meta/selftest/scripts: Use print function for python3 compatibility

Used print function instead of print statement to make
the code work in python 3.

[Changes from both Ed and Richard]

(From OE-Core rev: ced1995694c394d92cb82fb9c25a33dc027a3b69)

Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
This commit is contained in:
Richard Purdie 2016-05-21 12:25:02 +01:00
parent 02986886fc
commit ffe9604be2
7 changed files with 32 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import argparse
def selftest_reverse(args, config, basepath, workspace):
"""Reverse the value passed to verify the plugin is executing."""
print args.value[::-1]
def register_commands(subparsers, context):
parser_build = subparsers.add_parser('selftest-reverse', help='Reverse value (for selftest)',

View File

@ -148,4 +148,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
elf = ELFFile(sys.argv[1])
print elf.isDynamic()

View File

@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ class ThreadedWorker(Thread):
func(self, *args, **kargs)
except Exception, e:
print e

View File

@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ import os
os.system('touch /tmp/testfile.python')
a = 9.01e+21 - 9.01e+21 + 0.01
print "the value of a is %s" % a
print("the value of a is %s" % a)

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class SystemdJournalTests(SystemdTest):
if check_match: break
# put the startup time in the test log
if check_match:
print "%s" % check_match
print("%s" % check_match)
self.skipTest("Error at obtaining the boot time from journalctl")
boot_time_sec = 0
@ -174,5 +174,5 @@ class SystemdJournalTests(SystemdTest):
self.skipTest("Error when parsing time from boot string")
#Assert the target boot time against systemd's unit start timeout
if boot_time_sec > systemd_TimeoutStartSec:
print "Target boot time %s exceeds systemd's TimeoutStartSec %s"\
%(boot_time_sec, systemd_TimeoutStartSec)
print("Target boot time %s exceeds systemd's TimeoutStartSec %s"\
%(boot_time_sec, systemd_TimeoutStartSec))

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class oeSelfTest(unittest.TestCase):
machine = custommachine
machine_conf = 'MACHINE ??= "%s"\n' % machine
print 'MACHINE: %s' % machine
print('MACHINE: %s' % machine)
# tests might need their own setup
# but if they overwrite this one they have to call

View File

@ -220,12 +220,12 @@ def get_tests_from_module(tmod):
tid = vars(mod)[test].test_case
print 'DEBUG: tc id missing for ' + str(test)
print('DEBUG: tc id missing for ' + str(test))
tid = None
ttag = vars(mod)[test].tag__feature
# print 'DEBUG: feature tag missing for ' + str(test)
# print('DEBUG: feature tag missing for ' + str(test))
ttag = None
# NOTE: for some reason lstrip() doesn't work for mod.__module__
@ -320,17 +320,17 @@ def list_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword):
ts = sorted([ (tc.tcid, tc.tctag, tc.tcname, tc.tcclass, tc.tcmodule) for tc in get_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword) ])
print '%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % ('id', 'tag', 'name', 'class', 'module')
print '_' * 150
print('%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % ('id', 'tag', 'name', 'class', 'module'))
print('_' * 150)
for t in ts:
if isinstance(t[1], (tuple, list)):
print '%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % (t[0], ', '.join(t[1]), t[2], t[3], t[4])
print('%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % (t[0], ', '.join(t[1]), t[2], t[3], t[4]))
print '%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % t
print '_' * 150
print 'Filtering by:\t %s' % criteria
print 'Looking for:\t %s' % ', '.join(str(x) for x in keyword)
print 'Total found:\t %s' % len(ts)
print('%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % t)
print('_' * 150)
print('Filtering by:\t %s' % criteria)
print('Looking for:\t %s' % ', '.join(str(x) for x in keyword))
print('Total found:\t %s' % len(ts))
def list_tests():
@ -338,16 +338,15 @@ def list_tests():
ts = get_all_tests()
print '%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % ('id', 'tag', 'test')
print '_' * 80
print('%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % ('id', 'tag', 'test'))
print('_' * 80)
for t in ts:
if isinstance(t.tctag, (tuple, list)):
print '%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % (t.tcid, ', '.join(t.tctag), '.'.join([t.tcmodule, t.tcclass, t.tcname]))
print('%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % (t.tcid, ', '.join(t.tctag), '.'.join([t.tcmodule, t.tcclass, t.tcname])))
print '%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % (t.tcid, t.tctag, '.'.join([t.tcmodule, t.tcclass, t.tcname]))
print '_' * 80
print 'Total found:\t %s' % len(ts)
print('%-4s\t%-10s\t%-50s' % (t.tcid, t.tctag, '.'.join([t.tcmodule, t.tcclass, t.tcname])))
print('_' * 80)
print('Total found:\t %s' % len(ts))
def list_tags():
# Get all tags set to test cases
@ -362,7 +361,7 @@ def list_tags():
print 'Tags:\t%s' % ', '.join(str(x) for x in tags)
print('Tags:\t%s' % ', '.join(str(x) for x in tags))
def coverage_setup(coverage_source, coverage_include, coverage_omit):
""" Set up the coverage measurement for the testcases to be run """
@ -443,12 +442,12 @@ def main():
bbpath = get_bb_var('BBPATH').split(':')
layer_libdirs = [p for p in (os.path.join(l, 'lib') for l in bbpath) if os.path.exists(p)]
if args.run_tests_by and len(args.run_tests_by) >= 2:
valid_options = ['name', 'class', 'module', 'id', 'tag']
if args.run_tests_by[0] not in valid_options:
print '--run-tests-by %s not a valid option. Choose one of <name|class|module|id|tag>.' % args.run_tests_by[0]
print('--run-tests-by %s not a valid option. Choose one of <name|class|module|id|tag>.' % args.run_tests_by[0])
return 1
criteria = args.run_tests_by[0]
@ -458,7 +457,7 @@ def main():
if args.list_tests_by and len(args.list_tests_by) >= 2:
valid_options = ['name', 'class', 'module', 'id', 'tag']
if args.list_tests_by[0] not in valid_options:
print '--list-tests-by %s not a valid option. Choose one of <name|class|module|id|tag>.' % args.list_tests_by[0]
print('--list-tests-by %s not a valid option. Choose one of <name|class|module|id|tag>.' % args.list_tests_by[0])
return 1
criteria = args.list_tests_by[0]
@ -482,7 +481,7 @@ def main():
info = ''
if module.startswith('_'):
info = ' (hidden)'
print module + info
print(module + info)
if args.list_allclasses:
import importlib
@ -490,13 +489,13 @@ def main():
for v in vars(modlib):
t = vars(modlib)[v]
if isinstance(t, type(oeSelfTest)) and issubclass(t, oeSelfTest) and t!=oeSelfTest:
print " --", v
print(" --", v)
for method in dir(t):
if method.startswith("test_") and callable(vars(t)[method]):
print " -- --", method
print(" -- --", method)
except (AttributeError, ImportError) as e:
print e
if args.run_tests or args.run_all_tests or args.run_tests_by: