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wic: Add mic w/pykickstart This is the starting point for the implemention described in [YOCTO 3847] which came to the conclusion that it would make sense to use kickstart syntax to implement image creation in OpenEmbedded. I subsequently realized that there was an existing tool that already implemented image creation using kickstart syntax, the Tizen/Meego mic tool. As such, it made sense to use that as a starting point - this commit essentially just copies the relevant Python code from the MIC tool to the scripts/lib dir, where it can be accessed by the previously created wic tool. Most of this will be removed or renamed by later commits, since we're initially focusing on partitioning only. Care should be taken so that we can easily add back any additional functionality should we decide later to expand the tool, though (we may also want to contribute our local changes to the mic tool to the Tizen project if it makes sense, and therefore should avoid gratuitous changes to the original code if possible). Added the /mic subdir from Tizen mic repo as a starting point: git clone git:// For reference, the top commit: commit 20164175ddc234a17b8a12c33d04b012347b1530 Author: Gui Chen <> Date: Sun Jun 30 22:32:16 2013 -0400 bump up to 0.19.2 Also added the /plugins subdir, moved to under the /mic subdir (to match the default plugin_dir location in, which was renamed to yocto-image.conf (moved and renamed by later patches) and put into /scripts. (From OE-Core rev: 31f0360f1fd4ebc9dfcaed42d1c50d2448b4632e) Signed-off-by: Tom Zanussi <> Signed-off-by: Saul Wold <> Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
2013-08-24 15:31:34 +00:00
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# This file is part of urlgrabber, a high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
# Copyright 2002-2004 Michael D. Stenner, Ryan Tomayko
"""A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber.
Where possible, the module-level default is indicated, and legal
values are provided.
copy_local = 0 [0|1]
ignored except for file:// urls, in which case it specifies
whether urlgrab should still make a copy of the file, or simply
point to the existing copy. The module level default for this
option is 0.
close_connection = 0 [0|1]
tells URLGrabber to close the connection after a file has been
transfered. This is ignored unless the download happens with the
http keepalive handler (keepalive=1). Otherwise, the connection
is left open for further use. The module level default for this
option is 0 (keepalive connections will not be closed).
keepalive = 1 [0|1]
specifies whether keepalive should be used for HTTP/1.1 servers
that support it. The module level default for this option is 1
(keepalive is enabled).
progress_obj = None
a class instance that supports the following methods:
po.start(filename, url, basename, length, text)
# length will be None if unknown
po.update(read) # read == bytes read so far
text = None
specifies an alternativ text item in the beginning of the progress
bar line. If not given, the basename of the file is used.
throttle = 1.0
a number - if it's an int, it's the bytes/second throttle limit.
If it's a float, it is first multiplied by bandwidth. If throttle
== 0, throttling is disabled. If None, the module-level default
(which can be set on default_grabber.throttle) is used. See
BANDWIDTH THROTTLING for more information.
timeout = None
a positive float expressing the number of seconds to wait for socket
operations. If the value is None or 0.0, socket operations will block
forever. Setting this option causes urlgrabber to call the settimeout
method on the Socket object used for the request. See the Python
documentation on settimeout for more information.
bandwidth = 0
the nominal max bandwidth in bytes/second. If throttle is a float
and bandwidth == 0, throttling is disabled. If None, the
module-level default (which can be set on
default_grabber.bandwidth) is used. See BANDWIDTH THROTTLING for
more information.
range = None
a tuple of the form (first_byte, last_byte) describing a byte
range to retrieve. Either or both of the values may set to
None. If first_byte is None, byte offset 0 is assumed. If
last_byte is None, the last byte available is assumed. Note that
the range specification is python-like in that (0,10) will yeild
the first 10 bytes of the file.
If set to None, no range will be used.
reget = None [None|'simple'|'check_timestamp']
whether to attempt to reget a partially-downloaded file. Reget
only applies to .urlgrab and (obviously) only if there is a
partially downloaded file. Reget has two modes:
'simple' -- the local file will always be trusted. If there
are 100 bytes in the local file, then the download will always
begin 100 bytes into the requested file.
'check_timestamp' -- the timestamp of the server file will be
compared to the timestamp of the local file. ONLY if the
local file is newer than or the same age as the server file
will reget be used. If the server file is newer, or the
timestamp is not returned, the entire file will be fetched.
NOTE: urlgrabber can do very little to verify that the partial
file on disk is identical to the beginning of the remote file.
You may want to either employ a custom "checkfunc" or simply avoid
using reget in situations where corruption is a concern.
user_agent = 'urlgrabber/VERSION'
a string, usually of the form 'AGENT/VERSION' that is provided to
HTTP servers in the User-agent header. The module level default
for this option is "urlgrabber/VERSION".
http_headers = None
a tuple of 2-tuples, each containing a header and value. These
will be used for http and https requests only. For example, you
can do
http_headers = (('Pragma', 'no-cache'),)
ftp_headers = None
this is just like http_headers, but will be used for ftp requests.
proxies = None
a dictionary that maps protocol schemes to proxy hosts. For
example, to use a proxy server on host "foo" port 3128 for http
and https URLs:
proxies={ 'http' : 'http://foo:3128', 'https' : 'http://foo:3128' }
note that proxy authentication information may be provided using
normal URL constructs:
proxies={ 'http' : 'http://user:host@foo:3128' }
Lastly, if proxies is None, the default environment settings will
be used.
prefix = None
a url prefix that will be prepended to all requested urls. For
g = URLGrabber(prefix='')
## this will fetch ''
This option exists primarily to allow identical behavior to
MirrorGroup (and derived) instances. Note: a '/' will be inserted
if necessary, so you cannot specify a prefix that ends with a
partial file or directory name.
opener = None
Overrides the default urllib2.OpenerDirector provided to urllib2
when making requests. This option exists so that the urllib2
handler chain may be customized. Note that the range, reget,
proxy, and keepalive features require that custom handlers be
provided to urllib2 in order to function properly. If an opener
option is provided, no attempt is made by urlgrabber to ensure
chain integrity. You are responsible for ensuring that any
extension handlers are present if said features are required.
data = None
Only relevant for the HTTP family (and ignored for other
protocols), this allows HTTP POSTs. When the data kwarg is
present (and not None), an HTTP request will automatically become
a POST rather than GET. This is done by direct passthrough to
urllib2. If you use this, you may also want to set the
'Content-length' and 'Content-type' headers with the http_headers
option. Note that python 2.2 handles the case of these
badly and if you do not use the proper case (shown here), your
values will be overridden with the defaults.
retry = None
the number of times to retry the grab before bailing. If this is
zero, it will retry forever. This was intentional... really, it
was :). If this value is not supplied or is supplied but is None
retrying does not occur.
retrycodes = [-1,2,4,5,6,7]
a sequence of errorcodes (values of e.errno) for which it should
retry. See the doc on URLGrabError for more details on this. You
might consider modifying a copy of the default codes rather than
building yours from scratch so that if the list is extended in the
future (or one code is split into two) you can still enjoy the
benefits of the default list. You can do that with something like
retrycodes = urlgrabber.grabber.URLGrabberOptions().retrycodes
if 12 not in retrycodes:
checkfunc = None
a function to do additional checks. This defaults to None, which
means no additional checking. The function should simply return
on a successful check. It should raise URLGrabError on an
unsuccessful check. Raising of any other exception will be
considered immediate failure and no retries will occur.
If it raises URLGrabError, the error code will determine the retry
behavior. Negative error numbers are reserved for use by these
passed in functions, so you can use many negative numbers for
different types of failure. By default, -1 results in a retry,
but this can be customized with retrycodes.
If you simply pass in a function, it will be given exactly one
argument: a CallbackObject instance with the .url attribute
defined and either .filename (for urlgrab) or .data (for urlread).
For urlgrab, .filename is the name of the local file. For
urlread, .data is the actual string data. If you need other
arguments passed to the callback (program state of some sort), you
can do so like this:
checkfunc=(function, ('arg1', 2), {'kwarg': 3})
if the downloaded file has filename /tmp/stuff, then this will
result in this call (for urlgrab):
function(obj, 'arg1', 2, kwarg=3)
# obj.filename = '/tmp/stuff'
# obj.url = ''
NOTE: both the "args" tuple and "kwargs" dict must be present if
you use this syntax, but either (or both) can be empty.
failure_callback = None
The callback that gets called during retries when an attempt to
fetch a file fails. The syntax for specifying the callback is
identical to checkfunc, except for the attributes defined in the
CallbackObject instance. The attributes for failure_callback are:
exception = the raised exception
url = the url we're trying to fetch
tries = the number of tries so far (including this one)
retry = the value of the retry option
The callback is present primarily to inform the calling program of
the failure, but if it raises an exception (including the one it's
passed) that exception will NOT be caught and will therefore cause
future retries to be aborted.
The callback is called for EVERY failure, including the last one.
On the last try, the callback can raise an alternate exception,
but it cannot (without severe trickiness) prevent the exception
from being raised.
interrupt_callback = None
This callback is called if KeyboardInterrupt is received at any
point in the transfer. Basically, this callback can have three
impacts on the fetch process based on the way it exits:
1) raise no exception: the current fetch will be aborted, but
any further retries will still take place
2) raise a URLGrabError: if you're using a MirrorGroup, then
this will prompt a failover to the next mirror according to
the behavior of the MirrorGroup subclass. It is recommended
that you raise URLGrabError with code 15, 'user abort'. If
you are NOT using a MirrorGroup subclass, then this is the
same as (3).
3) raise some other exception (such as KeyboardInterrupt), which
will not be caught at either the grabber or mirror levels.
That is, it will be raised up all the way to the caller.
This callback is very similar to failure_callback. They are
passed the same arguments, so you could use the same function for
urlparser = URLParser()
The URLParser class handles pre-processing of URLs, including
auth-handling for user/pass encoded in http urls, file handing
(that is, filenames not sent as a URL), and URL quoting. If you
want to override any of this behavior, you can pass in a
replacement instance. See also the 'quote' option.
quote = None
Whether or not to quote the path portion of a url.
quote = 1 -> quote the URLs (they're not quoted yet)
quote = 0 -> do not quote them (they're already quoted)
quote = None -> guess what to do
This option only affects proper urls like 'file:///etc/passwd'; it
does not affect 'raw' filenames like '/etc/passwd'. The latter
will always be quoted as they are converted to URLs. Also, only
the path part of a url is quoted. If you need more fine-grained
control, you should probably subclass URLParser and pass it in via
the 'urlparser' option.
urlgrabber supports throttling via two values: throttle and
bandwidth Between the two, you can either specify and absolute
throttle threshold or specify a theshold as a fraction of maximum
available bandwidth.
throttle is a number - if it's an int, it's the bytes/second
throttle limit. If it's a float, it is first multiplied by
bandwidth. If throttle == 0, throttling is disabled. If None, the
module-level default (which can be set with set_throttle) is used.
bandwidth is the nominal max bandwidth in bytes/second. If throttle
is a float and bandwidth == 0, throttling is disabled. If None, the
module-level default (which can be set with set_bandwidth) is used.
Lets say you have a 100 Mbps connection. This is (about) 10^8 bits
per second, or 12,500,000 Bytes per second. You have a number of
throttling options:
*) set_bandwidth(12500000); set_throttle(0.5) # throttle is a float
This will limit urlgrab to use half of your available bandwidth.
*) set_throttle(6250000) # throttle is an int
This will also limit urlgrab to use half of your available
bandwidth, regardless of what bandwidth is set to.
*) set_throttle(6250000); set_throttle(1.0) # float
Use half your bandwidth
*) set_throttle(6250000); set_throttle(2.0) # float
Use up to 12,500,000 Bytes per second (your nominal max bandwidth)
*) set_throttle(6250000); set_throttle(0) # throttle = 0
Disable throttling - this is more efficient than a very large
throttle setting.
*) set_throttle(0); set_throttle(1.0) # throttle is float, bandwidth = 0
Disable throttling - this is the default when the module is loaded.
While this is flexible, it's not extremely obvious to the user. I
suggest you implement a float throttle as a percent to make the
distinction between absolute and relative throttling very explicit.
Also, you may want to convert the units to something more convenient
than bytes/second, such as kbps or kB/s, etc.
# $Id:,v 1.48 2006/09/22 00:58:05 mstenner Exp $
import os
import os.path
import sys
import urlparse
import rfc822
import time
import string
import urllib
import urllib2
from stat import * # S_* and ST_*
exec('from ' + (__name__.split('.'))[0] + ' import __version__')
__version__ = '???'
import sslfactory
auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler( \
from i18n import _
except ImportError, msg:
def _(st): return st
from httplib import HTTPException
except ImportError, msg:
HTTPException = None
# This is a convenient way to make keepalive optional.
# Just rename the module so it can't be imported.
import keepalive
from keepalive import HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler
have_keepalive = True
except ImportError, msg:
have_keepalive = False
# add in range support conditionally too
import byterange
from byterange import HTTPRangeHandler, HTTPSRangeHandler, \
FileRangeHandler, FTPRangeHandler, range_tuple_normalize, \
range_tuple_to_header, RangeError
except ImportError, msg:
range_handlers = ()
RangeError = None
have_range = 0
range_handlers = (HTTPRangeHandler(), HTTPSRangeHandler(),
FileRangeHandler(), FTPRangeHandler())
have_range = 1
# check whether socket timeout support is available (Python >= 2.3)
import socket
TimeoutError = socket.timeout
have_socket_timeout = True
except AttributeError:
TimeoutError = None
have_socket_timeout = False
# functions for debugging output. These functions are here because they
# are also part of the module initialization.
DEBUG = None
def set_logger(DBOBJ):
"""Set the DEBUG object. This is called by _init_default_logger when
the environment variable URLGRABBER_DEBUG is set, but can also be
called by a calling program. Basically, if the calling program uses
the logging module and would like to incorporate urlgrabber logging,
then it can do so this way. It's probably not necessary as most
internal logging is only for debugging purposes.
The passed-in object should be a logging.Logger instance. It will
be pushed into the keepalive and byterange modules if they're
being used. The mirror module pulls this object in on import, so
you will need to manually push into it. In fact, you may find it
tidier to simply push your logging object (or objects) into each
of these modules independently.
global DEBUG
if have_keepalive and keepalive.DEBUG is None:
keepalive.DEBUG = DBOBJ
if have_range and byterange.DEBUG is None:
byterange.DEBUG = DBOBJ
if sslfactory.DEBUG is None:
sslfactory.DEBUG = DBOBJ
def _init_default_logger():
'''Examines the environment variable URLGRABBER_DEBUG and creates
a logging object (logging.logger) based on the contents. It takes
the form
where "level" can be either an integer or a log level from the
logging module (DEBUG, INFO, etc). If the integer is zero or
less, logging will be disabled. Filename is the filename where
logs will be sent. If it is "-", then stdout will be used. If
the filename is empty or missing, stderr will be used. If the
variable cannot be processed or the logging module cannot be
imported (python < 2.3) then logging will be disabled. Here are
some examples:
URLGRABBER_DEBUG=1,debug.txt # log everything to debug.txt
URLGRABBER_DEBUG=WARNING,- # log warning and higher to stdout
URLGRABBER_DEBUG=INFO # log info and higher to stderr
This funtion is called during module initialization. It is not
intended to be called from outside. The only reason it is a
function at all is to keep the module-level namespace tidy and to
collect the code into a nice block.'''
dbinfo = os.environ['URLGRABBER_DEBUG'].split(',')
import logging
level = logging._levelNames.get(dbinfo[0], int(dbinfo[0]))
if level < 1: raise ValueError()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(message)s')
if len(dbinfo) > 1: filename = dbinfo[1]
else: filename = ''
if filename == '': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
elif filename == '-': handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
else: handler = logging.FileHandler(filename)
DBOBJ = logging.getLogger('urlgrabber')
except (KeyError, ImportError, ValueError):
DBOBJ = None
class URLGrabError(IOError):
URLGrabError error codes:
URLGrabber error codes (0 -- 255)
0 - everything looks good (you should never see this)
1 - malformed url
2 - local file doesn't exist
3 - request for non-file local file (dir, etc)
4 - IOError on fetch
5 - OSError on fetch
6 - no content length header when we expected one
7 - HTTPException
8 - Exceeded read limit (for urlread)
9 - Requested byte range not satisfiable.
10 - Byte range requested, but range support unavailable
11 - Illegal reget mode
12 - Socket timeout
13 - malformed proxy url
14 - HTTPError (includes .code and .exception attributes)
15 - user abort
MirrorGroup error codes (256 -- 511)
256 - No more mirrors left to try
Custom (non-builtin) classes derived from MirrorGroup (512 -- 767)
[ this range reserved for application-specific error codes ]
Retry codes (< 0)
-1 - retry the download, unknown reason
Note: to test which group a code is in, you can simply do integer
division by 256: e.errno / 256
Negative codes are reserved for use by functions passed in to
retrygrab with checkfunc. The value -1 is built in as a generic
retry code and is already included in the retrycodes list.
Therefore, you can create a custom check function that simply
returns -1 and the fetch will be re-tried. For more customized
retries, you can use other negative number and include them in
retry-codes. This is nice for outputting useful messages about
what failed.
You can use these error codes like so:
try: urlgrab(url)
except URLGrabError, e:
if e.errno == 3: ...
# or
print e.strerror
# or simply
print e #### print '[Errno %i] %s' % (e.errno, e.strerror)
class CallbackObject:
"""Container for returned callback data.
This is currently a dummy class into which urlgrabber can stuff
information for passing to callbacks. This way, the prototype for
all callbacks is the same, regardless of the data that will be
passed back. Any function that accepts a callback function as an
argument SHOULD document what it will define in this object.
It is possible that this class will have some greater
functionality in the future.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def urlgrab(url, filename=None, **kwargs):
"""grab the file at <url> and make a local copy at <filename>
If filename is none, the basename of the url is used.
urlgrab returns the filename of the local file, which may be different
from the passed-in filename if the copy_local kwarg == 0.
See module documentation for a description of possible kwargs.
return default_grabber.urlgrab(url, filename, **kwargs)
def urlopen(url, **kwargs):
"""open the url and return a file object
If a progress object or throttle specifications exist, then
a special file object will be returned that supports them.
The file object can be treated like any other file object.
See module documentation for a description of possible kwargs.
return default_grabber.urlopen(url, **kwargs)
def urlread(url, limit=None, **kwargs):
"""read the url into a string, up to 'limit' bytes
If the limit is exceeded, an exception will be thrown. Note that urlread
is NOT intended to be used as a way of saying "I want the first N bytes"
but rather 'read the whole file into memory, but don't use too much'
See module documentation for a description of possible kwargs.
return default_grabber.urlread(url, limit, **kwargs)
class URLParser:
"""Process the URLs before passing them to urllib2.
This class does several things:
* add any prefix
* translate a "raw" file to a proper file: url
* handle any http or https auth that's encoded within the url
* quote the url
Only the "parse" method is called directly, and it calls sub-methods.
An instance of this class is held in the options object, which
means that it's easy to change the behavior by sub-classing and
passing the replacement in. It need only have a method like:
url, parts = urlparser.parse(url, opts)
def parse(self, url, opts):
"""parse the url and return the (modified) url and its parts
Note: a raw file WILL be quoted when it's converted to a URL.
However, other urls (ones which come with a proper scheme) may
or may not be quoted according to opts.quote
opts.quote = 1 --> quote it
opts.quote = 0 --> do not quote it
opts.quote = None --> guess
quote = opts.quote
if opts.prefix:
url = self.add_prefix(url, opts.prefix)
parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = parts
if not scheme or (len(scheme) == 1 and scheme in string.letters):
# if a scheme isn't specified, we guess that it's "file:"
if url[0] not in '/\\': url = os.path.abspath(url)
url = 'file:' + urllib.pathname2url(url)
parts = urlparse.urlparse(url)
quote = 0 # pathname2url quotes, so we won't do it again
if scheme in ['http', 'https']:
parts = self.process_http(parts)
if quote is None:
quote = self.guess_should_quote(parts)
if quote:
parts = self.quote(parts)
url = urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
return url, parts
def add_prefix(self, url, prefix):
if prefix[-1] == '/' or url[0] == '/':
url = prefix + url
url = prefix + '/' + url
return url
def process_http(self, parts):
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = parts
if '@' in host and auth_handler:
user_pass, host = host.split('@', 1)
if ':' in user_pass:
user, password = user_pass.split(':', 1)
except ValueError, e:
raise URLGrabError(1, _('Bad URL: %s') % url)
if DEBUG:'adding HTTP auth: %s, XXXXXXXX', user)
auth_handler.add_password(None, host, user, password)
return (scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag)
def quote(self, parts):
"""quote the URL
This method quotes ONLY the path part. If you need to quote
other parts, you should override this and pass in your derived
class. The other alternative is to quote other parts before
passing into urlgrabber.
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = parts
path = urllib.quote(path)
return (scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag)
hexvals = '0123456789ABCDEF'
def guess_should_quote(self, parts):
Guess whether we should quote a path. This amounts to
guessing whether it's already quoted.
find ' ' -> 1
find '%' -> 1
find '%XX' -> 0
else -> 1
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = parts
if ' ' in path:
return 1
ind = string.find(path, '%')
if ind > -1:
while ind > -1:
if len(path) < ind+3:
return 1
code = path[ind+1:ind+3].upper()
if code[0] not in self.hexvals or \
code[1] not in self.hexvals:
return 1
ind = string.find(path, '%', ind+1)
return 0
return 1
class URLGrabberOptions:
"""Class to ease kwargs handling."""
def __init__(self, delegate=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize URLGrabberOptions object.
Set default values for all options and then update options specified
in kwargs.
self.delegate = delegate
if delegate is None:
def __getattr__(self, name):
if self.delegate and hasattr(self.delegate, name):
return getattr(self.delegate, name)
raise AttributeError, name
def raw_throttle(self):
"""Calculate raw throttle value from throttle and bandwidth
if self.throttle <= 0:
return 0
elif type(self.throttle) == type(0):
return float(self.throttle)
else: # throttle is a float
return self.bandwidth * self.throttle
def derive(self, **kwargs):
"""Create a derived URLGrabberOptions instance.
This method creates a new instance and overrides the
options specified in kwargs.
return URLGrabberOptions(delegate=self, **kwargs)
def _set_attributes(self, **kwargs):
"""Update object attributes with those provided in kwargs."""
if have_range and kwargs.has_key('range'):
# normalize the supplied range value
self.range = range_tuple_normalize(self.range)
if not self.reget in [None, 'simple', 'check_timestamp']:
raise URLGrabError(11, _('Illegal reget mode: %s') \
% (self.reget, ))
def _set_defaults(self):
"""Set all options to their default values.
When adding new options, make sure a default is
provided here.
self.progress_obj = None
self.throttle = 1.0
self.bandwidth = 0
self.retry = None
self.retrycodes = [-1,2,4,5,6,7]
self.checkfunc = None
self.copy_local = 0
self.close_connection = 0
self.range = None
self.user_agent = 'urlgrabber/%s' % __version__
self.keepalive = 1
self.proxies = None
self.reget = None
self.failure_callback = None
self.interrupt_callback = None
self.prefix = None
self.opener = None
self.cache_openers = True
self.timeout = None
self.text = None
self.http_headers = None
self.ftp_headers = None = None
self.urlparser = URLParser()
self.quote = None
self.ssl_ca_cert = None
self.ssl_context = None
class URLGrabber:
"""Provides easy opening of URLs with a variety of options.
All options are specified as kwargs. Options may be specified when
the class is created and may be overridden on a per request basis.
New objects inherit default values from default_grabber.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.opts = URLGrabberOptions(**kwargs)
def _retry(self, opts, func, *args):
tries = 0
while 1:
# there are only two ways out of this loop. The second has
# several "sub-ways"
# 1) via the return in the "try" block
# 2) by some exception being raised
# a) an excepton is raised that we don't "except"
# b) a callback raises ANY exception
# c) we're not retry-ing or have run out of retries
# d) the URLGrabError code is not in retrycodes
# beware of infinite loops :)
tries = tries + 1
exception = None
retrycode = None
callback = None
if DEBUG:'attempt %i/%s: %s',
tries, opts.retry, args[0])
r = apply(func, (opts,) + args, {})
if DEBUG:'success')
return r
except URLGrabError, e:
exception = e
callback = opts.failure_callback
retrycode = e.errno
except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
exception = e
callback = opts.interrupt_callback
if DEBUG:'exception: %s', exception)
if callback:
if DEBUG:'calling callback: %s', callback)
cb_func, cb_args, cb_kwargs = self._make_callback(callback)
obj = CallbackObject(exception=exception, url=args[0],
tries=tries, retry=opts.retry)
cb_func(obj, *cb_args, **cb_kwargs)
if (opts.retry is None) or (tries == opts.retry):
if DEBUG:'retries exceeded, re-raising')
if (retrycode is not None) and (retrycode not in opts.retrycodes):
if DEBUG:'retrycode (%i) not in list %s, re-raising',
retrycode, opts.retrycodes)
def urlopen(self, url, **kwargs):
"""open the url and return a file object
If a progress object or throttle value specified when this
object was created, then a special file object will be
returned that supports them. The file object can be treated
like any other file object.
opts = self.opts.derive(**kwargs)
(url,parts) = opts.urlparser.parse(url, opts)
def retryfunc(opts, url):
return URLGrabberFileObject(url, filename=None, opts=opts)
return self._retry(opts, retryfunc, url)
def urlgrab(self, url, filename=None, **kwargs):
"""grab the file at <url> and make a local copy at <filename>
If filename is none, the basename of the url is used.
urlgrab returns the filename of the local file, which may be
different from the passed-in filename if copy_local == 0.
opts = self.opts.derive(**kwargs)
(url,parts) = opts.urlparser.parse(url, opts)
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = parts
if filename is None:
filename = os.path.basename( urllib.unquote(path) )
if scheme == 'file' and not opts.copy_local:
# just return the name of the local file - don't make a
# copy currently
path = urllib.url2pathname(path)
if host:
path = os.path.normpath('//' + host + path)
if not os.path.exists(path):
raise URLGrabError(2,
_('Local file does not exist: %s') % (path, ))
elif not os.path.isfile(path):
raise URLGrabError(3,
_('Not a normal file: %s') % (path, ))
elif not opts.range:
return path
def retryfunc(opts, url, filename):
fo = URLGrabberFileObject(url, filename, opts)
if not opts.checkfunc is None:
cb_func, cb_args, cb_kwargs = \
obj = CallbackObject()
obj.filename = filename
obj.url = url
apply(cb_func, (obj, )+cb_args, cb_kwargs)
return filename
return self._retry(opts, retryfunc, url, filename)
def urlread(self, url, limit=None, **kwargs):
"""read the url into a string, up to 'limit' bytes
If the limit is exceeded, an exception will be thrown. Note
that urlread is NOT intended to be used as a way of saying
"I want the first N bytes" but rather 'read the whole file
into memory, but don't use too much'
opts = self.opts.derive(**kwargs)
(url,parts) = opts.urlparser.parse(url, opts)
if limit is not None:
limit = limit + 1
def retryfunc(opts, url, limit):
fo = URLGrabberFileObject(url, filename=None, opts=opts)
s = ''
# this is an unfortunate thing. Some file-like objects
# have a default "limit" of None, while the built-in (real)
# file objects have -1. They each break the other, so for
# now, we just force the default if necessary.
if limit is None: s =
else: s =
if not opts.checkfunc is None:
cb_func, cb_args, cb_kwargs = \
obj = CallbackObject() = s
obj.url = url
apply(cb_func, (obj, )+cb_args, cb_kwargs)
return s
s = self._retry(opts, retryfunc, url, limit)
if limit and len(s) > limit:
raise URLGrabError(8,
_('Exceeded limit (%i): %s') % (limit, url))
return s
def _make_callback(self, callback_obj):
if callable(callback_obj):
return callback_obj, (), {}
return callback_obj
# create the default URLGrabber used by urlXXX functions.
# NOTE: actual defaults are set in URLGrabberOptions
default_grabber = URLGrabber()
class URLGrabberFileObject:
"""This is a file-object wrapper that supports progress objects
and throttling.
This exists to solve the following problem: lets say you want to
drop-in replace a normal open with urlopen. You want to use a
progress meter and/or throttling, but how do you do that without
rewriting your code? Answer: urlopen will return a wrapped file
object that does the progress meter and-or throttling internally.
def __init__(self, url, filename, opts):
self.url = url
self.filename = filename
self.opts = opts = None
self._rbuf = ''
self._rbufsize = 1024*8
self._ttime = time.time()
self._tsize = 0
self._amount_read = 0
self._opener = None
def __getattr__(self, name):
"""This effectively allows us to wrap at the instance level.
Any attribute not found in _this_ object will be searched for
in This includes methods."""
if hasattr(, name):
return getattr(, name)
raise AttributeError, name
def _get_opener(self):
"""Build a urllib2 OpenerDirector based on request options."""
if self.opts.opener:
return self.opts.opener
elif self._opener is None:
handlers = []
need_keepalive_handler = (have_keepalive and self.opts.keepalive)
need_range_handler = (range_handlers and \
(self.opts.range or self.opts.reget))
# if you specify a ProxyHandler when creating the opener
# it _must_ come before all other handlers in the list or urllib2
# chokes.
if self.opts.proxies:
handlers.append( CachedProxyHandler(self.opts.proxies) )
# -------------------------------------------------------
# OK, these next few lines are a serious kludge to get
# around what I think is a bug in python 2.2's
# urllib2. The basic idea is that default handlers
# get applied first. If you override one (like a
# proxy handler), then the default gets pulled, but
# the replacement goes on the end. In the case of
# proxies, this means the normal handler picks it up
# first and the proxy isn't used. Now, this probably
# only happened with ftp or non-keepalive http, so not
# many folks saw it. The simple approach to fixing it
# is just to make sure you override the other
# conflicting defaults as well. I would LOVE to see
# these go way or be dealt with more elegantly. The
# problem isn't there after 2.2. -MDS 2005/02/24
if not need_keepalive_handler:
handlers.append( urllib2.HTTPHandler() )
if not need_range_handler:
handlers.append( urllib2.FTPHandler() )
# -------------------------------------------------------
ssl_factory = sslfactory.get_factory(self.opts.ssl_ca_cert,
if need_keepalive_handler:
if need_range_handler:
handlers.extend( range_handlers )
handlers.append( auth_handler )
if self.opts.cache_openers:
self._opener = CachedOpenerDirector(ssl_factory, *handlers)
self._opener = ssl_factory.create_opener(*handlers)
# OK, I don't like to do this, but otherwise, we end up with
# TWO user-agent headers.
self._opener.addheaders = []
return self._opener
def _do_open(self):
opener = self._get_opener()
req = urllib2.Request(self.url, # build request object
self._add_headers(req) # add misc headers that we need
self._build_range(req) # take care of reget and byterange stuff
fo, hdr = self._make_request(req, opener)
if self.reget_time and self.opts.reget == 'check_timestamp':
# do this if we have a local file with known timestamp AND
# we're in check_timestamp reget mode.
fetch_again = 0
modified_tuple = hdr.getdate_tz('last-modified')
modified_stamp = rfc822.mktime_tz(modified_tuple)
if modified_stamp > self.reget_time: fetch_again = 1
except (TypeError,):
fetch_again = 1
if fetch_again:
# the server version is newer than the (incomplete) local
# version, so we should abandon the version we're getting
# and fetch the whole thing again.
self.opts.reget = None
del req.headers['Range']
fo, hdr = self._make_request(req, opener)
(scheme, host, path, parm, query, frag) = urlparse.urlparse(self.url)
path = urllib.unquote(path)
if not (self.opts.progress_obj or self.opts.raw_throttle() \
or self.opts.timeout):
# if we're not using the progress_obj, throttling, or timeout
# we can get a performance boost by going directly to
# the underlying fileobject for reads. =
if hasattr(fo, 'readline'):
self.readline = fo.readline
elif self.opts.progress_obj:
length = int(hdr['Content-Length'])
length = length + self._amount_read # Account for regets
except (KeyError, ValueError, TypeError):
length = None
length, text=self.opts.text)
(, self.hdr) = (fo, hdr)
def _add_headers(self, req):
if self.opts.user_agent:
req.add_header('User-agent', self.opts.user_agent)
try: req_type = req.get_type()
except ValueError: req_type = None
if self.opts.http_headers and req_type in ('http', 'https'):
for h, v in self.opts.http_headers:
req.add_header(h, v)
if self.opts.ftp_headers and req_type == 'ftp':
for h, v in self.opts.ftp_headers:
req.add_header(h, v)
def _build_range(self, req):
self.reget_time = None
self.append = 0
reget_length = 0
rt = None
if have_range and self.opts.reget and type(self.filename) == type(''):
# we have reget turned on and we're dumping to a file
s = os.stat(self.filename)
except OSError:
self.reget_time = s[ST_MTIME]
reget_length = s[ST_SIZE]
# Set initial length when regetting
self._amount_read = reget_length
rt = reget_length, ''
self.append = 1
if self.opts.range:
if not have_range:
raise URLGrabError(10, _('Byte range requested but range '\
'support unavailable'))
rt = self.opts.range
if rt[0]: rt = (rt[0] + reget_length, rt[1])
if rt:
header = range_tuple_to_header(rt)
if header: req.add_header('Range', header)
def _make_request(self, req, opener):
if have_socket_timeout and self.opts.timeout:
old_to = socket.getdefaulttimeout()
fo =
fo =
hdr =
except ValueError, e:
raise URLGrabError(1, _('Bad URL: %s') % (e, ))
except RangeError, e:
raise URLGrabError(9, str(e))
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
new_e = URLGrabError(14, str(e))
new_e.code = e.code
new_e.exception = e
raise new_e
except IOError, e:
if hasattr(e, 'reason') and have_socket_timeout and \
isinstance(e.reason, TimeoutError):
raise URLGrabError(12, _('Timeout: %s') % (e, ))
raise URLGrabError(4, _('IOError: %s') % (e, ))
except OSError, e:
raise URLGrabError(5, _('OSError: %s') % (e, ))
except HTTPException, e:
raise URLGrabError(7, _('HTTP Exception (%s): %s') % \
(e.__class__.__name__, e))
return (fo, hdr)
def _do_grab(self):
"""dump the file to self.filename."""
if self.append: new_fo = open(self.filename, 'ab')
else: new_fo = open(self.filename, 'wb')
bs = 1024*8
size = 0
block =
size = size + len(block)
while block:
block =
size = size + len(block)
modified_tuple = self.hdr.getdate_tz('last-modified')
modified_stamp = rfc822.mktime_tz(modified_tuple)
os.utime(self.filename, (modified_stamp, modified_stamp))
except (TypeError,), e: pass
return size
def _fill_buffer(self, amt=None):
"""fill the buffer to contain at least 'amt' bytes by reading
from the underlying file object. If amt is None, then it will
read until it gets nothing more. It updates the progress meter
and throttles after every self._rbufsize bytes."""
# the _rbuf test is only in this first 'if' for speed. It's not
# logically necessary
if self._rbuf and not amt is None:
L = len(self._rbuf)
if amt > L:
amt = amt - L
# if we've made it here, then we don't have enough in the buffer
# and we need to read more.
buf = [self._rbuf]
bufsize = len(self._rbuf)
while amt is None or amt:
# first, delay if necessary for throttling reasons
if self.opts.raw_throttle():
diff = self._tsize/self.opts.raw_throttle() - \
(time.time() - self._ttime)
if diff > 0: time.sleep(diff)
self._ttime = time.time()
# now read some data, up to self._rbufsize
if amt is None: readamount = self._rbufsize
else: readamount = min(amt, self._rbufsize)
new =
except socket.error, e:
raise URLGrabError(4, _('Socket Error: %s') % (e, ))
except TimeoutError, e:
raise URLGrabError(12, _('Timeout: %s') % (e, ))
except IOError, e:
raise URLGrabError(4, _('IOError: %s') %(e,))
newsize = len(new)
if not newsize: break # no more to read
if amt: amt = amt - newsize
bufsize = bufsize + newsize
self._tsize = newsize
self._amount_read = self._amount_read + newsize
if self.opts.progress_obj:
self._rbuf = string.join(buf, '')
def read(self, amt=None):
if amt is None:
s, self._rbuf = self._rbuf, ''
s, self._rbuf = self._rbuf[:amt], self._rbuf[amt:]
return s
def readline(self, limit=-1):
i = string.find(self._rbuf, '\n')
while i < 0 and not (0 < limit <= len(self._rbuf)):
L = len(self._rbuf)
self._fill_buffer(L + self._rbufsize)
if not len(self._rbuf) > L: break
i = string.find(self._rbuf, '\n', L)
if i < 0: i = len(self._rbuf)
else: i = i+1
if 0 <= limit < len(self._rbuf): i = limit
s, self._rbuf = self._rbuf[:i], self._rbuf[i:]
return s
def close(self):
if self.opts.progress_obj:
if self.opts.close_connection:
except: pass
_handler_cache = []
def CachedOpenerDirector(ssl_factory = None, *handlers):
for (cached_handlers, opener) in _handler_cache:
if cached_handlers == handlers:
for handler in opener.handlers:
return opener
if not ssl_factory:
ssl_factory = sslfactory.get_factory()
opener = ssl_factory.create_opener(*handlers)
_handler_cache.append( (handlers, opener) )
return opener
_proxy_cache = []
def CachedProxyHandler(proxies):
for (pdict, handler) in _proxy_cache:
if pdict == proxies:
if DEBUG: DEBUG.debug('re-using proxy settings: %s', proxies)
for k, v in proxies.items():
utype, url = urllib.splittype(v)
host, other = urllib.splithost(url)
if (utype is None) or (host is None):
raise URLGrabError(13, _('Bad proxy URL: %s') % v)
if DEBUG:'creating new proxy handler: %s', proxies)
handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler(proxies)
_proxy_cache.append( (proxies, handler) )
return handler
def set_throttle(new_throttle):
"""Deprecated. Use: default_grabber.throttle = new_throttle"""
default_grabber.throttle = new_throttle
def set_bandwidth(new_bandwidth):
"""Deprecated. Use: default_grabber.bandwidth = new_bandwidth"""
default_grabber.bandwidth = new_bandwidth
def set_progress_obj(new_progress_obj):
"""Deprecated. Use: default_grabber.progress_obj = new_progress_obj"""
default_grabber.progress_obj = new_progress_obj
def set_user_agent(new_user_agent):
"""Deprecated. Use: default_grabber.user_agent = new_user_agent"""
default_grabber.user_agent = new_user_agent
def retrygrab(url, filename=None, copy_local=0, close_connection=0,
progress_obj=None, throttle=None, bandwidth=None,
numtries=3, retrycodes=[-1,2,4,5,6,7], checkfunc=None):
"""Deprecated. Use: urlgrab() with the retry arg instead"""
kwargs = {'copy_local' : copy_local,
'close_connection' : close_connection,
'progress_obj' : progress_obj,
'throttle' : throttle,
'bandwidth' : bandwidth,
'retry' : numtries,
'retrycodes' : retrycodes,
'checkfunc' : checkfunc
return urlgrab(url, filename, **kwargs)
def _main_test():
import sys
try: url, filename = sys.argv[1:3]
except ValueError:
print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], \
'<url> <filename> [copy_local=0|1] [close_connection=0|1]'
kwargs = {}
for a in sys.argv[3:]:
k, v = string.split(a, '=', 1)
kwargs[k] = int(v)
set_bandwidth(32 * 1024)
print "throttle: %s, throttle bandwidth: %s B/s" % (default_grabber.throttle,
try: from progress import text_progress_meter
except ImportError, e: pass
else: kwargs['progress_obj'] = text_progress_meter()
try: name = apply(urlgrab, (url, filename), kwargs)
except URLGrabError, e: print e
else: print 'LOCAL FILE:', name
def _retry_test():
import sys
try: url, filename = sys.argv[1:3]
except ValueError:
print 'usage:', sys.argv[0], \
'<url> <filename> [copy_local=0|1] [close_connection=0|1]'
kwargs = {}
for a in sys.argv[3:]:
k, v = string.split(a, '=', 1)
kwargs[k] = int(v)
try: from progress import text_progress_meter
except ImportError, e: pass
else: kwargs['progress_obj'] = text_progress_meter()
def cfunc(filename, hello, there='foo'):
print hello, there
import random
rnum = random.random()
if rnum < .5:
print 'forcing retry'
raise URLGrabError(-1, 'forcing retry')
if rnum < .75:
print 'forcing failure'
raise URLGrabError(-2, 'forcing immediate failure')
print 'success'
kwargs['checkfunc'] = (cfunc, ('hello',), {'there':'there'})
try: name = apply(retrygrab, (url, filename), kwargs)
except URLGrabError, e: print e
else: print 'LOCAL FILE:', name
def _file_object_test(filename=None):
import random, cStringIO, sys
if filename is None:
filename = __file__
print 'using file "%s" for comparisons' % filename
fo = open(filename)
s_input =
for testfunc in [_test_file_object_smallread,
fo_input = cStringIO.StringIO(s_input)
fo_output = cStringIO.StringIO()
wrapper = URLGrabberFileObject(fo_input, None, 0)
print 'testing %-30s ' % testfunc.__name__,
testfunc(wrapper, fo_output)
s_output = fo_output.getvalue()
if s_output == s_input: print 'passed'
else: print 'FAILED'
def _test_file_object_smallread(wrapper, fo_output):
while 1:
s =
if not s: return
def _test_file_object_readall(wrapper, fo_output):
s =
def _test_file_object_readline(wrapper, fo_output):
while 1:
s = wrapper.readline()
if not s: return
def _test_file_object_readlines(wrapper, fo_output):
li = wrapper.readlines()
fo_output.write(string.join(li, ''))
if __name__ == '__main__':