
40 lines
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SYSROOT_PREPROCESS_FUNCS += "relocatable_binaries_preprocess"
CHRPATH_BIN ?= "chrpath"
def rpath_replace (path, d):
import subprocess as sub
cmd ='${CHRPATH_BIN}', d)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file in files:
fpath = root + '/' + file
if '/bin/' in fpath:
p = sub.Popen([cmd, '-l', fpath],stdout=sub.PIPE,stderr=sub.PIPE)
err, out = p.communicate()
# If returned succesfully, process stderr for results
if p.returncode == 0:
# Throw away everything other than the rpath list
curr_rpath = err.partition("RPATH=")[2]
#bb.note("Current rpath for %s is %s" % (fpath, curr_rpath.strip()))
rpaths = curr_rpath.split(":")
new_rpaths = []
for rpath in rpaths:
depth = fpath.partition(path)[2].count('/')
if depth == 3:
# / is two levels up
root = "$ORIGIN/../.."
root = "$ORIGIN/.."
# kill everything up to "/"
new_rpaths.append("%s%s" % (root, rpath.partition(path)[2].strip()))
args = ":".join(new_rpaths)
#bb.note("Setting rpath to " + args)[cmd, '-r', args, fpath])
python relocatable_binaries_preprocess() {
rpath_replace('base_prefix', d, True), d)