
421 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"use strict";
/* All shared functionality to go in libtoaster object.
* This object really just helps readability since we can then have
* a traceable namespace.
var libtoaster = (function (){
/* makeTypeahead parameters
* elementSelector: JQuery elementSelector string
* xhrUrl: the url to get the JSON from expects JSON in the form:
* { "list": [ { "name": "test", "detail" : "a test thing" }, .... ] }
* xhrParams: the data/parameters to pass to the getJSON url e.g.
* { 'type' : 'projects' } the text typed will be passed as 'value'.
* selectedCB: function to call once an item has been selected one
* arg of the item.
function _makeTypeahead (jQElement, xhrUrl, xhrParams, selectedCB) {
source: function(query, process){
xhrParams.value = query;
$.getJSON(xhrUrl, this.options.xhrParams, function(data){
if (data.error !== "ok") {
console.log("Error getting data from server "+data.error);
return process (data.list);
updater: function(item) {
var itemObj = this.$menu.find('.active').data('itemObject');
return item;
matcher: function(item) { return; },
highlighter: function (item) {
if (item.hasOwnProperty('detail'))
/* Use jquery to escape the value as text into a span */
return $('<span></span>').text(' '+item.detail).get(0);
return $('<span></span>').text(;
sorter: function (items) { return items; },
xhrUrl: xhrUrl,
xhrParams: xhrParams,
/* Copy of bootstrap's render func but sets selectedObject value */
function customRenderFunc (items) {
var that = this;
items = $(items).map(function (i, item) {
i = $(that.options.item).attr('data-value','itemObject', item);
return i[0];
return this;
}'typeahead').render = customRenderFunc;
* url - the url of the xhr build */
function _startABuild (url, project_id, targets, onsuccess, onfail) {
var data = {
project_id : project_id,
targets : targets,
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: data,
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (_data) {
if (_data.error !== "ok") {
} else {
if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
error: function (_data) {
console.warn("Call failed");
if (onfail) onfail(data);
} });
/* cancelABuild:
* url: xhr_projectbuild
* builds_ids: space separated list of build request ids
* onsuccess: callback for successful execution
* onfail: callback for failed execution
function _cancelABuild(url, build_ids, onsuccess, onfail){
$.ajax( {
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: { 'buildCancel': build_ids },
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (_data) {
if (_data.error !== "ok") {
} else {
if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
error: function (_data) {
console.warn("Call failed");
if (onfail) onfail(data);
/* Get a project's configuration info */
function _getProjectInfo(url, projectId, onsuccess, onfail){
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: { project_id : projectId },
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (_data) {
if (_data.error !== "ok") {
} else {
if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
error: function (_data) {
if (onfail) onfail(_data);
/* Properties for data can be:
* layerDel (csv)
* layerAdd (csv)
* projectName
* projectVersion
* machineName
function _editProject(url, projectId, data, onSuccess, onFail){
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: data,
headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
success: function (data) {
if (data.error != "ok") {
if (onFail !== undefined)
} else {
if (onSuccess !== undefined)
error: function (data) {
console.log("Call failed");
function _getLayerDepsForProject(xhrDataTypeaheadUrl, projectId, layerId, onSuccess, onFail){
/* Check for dependencies not in the current project */
{ type: 'layerdeps', 'value': layerId , project_id: projectId },
function(data) {
if (data.error != "ok") {
if (onFail !== undefined)
} else {
}, function() {
console.log("E: Failed to make request");
/* parses the query string of the current window.location to an object */
function _parseUrlParams() {
var string =;
string = string.substr(1);
var stringArray = string.split ("&");
var obj = {};
for (var i in stringArray) {
var keyVal = stringArray[i].split ("=");
obj[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1];
return obj;
/* takes a flat object and outputs it as a query string
* e.g. the output of dumpsUrlParams
function _dumpsUrlParams(obj) {
var str = "?";
for (var key in obj){
if (!obj[key])
str += key+ "="+obj[key].toString();
str += "&";
return str;
return {
reload_params : reload_params,
startABuild : _startABuild,
cancelABuild : _cancelABuild,
makeTypeahead : _makeTypeahead,
getProjectInfo: _getProjectInfo,
getLayerDepsForProject : _getLayerDepsForProject,
editProject : _editProject,
debug: false,
parseUrlParams : _parseUrlParams,
dumpsUrlParams : _dumpsUrlParams,
/* keep this in the global scope for compatability */
function reload_params(params) {
var uri = window.location.href;
var splitlist = uri.split("?");
var url = splitlist[0];
var parameters = splitlist[1];
// deserialize the call parameters
var cparams = [];
cparams = parameters.split("&");
var nparams = {};
for (var i = 0; i < cparams.length; i++) {
var temp = cparams[i].split("=");
nparams[temp[0]] = temp[1];
// update parameter values
for (i in params) {
nparams[encodeURIComponent(i)] = encodeURIComponent(params[i]);
// serialize the structure
var callparams = [];
for (i in nparams) {
window.location.href = url+"?"+callparams.join('&');
/* Things that happen for all pages */
$(document).ready(function() {
/* If we don't have a console object which might be the case in some
* browsers, no-op it to avoid undefined errors.
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
window.console.warn = function() {};
window.console.error = function() {};
* PrettyPrint plugin.
// Init
// Prevent invalid links from jumping page scroll
$('a[href=#]').click(function() {
return false;
/* Belen's additions */
// turn Edit columns dropdown into a multiselect menu
$('.dropdown-menu input, .dropdown-menu label').click(function(e) {
// enable popovers in any table cells that contain an anchor with the
// .btn class applied, and make sure popovers work on click, are mutually
// exclusive and they close when your click outside their area
$('td > a.btn').popover('hide');
$('td > a.btn').popover({
$('td > a.btn').not(this).popover('hide');
// ideally we would use 'toggle' here
// but it seems buggy in our Bootstrap version
// enable tooltips for applied filters
$('th a.btn-primary').tooltip({container:'body', html:true, placement:'bottom', delay:{hide:1500}});
// hide applied filter tooltip when you click on the filter button
$('th a.btn-primary').click(function () {
// enable help information tooltip
$(".get-help").tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:{show:300}});
// show help bubble only on hover inside tables
$("th, td").hover(function () {
$("th, td").mouseleave(function () {
// show task type and outcome in task details pages
$(".task-info").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: {show: 200}, placement: 'right' });
// initialise the tooltips for the icon-pencil icons
$(".icon-pencil").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: {show: 400}, title: "Change" });
// initialise the tooltips for the download icons
$(".icon-download-alt").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: { show: 200 } });
// initialise popover for debug information
$(".icon-info-sign").popover( { placement: 'bottom', html: true, container: 'body' });
// linking directly to tabs
var hash = window.location.hash;
$('ul.nav a[href="' + hash + '"]').tab('show');
$('.nav-tabs a').click(function () {
// toggle for long content (variables, python stack trace, etc)
$('.full, .full-hide').hide();
//toggle the errors and warnings sections
$('.show-errors').click(function() {
$('.toggle-errors').click(function() {
$('.show-warnings').click(function() {
$('.toggle-warnings').click(function() {
$('.show-exceptions').click(function() {
$('.toggle-exceptions').click(function() {
//show warnings section when requested from the previous page
if ('#warnings') > -1) {
function check_for_duplicate_ids () {
/* warn about duplicate element ids */
var ids = {};
$("[id]").each(function() {
if ( && ids[]) {
console.warn('Duplicate element id #';
ids[] = true;
if (libtoaster.debug) {
} else {
/* Debug is false so supress warnings by overriding the functions */
window.console.warn = function () {};
window.console.error = function () {};