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Installing VirtualBox Guest Additions
In order to use VirtualBox guest additions, they have to be build
first. They may have to be rebuilt each time the time you upgrade to
a new version of VirtualBox.
Make sure VM is configured with an Optical Drive.
Please follow these steps to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions on the
Build Appliance VM:
1. Boot VM, select root "Terminal" instead of the default "Terminal <2>"
2. Insert Guest additions CD into VM optical drive:
VM menu "Devices"->"Optical Drives"-> Select "VBoxGuestAdditions<version>.iso"
3. Find your CDROM device. Typically it is /dev/hda for IDE. You can determine
the actual name <cdromedev> by viewing the cdrom info:
# cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info
Mount the cdrom drive:
# mount -t iso9660 <cdromdev> /media/cdrom
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/hda /media/cdrom
4. Build the additions:
First, we need to build of some prerequisite utilities.
(This is only needed to be done once)
# cd /lib/modules/<kernel-version>-yocto-standard/build
# make scripts
Now build the guest additions:
# /media/cdrom/ --nox11
At this point, providing there were no build errors, the guest additions are
built and installed.
5. Check if vbox additions running:
# /etc/init.d/vboxadd status
If not running, try manually starting:
# /etc/init.d/vboxadd start
6. Check if additons actually work, in particular folder sharing.
Host: Devices->Shared Folders->Shared Folder Settings...
Add any host folder and name it (i.e. "images")
Guest VM: create mount point for the shared folder, i.e.:
# mkdir ~/my-host
Mount the shared folder: (Watch out for spelling: it's vboxsf NOT vboxfs)
# mount -t vboxsf images ~/my-host
Verify mount, should see the contents of the shared folder:
# ls ~/my-host