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Poky images with QEMU
Poky can generate qemu bootable kernels and images with can be used
on a desktop system. Both arm and x86 images can currently be booted.
There are two scripts, runqemu and poky-qemu, one for use within poky,
the other externally.
QEMU outside Poky (poky-qemu)
The poky-qemu script is run as:
MACHINE=<machine> poky-qemu <zimage> <filesystem>
<zimage> is the path to a kernel (e.g. zimage-qemuarm.bin)
<filesystem> is the path to an ext2 image (e.g. filesystem-qemuarm.ext2)
<machine> is "qemuarm" or "qemux86"
The MACHINE=<machine> prefix is optional and without it the script will try
to detect the machine name from the name of the <zimage> file.
If <filesystem> isn't specified, nfs booting will be assumed.
QEMU within Poky (runqemu)
The runqemu script is run as:
runqemu <target> <type> <zimage> <filesystem>
<target> is "qemuarm" or "qemux86"
<type> is "ext2" or "nfs"
<zimage> is the path to a kernel (zimage-qemuarm.bin)
<filesystem> is the path to an ext2 image (filesystem-qemuarm.ext2)
It will default to the qemuarm, ext2 and the last kernel and oh-image-sdk
image built by poky.
- The scripts run qemu using sudo. Change perms on /dev/net/tun to
run as non root
- You can access the host computer at within the image.
- Your qemu system will be accessible as
- The default NFS mount points are /srv/nfs/qemux86 or /srv/nfs/qemuarm
depending on the target type.
- Images built for qemux86/qemuarm contain NFS server which export whole
rootfs (/) in read/write mode.
- You can set QEMU_MEMORY to control amount of available memory (default 64M).
- You can set SERIAL_LOGFILE to have the serial output from the image logged
to a file.
NFS Image Notes
As root;
% apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
% mkdir /srv/nfs/qemuarm
Edit via /etc/exports :
# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
# to NFS clients. See exports(5).
% /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
% modprobe tun
untar build/tmp/deploy/images/<built image>.rootfs.tar.bz2 into /srv/nfs/qemuarm
Finally, launch:
% runqemu <target> nfs
(Substitute qemux86 for qemuarm when using qemux86)
Known Issues
- There is a bug in the ARM qemu in that means occasionally it will use 100%
cpu. You will need to restart it in this situation.