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# This script is called from inside postinstall scriptlets at do_rootfs time. It
# actually adds, at the end, the list of packages for which the intercept script
# is valid. Also, if one wants to pass any variables to the intercept script from
# the postinstall itself, they will be added immediately after the shebang line.
# Usage: postinst_intercept <intercept_script_name> <package_name> <var1=...> ... <varN=...>
# * intercept_script_name - the name of the intercept script we want to change;
# * package_name - add the package_name to list of packages the intercept script
# is used for;
# * var1=... - var1 will have the value we provide in the intercept script. This
# is useful when we want to pass on variables like ${libdir} to
# the intercept script;
[ $# -lt 2 ] && exit 1
intercept_script=$INTERCEPT_DIR/$1 && shift
package_name=$1 && shift
[ -f "$intercept_script" ] || exit 1
chmod +x "$intercept_script"
pkgs_line="$(cat $intercept_script|grep "##PKGS:")"
if [ -n "$pkgs_line" ]; then
# line exists, add this package to the list only if it's not already there
if [ -z "$(echo "$pkgs_line" | grep " $package_name ")" ]; then
sed -i -e "s/##PKGS:.*/\0${package_name} /" $intercept_script
for var in $@; do
sed -i -e "\%^#\!/bin/.*sh%a $var" $intercept_script
echo "##PKGS: ${package_name} " >> $intercept_script