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<title><2E>Build History Package Information</title>
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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title">
<a name="build-history-package-information"></a><2E>Build History Package Information</h4></div></div></div>
The history for each package contains a text file that has
name-value pairs with information about the package.
For example, <code class="filename">buildhistory/packages/core2-poky-linux/busybox/busybox/latest</code>
contains the following:
<pre class="literallayout">
PV = 1.19.3
PR = r3
RDEPENDS = update-rc.d eglibc (&gt;= 2.13)
RRECOMMENDS = busybox-syslog busybox-udhcpc
PKGSIZE = 564701
FILES = /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* /usr/libexec/* /usr/lib/lib*.so.* \
/etc /com /var /bin/* /sbin/* /lib/*.so.* /usr/share/busybox \
/usr/lib/busybox/* /usr/share/pixmaps /usr/share/applications \
/usr/share/idl /usr/share/omf /usr/share/sounds /usr/lib/bonobo/servers
FILELIST = /etc/busybox.links /etc/init.d/ /bin/busybox /bin/sh
Most of these name-value pairs corresponds to variables used
to produce the package.
The exceptions are <code class="filename">FILELIST</code>, which is the
actual list of files in the package, and
<code class="filename">PKGSIZE</code>, which is the total size of files
in the package in bytes.
There is also a file corresponding to the recipe from which the
package came (e.g.
<code class="filename">buildhistory/packages/core2-poky-linux/busybox/latest</code>):
<pre class="literallayout">
PV = 1.19.3
PR = r3
DEPENDS = virtual/i586-poky-linux-gcc virtual/i586-poky-linux-compilerlibs \
virtual/libc update-rc.d-native
PACKAGES = busybox-httpd busybox-udhcpd busybox-udhcpc busybox-syslog \
busybox-mdev busybox-dbg busybox busybox-doc busybox-dev \
busybox-staticdev busybox-locale