{% extends "baseprojectpage.html" %} {% load projecttags %} {% load humanize %} {% load static %} {% block localbreadcrumb %}
  • All compatible layers
  • {{layerversion.layer.name}} ({{layerversion.get_vcs_reference|truncatechars:13}})
  • {% endblock %} {% block projectinfomain %} {# If this is not an imported layer then hide the edit ui #} {% if not layerversion.layer_source_id or layerversion.layer_source.sourcetype != layerversion.layer_source.TYPE_IMPORTED %} {% endif %}
    {% if layerversion.id not in projectlayers %} {% else %} {% endif %}
    Repository URL
    {{layerversion.layer.vcs_url}} {% if layerversion.get_vcs_link_url %} {% endif %}
    Repository subdirectory
    {{layerversion.dirpath}} {% if layerversion.get_vcs_dirpath_link_url %} {% endif %}
    Layer dependencies
    You can only add layers Toaster knows about
    {% url 'layerrecipestable' project.id layerversion.id as xhr_table_url %} {% with "recipestable" as table_name %} {% with "Recipes" as title %} {% include 'toastertable-simple.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %}
    {% url 'layermachinestable' project.id layerversion.id as xhr_table_url %} {% with "machinestable" as table_name %} {% with "Machines" as title %} {% include 'toastertable-simple.html' %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %}

    About {{layerversion.layer.name}}

    {% if layerversion.layer.up_id %}
    Layer index
    layer index link
    {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}