bitbake: ui: remove the puccho ui

This ui does not work in master, nor has it been updated for several years.

[YOCTO #9178]

(Bitbake rev: 9fad1d13eed1f725971e6d12d3977cd31e07019a)

Signed-off-by: brian avery <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
This commit is contained in:
brian avery 2016-02-29 10:49:49 -08:00 committed by Richard Purdie
parent a9dc72f08b
commit a7d1b95c96
2 changed files with 0 additions and 880 deletions

View File

@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
# BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface
# Copyright (C) 2008 Intel Corporation
# Authored by Rob Bradford <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import gtk
import gobject
import threading
import os
import datetime
import time
class BuildConfiguration:
""" Represents a potential *or* historic *or* concrete build. It
encompasses all the things that we need to tell bitbake to do to make it
build what we want it to build.
It also stored the metadata URL and the set of possible machines (and the
distros / images / uris for these. Apart from the metdata URL these are
not serialised to file (since they may be transient). In some ways this
functionality might be shifted to the loader class."""
def __init__ (self):
self.metadata_url = None
# Tuple of (distros, image, urls)
self.machine_options = {}
self.machine = None
self.distro = None
self.image = None
self.urls = []
self.extra_urls = []
self.extra_pkgs = []
def get_machines_model (self):
model = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING)
for machine in self.machine_options.keys():
model.append ([machine])
return model
def get_distro_and_images_models (self, machine):
distro_model = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING)
for distro in self.machine_options[machine][0]:
distro_model.append ([distro])
image_model = gtk.ListStore (gobject.TYPE_STRING)
for image in self.machine_options[machine][1]:
image_model.append ([image])
return (distro_model, image_model)
def get_repos (self):
self.urls = self.machine_options[self.machine][2]
return self.urls
# It might be a lot lot better if we stored these in like, bitbake conf
# file format.
def load_from_file (filename):
conf = BuildConfiguration()
with open(filename, "r") as f:
for line in f:
data = line.split (";")[1]
if (line.startswith ("metadata-url;")):
conf.metadata_url = data.strip()
if (line.startswith ("url;")):
conf.urls += [data.strip()]
if (line.startswith ("extra-url;")):
conf.extra_urls += [data.strip()]
if (line.startswith ("machine;")):
conf.machine = data.strip()
if (line.startswith ("distribution;")):
conf.distro = data.strip()
if (line.startswith ("image;")):
conf.image = data.strip()
return conf
# Serialise to a file. This is part of the build process and we use this
# to be able to repeat a given build (using the same set of parameters)
# but also so that we can include the details of the image / machine /
# distro in the build manager tree view.
def write_to_file (self, filename):
f = open (filename, "w")
lines = []
if (self.metadata_url):
lines += ["metadata-url;%s\n" % (self.metadata_url)]
for url in self.urls:
lines += ["url;%s\n" % (url)]
for url in self.extra_urls:
lines += ["extra-url;%s\n" % (url)]
if (self.machine):
lines += ["machine;%s\n" % (self.machine)]
if (self.distro):
lines += ["distribution;%s\n" % (self.distro)]
if (self.image):
lines += ["image;%s\n" % (self.image)]
f.writelines (lines)
f.close ()
class BuildResult(gobject.GObject):
""" Represents an historic build. Perhaps not successful. But it includes
things such as the files that are in the directory (the output from the
build) as well as a deserialised BuildConfiguration file that is stored in
".conf" in the directory for the build.
This is GObject so that it can be included in the TreeStore."""
(0, 1, 2)
def __init__ (self, parent, identifier):
gobject.GObject.__init__ (self) = None
self.files = []
self.status = None
self.identifier = identifier
self.path = os.path.join (parent, identifier)
# Extract the date, since the directory name is of the
# format build-<year><month><day>-<ordinal> we can easily
# pull it out.
# TODO: Better to stat a file?
(_, date, revision) = identifier.split ("-")
year = int (date[0:4])
month = int (date[4:6])
day = int (date[6:8]) = (year, month, day)
self.conf = None
# By default builds are STATE_FAILED unless we find a "complete" file
# in which case they are STATE_COMPLETE
self.state = BuildResult.STATE_FAILED
for file in os.listdir (self.path):
if (file.startswith (".conf")):
conffile = os.path.join (self.path, file)
self.conf = BuildConfiguration.load_from_file (conffile)
elif (file.startswith ("complete")):
self.state = BuildResult.STATE_COMPLETE
self.add_file (file)
def add_file (self, file):
# Just add the file for now. Don't care about the type.
self.files += [(file, None)]
class BuildManagerModel (gtk.TreeStore):
""" Model for the BuildManagerTreeView. This derives from gtk.TreeStore
but it abstracts nicely what the columns mean and the setup of the columns
in the model. """
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
def __init__ (self):
gtk.TreeStore.__init__ (self,
class BuildManager (gobject.GObject):
""" This class manages the historic builds that have been found in the
"results" directory but is also used for starting a new build."""
__gsignals__ = {
'population-finished' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
'populate-error' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
def update_build_result (self, result, iter):
# Convert the date into something we can sort by.
date = long (time.mktime (
# Add a top level entry for the build
self.model.set (iter,
BuildManagerModel.COL_IDENT, result.identifier,
BuildManagerModel.COL_DESC, result.conf.image,
BuildManagerModel.COL_MACHINE, result.conf.machine,
BuildManagerModel.COL_DISTRO, result.conf.distro,
BuildManagerModel.COL_BUILD_RESULT, result,
BuildManagerModel.COL_DATE, date,
BuildManagerModel.COL_STATE, result.state)
# And then we use the files in the directory as the children for the
# top level iter.
for file in result.files:
self.model.append (iter, (None, file[0], None, None, None, date, -1))
# This function is called as an idle by the BuildManagerPopulaterThread
def add_build_result (self, result):
self.known_builds += [result]
self.update_build_result (result, self.model.append (None))
def notify_build_finished (self):
# This is a bit of a hack. If we have a running build running then we
# will have a row in the model in STATE_ONGOING. Find it and make it
# as if it was a proper historic build (well, it is completed now....)
# We need to use the iters here rather than the Python iterator
# interface to the model since we need to pass it into
# update_build_result
iter = self.model.get_iter_first()
while (iter):
(ident, state) = self.model.get(iter,
if state == BuildResult.STATE_ONGOING:
result = BuildResult (self.results_directory, ident)
self.update_build_result (result, iter)
iter = self.model.iter_next(iter)
def notify_build_succeeded (self):
# Write the "complete" file so that when we create the BuildResult
# object we put into the model
complete_file_path = os.path.join (self.cur_build_directory, "complete")
f = file (complete_file_path, "w")
def notify_build_failed (self):
# Without a "complete" file then this will mark the build as failed:
# This function is called as an idle
def emit_population_finished_signal (self):
self.emit ("population-finished")
class BuildManagerPopulaterThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__ (self, manager, directory):
threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
self.manager = manager = directory
def run (self):
# For each of the "build-<...>" directories ..
if os.path.exists (
for directory in os.listdir (
if not directory.startswith ("build-"):
build_result = BuildResult (, directory)
self.manager.add_build_result (build_result)
gobject.idle_add (BuildManager.emit_population_finished_signal,
def __init__ (self, server, results_directory):
gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
# The builds that we've found from walking the result directory
self.known_builds = []
# Save out the bitbake server, we need this for issuing commands to
# the cooker:
self.server = server
# The TreeStore that we use
self.model = BuildManagerModel ()
# The results directory is where we create (and look for) the
# build-<xyz>-<n> directories. We need to populate ourselves from
# directory
self.results_directory = results_directory
self.populate_from_directory (self.results_directory)
def populate_from_directory (self, directory):
thread = BuildManager.BuildManagerPopulaterThread (self, directory)
# Come up with the name for the next build ident by combining "build-"
# with the date formatted as yyyymmdd and then an ordinal. We do this by
# an optimistic algorithm incrementing the ordinal if we find that it
# already exists.
def get_next_build_ident (self):
today = ()
datestr = str (today.year) + str (today.month) + str (
revision = 0
test_name = "build-%s-%d" % (datestr, revision)
test_path = os.path.join (self.results_directory, test_name)
while (os.path.exists (test_path)):
revision += 1
test_name = "build-%s-%d" % (datestr, revision)
test_path = os.path.join (self.results_directory, test_name)
return test_name
# Take a BuildConfiguration and then try and build it based on the
# parameters of that configuration. S
def do_build (self, conf):
server = self.server
# Work out the build directory. Note we actually create the
# directories here since we need to write the ".conf" file. Otherwise
# we could have relied on bitbake's builder thread to actually make
# the directories as it proceeds with the build.
ident = self.get_next_build_ident ()
build_directory = os.path.join (self.results_directory,
self.cur_build_directory = build_directory
os.makedirs (build_directory)
conffile = os.path.join (build_directory, ".conf")
conf.write_to_file (conffile)
# Add a row to the model representing this ongoing build. It's kinda a
# fake entry. If this build completes or fails then this gets updated
# with the real stuff like the historic builds
date = long (time.time())
self.model.append (None, (ident, conf.image, conf.machine, conf.distro,
None, date, BuildResult.STATE_ONGOING))
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "BUILD_IMAGES_FROM_FEEDS", 1])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "MACHINE", conf.machine])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "DISTRO", conf.distro])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "PACKAGE_CLASSES", "package_ipk"])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "BBFILES", \
"""${OEROOT}/meta/packages/*/*.bb ${OEROOT}/meta-moblin/packages/*/*.bb"""])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "TMPDIR", "${OEROOT}/build/tmp"])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "IPK_FEED_URIS", \
" ".join(conf.get_repos())])
server.runCommand(["setVariable", "DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE",
server.runCommand(["buildTargets", [conf.image], "rootfs"])
except Exception as e:
class BuildManagerTreeView (gtk.TreeView):
""" The tree view for the build manager. This shows the historic builds
and so forth. """
# We use this function to control what goes in the cell since we store
# the date in the model as seconds since the epoch (for sorting) and so we
# need to make it human readable.
def date_format_custom_cell_data_func (self, col, cell, model, iter):
date = model.get (iter, BuildManagerModel.COL_DATE)[0]
datestr = time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y", time.localtime(date))
cell.set_property ("text", datestr)
# This format function controls what goes in the cell. We use this to map
# the integer state to a string and also to colourise the text
def state_format_custom_cell_data_fun (self, col, cell, model, iter):
state = model.get (iter, BuildManagerModel.COL_STATE)[0]
if (state == BuildResult.STATE_ONGOING):
cell.set_property ("text", "Active")
cell.set_property ("foreground", "#000000")
elif (state == BuildResult.STATE_FAILED):
cell.set_property ("text", "Failed")
cell.set_property ("foreground", "#ff0000")
elif (state == BuildResult.STATE_COMPLETE):
cell.set_property ("text", "Complete")
cell.set_property ("foreground", "#00ff00")
cell.set_property ("text", "")
def __init__ (self):
# Misc descriptiony thing
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText ()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn (None, renderer,
self.append_column (col)
# Machine
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText ()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Machine", renderer,
self.append_column (col)
# distro
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText ()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Distribution", renderer,
self.append_column (col)
# date (using a custom function for formatting the cell contents it
# takes epoch -> human readable string)
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText ()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Date", renderer,
self.append_column (col)
col.set_cell_data_func (renderer,
# For status.
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText ()
col = gtk.TreeViewColumn ("Status", renderer,
text = BuildManagerModel.COL_STATE)
self.append_column (col)
col.set_cell_data_func (renderer,

View File

@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
# BitBake Graphical GTK User Interface
# Copyright (C) 2008 Intel Corporation
# Authored by Rob Bradford <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
import gtk
import gobject
import threading
import urllib2
import os
import contextlib
from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManager, BuildConfiguration
from bb.ui.crumbs.buildmanager import BuildManagerTreeView
from bb.ui.crumbs.runningbuild import RunningBuild, RunningBuildTreeView
# The metadata loader is used by the BuildSetupDialog to download the
# available options to populate the dialog
class MetaDataLoader(gobject.GObject):
""" This class provides the mechanism for loading the metadata (the
fetching and parsing) from a given URL. The metadata encompasses details
on what machines are available. The distribution and images available for
the machine and the the uris to use for building the given machine."""
__gsignals__ = {
'success' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
'error' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
# We use these little helper functions to ensure that we take the gdk lock
# when emitting the signal. These functions are called as idles (so that
# they happen in the gtk / main thread's main loop.
def emit_error_signal (self, remark):
self.emit ("error", remark)
def emit_success_signal (self):
self.emit ("success")
def __init__ (self):
gobject.GObject.__init__ (self)
class LoaderThread(threading.Thread):
""" This class provides an asynchronous loader for the metadata (by
using threads and signals). This is useful since the metadata may be
at a remote URL."""
class LoaderImportException (Exception):
def __init__(self, loader, url):
threading.Thread.__init__ (self)
self.url = url
self.loader = loader
def run (self):
result = {}
with contextlib.closing (urllib2.urlopen (self.url)) as f:
# Parse the metadata format. The format is....
# <machine>;<default distro>|<distro>...;<default image>|<image>...;<type##url>|...
for line in f:
components = line.split(";")
if (len (components) < 4):
raise MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException
machine = components[0]
distros = components[1].split("|")
images = components[2].split("|")
urls = components[3].split("|")
result[machine] = (distros, images, urls)
# Create an object representing this *potential*
# configuration. It can become concrete if the machine, distro
# and image are all chosen in the UI
configuration = BuildConfiguration()
configuration.metadata_url = self.url
configuration.machine_options = result
self.loader.configuration = configuration
# Emit that we've actually got a configuration
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_success_signal,
except MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread.LoaderImportException as e:
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
"Repository metadata corrupt")
except Exception as e:
gobject.idle_add (MetaDataLoader.emit_error_signal, self.loader,
"Unable to download repository metadata")
def try_fetch_from_url (self, url):
# Try and download the metadata. Firing a signal if successful
thread = MetaDataLoader.LoaderThread(self, url)
class BuildSetupDialog (gtk.Dialog):
# A little helper method that just sets the states on the widgets based on
# whether we've got good metadata or not.
def set_configurable (self, configurable):
if (self.configurable == configurable):
self.configurable = configurable
for widget in self.conf_widgets:
widget.set_sensitive (configurable)
if not configurable:
self.machine_combo.set_active (-1)
self.distribution_combo.set_active (-1)
self.image_combo.set_active (-1)
# GTK widget callbacks
def refresh_button_clicked (self, button):
# Refresh button clicked.
url = self.location_entry.get_chars (0, -1)
def repository_entry_editable_changed (self, entry):
if (len (entry.get_chars (0, -1)) > 0):
self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (True)
self.refresh_button.set_sensitive (False)
# If we were previously configurable we are no longer since the
# location entry has been changed
self.set_configurable (False)
def machine_combo_changed (self, combobox):
active_iter = combobox.get_active_iter()
if not active_iter:
model = combobox.get_model()
if model:
chosen_machine = model.get (active_iter, 0)[0]
(distros_model, images_model) = \
self.loader.configuration.get_distro_and_images_models (chosen_machine)
self.distribution_combo.set_model (distros_model)
self.image_combo.set_model (images_model)
# Callbacks from the loader
def loader_success_cb (self, loader):
self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("info",
self.status_label.set_label ("Repository metadata successfully downloaded")
# Set the models on the combo boxes based on the models generated from
# the configuration that the loader has created
# We just need to set the machine here, that then determines the
# distro and image options. Cunning huh? :-)
self.configuration = self.loader.configuration
model = self.configuration.get_machines_model ()
self.machine_combo.set_model (model)
self.set_configurable (True)
def loader_error_cb (self, loader, message):
self.status_image.set_from_icon_name ("error",
self.status_label.set_text ("Error downloading repository metadata")
for widget in self.conf_widgets:
widget.set_sensitive (False)
def clear_status_message (self):
self.status_label.set_label (
"""<i>Enter the repository location and press _Refresh</i>""")
def __init__ (self):
gtk.Dialog.__init__ (self)
# Cancel
self.add_button (gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
# Build
button = gtk.Button ("_Build", None, True)
image = gtk.Image ()
image.set_from_stock (gtk.STOCK_EXECUTE, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
button.set_image (image)
self.add_action_widget (button, BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD)
button.show_all ()
# Pull in *just* the table from the Glade XML data.
gxml = (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/",
root = "build_table")
table = gxml.get_widget ("build_table")
self.vbox.pack_start (table, True, False, 0)
# Grab all the widgets that we need to turn on/off when we refresh...
self.conf_widgets = []
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_label")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")]
self.conf_widgets += [gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")]
# Grab the status widgets
self.status_image = gxml.get_widget ("status_image")
self.status_label = gxml.get_widget ("status_label")
# Grab the refresh button and connect to the clicked signal
self.refresh_button = gxml.get_widget ("refresh_button")
self.refresh_button.connect ("clicked", self.refresh_button_clicked)
# Grab the location entry and connect to editable::changed
self.location_entry = gxml.get_widget ("location_entry")
self.location_entry.connect ("changed",
# Grab the machine combo and hook onto the changed signal. This then
# allows us to populate the distro and image combos
self.machine_combo = gxml.get_widget ("machine_combo")
self.machine_combo.connect ("changed", self.machine_combo_changed)
# Setup the combo
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.machine_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.machine_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
# Grab the distro and image combos. We need these to populate with
# models once the machine is chosen
self.distribution_combo = gxml.get_widget ("distribution_combo")
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.distribution_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.distribution_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
self.image_combo = gxml.get_widget ("image_combo")
cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
self.image_combo.pack_start(cell, True)
self.image_combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0)
# Put the default descriptive text in the status box
# Mark as non-configurable, this is just greys out the widgets the
# user can't yet use
self.configurable = False
# Show the table
table.show_all ()
# The loader and some signals connected to it to update the status
# area
self.loader = MetaDataLoader()
self.loader.connect ("success", self.loader_success_cb)
self.loader.connect ("error", self.loader_error_cb)
def update_configuration (self):
""" A poorly named function but it updates the internal configuration
from the widgets. This can make that configuration concrete and can
thus be used for building """
# Extract the chosen machine from the combo
model = self.machine_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.machine_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.machine = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# Extract the chosen distro from the combo
model = self.distribution_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.distribution_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.distro = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# Extract the chosen image from the combo
model = self.image_combo.get_model()
active_iter = self.image_combo.get_active_iter()
if (active_iter):
self.configuration.image = model.get(active_iter, 0)[0]
# This function operates to pull events out from the event queue and then push
# them into the RunningBuild (which then drives the RunningBuild which then
# pushes through and updates the progress tree view.)
# TODO: Should be a method on the RunningBuild class
def event_handle_timeout (eventHandler, build):
# Consume as many messages as we can ...
event = eventHandler.getEvent()
while event:
build.handle_event (event)
event = eventHandler.getEvent()
return True
class MainWindow (gtk.Window):
# Callback that gets fired when the user hits a button in the
# BuildSetupDialog.
def build_dialog_box_response_cb (self, dialog, response_id):
conf = None
if (response_id == BuildSetupDialog.RESPONSE_BUILD):
print(dialog.configuration.machine, dialog.configuration.distro, \
conf = dialog.configuration
if conf:
self.manager.do_build (conf)
def build_button_clicked_cb (self, button):
dialog = BuildSetupDialog ()
# For some unknown reason causes nice little deadlocks ... :-(
dialog.connect ("response", self.build_dialog_box_response_cb)
def __init__ (self):
gtk.Window.__init__ (self)
# Pull in *just* the main vbox from the Glade XML data and then pack
# that inside the window
gxml = (os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/crumbs/",
root = "main_window_vbox")
vbox = gxml.get_widget ("main_window_vbox")
self.add (vbox)
# Create the tree views for the build manager view and the progress view
self.build_manager_view = BuildManagerTreeView()
self.running_build_view = RunningBuildTreeView()
# Grab the scrolled windows that we put the tree views into
self.results_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("results_scrolledwindow")
self.progress_scrolledwindow = gxml.get_widget ("progress_scrolledwindow")
# Put the tree views inside ...
self.results_scrolledwindow.add (self.build_manager_view)
self.progress_scrolledwindow.add (self.running_build_view)
# Hook up the build button...
self.build_button = gxml.get_widget ("main_toolbutton_build")
self.build_button.connect ("clicked", self.build_button_clicked_cb)
# I'm not very happy about the current ownership of the RunningBuild. I have
# my suspicions that this object should be held by the BuildManager since we
# care about the signals in the manager
def running_build_succeeded_cb (running_build, manager):
# Notify the manager that a build has succeeded. This is necessary as part
# of the 'hack' that we use for making the row in the model / view
# representing the ongoing build change into a row representing the
# completed build. Since we know only one build can be running a time then
# we can handle this.
# FIXME: Refactor all this so that the RunningBuild is owned by the
# BuildManager. It can then hook onto the signals directly and drive
# interesting things it cares about.
manager.notify_build_succeeded ()
print("build succeeded")
def running_build_failed_cb (running_build, manager):
# As above
print("build failed")
manager.notify_build_failed ()
def main (server, eventHandler):
# Initialise threading...
main_window = MainWindow ()
main_window.show_all ()
# Set up the build manager stuff in general
builds_dir = os.path.join (os.getcwd(), "results")
manager = BuildManager (server, builds_dir)
main_window.build_manager_view.set_model (manager.model)
# Do the running build setup
running_build = RunningBuild ()
main_window.running_build_view.set_model (running_build.model)
running_build.connect ("build-succeeded", running_build_succeeded_cb,
running_build.connect ("build-failed", running_build_failed_cb, manager)
# We need to save the manager into the MainWindow so that the toolbar
# button can use it.
# FIXME: Refactor ?
main_window.manager = manager
# Use a timeout function for probing the event queue to find out if we
# have a message waiting for us.
gobject.timeout_add (200,