doc: Remove obsolete CHANGES-staging and UPGRADE-staging

This commit is contained in:
George Joseph 2023-07-10 07:21:06 -06:00
parent d26a00ef34
commit 10b3c2dc45
10 changed files with 0 additions and 154 deletions

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
The only files that should be added to this directory are ones that will be
used by the release script to update the CHANGES file automatically. The only
time that it is necessary to add something to the CHANGES-staging directory is
if you are either adding a new feature to Asterisk or adding new functionality
to an existing feature. The file does not need to have a meaningful name, but
it probably should. If there are multiple items that need documenting, you can
add multiple files, each with their own description. If the message is going to
be the same for each subject, then you can add multiple subject headers to one
file. The "Subject: xxx" line is case sensitive! For example, if you are making
a change to PJSIP, then you might add the file "res_pjsip_my_cool_feature.txt" to
this directory, with a short description of what it does. The files must have
the ".txt" suffix. If you are adding multiple entries, they should be done in
the same commit to avoid merge conflicts. Here's an example:
> Subject: res_pjsip
> Subject: Core
> Here's a pretty good description of my new feature that explains exactly what
> it does and how to use it.
Here's a master-only example:
> Subject: res_ari
> Master-Only: True
> This change will only go into the master branch. The "Master-Only" header
> will never be in a change not in master.
Note that the second subject has another header: "Master-Only". Changes that go
into the master branch and ONLY the master branch are the only ones that should
have this header. Also, the value can only be "true" or "True". The
"Master-Only" part of the header IS case-sensitive, however!
For more information, check out the wiki page:

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Subject: app_senddtmf
The SendFlash AMI action now allows sending
a hook flash event on a channel.

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
Subject: app_mixmonitor
Subject: audiohook
Subject: manager
It is now possible to specify the MixMonitorID when calling
the manager action: MixMonitorMute. This will allow an
individual MixMonitor instance to be muted via ID.
The MixMonitorID can be stored as a channel variable using
the 'i' MixMonitor option and is returned upon creation if
this option is used.
As part of this change, if no MixMonitorID is specified in
the manager action MixMonitorMute, Asterisk will set the mute
flag on all MixMonitor audiohooks on the channel. Previous
behavior would set the flag on the first MixMonitor audiohook

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Subject: bridge_builtin_features
Add optional touch variable : TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_BEEP(interval)
interval in seconds will result in a periodic beep being
played to the monitored channel upon MixMontior/Monitor
feature start.
If an interval less than 5 seconds is specified, the interval
will default to 5 seconds. If the value is set to an invalid
interval, the default of 15 seconds will be used.

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Subject: cli
Subject: core
This change increases the display width on 'core show channels'
amd 'core show channels verbose'
For 'core show channels', the Channel name field is increased to
64 characters and the Location name field is increased to 32
For 'core show channels verbose', the Channel name field is
increased to 80 characters, the Context is increased to 24
characters and the Extension is increased to 24 characters.

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Subject: DUNDi
DUNDi now supports chan_pjsip. Outgoing calls using
PJSIP require the pjsip_outgoing_endpoint option
to be set in dundi.conf.

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
Subject: format_sln
format_sln now recognizes '.slin' as a valid
file extension in addition to the existing
'.sln' and '.raw'.

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@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
Subject: res_http_media_cache
The res_http_media_cache module now attempts to load
configuration from the res_http_media_cache.conf file.
The following options were added:
* timeout_secs
* user_agent
* follow_location
* max_redirects
* protocols
* redirect_protocols
* dns_cache_timeout_secs

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
Subject: test.c
The "tests" attribute of the "testsuite" element in the
output XML now reflects only the tests actually requested
to be executed instead of all the tests registered.
The "failures" attribute was added to the "testsuite"
Also added two new unit tests that just pass and fail
to be used for testing CI itself.

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@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
The only files that should be added to this directory are ones that will be
used by the release script to update the UPGRADE.txt file automatically. The
only time that it is necessary to add something to the UPGRADE-staging directory
is if you are making a breaking change to an existing feature in Asterisk. The
file does not need to have a meaningful name, but it probably should. If there
are multiple items that need documenting, you can add multiple files, each with
their own description. If the message is going to be the same for each subject,
then you can add multiple subject headers to one file. The "Subject: xxx" line
is case sensitive! For example, if you are making a change to PJSIP, then you
might add the file "res_pjsip_my_cool_feature.txt" to this directory, with a
short description of what it does. The files must have the ".txt" suffix.
If you are adding multiple entries, they should be done in the same commit
to avoid merge conflicts. Here's an example:
> Subject: res_pjsip
> Subject: Core
> Here's a pretty good description of my new feature that explains exactly what
> it does and how to use it.
Here's a master-only example:
> Subject: res_ari
> Master-Only: True
> This change will only go into the master branch. The "Master-Only" header
> will never be in a change not in master.
Note that the second subject has another header: "Master-Only". Changes that go
into the master branch and ONLY the master branch are the only ones that should
have this header. Also, the value can only be "true" or "True". The
"Master-Only" part of the header IS case-sensitive, however!
For more information, check out the wiki page: