utility-tasks.bbclass: automatic upstream version check

Automatic upstream version check can be triggered by "bitbake xxx -c checkpkg".
The rationale behind is to find a automatic way for version comparison between
current in-use one and upstream progress. The tricky thing is how to find out
useful version string from mass diverse information. Fortunately now it mostly
work for wget based protocol, except some sites (e.g. sourceforge) not providing
a directory service. Repo (git/svn/cvs) based protocols are handled in a very
simple manner, by always tagging as update required. This will be further
improved later. Use 'world' target to retrieve a full version check for all
active recipes.

Along with version check, other package information is also collected from
existing fields in .bb file

Signed-off-by Kevin Tian <kevin.tian@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Kevin Tian 2010-05-30 19:14:24 +08:00 committed by Richard Purdie
parent 50224b5afa
commit 3161c9b15a
1 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,337 @@ python do_rebuild() {
# bb.build.exec_func('do_clean', d)
addtask checkpkg
do_checkpkg[nostamp] = "1"
python do_checkpkg() {
import sys
import re
import tempfile
sanity check to ensure same name and type. Match as many patterns as possible
such as:
gnome-common-2.20.0.tar.gz (most common format)
prefix1 = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*([\-_][a-zA-Z]\w+)*[\-_]" # match most patterns which uses "-" as separator to version digits
prefix2 = "[a-zA-Z]+" # a loose pattern such as for unzip552.tar.gz
prefix = "(%s|%s)" % (prefix1, prefix2)
suffix = "(tar\.gz|tgz|tar\.bz2|zip)"
suffixtuple = ("tar.gz", "tgz", "zip", "tar.bz2")
sinterstr = "(?P<name>%s?)(?P<ver>.*)" % prefix
sdirstr = "(?P<name>%s)(?P<ver>.*)\.(?P<type>%s$)" % (prefix, suffix)
def parse_inter(s):
m = re.search(sinterstr, s)
if not m:
return None
return (m.group('name'), m.group('ver'), "")
def parse_dir(s):
m = re.search(sdirstr, s)
if not m:
return None
return (m.group('name'), m.group('ver'), m.group('type'))
Check whether 'new' is newer than 'old' version. We use existing vercmp() for the
purpose. PE is cleared in comparison as it's not for build, and PV is cleared too
for simplicity as it's somehow difficult to get from various upstream format
def __vercmp(old, new):
(on, ov, ot) = old
(en, ev, et) = new
if on != en or (et and et not in suffixtuple):
return 0
ov = re.search("\d+[^a-zA-Z]+", ov).group()
ev = re.search("\d+[^a-zA-Z]+", ev).group()
return bb.utils.vercmp(("0", ov, ""), ("0", ev, ""))
wrapper for fetch upstream directory info
'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
'd' - database
'tmpf' - tmpfile for fetcher output
We don't want to exit whole build due to one recipe error. So handle all exceptions
gracefully w/o leaking to outer.
def internal_fetch_wget(url, d, tmpf):
status = "ErrFetchUnknown"
Clear internal url cache as it's a temporary check. Not doing so will have
bitbake check url multiple times when looping through a single url
fn = bb.data.getVar('FILE', d, 1)
bb.fetch.urldata_cache[fn] = {}
bb.fetch.init([url], d)
except bb.fetch.NoMethodError:
status = "ErrFetchNoMethod"
status = "ErrInitUrlUnknown"
To avoid impacting bitbake build engine, this trick is required for reusing bitbake
interfaces. bb.fetch.go() is not appliable as it checks downloaded content in ${DL_DIR}
while we don't want to pollute that place. So bb.fetch.checkstatus() is borrowed here
which is designed for check purpose but we override check command for our own purpose
ld = bb.data.createCopy(d)
bb.data.setVar('CHECKCOMMAND_wget', "/usr/bin/env wget -t 1 --passive-ftp -O %s '${URI}'" \
% tmpf.name, d)
except bb.fetch.MissingParameterError:
status = "ErrMissParam"
except bb.fetch.FetchError:
status = "ErrFetch"
except bb.fetch.MD5SumError:
status = "ErrMD5Sum"
status = "ErrFetchUnknown"
status = "SUCC"
return status
Check on middle version directory such as "2.4/" in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz",
'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
'd' - database
'curver' - current version
Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style
def check_new_dir(url, curver, d):
pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-1-" % pn)
status = internal_fetch_wget(url, d, f)
fhtml = f.read()
if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml):
newver = parse_inter(curver)
match "*4.1/">*4.1/ where '*' matches chars
N.B. add package name, only match for digits
m = re.search("^%s" % prefix, curver)
if m:
s = "%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?" % m.group()
s = "(\d+[\.\-_])+\d+/?"
searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\">" % s
reg = re.compile(searchstr)
valid = 0
for line in fhtml.split("\n"):
if line.find(curver) >= 0:
valid = 1
m = reg.search(line)
if m:
ver = m.group().split("\"")[1]
ver = ver.strip("/")
ver = parse_inter(ver)
if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) < 0:
newver = ver
"""Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format"""
if not valid:
status = "ErrParseInterDir"
"""rejoin the path name"""
status = newver[0] + newver[1]
elif not len(fhtml):
status = "ErrHostNoDir"
if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status):
logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', d, 1)
os.system("cp %s %s/" % (f.name, logpath))
return status
Check on the last directory to search '2.4.1' in "http://xxx/2.4/pkg-2.4.1.tar.gz",
'url' - upstream link customized by regular expression
'd' - database
'curname' - current package name
Return new version if success, or else error in "Errxxxx" style
def check_new_version(url, curname, d):
pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1)
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix="%s-2-" % pn)
status = internal_fetch_wget(url, d, f)
fhtml = f.read()
if status == "SUCC" and len(fhtml):
newver = parse_dir(curname)
"""match "{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz">{PN}-5.21.1.tar.gz """
pn1 = re.search("^%s" % prefix, curname).group()
s = "[^\"]*%s[^\d\"]*?(\d+[\.\-_])+[^\"]*" % pn1
searchstr = "[hH][rR][eE][fF]=\"%s\">" % s
reg = re.compile(searchstr)
valid = 0
for line in fhtml.split("\n"):
m = reg.search(line)
if m:
valid = 1
ver = m.group().split("\"")[1].split("/")[-1]
ver = parse_dir(ver)
if ver and __vercmp(newver, ver) < 0:
newver = ver
"""Expect a match for curver in directory list, or else it indicates unknown format"""
if not valid:
status = "ErrParseDir"
"""newver still contains a full package name string"""
status = re.search("(\d+[.\-_])*\d+", newver[1]).group()
elif not len(fhtml):
status = "ErrHostNoDir"
"""if host hasn't directory information, no need to save tmp file"""
if status != "ErrHostNoDir" and re.match("Err", status):
logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', d, 1)
os.system("cp %s %s/" % (f.name, logpath))
return status
"""first check whether a uri is provided"""
src_uri = bb.data.getVar('SRC_URI', d, 1)
if not src_uri:
"""initialize log files."""
logpath = bb.data.getVar('LOG_DIR', d, 1)
logfile = os.path.join(logpath, "poky_pkg_info.log.%s" % bb.data.getVar('DATETIME', d, 1))
if not os.path.exists(logfile):
slogfile = os.path.join(logpath, "poky_pkg_info.log")
if os.path.exists(slogfile):
os.system("touch %s" % logfile)
os.symlink(logfile, slogfile)
"""generate package information from .bb file"""
pname = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, 1)
pcurver = bb.data.getVar('PV', d, 1)
pdesc = bb.data.getVar('DESCRIPTION', d, 1)
pgrp = bb.data.getVar('SECTION', d, 1)
found = 0
for uri in src_uri.split():
m = re.compile('(?P<type>[^:]*)').match(uri)
if not m:
raise MalformedUrl(uri)
elif m.group('type') in ('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'cvs', 'svn', 'git'):
found = 1
pproto = m.group('type')
if not found:
pproto = "file"
pupver = "N/A"
pstatus = "ErrUnknown"
(type, host, path, user, pswd, parm) = bb.decodeurl(uri)
if type in ['http', 'https', 'ftp']:
newver = pcurver
altpath = path
dirver = "-"
curname = "-"
match version number amid the path, such as "5.7" in:
N.B. how about sth. like "../5.7/5.8/..."? Not find such example so far :-P
m = re.search(r"[^/]*(\d+\.)+\d+([\-_]r\d+)*/", path)
if m:
altpath = path.split(m.group())[0]
dirver = m.group().strip("/")
"""use new path and remove param. for wget only param is md5sum"""
alturi = bb.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}])
newver = check_new_dir(alturi, dirver, d)
altpath = path
if not re.match("Err", newver) and dirver != newver:
altpath = altpath.replace(dirver, newver, 1)
"""Now try to acquire all remote files in current directory"""
if not re.match("Err", newver):
curname = altpath.split("/")[-1]
"""get remote name by skipping pacakge name"""
m = re.search(r"/.*/", altpath)
if not m:
altpath = "/"
altpath = m.group()
alturi = bb.encodeurl([type, host, altpath, user, pswd, {}])
newver = check_new_version(alturi, curname, d)
if not re.match("Err", newver):
pupver = newver
if pupver != pcurver:
pstatus = "UPDATE"
pstatus = "MATCH"
if re.match("Err", newver):
pstatus = newver + ":" + altpath + ":" + dirver + ":" + curname
elif type == 'git':
"""N.B. Now hardcode UPDATE for git/svn/cvs."""
pupver = "master"
pstatus = "UPDATE"
elif type == 'svn':
pupver = "HEAD"
pstatus = "UPDATE"
elif type == 'cvs':
pupver = "HEAD"
pstatus = "UPDATE"
elif type == 'file':
"""local file is always up-to-date"""
pupver = pcurver
pstatus = "MATCH"
pstatus = "ErrUnsupportedProto"
if re.match("Err", pstatus):
pstatus += ":%s%s" % (host, path)
lf = bb.utils.lockfile(logfile + ".lock")
f = open(logfile, "a")
f.write("\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % \
(pname, pgrp, pproto, pcurver, pupver, pstatus, pdesc))
addtask checkpkgall after do_checkpkg
do_checkpkgall[recrdeptask] = "do_checkpkg"
do_checkpkgall[nostamp] = "1"
do_checkpkgall() {
addtask checkuri
do_checkuri[nostamp] = "1"
python do_checkuri() {