 'package_included_reverse_dependencies', request.GET, mandatory_parameters, build_id = build_id, target_id = target_id, package_id = package_id)
(filter_string, search_term, ordering_string) = _search_tuple(request, Package_File)
queryset = Package_Dependency.objects.select_related('depends_on__name', 'depends_on__size').filter(depends_on=package_id, target_id=target_id, dep_type=Package_Dependency.TYPE_TRDEPENDS)
objects = _get_queryset(Package_Dependency, queryset, filter_string, search_term, ordering_string, 'package__name')
package = Package.objects.get(pk=package_id)
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
package.fullpackagespec = _get_fullpackagespec(package)
package.alias = _get_package_alias(package)
target = Target.objects.get(pk=target_id)
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
for o in objects:
if o.package.version != '':
o.package.version += '-' + o.package.revision
o.alias = _get_package_alias(o.package)
context = {
'build' : Build.objects.get(pk=build_id),
'package' : package,
'target' : target,
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
'objects' : objects,
bitbake: toaster: show installed package name [YOCTO #5922] Implement changes that show the installed package name after the official 'recipe-named' package name. If the alias exists and is different than the package name, then the alias is shown as a 'muted' string after the package name in the form 'as some-alias-name'. This formatting appears in the included package pages in the elements: * local breadcrumbs at the top of package included pages, * <h1> title headings along with a help bubble that is not hovering, and * package lists where the help bubble appears when the mouse hovers over the row. The changes in detail in this patch per file are: - added function that tests whether the package object's installed_name should be shown, - added function that appends package name with version and revision to encapsulate package name formatting in one place and referred to as package.fullpackagespec, - changed package_built* and package_included* functions to use both of the above new formatting functions, passing the formatted values to templates, and - adhered to django coding styles by renaming module local 'get_package*' functions with "_" prefix. package_detail_base.html - added display of package aliases for included package page, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, formatted by view function, - added javascript function to format package alias with help, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_detail.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, and - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec. package_included_dependencies.html - used javascript function above to format package alias, - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, - forced empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_included_reverse_dependencies.html - use javascript function above to format package alias, - refactor to use views fullpackagespe, and - force empty data cells following hover-help to draw borders by appending space. package_built_detail.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. package_built_dependencies.html - refactored to use package.fullpackagespec, and - removed trailing whitespace. - removed unused filter to handle installed name - removed extra spaces around "title = " in format_vpackage_namehelp (Bitbake rev: c604e14df8cdb1f47535f093d7044955d4c2057d) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-03-24 21:37:17 +00:00
'reverse_count' : _get_package_reverse_dep_count(package, target_id),
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
'dependency_count' : _get_package_dependency_count(package, target_id, True),
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "package__name"),
'ordericon': _get_toggle_order_icon(request, "package__name"),
'orderfield': _get_toggle_order(request, "package__size", True),
'ordericon': _get_toggle_order_icon(request, "package__size"),
'dclass': 'sizecol span2',
bitbake: toaster: sort on size in detail pages [YOCTO 5778] Implements the features described in the attachment to bugzilla 5778 - new global changes to the format of size data, and - adding sorts by selected columns to specific detail pages. Although new pagination and row search capabilities are shown on the screen shots for the 5778 attachment, those features are specified in a different bugzilla entry 5777 and are not implemented in this commit. Also, the 5778 spec includes table sorting for the recipe package detail page, but sorting for that page was not implemented in this commit due to complications with sorting then returning to a page that is only one URL fragment in a template. The scope of file changes are described below. Changes to support new 'size' field column formats... default.css - added sizecol class style (right justified) - changed filtered_filesizeformat to allow ".0" suffixes Changes that add class 'sizecol, span2(as spec'd) ' to <th> and/or <td> size columns were made to..., package_built_dependencies.html, package_included_dependencies.html, recipe.html, bpackage.html, and target.html More significant changes to support detail page table sorting are: - tablesort.html: New created to implement the sort icons, directions, and table headings, and suppress sort handling if 'disable_sort' in context, without search or pagination elements ingrained in basetable_top. Confining the changes to this small file reduces the impact (testing and risk) on the larger set of files that arleady include basetable_top/bottom files. - Modified the following view functions with - trivial changes for size formatting to the views: target, - changes to package_built_detail, package_included_detail, package_included_reverse_dependencies to handle the sorting implementation as well as moving headings and size formatting for size columns from templates to the views. - Implementation of the detail sorting using above in: package_built_detail.html, package_included_detail.html, and package_included_reverse_dependencies.html to include the tablesort heading setup, format the size column, and iterate over the new sorted objects, suppressing sorts if table row count less than 2. (Bitbake rev: d16126e9abfffde66ab70865a81997322847d44e) Signed-off-by: Dave Lerner <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2014-04-08 16:32:21 +00:00
if objects.all().count() < 2:
context['disable_sort'] = True
response = render(request, template, context)
_set_parameters_values(pagesize, orderby, request)
return response
def image_information_dir(request, build_id, target_id, packagefile_id):
# stubbed for now
return redirect(builds)
# the context processor that supplies data used across all the pages
# a context processor which runs on every request; this provides the
# projects and non_cli_projects (i.e. projects created by the user)
# variables referred to in templates, which used to determine the
# visibility of UI elements like the "New build" button
def managedcontextprocessor(request):
projects = Project.objects.all()
ret = {
"projects": projects,
"non_cli_projects": projects.exclude(is_default=True),
"DEBUG" : toastermain.settings.DEBUG,
"TOASTER_BRANCH": toastermain.settings.TOASTER_BRANCH,
return ret
import toastermain.settings
from orm.models import Project, ProjectLayer, ProjectTarget, ProjectVariable
from bldcontrol.models import BuildEnvironment
# we have a set of functions if we're in managed mode, or
# a default "page not available" simple functions for interactive mode
if True:
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, login
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from orm.models import LayerSource, ToasterSetting, Release, Machine, LayerVersionDependency
from bldcontrol.models import BuildRequest
import traceback
class BadParameterException(Exception):
''' The exception raised on invalid POST requests '''
# new project
def newproject(request):
template = "newproject.html"
context = {
'email': if request.user.is_authenticated() else '',
'username': request.user.username if request.user.is_authenticated() else '',
'releases': Release.objects.order_by("description"),
context['defaultbranch'] = ToasterSetting.objects.get(name = "DEFAULT_RELEASE").value
except ToasterSetting.DoesNotExist:
if request.method == "GET":
# render new project page
return render(request, template, context)
elif request.method == "POST":
mandatory_fields = ['projectname', 'ptype']
ptype = request.POST.get('ptype')
if ptype == "build":
# make sure we have values for all mandatory_fields
missing = [field for field in mandatory_fields if len(request.POST.get(field, '')) == 0]
if missing:
# set alert for missing fields
raise BadParameterException("Fields missing: %s" % ", ".join(missing))
if not request.user.is_authenticated():
user = authenticate(username = request.POST.get('username', '_anonuser'), password = 'nopass')
if user is None:
user = User.objects.create_user(username = request.POST.get('username', '_anonuser'), email = request.POST.get('email', ''), password = "nopass")
user = authenticate(username = user.username, password = 'nopass')
login(request, user)
# save the project
if ptype == "analysis":
release = None
release = Release.objects.get(pk = request.POST.get('projectversion', None ))
prj = Project.objects.create_project(name = request.POST['projectname'], release = release)
prj.user_id =
return redirect(reverse(project, args=(,)) + "?notify=new-project")
except (IntegrityError, BadParameterException) as e:
# fill in page with previously submitted values
for field in mandatory_fields:
context.__setitem__(field, request.POST.get(field, "-- missing"))
if isinstance(e, IntegrityError) and "username" in str(e):
context['alert'] = "Your chosen username is already used"
context['alert'] = str(e)
return render(request, template, context)
raise Exception("Invalid HTTP method for this page")
# Shows the edit project page
def project(request, pid):
prj = Project.objects.get(id = pid)
puser = User.objects.get(id = prj.user_id)
except User.DoesNotExist:
puser = None
# execute POST requests
if request.method == "POST":
# add layers
if 'layerAdd' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerAdd']) > 0:
for lc in Layer_Version.objects.filter(pk__in=[i for i in request.POST['layerAdd'].split(",") if len(i) > 0]):
ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, layercommit = lc)
# remove layers
if 'layerDel' in request.POST and len(request.POST['layerDel']) > 0:
for t in request.POST['layerDel'].strip().split(" "):
pt = ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project = prj, layercommit_id = int(t)).delete()
if 'projectName' in request.POST: = request.POST['projectName'];
if 'projectVersion' in request.POST:
# If the release is the current project then return now
if == int(request.POST.get('projectVersion',-1)):
return {}
prj.release = Release.objects.get(pk = request.POST['projectVersion'])
# we need to change the bitbake version
prj.bitbake_version = prj.release.bitbake_version
# we need to change the layers
for project in prj.projectlayer_set.all():
# find and add a similarly-named layer on the new branch
layer_versions = prj.get_all_compatible_layer_versions()
layer_versions = layer_versions.filter(layer__name =
ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, layercommit = layer_versions.first())
except IndexError:
# get rid of the old entry
if 'machineName' in request.POST:
machinevar = prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="MACHINE")
# we use implicit knowledge of the current user's project to filter layer information, e.g.
pid =
from collections import Counter
freqtargets = Counter(Target.objects.filter(
).order_by("target").values_list("target", flat=True))
freqtargets = freqtargets.most_common(5)
# We now have the targets in order of frequency but if there are two
# with the same frequency then we need to make sure those are in
# alphabetical order without losing the frequency ordering
tmp = []
switch = None
for i, freqtartget in enumerate(freqtargets):
target, count = freqtartget
target_next, count_next = freqtargets[i+1]
if count == count_next and target > target_next:
switch = target
except IndexError:
if switch:
switch = None
freqtargets = tmp
layers = [{"id":, "orderid":, "name" :,
"vcs_url": x.layercommit.layer.vcs_url, "local_source_dir": x.layercommit.layer.local_source_dir, "vcs_reference" : x.layercommit.get_vcs_reference(),
"url": x.layercommit.layer.layer_index_url, "layerdetailurl": x.layercommit.get_detailspage_url(,
"branch" : {"name" : x.layercommit.get_vcs_reference(),
"layersource" : x.layercommit.layer_source }
} for x in prj.projectlayer_set.all().order_by("id")]
context = {
"project" : prj,
"lvs_nos" : Layer_Version.objects.all().count(),
"completedbuilds": Build.objects.exclude(outcome = Build.IN_PROGRESS).filter(project_id = pid),
"prj" : {"name":, },
"buildrequests" : prj.build_set.filter(outcome=Build.IN_PROGRESS),
"builds" : Build.get_recent(prj),
"layers" : layers,
"targets" : [{"target" :, "task" : x.task, "pk":} for x in prj.projecttarget_set.all()],
"variables": [(, x.value) for x in prj.projectvariable_set.all()],
"freqtargets": freqtargets,
"releases": [{"id":, "name":, "description":x.description} for x in Release.objects.all()],
"project_html": 1,
"recipesTypeAheadUrl": reverse('xhr_recipestypeahead', args=(,)),
"projectBuildsUrl": reverse('projectbuilds', args=(,)),
if prj.release is not None:
context['release'] = { "id":, "name":, "description": prj.release.description}
context["machine"] = {"name": prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="MACHINE").value}
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
context["machine"] = None
context["distro"] = prj.projectvariable_set.get(name="DISTRO").value
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
context["distro"] = "-- not set yet"
return context
def jsunittests(request):
""" Provides a page for the js unit tests """
bbv = BitbakeVersion.objects.filter(branch="master").first()
release = Release.objects.filter(bitbake_version=bbv).first()
name = "_js_unit_test_prj_"
# If there is an existing project by this name delete it.
# We don't want Lots of duplicates cluttering up the projects.
new_project = Project.objects.create_project(name=name,
# Add a layer
layer = new_project.get_all_compatible_layer_versions().first()
# make sure we have a machine set for this project
context = {'project': new_project}
return render(request, "js-unit-tests.html", context)
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
def xhr_testreleasechange(request, pid):
def response(data):
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter(data),
""" returns layer versions that would be deleted on the new
release__pk """
prj = Project.objects.get(pk = pid)
new_release_id = request.GET['new_release_id']
# If we're already on this project do nothing
if == int(new_release_id):
return reponse({"error": "ok", "rows": []})
retval = []
for project in prj.projectlayer_set.all():
release = Release.objects.get(pk = new_release_id)
layer_versions = prj.get_all_compatible_layer_versions()
layer_versions = layer_versions.filter(release = release)
layer_versions = layer_versions.filter(layer__name =
# there is no layer_version with the new release id,
# and the same name
if layer_versions.count() < 1:
return response({"error":"ok",
"rows": [_lv_to_dict(prj) for y in [x.layercommit for x in retval]]
except Exception as e:
return response({"error": str(e) })
def xhr_configvaredit(request, pid):
prj = Project.objects.get(id = pid)
# There are cases where user can add variables which hold values
# like http://, file:/// etc. In such case a simple split(":")
# would fail. One example is SSTATE_MIRRORS variable. So we use
# max_split var to handle them.
max_split = 1
# add conf variables
if 'configvarAdd' in request.POST:
if ":" in t:
variable, value = t.split(":", max_split)
variable = t
value = ""
pt, created = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, name = variable, value = value)
# change conf variables
if 'configvarChange' in request.POST:
if ":" in t:
variable, value = t.split(":", max_split)
variable = t
value = ""
pt, created = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, name = variable)
# remove conf variables
if 'configvarDel' in request.POST:
pt = ProjectVariable.objects.get(pk = int(t)).delete()
# return all project settings, filter out blacklist and elsewhere-managed variables
vars_managed,vars_fstypes,vars_blacklist = get_project_configvars_context()
configvars_query = ProjectVariable.objects.filter(project_id = pid).all()
for var in vars_managed:
configvars_query = configvars_query.exclude(name = var)
for var in vars_blacklist:
configvars_query = configvars_query.exclude(name = var)
return_data = {
"error": "ok",
'configvars': [(, x.value, for x in configvars_query]
return_data['distro'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "DISTRO").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return_data['dl_dir'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "DL_DIR").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return_data['fstypes'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "IMAGE_FSTYPES").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return_data['image_install_append'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "IMAGE_INSTALL_append").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return_data['package_classes'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "PACKAGE_CLASSES").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return_data['sstate_dir'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "SSTATE_DIR").value,
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps( return_data ), content_type = "application/json")
except Exception as e:
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({"error":str(e) + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()}), content_type = "application/json")
def xhr_importlayer(request):
if ('vcs_url' not in request.POST or
'name' not in request.POST or
'git_ref' not in request.POST or
'project_id' not in request.POST):
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter({"error": "Missing parameters; requires vcs_url, name, git_ref and project_id"}), content_type = "application/json")
layers_added = [];
# Rudimentary check for any possible html tags
for val in request.POST.values():
if "<" in val:
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter(
{"error": "Invalid character <"}),
prj = Project.objects.get(pk=request.POST['project_id'])
# Strip trailing/leading whitespace from all values
# put into a new dict because POST one is immutable.
post_data = dict()
for key,val in request.POST.items():
post_data[key] = val.strip()
layer, layer_created = Layer.objects.get_or_create(name=post_data['name'])
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter({"error": "hint-layer-exists"}), content_type = "application/json")
if layer:
if layer_created:
layer.vcs_url = post_data.get('vcs_url')
layer.local_source_dir = post_data.get('local_source_dir')
layer.up_date =
# We have an existing layer by this name, let's see if the git
# url is the same, if it is then we can just create a new layer
# version for this layer. Otherwise we need to bail out.
if layer.vcs_url != post_data['vcs_url']:
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter({"error": "hint-layer-exists-with-different-url" , "current_url" : layer.vcs_url, "current_id": }), content_type = "application/json")
layer_version, version_created = \
layer=layer, project=prj,
if layer_version:
if not version_created:
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter({"error":
"existing_layer_version": }),
content_type = "application/json")
layer_version.layer_source = LayerSource.TYPE_IMPORTED
layer_version.up_date =
# Add the dependencies specified for this new layer
if ('layer_deps' in post_data and
version_created and
len(post_data["layer_deps"]) > 0):
for layer_dep_id in post_data["layer_deps"].split(","):
layer_dep_obj = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=layer_dep_id)
LayerVersionDependency.objects.get_or_create(layer_version=layer_version, depends_on=layer_dep_obj)
# Now add them to the project, we could get an execption
# if the project now contains the exact
# dependency already (like modified on another page)
prj_layer, prj_layer_created = ProjectLayer.objects.get_or_create(layercommit=layer_dep_obj, project=prj)
except IntegrityError as e:
logger.warning("Integrity error while saving Project Layers: %s (original %s)" % (e, e.__cause__))
if prj_layer_created:
layerdepdetailurl = reverse('layerdetails', args=(,
layers_added.append({'id':, 'name': Layer.objects.get(id=layer_dep_obj.layer_id).name, 'layerdetailurl': layerdepdetailurl })
# If an old layer version exists in our project then remove it
for prj_layers in ProjectLayer.objects.filter(project=prj):
dup_layer_v = Layer_Version.objects.filter(id=prj_layers.layercommit_id,
if len(dup_layer_v) >0 :
# finally add the imported layer (version id) to the project
ProjectLayer.objects.create(layercommit=layer_version, project=prj,optional=1)
# We didn't create a layer version so back out now and clean up.
if layer_created:
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter({"error": "Uncaught error: Could not create layer version"}), content_type = "application/json")
layerdetailurl = reverse('layerdetails', args=(,
json_response = {"error": "ok",
"imported_layer" : {
"name" :,
"layerdetailurl": layerdetailurl,
"deps_added": layers_added }
return HttpResponse(jsonfilter(json_response), content_type = "application/json")
def customrecipe_download(request, pid, recipe_id):
recipe = get_object_or_404(CustomImageRecipe, pk=recipe_id)
file_data = recipe.generate_recipe_file_contents()
response = HttpResponse(file_data, content_type='text/plain')
response['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename=""' % (,
return response
def importlayer(request, pid):
template = "importlayer.html"
context = {
'project': Project.objects.get(id=pid),
return render(request, template, context)
# TODO merge with api pseudo api here is used for deps modal
def layerdetails(request, pid, layerid):
project = Project.objects.get(pk=pid)
layer_version = Layer_Version.objects.get(pk=layerid)
project_layers = ProjectLayer.objects.filter(
context = {
'project': project,
'layer_source': LayerSource.types_dict(),
'layerversion': layer_version,
'layerdeps': {
"list": [
"layerdetailurl": reverse('layerdetails',
"vcs_url": dep.layer.vcs_url,
"vcs_reference": dep.get_vcs_reference()
for dep in layer_version.get_alldeps(]
'projectlayers': list(project_layers)
return context
def get_project_configvars_context():
# Vars managed outside of this view
vars_managed = {
vars_blacklist = {
'all_proxy','ftp_proxy','http_proxy ','https_proxy'
vars_fstypes = Target_Image_File.SUFFIXES
def projectconf(request, pid):
prj = Project.objects.get(id = pid)
except Project.DoesNotExist:
return HttpResponseNotFound("<h1>Project id " + pid + " is unavailable</h1>")
# remove blacklist and externally managed varaibles from this list
vars_managed,vars_fstypes,vars_blacklist = get_project_configvars_context()
configvars = ProjectVariable.objects.filter(project_id = pid).all()
for var in vars_managed:
configvars = configvars.exclude(name = var)
for var in vars_blacklist:
configvars = configvars.exclude(name = var)
context = {
'project': prj,
'configvars': configvars,
'vars_managed': vars_managed,
'vars_fstypes': vars_fstypes,
'vars_blacklist': vars_blacklist,
context['distro'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "DISTRO").value
context['distro_defined'] = "1"
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
if ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "DL_DIR").value == "${TOPDIR}/../downloads":
be = BuildEnvironment.objects.get(pk = str(1))
dl_dir = os.path.join(dirname(be.builddir), "downloads")
context['dl_dir'] = dl_dir
pv, created = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, name = "DL_DIR")
pv.value = dl_dir
context['dl_dir'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "DL_DIR").value
context['dl_dir_defined'] = "1"
except (ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist, BuildEnvironment.DoesNotExist):
context['fstypes'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "IMAGE_FSTYPES").value
context['fstypes_defined'] = "1"
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
context['image_install_append'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "IMAGE_INSTALL_append").value
context['image_install_append_defined'] = "1"
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
context['package_classes'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "PACKAGE_CLASSES").value
context['package_classes_defined'] = "1"
except ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist:
if ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "SSTATE_DIR").value == "${TOPDIR}/../sstate-cache":
be = BuildEnvironment.objects.get(pk = str(1))
sstate_dir = os.path.join(dirname(be.builddir), "sstate-cache")
context['sstate_dir'] = sstate_dir
pv, created = ProjectVariable.objects.get_or_create(project = prj, name = "SSTATE_DIR")
pv.value = sstate_dir
context['sstate_dir'] = ProjectVariable.objects.get(project = prj, name = "SSTATE_DIR").value
context['sstate_dir_defined'] = "1"
except (ProjectVariable.DoesNotExist, BuildEnvironment.DoesNotExist):
return context
def _file_names_for_artifact(build, artifact_type, artifact_id):
Return a tuple (file path, file name for the download response) for an
artifact of type artifact_type with ID artifact_id for build; if
artifact type is not supported, returns (None, None)
file_name = None
response_file_name = None
if artifact_type == "cookerlog":
file_name = build.cooker_log_path
response_file_name = "cooker.log"
elif artifact_type == "imagefile":
file_name = Target_Image_File.objects.get(target__build = build, pk = artifact_id).file_name
elif artifact_type == "targetkernelartifact":
target = TargetKernelFile.objects.get(pk=artifact_id)
file_name = target.file_name
elif artifact_type == "targetsdkartifact":
target = TargetSDKFile.objects.get(pk=artifact_id)
file_name = target.file_name
elif artifact_type == "licensemanifest":
file_name = Target.objects.get(build = build, pk = artifact_id).license_manifest_path
elif artifact_type == "packagemanifest":
file_name = Target.objects.get(build = build, pk = artifact_id).package_manifest_path
elif artifact_type == "tasklogfile":
file_name = Task.objects.get(build = build, pk = artifact_id).logfile
elif artifact_type == "logmessagefile":
file_name = LogMessage.objects.get(build = build, pk = artifact_id).pathname
if file_name and not response_file_name:
response_file_name = os.path.basename(file_name)
return (file_name, response_file_name)
def build_artifact(request, build_id, artifact_type, artifact_id):
View which returns a build artifact file as a response
file_name = None
response_file_name = None
build = Build.objects.get(pk = build_id)
file_name, response_file_name = _file_names_for_artifact(
build, artifact_type, artifact_id
if file_name and response_file_name:
fsock = open(file_name, "rb")
content_type = MimeTypeFinder.get_mimetype(file_name)
response = HttpResponse(fsock, content_type = content_type)
disposition = "attachment; filename=" + response_file_name
response["Content-Disposition"] = disposition
bitbake: toaster: Avoid unnecessary local to local copy of cooker log The cooker log is copied from its original (bitbake) location to an artifact directory chosen by the user (chosen when runs as part of the managed mode; it's one of the annoying questions you're asked at startup). The copy happens as part of the runbuilds script run, which is started in a loop from the toaster startup script in managed mode. When a user requests the log for a build via toaster, they are getting the log which has been copied to the artifact directory, not the original bitbake log. This works for the managed case, where the runbuilds command is running in a loop and copying log files for completed builds to the artifact directory. However, in analysis mode, there are two problems: 1. checksettings isn't run, so the artifacts directory isn't set. toaster is then unable to figure out where the log files should have been copied to. 2. The log files aren't copied to the artifacts directory anyway, as runbuilds isn't running in analysis mode. To fix this, just point the user to the local bitbake log file in its original location. This avoids the copy step, and means we can remove a whole question from the toaster startup sequence, as we no longer need an artifact directory. The only downside to this is that it's not appropriate for remote bitbake servers. We will need to revisit this and possibly reinstate the copy step once we have to reconcile local and remote builds and make their logs available in the same way. [YOCTO #8209] (Bitbake rev: 5697bbcc88edad85891f66d28b8803a9c9d27ff2) Signed-off-by: Elliot Smith <> Signed-off-by: brian avery <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2015-09-11 20:57:29 +00:00
return response
return render(request, "unavailable_artifact.html")
except (ObjectDoesNotExist, IOError):
return render(request, "unavailable_artifact.html")