# Extensible SDK inherit populate_sdk_base # NOTE: normally you cannot use task overrides for this kind of thing - this # only works because of get_sdk_ext_rdepends() TOOLCHAIN_HOST_TASK_task-populate-sdk-ext = " \ meta-environment-extsdk-${MACHINE} \ " TOOLCHAIN_TARGET_TASK_task-populate-sdk-ext = "" SDK_RDEPENDS_append_task-populate-sdk-ext = " ${SDK_TARGETS}" SDK_RELOCATE_AFTER_INSTALL_task-populate-sdk-ext = "0" SDK_EXT = "" SDK_EXT_task-populate-sdk-ext = "-ext" SDK_LOCAL_CONF_WHITELIST ?= "" SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST ?= "CONF_VERSION \ BB_NUMBER_THREADS \ PARALLEL_MAKE \ PRSERV_HOST \ SSTATE_MIRRORS \ " SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST ?= "buildhistory icecc" SDK_UPDATE_URL ?= "" SDK_TARGETS ?= "${PN}" SDK_INSTALL_TARGETS = "${SDK_TARGETS} ${@'meta-world-pkgdata:do_allpackagedata' if d.getVar('SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA', True) == '1' else ''}" OE_INIT_ENV_SCRIPT ?= "oe-init-build-env" # The files from COREBASE that you want preserved in the COREBASE copied # into the sdk. This allows someone to have their own setup scripts in # COREBASE be preserved as well as untracked files. COREBASE_FILES ?= " \ oe-init-build-env \ oe-init-build-env-memres \ scripts \ LICENSE \ .templateconf \ " SDK_DIR_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${WORKDIR}/sdk-ext" B_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${SDK_DIR}" TOOLCHAIN_OUTPUTNAME_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${SDK_NAME}-toolchain-ext-${SDK_VERSION}" SDK_TITLE_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${@d.getVar('DISTRO_NAME', True) or d.getVar('DISTRO', True)} Extensible SDK" python copy_buildsystem () { import re import shutil import glob import oe.copy_buildsystem oe_init_env_script = d.getVar('OE_INIT_ENV_SCRIPT', True) conf_bbpath = '' conf_initpath = '' core_meta_subdir = '' # Copy in all metadata layers + bitbake (as repositories) buildsystem = oe.copy_buildsystem.BuildSystem('extensible SDK', d) baseoutpath = d.getVar('SDK_OUTPUT', True) + '/' + d.getVar('SDKPATH', True) layers_copied = buildsystem.copy_bitbake_and_layers(baseoutpath + '/layers') sdkbblayers = [] corebase = os.path.basename(d.getVar('COREBASE', True)) for layer in layers_copied: if corebase == os.path.basename(layer): conf_bbpath = os.path.join('layers', layer, 'bitbake') else: sdkbblayers.append(layer) for path in os.listdir(baseoutpath + '/layers'): relpath = os.path.join('layers', path, oe_init_env_script) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(baseoutpath, relpath)): conf_initpath = relpath relpath = os.path.join('layers', path, 'scripts', 'devtool') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(baseoutpath, relpath)): scriptrelpath = os.path.dirname(relpath) relpath = os.path.join('layers', path, 'meta') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(baseoutpath, relpath, 'lib', 'oe')): core_meta_subdir = relpath d.setVar('oe_init_build_env_path', conf_initpath) d.setVar('scriptrelpath', scriptrelpath) # Write out config file for devtool import ConfigParser config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.add_section('General') config.set('General', 'bitbake_subdir', conf_bbpath) config.set('General', 'init_path', conf_initpath) config.set('General', 'core_meta_subdir', core_meta_subdir) config.add_section('SDK') config.set('SDK', 'sdk_targets', d.getVar('SDK_TARGETS', True)) updateurl = d.getVar('SDK_UPDATE_URL', True) if updateurl: config.set('SDK', 'updateserver', updateurl) bb.utils.mkdirhier(os.path.join(baseoutpath, 'conf')) with open(os.path.join(baseoutpath, 'conf', 'devtool.conf'), 'w') as f: config.write(f) # Create a layer for new recipes / appends bbpath = d.getVar('BBPATH', True) bb.process.run(['devtool', '--bbpath', bbpath, '--basepath', baseoutpath, 'create-workspace', '--create-only', os.path.join(baseoutpath, 'workspace')]) # Create bblayers.conf bb.utils.mkdirhier(baseoutpath + '/conf') with open(baseoutpath + '/conf/bblayers.conf', 'w') as f: f.write('# WARNING: this configuration has been automatically generated and in\n') f.write('# most cases should not be edited. If you need more flexibility than\n') f.write('# this configuration provides, it is strongly suggested that you set\n') f.write('# up a proper instance of the full build system and use that instead.\n\n') f.write('LCONF_VERSION = "%s"\n\n' % d.getVar('LCONF_VERSION', False)) f.write('BBPATH = "$' + '{TOPDIR}"\n') f.write('SDKBASEMETAPATH = "$' + '{TOPDIR}"\n') f.write('BBLAYERS := " \\\n') for layerrelpath in sdkbblayers: f.write(' $' + '{SDKBASEMETAPATH}/layers/%s \\\n' % layerrelpath) f.write(' $' + '{SDKBASEMETAPATH}/workspace \\\n') f.write(' "\n') # Create local.conf local_conf_whitelist = (d.getVar('SDK_LOCAL_CONF_WHITELIST', True) or '').split() local_conf_blacklist = (d.getVar('SDK_LOCAL_CONF_BLACKLIST', True) or '').split() def handle_var(varname, origvalue, op, newlines): if varname in local_conf_blacklist or (origvalue.strip().startswith('/') and not varname in local_conf_whitelist): newlines.append('# Removed original setting of %s\n' % varname) return None, op, 0, True else: return origvalue, op, 0, True varlist = ['[^#=+ ]*'] builddir = d.getVar('TOPDIR', True) with open(builddir + '/conf/local.conf', 'r') as f: oldlines = f.readlines() (updated, newlines) = bb.utils.edit_metadata(oldlines, varlist, handle_var) with open(baseoutpath + '/conf/local.conf', 'w') as f: f.write('# WARNING: this configuration has been automatically generated and in\n') f.write('# most cases should not be edited. If you need more flexibility than\n') f.write('# this configuration provides, it is strongly suggested that you set\n') f.write('# up a proper instance of the full build system and use that instead.\n\n') for line in newlines: if line.strip() and not line.startswith('#'): f.write(line) # Write a newline just in case there's none at the end of the original f.write('\n') f.write('INHERIT += "%s"\n\n' % 'uninative') f.write('CONF_VERSION = "%s"\n\n' % d.getVar('CONF_VERSION', False)) # Some classes are not suitable for SDK, remove them from INHERIT f.write('INHERIT_remove = "%s"\n' % d.getVar('SDK_INHERIT_BLACKLIST', False)) # Bypass the default connectivity check if any f.write('CONNECTIVITY_CHECK_URIS = ""\n\n') # Ensure locked sstate cache objects are re-used without error f.write('SIGGEN_LOCKEDSIGS_CHECK_LEVEL = "none"\n\n') # Hide the config information from bitbake output (since it's fixed within the SDK) f.write('BUILDCFG_HEADER = ""\n') # If you define a sdk_extraconf() function then it can contain additional config extraconf = (d.getVar('sdk_extraconf', True) or '').strip() if extraconf: # Strip off any leading / trailing spaces for line in extraconf.splitlines(): f.write(line.strip() + '\n') f.write('require conf/locked-sigs.inc\n') if os.path.exists(builddir + '/conf/auto.conf'): with open(builddir + '/conf/auto.conf', 'r') as f: oldlines = f.readlines() (updated, newlines) = bb.utils.edit_metadata(oldlines, varlist, handle_var) with open(baseoutpath + '/conf/auto.conf', 'w') as f: f.write('# WARNING: this configuration has been automatically generated and in\n') f.write('# most cases should not be edited. If you need more flexibility than\n') f.write('# this configuration provides, it is strongly suggested that you set\n') f.write('# up a proper instance of the full build system and use that instead.\n\n') for line in newlines: if line.strip() and not line.startswith('#'): f.write(line) # Filter the locked signatures file to just the sstate tasks we are interested in excluded_targets = d.getVar('SDK_TARGETS', True) sigfile = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True) + '/locked-sigs.inc' lockedsigs_pruned = baseoutpath + '/conf/locked-sigs.inc' oe.copy_buildsystem.prune_lockedsigs([], excluded_targets.split(), sigfile, lockedsigs_pruned) sstate_out = baseoutpath + '/sstate-cache' bb.utils.remove(sstate_out, True) # uninative.bbclass sets NATIVELSBSTRING to 'universal' fixedlsbstring = 'universal' oe.copy_buildsystem.create_locked_sstate_cache(lockedsigs_pruned, d.getVar('SSTATE_DIR', True), sstate_out, d, fixedlsbstring) # Add packagedata if enabled if d.getVar('SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA', True) == '1': lockedsigs_base = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True) + '/locked-sigs-base.inc' lockedsigs_copy = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True) + '/locked-sigs-copy.inc' shutil.move(lockedsigs_pruned, lockedsigs_base) oe.copy_buildsystem.merge_lockedsigs(['do_packagedata'], lockedsigs_base, d.getVar('STAGING_DIR_HOST', True) + '/world-pkgdata/locked-sigs-pkgdata.inc', lockedsigs_pruned, lockedsigs_copy) oe.copy_buildsystem.create_locked_sstate_cache(lockedsigs_copy, d.getVar('SSTATE_DIR', True), sstate_out, d, fixedlsbstring) # We don't need sstate do_package files for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sstate_out): for name in files: if name.endswith("_package.tgz"): f = os.path.join(root, name) os.remove(f) # Write manifest file # Note: at the moment we cannot include the env setup script here to keep # it updated, since it gets modified during SDK installation (see # sdk_ext_postinst() below) thus the checksum we take here would always # be different. manifest_file_list = ['conf/*'] manifest_file = os.path.join(baseoutpath, 'conf', 'sdk-conf-manifest') with open(manifest_file, 'w') as f: for item in manifest_file_list: for fn in glob.glob(os.path.join(baseoutpath, item)): if fn == manifest_file: continue chksum = bb.utils.sha256_file(fn) f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (chksum, os.path.relpath(fn, baseoutpath))) } def extsdk_get_buildtools_filename(d): return '*-buildtools-nativesdk-standalone-*.sh' install_tools() { install -d ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATHNATIVE}${bindir_nativesdk} lnr ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/${scriptrelpath}/devtool ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATHNATIVE}${bindir_nativesdk}/devtool lnr ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/${scriptrelpath}/recipetool ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATHNATIVE}${bindir_nativesdk}/recipetool touch ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH}/.devtoolbase # find latest buildtools-tarball and install it buildtools_path=`ls -t1 ${SDK_DEPLOY}/${@extsdk_get_buildtools_filename(d)} | head -n1` install $buildtools_path ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH} install ${SDK_DEPLOY}/${BUILD_ARCH}-nativesdk-libc.tar.bz2 ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH} install -m 0644 ${COREBASE}/meta/files/ext-sdk-prepare.py ${SDK_OUTPUT}/${SDKPATH} } do_populate_sdk_ext[file-checksums] += "${COREBASE}/meta/files/ext-sdk-prepare.py:True" # Since bitbake won't run as root it doesn't make sense to try and install # the extensible sdk as root. sdk_ext_preinst() { if [ "`id -u`" = "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: The extensible sdk cannot be installed as root." exit 1 fi SDK_EXTENSIBLE="1" } SDK_PRE_INSTALL_COMMAND_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${sdk_ext_preinst}" # FIXME this preparation should be done as part of the SDK construction sdk_ext_postinst() { printf "\nExtracting buildtools...\n" cd $target_sdk_dir printf "buildtools\ny" | ./*buildtools-nativesdk-standalone* > /dev/null || ( printf 'ERROR: buildtools installation failed\n' ; exit 1 ) # Make sure when the user sets up the environment, they also get # the buildtools-tarball tools in their path. env_setup_script="$target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-${REAL_MULTIMACH_TARGET_SYS}" echo ". $target_sdk_dir/buildtools/environment-setup*" >> $env_setup_script # Allow bitbake environment setup to be ran as part of this sdk. echo "export OE_SKIP_SDK_CHECK=1" >> $env_setup_script # A bit of another hack, but we need this in the path only for devtool # so put it at the end of $PATH. echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$target_sdk_dir/sysroots/${SDK_SYS}/${bindir_nativesdk}" >> $env_setup_script echo "printf 'SDK environment now set up; additionally you may now run devtool to perform development tasks.\nRun devtool --help for further details.\n'" >> $env_setup_script # Warn if trying to use external bitbake and the ext SDK together echo "(which bitbake > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo 'WARNING: attempting to use the extensible SDK in an environment set up to run bitbake - this may lead to unexpected results. Please source this script in a new shell session instead.') || true" >> $env_setup_script # For now this is where uninative.bbclass expects the tarball mv *-nativesdk-libc.tar.* $target_sdk_dir/`dirname ${oe_init_build_env_path}` if [ "$prepare_buildsystem" != "no" ]; then printf "Preparing build system...\n" # dash which is /bin/sh on Ubuntu will not preserve the # current working directory when first ran, nor will it set $1 when # sourcing a script. That is why this has to look so ugly. LOGFILE="$target_sdk_dir/preparing_build_system.log" sh -c ". buildtools/environment-setup* > $LOGFILE && cd $target_sdk_dir/`dirname ${oe_init_build_env_path}` && set $target_sdk_dir && . $target_sdk_dir/${oe_init_build_env_path} $target_sdk_dir >> $LOGFILE && python $target_sdk_dir/ext-sdk-prepare.py '${SDK_INSTALL_TARGETS}' >> $LOGFILE 2>&1" || { echo "ERROR: SDK preparation failed: see $LOGFILE"; echo "printf 'ERROR: this SDK was not fully installed and needs reinstalling\n'" >> $env_setup_script ; exit 1 ; } rm $target_sdk_dir/ext-sdk-prepare.py fi echo done } SDK_POST_INSTALL_COMMAND_task-populate-sdk-ext = "${sdk_ext_postinst}" SDK_POSTPROCESS_COMMAND_prepend_task-populate-sdk-ext = "copy_buildsystem; install_tools; " fakeroot python do_populate_sdk_ext() { # FIXME hopefully we can remove this restriction at some point, but uninative # currently forces this upon us if d.getVar('SDK_ARCH', True) != d.getVar('BUILD_ARCH', True): bb.fatal('The extensible SDK can currently only be built for the same architecture as the machine being built on - SDK_ARCH is set to %s (likely via setting SDKMACHINE) which is different from the architecture of the build machine (%s). Unable to continue.' % (d.getVar('SDK_ARCH', True), d.getVar('BUILD_ARCH', True))) bb.build.exec_func("do_populate_sdk", d) } def get_ext_sdk_depends(d): return d.getVarFlag('do_rootfs', 'depends', True) + ' ' + d.getVarFlag('do_build', 'depends', True) python do_sdk_depends() { # We have to do this separately in its own task so we avoid recursing into # dependencies we don't need to (e.g. buildtools-tarball) and bringing those # into the SDK's sstate-cache import oe.copy_buildsystem sigfile = d.getVar('WORKDIR', True) + '/locked-sigs.inc' oe.copy_buildsystem.generate_locked_sigs(sigfile, d) } addtask sdk_depends do_sdk_depends[dirs] = "${WORKDIR}" do_sdk_depends[depends] = "${@get_ext_sdk_depends(d)}" do_sdk_depends[recrdeptask] = "${@d.getVarFlag('do_populate_sdk', 'recrdeptask', False)}" do_sdk_depends[recrdeptask] += "do_populate_lic do_package_qa do_populate_sysroot do_deploy" do_sdk_depends[rdepends] = "${@get_sdk_ext_rdepends(d)}" def get_sdk_ext_rdepends(d): localdata = d.createCopy() localdata.appendVar('OVERRIDES', ':task-populate-sdk-ext') bb.data.update_data(localdata) return localdata.getVarFlag('do_populate_sdk', 'rdepends', True) do_populate_sdk_ext[dirs] = "${@d.getVarFlag('do_populate_sdk', 'dirs', False)}" do_populate_sdk_ext[depends] = "${@d.getVarFlag('do_populate_sdk', 'depends', False)} \ buildtools-tarball:do_populate_sdk uninative-tarball:do_populate_sdk \ ${@'meta-world-pkgdata:do_collect_packagedata' if d.getVar('SDK_INCLUDE_PKGDATA', True) == '1' else ''}" do_populate_sdk_ext[rdepends] += "${@' '.join([x + ':do_build' for x in d.getVar('SDK_TARGETS', True).split()])}" # Make sure codes change in copy_buildsystem can result in rebuilt do_populate_sdk_ext[vardeps] += "copy_buildsystem" do_populate_sdk_ext[file-checksums] += "${COREBASE}/meta/files/toolchain-shar-relocate.sh:True \ ${COREBASE}/meta/files/toolchain-shar-extract.sh:True \ ${COREBASE}/scripts/gen-lockedsig-cache:True" addtask populate_sdk_ext after do_sdk_depends