#!/bin/sh -e DEFAULT_ORG="Asterisk" DEFAULT_CA_CN="Asterisk Private CA" DEFAULT_CLIENT_CN="asterisk" DEFAULT_SERVER_CN=`hostname -f` # arguments # $1 "ca" if we are to generate a CA cert # $2 alternate config file name (for ca) # $3 alternate common name # $4 alternate org name create_config () { if [ "$1" = "ca" ] then castring=" [ext] basicConstraints=CA:TRUE" fi cat > ${2:-"${CONFIG_FILE}"} << EOF [req] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name prompt = no [req_distinguished_name] CN=${3:-"${COMMON_NAME}"} O=${4:-"${ORG_NAME}"} ${castring} EOF } create_ca () { echo "Creating ${CAKEY}" openssl genrsa -des3 -out ${CAKEY} 4096 > /dev/null echo "Creating ${CACERT}" openssl req -new -config ${CACFG} -x509 -days 365 -key ${CAKEY} -out ${CACERT} > /dev/null } create_cert () { local base=${OUTPUT_DIR}/${OUTPUT_BASE} echo "Creating ${base}.key" openssl genrsa -out ${base}.key 1024 > /dev/null echo "Creating signing request" openssl req -batch -new -config ${CONFIG_FILE} -key ${base}.key -out ${base}.csr > /dev/null echo "Creating ${base}.crt" openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ${base}.csr -CA ${CACERT} -CAkey ${CAKEY} -set_serial 01 -out ${base}.crt > /dev/null echo "Combining key and crt into ${base}.pem" cat ${base}.key > ${base}.pem cat ${base}.crt >> ${base}.pem } usage () { cat << EOF This script is useful for quickly generating self-signed CA, server, and client certificates for use with Asterisk. It is still recommended to obtain certificates from a recognized Certificate Authority and to develop an understanding how SSL certificates work. Real security is hard work. OPTIONS: -h Show this message -m Type of cert "client" or "server". Defaults to server. -f Config filename (openssl config file format) -c CA cert filename (creates new CA cert/key as ca.crt/ca.key if not passed) -k CA key filename -C Common name (cert field) For a server cert, this should be the same address that clients attempt to connect to. Usually this will be the Fully Qualified Domain Name, but might be the IP of the server. For a CA or client cert, it is merely informational. Make sure your certs have unique common names. -O Org name (cert field) An informational string (company name) -o Output filename base (defaults to asterisk) -d Output directory (defaults to the current directory) Example: To create a CA and a server (pbx.mycompany.com) cert with output in /tmp: ast_tls_cert -C pbx.mycompany.com -O "My Company" -d /tmp This will create a CA cert and key as well as asterisk.pem and the the two files that it is made from: asterisk.crt and asterisk.key. Copy asterisk.pem and ca.crt somewhere (like /etc/asterisk) and set tlscertfile=/etc/asterisk.pem and tlscafile=/etc/ca.crt. Since this is a self-signed key, many devices will require you to import the ca.crt file as a trusted cert. To create a client cert using the CA cert created by the example above: ast_tls_cert -m client -c /tmp/ca.crt -k /tmp/ca.key -C "Joe User" -O \\ "My Company" -d /tmp -o joe_user This will create client.crt/key/pem in /tmp. Use this if your device supports a client certificate. Make sure that you have the ca.crt file set up as a tlscafile in the necessary Asterisk configs. Make backups of all .key files in case you need them later. EOF } if ! type openssl >/dev/null 2>&1 then echo "This script requires openssl to be in the path" exit 1 fi OUTPUT_BASE=asterisk # Our default cert basename CERT_MODE=server ORG_NAME=${DEFAULT_ORG} while getopts "hf:c:k:o:d:m:C:O:" OPTION do case ${OPTION} in h) usage exit 1 ;; f) CONFIG_FILE=${OPTARG} ;; c) CACERT=${OPTARG} ;; k) CAKEY=${OPTARG} ;; o) OUTPUT_BASE=${OPTARG} ;; d) OUTPUT_DIR=${OPTARG} ;; m) CERT_MODE=${OPTARG} ;; C) COMMON_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; O) ORG_NAME=${OPTARG} ;; ?) usage exit ;; esac done if [ -z "${OUTPUT_DIR}" ] then OUTPUT_DIR=. else mkdir -p "${OUTPUT_DIR}" fi umask 177 case "${CERT_MODE}" in server) COMMON_NAME=${COMMON_NAME:-"${DEFAULT_SERVER_CN}"} ;; client) COMMON_NAME=${COMMON_NAME:-"${DEFAULT_CLIENT_CN}"} ;; *) echo echo "Unknown mode. Exiting." exit 1 ;; esac if [ -z "${CONFIG_FILE}" ] then CONFIG_FILE="${OUTPUT_DIR}/tmp.cfg" echo echo "No config file specified, creating '${CONFIG_FILE}'" echo "You can use this config file to create additional certs without" echo "re-entering the information for the fields in the certificate" create_config fi if [ -z ${CACERT} ] then CAKEY=${OUTPUT_DIR}/ca.key CACERT=${OUTPUT_DIR}/ca.crt CACFG=${OUTPUT_DIR}/ca.cfg create_config ca "${CACFG}" "${DEFAULT_CA_CN}" "${DEFAULT_CA_ORG}" create_ca fi create_cert