
1831 lines
73 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1997-2005 by Objective Systems, Inc.
* This software is furnished under an open source license and may be
* used and copied only in accordance with the terms of this license.
* The text of the license may generally be found in the root
* directory of this installation in the COPYING file. It
* can also be viewed online at the following URL:
* Any redistributions of this file including modified versions must
* maintain this copyright notice.
* @file ooasn1.h
* Common ASN.1 runtime constants, data structure definitions, and run-time
* functions to support ASN.1 PER encoding/decoding as defined in the
* ITU-T standards.
#ifndef _OOASN1_H_
#define _OOASN1_H_
#include "asterisk.h"
#include "asterisk/lock.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "dlist.h"
#include "ootrace.h"
* @defgroup cruntime C Runtime Common Functions
* @{
/* Error Code Constants */
#define ASN_OK 0 /* normal completion status */
#define ASN_OK_FRAG 2 /* message fragment detected */
#define ASN_E_BUFOVFLW -1 /* encode buffer overflow */
#define ASN_E_ENDOFBUF -2 /* unexpected end of buffer on decode */
#define ASN_E_IDNOTFOU -3 /* identifer not found */
#define ASN_E_INVOBJID -4 /* invalid object identifier */
#define ASN_E_INVLEN -5 /* invalid field length */
#define ASN_E_INVENUM -6 /* enumerated value not in defined set */
#define ASN_E_SETDUPL -7 /* duplicate element in set */
#define ASN_E_SETMISRQ -8 /* missing required element in set */
#define ASN_E_NOTINSET -9 /* element not part of set */
#define ASN_E_SEQOVFLW -10 /* sequence of field overflow */
#define ASN_E_INVOPT -11 /* invalid option encountered in choice */
#define ASN_E_NOMEM -12 /* no dynamic memory available */
#define ASN_E_INVHEXS -14 /* invalid hex string */
#define ASN_E_INVBINS -15 /* invalid binary string */
#define ASN_E_INVREAL -16 /* invalid real value */
#define ASN_E_STROVFLW -17 /* octet or bit string field overflow */
#define ASN_E_BADVALUE -18 /* invalid value specification */
#define ASN_E_UNDEFVAL -19 /* no def found for ref'd defined value */
#define ASN_E_UNDEFTYP -20 /* no def found for ref'd defined type */
#define ASN_E_BADTAG -21 /* invalid tag value */
#define ASN_E_TOODEEP -22 /* nesting level is too deep */
#define ASN_E_CONSVIO -23 /* value constraint violation */
#define ASN_E_RANGERR -24 /* invalid range (lower > upper) */
#define ASN_E_ENDOFFILE -25 /* end of file on file decode */
#define ASN_E_INVUTF8 -26 /* invalid UTF-8 encoding */
#define ASN_E_CONCMODF -27 /* Concurrent list modification */
#define ASN_E_ILLSTATE -28 /* Illegal state error */
#define ASN_E_OUTOFBND -29 /* out of bounds (of array, etc) */
#define ASN_E_INVPARAM -30 /* invalid parameter */
#define ASN_E_INVFORMAT -31 /* invalid time string format */
#define ASN_E_NOTINIT -32 /* not initialized */
#define ASN_E_TOOBIG -33 /* value is too big for given data type */
#define ASN_E_INVCHAR -34 /* invalid character (not in char set) */
#define ASN_E_XMLSTATE -35 /* XML state error */
#define ASN_E_XMLPARSE -36 /* XML parse error */
#define ASN_E_SEQORDER -37 /* SEQUENCE elements not in order */
#define ASN_E_INVINDEX -38 /* invalid index for TC id */
#define ASN_E_INVTCVAL -39 /* invalid value for TC field */
#define ASN_E_FILNOTFOU -40 /* file not found */
#define ASN_E_FILEREAD -41 /* error occurred reading file */
#define ASN_E_FILEWRITE -42 /* error occurred writing file */
#define ASN_E_INVBASE64 -43 /* invalid base64 encoding */
#define ASN_E_INVSOCKET -44 /* invalid socket operation */
#define ASN_E_XMLLIBNFOU -45 /* XML library is not found */
#define ASN_E_XMLLIBINV -46 /* XML library is invalid */
#define ASN_E_NOTSUPP -99 /* non-supported ASN construct */
#define ASN_K_INDEFLEN -9999 /* indefinite length message indicator */
/* universal built-in type ID code value constants */
#define ASN_ID_EOC 0 /* end of contents */
#define ASN_ID_BOOL 1 /* boolean */
#define ASN_ID_INT 2 /* integer */
#define ASN_ID_BITSTR 3 /* bit string */
#define ASN_ID_OCTSTR 4 /* byte (octet) string */
#define ASN_ID_NULL 5 /* null */
#define ASN_ID_OBJID 6 /* object ID */
#define ASN_ID_OBJDSC 7 /* object descriptor */
#define ASN_ID_EXTERN 8 /* external type */
#define ASN_ID_REAL 9 /* real */
#define ASN_ID_ENUM 10 /* enumerated value */
#define ASN_ID_EPDV 11 /* EmbeddedPDV type */
#define ASN_ID_RELOID 13 /* relative object ID */
#define ASN_ID_SEQ 16 /* sequence, sequence of */
#define ASN_ID_SET 17 /* set, set of */
#define ASN_SEQ_TAG 0x30 /* SEQUENCE universal tag byte */
#define ASN_SET_TAG 0x31 /* SET universal tag byte */
/* Restricted character string type ID's */
#define ASN_ID_NumericString 18
#define ASN_ID_PrintableString 19
#define ASN_ID_TeletexString 20
#define ASN_ID_T61String ASN_ID_TeletexString
#define ASN_ID_VideotexString 21
#define ASN_ID_IA5String 22
#define ASN_ID_UTCTime 23
#define ASN_ID_GeneralTime 24
#define ASN_ID_GraphicString 25
#define ASN_ID_VisibleString 26
#define ASN_ID_GeneralString 27
#define ASN_ID_UniversalString 28
#define ASN_ID_BMPString 30
/* flag mask values */
#define XM_SEEK 0x01 /* seek match until found or end-of-buf */
#define XM_ADVANCE 0x02 /* advance pointer to contents on match */
#define XM_DYNAMIC 0x04 /* alloc dyn mem for decoded variable */
#define XM_SKIP 0x08 /* skip to next field after parsing tag */
/* Sizing Constants */
#define ASN_K_MAXDEPTH 32 /* maximum nesting depth for messages */
#define ASN_K_MAXSUBIDS 128 /* maximum sub-id's in an object ID */
#define ASN_K_MAXENUM 100 /* maximum enum values in an enum type */
#define ASN_K_MAXERRP 5 /* maximum error parameters */
#define ASN_K_MAXERRSTK 8 /* maximum levels on error ctxt stack */
#define ASN_K_ENCBUFSIZ 2*1024 /* dynamic encode buffer extent size */
#define ASN_K_MEMBUFSEG 1024 /* memory buffer extent size */
/* Canonical character set definitions */
#define NUM_ABITS 4
#define NUM_UBITS 4
#define NUM_CANSET \
" 0123456789"
#define PRN_ABITS 8
#define PRN_UBITS 7
#define PRN_CANSET \
" '()+,-./0123456789:=?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
#define VIS_ABITS 8
#define VIS_UBITS 7
#define VIS_CANSET \
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]"\
#define T61_ABITS 8
#define T61_UBITS 7
#define T61_CANSET \
" !\"%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]"\
#define IA5_ABITS 8
#define IA5_UBITS 7
#define IA5_CANSET \
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]"\
#define IA5_RANGE1_LOWER 0
#define IA5_RANGE2_LOWER 0x5f
#define GEN_ABITS 8
#define GEN_UBITS 7
#define GEN_CANSET \
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_"\
#define BMP_ABITS 16
#define BMP_UBITS 16
#define BMP_FIRST 0
#define BMP_LAST 0xffff
#define UCS_ABITS 32
#define UCS_UBITS 32
#define UCS_FIRST 0
#define UCS_LAST 0xfffffffful
/* ASN.1 Primitive Type Definitions */
typedef char ASN1CHAR;
typedef unsigned char ASN1OCTET;
typedef signed char ASN1INT8;
typedef unsigned char ASN1UINT8;
typedef int ASN1INT;
typedef unsigned int ASN1UINT;
typedef double ASN1REAL;
typedef short ASN1SINT;
typedef unsigned short ASN1USINT;
#define ASN1TAG_LSHIFT 24
typedef void* ASN1ANY;
#define ASN1UINT_MAX 4294967295U
#define ASN1INT_MAX ((ASN1INT)2147483647L)
#define ASN1UINTCNT(val) val##u
#ifndef ASN1INT64
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || \
#define ASN1INT64 __int64
#elif defined(__IBMC__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_C) || \
defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || defined(__CC_ARM) || \
defined(__HPUX_CC__) || defined(__HP_aCC)
#define ASN1INT64 long long
#else /* !MSC_VER && !__IBMC__ etc */
#define ASN1INT64 long
#endif /* ASN1INT64 */
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
typedef struct { /* object identifier */
ASN1UINT numids;
typedef struct { /* generic octet string structure */
ASN1UINT numocts;
ASN1OCTET data[1];
} ASN1OctStr;
typedef struct { /* generic octet string structure (dynamic) */
ASN1UINT numocts;
const ASN1OCTET* data;
} ASN1DynOctStr;
typedef struct { /* generic bit string structure (dynamic) */
ASN1UINT numbits;
const ASN1OCTET* data;
} ASN1DynBitStr;
typedef struct { /* generic sequence of structure */
void* elem;
} ASN1SeqOf;
typedef struct { /* sequence of OCTET STRING */
ASN1DynOctStr* elem;
} ASN1SeqOfOctStr;
typedef struct { /* generic open type data structure */
ASN1UINT numocts;
const ASN1OCTET* data;
} ASN1OpenType;
/* ASN.1 useful type definitions */
typedef struct {
ASN1UINT nchars;
ASN116BITCHAR* data;
} Asn116BitCharString;
typedef struct {
ASN1UINT nchars;
ASN132BITCHAR* data;
} Asn132BitCharString;
typedef const char* ASN1GeneralizedTime;
typedef const char* ASN1GeneralString;
typedef const char* ASN1GraphicString;
typedef const char* ASN1IA5String;
typedef const char* ASN1ISO646String;
typedef const char* ASN1NumericString;
typedef const char* ASN1ObjectDescriptor;
typedef const char* ASN1PrintableString;
typedef const char* ASN1TeletexString;
typedef const char* ASN1T61String;
typedef const char* ASN1UTCTime;
typedef const char* ASN1UTF8String;
typedef const char* ASN1VideotexString;
typedef const char* ASN1VisibleString;
typedef Asn116BitCharString ASN1BMPString;
typedef Asn132BitCharString ASN1UniversalString;
/* ASN.1 constrained string structures */
typedef struct {
int nchars;
char data[255];
} Asn1CharArray;
typedef struct {
Asn1CharArray charSet;
const char* canonicalSet;
int canonicalSetSize;
unsigned canonicalSetBits;
unsigned charSetUnalignedBits;
unsigned charSetAlignedBits;
} Asn1CharSet;
typedef struct {
Asn116BitCharString charSet;
ASN1USINT firstChar, lastChar;
unsigned unalignedBits;
unsigned alignedBits;
} Asn116BitCharSet;
/* ASN.1 size constraint structure */
typedef struct _Asn1SizeCnst {
ASN1BOOL extended;
ASN1UINT lower;
ASN1UINT upper;
struct _Asn1SizeCnst* next;
} Asn1SizeCnst;
/* ASN.1 encode/decode buffer info structure */
typedef struct {
ASN1OCTET* data; /* pointer to start of data buffer */
ASN1UINT byteIndex; /* byte index */
ASN1UINT size; /* current buffer size */
ASN1SINT bitOffset; /* current bit offset (8 - 1) */
ASN1BOOL dynamic; /* is buffer dynamic? */
/* This structure is used to save the current state of the buffer */
typedef struct {
ASN1UINT byteIndex; /* byte index */
ASN1SINT bitOffset; /* current bit offset (8 - 1) */
ASN1USINT flags; /* flag bits */
/* ASN.1 run-time error info structures */
typedef struct {
const char* module;
int lineno;
} ASN1ErrLocn;
typedef struct {
int stkx;
int status;
int parmcnt;
const char* parms[ASN_K_MAXERRP];
} ASN1ErrInfo;
#define XM_K_MEMBLKSIZ (4*1024)
/* Flag mask constant values */
#define ASN1DYNCTXT 0x8000
#define ASN1INDEFLEN 0x4000
#define ASN1TRACE 0x2000
#define ASN1LASTEOC 0x1000
#define ASN1FASTCOPY 0x0800 /* turns on the "fast copy" mode */
#define ASN1CONSTAG 0x0400 /* form of last parsed tag */
#define ASN1CANXER 0x0200 /* canonical XER */
#define ASN1SAVEBUF 0x0100 /* do not free dynamic encode buffer */
#define ASN1OPENTYPE 0x0080 /* item is an open type field */
/* ASN.1 encode/decode context block structure */
struct EventHandler;
typedef struct OOCTXT { /* context block */
void* pMsgMemHeap; /* internal message memory heap */
void* pTypeMemHeap; /* memory heap */
ASN1BUFFER buffer; /* data buffer */
ASN1ErrInfo errInfo; /* run-time error info */
Asn1SizeCnst* pSizeConstraint; /* Size constraint list */
const char* pCharSet; /* String of permitted characters */
struct EventHandler* pEventHandler; /* event handler object */
ASN1USINT flags; /* flag bits */
ASN1OCTET spare[2];
ast_mutex_t pLock;
/* macros and function prototypes */
#ifndef ASN1MAX
#define ASN1MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
#ifndef ASN1MIN
#define ASN1MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
* @defgroup mem Memory Allocation Macros and Functions
* @ingroup cruntime
* Memory allocation functions and macros handle memory management for the
* ASN1C run-time. Special algorithms are used for allocation and deallocation
* of memory to improve the run-time performance. @{
* Allocate a dynamic array. This macro allocates a dynamic array of records of
* the given type. This version of the macro will return the ASN_E_NOMEM error
* status if the memory request cannot be fulfilled.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param pseqof - Pointer to a generated SEQUENCE OF array structure.
* The <i>n</i> member variable must be set to the number
* of records to allocate.
* @param type - Data type of an array record
#define ALLOC_ASN1ARRAY(pctxt,pseqof,type) do {\
if (sizeof(type)*(pseqof)->n < (pseqof)->n) return ASN_E_NOMEM; \
if (((pseqof)->elem = (type*) memHeapAlloc \
(&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, sizeof(type)*(pseqof)->n)) == 0) return ASN_E_NOMEM; \
} while (0)
* Allocate and zero an ASN.1 element. This macro allocates and zeros a single
* element of the given type.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param type - Data type of record to allocate
#define ALLOC_ASN1ELEM(pctxt,type) \
(type*) memHeapAllocZ (&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, sizeof(type))
* Allocate memory. This macro allocates the given number of bytes. It is
* similar to the C \c malloc run-time function.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param nbytes - Number of bytes of memory to allocate
* @return - Void pointer to allocated memory or NULL if
* insufficient memory was available to fulfill the
* request.
#define ASN1MALLOC(pctxt,nbytes) \
memHeapAlloc(&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, nbytes)
* Free memory associated with a context. This macro frees all memory held
* within a context. This is all memory allocated using the ASN1MALLOC (and
* similar macros) and the mem memory allocation functions using the given
* context variable.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
#define ASN1MEMFREE(pctxt) \
* Free memory pointer. This macro frees memory at the given pointer. The
* memory must have been allocated using the ASN1MALLOC (or similar) macros or
* the mem memory allocation functions. This macro is similar to the C \c
* free function.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param pmem - Pointer to memory block to free. This must have been
* allocated using the ASN1MALLOC macro or the
* memHeapAlloc function.
#define ASN1MEMFREEPTR(pctxt,pmem) \
memHeapFreePtr(&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, (void*)pmem)
* @}
#define ASN1BUFCUR(cp) (cp)->[(cp)->buffer.byteIndex]
#define ASN1BUFPTR(cp) &(cp)->[(cp)->buffer.byteIndex]
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifndef EXTERN
#ifdef MAKE_DLL
#define EXTERN __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined (USEASN1DLL)
#define EXTERN __declspec(dllimport)
#define EXTERN
#endif /* MAKE_DLL */
#endif /* EXTERN */
#ifndef _NO_MALLOC
/*#define ASN1CRTMALLOC0(nbytes) malloc(nbytes)
#define ASN1CRTFREE0(ptr) free(ptr) */
#ifdef _NO_THREADS
extern EXTERN OOCTXT g_ctxt;
#define ASN1CRTMALLOC0(nbytes) memAlloc(&g_ctxt,(nbytes))
#define ASN1CRTFREE0(ptr) memFreePtr(&g_ctxt,(ptr))
#define ASN1CRTMALLOC0(nbytes) (void*)0
#define ASN1CRTFREE0(ptr) (void*)0
#endif /* _NO_THREADS */
#endif /* _NO_MALLOC */
#define ASN1CRTMALLOC memHeapAlloc
/* Function prototypes */
#define DE_INCRBITIDX(pctxt) \
((--(pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset < 0) ? \
((++(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex >= (pctxt)->buffer.size) ? ASN_E_ENDOFBUF : \
((pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset = 7, ASN_OK)) : ASN_OK)
#define DE_BIT(pctxt,pvalue) \
((*(pvalue) = (((pctxt)->[(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex]) & \
(1 << (pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset)) != 0), ASN_OK) ))
#define DE_BIT(pctxt,pvalue) \
((DE_INCRBITIDX (pctxt) != ASN_OK) ? ASN_E_ENDOFBUF : ((pvalue) ? \
((*(pvalue) = (((pctxt)->[(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex]) & \
(1 << (pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset)) != 0), ASN_OK) : ASN_OK ))
#define encodeIA5String(pctxt,value,permCharSet) \
encodeConstrainedStringEx (pctxt, value, permCharSet, 8, 7, 7)
#define encodeGeneralizedTime encodeIA5String
#define decodeIA5String(pctxt,pvalue,permCharSet) \
decodeConstrainedStringEx (pctxt, pvalue, permCharSet, 8, 7, 7)
#define decodeGeneralizedTime decodeIA5String
/* run-time error and diagnostic functions */
/* Context management functions */
* @defgroup cmfun Context Management Functions
* @{
* Context initialization functions handle the allocation, initialization, and
* destruction of ASN.1 context variables (variables of type OOCTXT). These
* variables hold all of the working data used during the process of encoding
* or decoding a message. The context provides thread safe operation by
* isolating what would otherwise be global variables within this structure.
* The context variable is passed from function to function as a message is
* encoded or decoded and maintains state information on the encoding or
* decoding process.
* This function assigns a buffer to a context block. The block should have
* been previously initialized by initContext.
* @param pctxt The pointer to the context structure variable to be
* initialized.
* @param bufaddr For encoding, the address of a memory buffer to receive
* and encode a message. For decoding the address of a
* buffer that contains the message data to be decoded.
* This address will be stored within the context
* structure. For encoding it might be zero, the dynamic
* buffer will be used in this case.
* @param bufsiz The size of the memory buffer. For encoding, it might be
* zero; the dynamic buffer will be used in this case.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int initContextBuffer
(OOCTXT* pctxt, const ASN1OCTET* bufaddr, ASN1UINT bufsiz);
* This function initializes a context block. It makes sure that if the block
* was not previosly initialized, that all key working parameters are set to
* thier correct initial state values (i.e. declared within a function as a
* normal working variable), it is required that they invoke this function
* before using it.
* @param pctxt The pointer to the context structure variable to be
* initialized.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int initContext (OOCTXT* pctxt);
* This function frees all dynamic memory associated with a context. This
* includes all memory inside the block (in particular, the list of memory
* blocks used by the mem functions).
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure.
EXTERN void freeContext (OOCTXT* pctxt);
* This function allocates a new OOCTXT block and initializes it. Although
* the block is allocated from the standard heap, it should not be freed using
* free. The freeContext function should be used because this frees items
* allocated within the block before freeing the block itself.
* @return Pointer to newly created context
EXTERN OOCTXT* newContext (void);
EXTERN void copyContext (OOCTXT* pdest, OOCTXT* psrc);
EXTERN int initSubContext (OOCTXT* pctxt, OOCTXT* psrc);
EXTERN void setCtxtFlag (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1USINT mask);
EXTERN void clearCtxtFlag (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1USINT mask);
EXTERN int setPERBuffer
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1OCTET* bufaddr, ASN1UINT bufsiz, ASN1BOOL aligned);
EXTERN int setPERBufferUsingCtxt (OOCTXT* pTarget, OOCTXT* pSource);
#define ZEROCONTEXT(pctxt) memset(pctxt,0,sizeof(OOCTXT))
* @} cmfun
* @defgroup errfp Error Formatting and Print Functions
* @{
* Error formatting and print functions allow information about the
* encode/decode errors to be added to a context block structure and then
* printed out when the error is propagated to the top level.
* This function adds an integer parameter to an error information structure.
* Parameter substitution is done in much the same way as it is done in C
* printf statments. The base error message specification that goes along with
* a particular status code may have variable fields built in using '%'
* modifiers. These would be replaced with actual parameter data.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
* @param errParm The typed error parameter.
* @return The status of the operation.
EXTERN int errAddIntParm (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo, int errParm);
* This function adds an string parameter to an error information structure.
* Parameter substitution is done in much the same way as it is done in C
* printf statments. The base error message specification that goes along with
* a particular status code may have variable fields built in using '%'
* modifiers. These would be replaced with actual parameter data.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
* @param errprm_p The typed error parameter.
* @return The status of the operation.
EXTERN int errAddStrParm (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo,
const char* errprm_p);
* This function adds an unsigned integer parameter to an error information
* structure. Parameter substitution is done in much the same way as it is done
* in C printf statments. The base error message specification that goes along
* with a particular status code may have variable fields built in using '%'
* modifiers. These would be replaced with actual parameter data.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
* @param errParm The typed error parameter.
* @return The status of the operation.
EXTERN int errAddUIntParm (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo, unsigned int errParm);
EXTERN int errCopyData (ASN1ErrInfo* pSrcErrInfo,
ASN1ErrInfo* pDestErrInfo);
* This function frees memory associated with the storage of parameters
* associated with an error message. These parameters are maintained on an
* internal linked list maintained within the error information structure. The
* list memory must be freed when error processing is complete. This function
* is called from within errPrint after the error has been printed out. It is
* also called in the freeContext function.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
EXTERN void errFreeParms (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo);
EXTERN char* errFmtMsg (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo, char* bufp);
* This function gets the text of the error
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure.
EXTERN char* errGetText (OOCTXT* pctxt);
* This function prints error information to the standard output device. The
* error information is stored in a structure of type ASN1ErrInfo. A structure
* of the this type is part f the OOCTXT structure. This is where error
* information is stored within the ASN1C generated and low-level encode/decode
* functions.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
EXTERN void errPrint (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo);
* This function resets the error information in the error information
* sturcture.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
EXTERN int errReset (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo);
* This function sets error information in an error information structure. The
* information set includes status code, module name, and line number. Location
* information (i.e. module name and line number) is pushed onto a stack within
* the error information structure to provide a complete stack trace when the
* information is printed out.
* @param pErrInfo A pointer to a structure containing information on the
* error to be printed. Typically, the error info
* structure referred to is the one inside the OOCTXT
* structure. (i.e. &pctxt->errInfo).
* @param status The error status code. This is one of the negative error
* status codes.
* @param module The name of the module (C or C++ source file) in which
* the module occurred. This is typically obtained by
* using the _FILE_ macro.
* @param lno The line number at which the error occurred. This is
* typically obtained by using the _LINE_ macro.
* @return The status value passed to the operation in the third
* argument. This makes it possible to set the error
* information and return the status value in one line of
* code.
EXTERN int errSetData (ASN1ErrInfo* pErrInfo, int status,
const char* module, int lno);
#ifndef _COMPACT
#define LOG_ASN1ERR(ctxt,stat) \
#define LOG_ASN1ERR(ctxt,stat) \
((ctxt)->errInfo.status = stat, stat)
#define LOG_ASN1ERR_AND_FREE(pctxt,stat,lctxt) \
freeContext ((lctxt)), LOG_ASN1ERR(pctxt, stat)
* @}
* @addtogroup rtmem
* @{
* Allocate memory. This macro allocates the given number of bytes. It is
* similar to the C \c malloc run-time function.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param nbytes - Number of bytes of memory to allocate
* @return - Void pointer to allocated memory or NULL if insufficient memory
* was available to fulfill the request.
#define memAlloc(pctxt,nbytes) \
* Allocate and zero memory. This macro allocates the given number of bytes
* and then initializes the memory block to zero.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param nbytes - Number of bytes of memory to allocate
* @return - Void pointer to allocated memory or NULL if insufficient memory
* was available to fulfill the request.
#define memAllocZ(pctxt,nbytes) \
* Reallocate memory. This macro reallocates a memory block (either
* expands or contracts) to the given number of bytes. It is
* similar to the C \c realloc run-time function.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param mem_p - Pointer to memory block to reallocate. This must have been
* allocated using the memHeapAlloc macro or the memHeapAlloc function.
* @param nbytes - Number of bytes of memory to which the block is to be
* resized.
* @return - Void pointer to allocated memory or NULL if insufficient memory
* was available to fulfill the request. This may be the same as the pmem
* pointer that was passed in if the block did not need to be relocated.
#define memRealloc(pctxt,mem_p,nbytes) \
memHeapRealloc(&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, (void*)mem_p, nbytes)
* Free memory pointer. This macro frees memory at the given pointer.
* The memory must have been allocated using the memHeapAlloc (or similar)
* macros or the mem memory allocation macros. This macro is
* similar to the C \c free function.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
* @param mem_p - Pointer to memory block to free. This must have
* been allocated using the memHeapAlloc or memAlloc macro or the
* memHeapAlloc function.
#define memFreePtr(pctxt,mem_p) \
if (memHeapCheckPtr (&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, (void*)mem_p)) \
memHeapFreePtr(&(pctxt)->pTypeMemHeap, (void*)mem_p)
* Free memory associated with a context. This macro frees all memory
* held within a context. This is all memory allocated using the
* memHeapAlloc (and similar macros) and the mem memory allocation
* functions using the given context variable.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
#define memFree(pctxt) \
* Reset memory associated with a context. This macro resets all memory
* held within a context. This is all memory allocated using the memHeapAlloc
* (and similar macros) and the mem memory allocation functions using the
* given context variable.
* <p>The difference between this and the ASN1MEMFREE macro is that the
* memory blocks held within the context are not actually freed. Internal
* pointers are reset so the existing blocks can be reused. This can
* provide a performace improvement for repetitive tasks such as decoding
* messages in a loop.
* @param pctxt - Pointer to a context block
#define memReset(pctxt) \
/* Alias for __cdecl modifier; if __cdecl keyword is not supported,
* redefine it as empty macro. */
#if !defined(OSCDECL)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
#define OSCDECL __cdecl
#define OSCDECL
#endif /* OSCDECL */
/* Pointers to C Run-Time memory allocation functions *
* (See memSetAllocFuncs) */
typedef void *(OSCDECL *OSMallocFunc ) (size_t size);
typedef void *(OSCDECL *OSReallocFunc) (void *ptr, size_t size);
typedef void (OSCDECL *OSFreeFunc ) (void *ptr);
EXTERN void memHeapAddRef (void** ppvMemHeap);
EXTERN void* memHeapAlloc (void** ppvMemHeap, int nbytes);
EXTERN void* memHeapAllocZ (void** ppvMemHeap, int nbytes);
EXTERN int memHeapCheckPtr (void** ppvMemHeap, void* mem_p);
EXTERN int memHeapCreate (void** ppvMemHeap);
EXTERN void memHeapFreeAll (void** ppvMemHeap);
EXTERN void memHeapFreePtr (void** ppvMemHeap, void* mem_p);
EXTERN void* memHeapRealloc (void** ppvMemHeap, void* mem_p, int nbytes_);
EXTERN void memHeapRelease (void** ppvMemHeap);
EXTERN void memHeapReset (void** ppvMemHeap);
EXTERN void* memHeapMarkSaved
(void** ppvMemHeap, const void* mem_p, ASN1BOOL saved);
EXTERN void memHeapSetProperty
(void** ppvMemHeap, ASN1UINT propId, void* pProp);
* This function sets the pointers to standard allocation functions. These
* functions are used to allocate/reallocate/free the memory blocks. By
* default, standard C functions - 'malloc', 'realloc' and 'free' - are used.
* But if some platforms do not support these functions (or some other reasons
* exist) they can be overloaded. The functions being overloaded should have
* the same prototypes as standard ones.
* @param malloc_func Pointer to the memory allocation function ('malloc' by
* default).
* @param realloc_func Pointer to the memory reallocation function ('realloc'
* by default).
* @param free_func Pointer to the memory deallocation function ('free' by
* default).
EXTERN void memSetAllocFuncs (OSMallocFunc malloc_func,
OSReallocFunc realloc_func,
OSFreeFunc free_func);
EXTERN void memFreeOpenSeqExt (OOCTXT* pctxt, DList *pElemList);
* This function sets flags to a heap. May be used to control the heap's
* behavior.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a memory block structure that contains the
* list of dynamic memory block maintained by these
* functions.
* @param flags The flags.
EXTERN void memHeapSetFlags (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT flags);
* This function clears memory heap flags.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a memory block structure that contains the
* list of dynamic memory block maintained by these
* functions.
* @param flags The flags
EXTERN void memHeapClearFlags (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT flags);
* This function sets the pointer to standard allocation functions. These
* functions are used to allocate/reallocate/free the memory blocks. By
* default, standard C functions - malloc, realloc, and free - are used. But if
* some platforms do not support these functions or some other reasons exist)
* they can be overloaded. The functions being overloaded should have the same
* prototypes as standard ones.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context block.
* @param blkSize The currently used minimum size and the granularity of
* memory blocks.
EXTERN void memHeapSetDefBlkSize (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT blkSize);
* This function returns the actual granularity of memory blocks.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context block.
EXTERN ASN1UINT memHeapGetDefBlkSize (OOCTXT* pctxt);
EXTERN void memSetStaticBuf (void* memHeapBuf, ASN1UINT blkSize);
/* PER encode/decode related items */
#define INCRBITIDX(pctxt) \
((--(pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset < 0) ? \
((++(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex >= (pctxt)->buffer.size) ? ASN_E_ENDOFBUF : \
((pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset = 7, ASN_OK)) : ASN_OK)
#define DECODEBIT(pctxt,pvalue) \
((INCRBITIDX (pctxt) != ASN_OK) ? ASN_E_ENDOFBUF : ( \
((*(pvalue) = (((pctxt)->[(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex]) & \
(1 << (pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset)) != 0), ASN_OK) ))
#define DECODEBIT(pctxt,pvalue) \
((INCRBITIDX (pctxt) != ASN_OK) ? ASN_E_ENDOFBUF : ((pvalue) ? \
((*(pvalue) = (((pctxt)->[(pctxt)->buffer.byteIndex]) & \
(1 << (pctxt)->buffer.bitOffset)) != 0), ASN_OK) : ASN_OK ))
#define SETCHARSET(csetvar, canset, abits, ubits) \
csetvar.charSet.nchars = 0; \
csetvar.canonicalSet = canset; \
csetvar.canonicalSetSize = sizeof(canset)-1; \
csetvar.canonicalSetBits = getUIntBitCount(csetvar.canonicalSetSize); \
csetvar.charSetUnalignedBits = ubits; \
csetvar.charSetAlignedBits = abits;
* This function will decode a series of multiple bits and place the results in
* an unsigned integer variable.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param pvalue A pointer to an unsigned integer variable to receive the
* decoded result.
* @param nbits The number of bits to decode.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeBits
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* pvalue, ASN1UINT nbits);
* This function will decode a value of the ASN.1 bit string type whose maximum
* size is is known in advance. The ASN1C complier generates a call to this
* function to decode bit string productions or elements that contain a size
* constraint.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param numbits_p Pointer to an unsigned integer variable to receive
* decoded number of bits.
* @param buffer Pointer to a fixed-size or pre-allocated array of bufsiz
* octets to receive a decoded bit string.
* @param bufsiz Length (in octets) of the buffer to receive the decoded
* bit string.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeBitString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* numbits_p, ASN1OCTET* buffer,
ASN1UINT bufsiz);
* This function will decode a variable of the ASN.1 BMP character string. This
* differs from the decode routines for the character strings previously
* described in that the BMP string type is based on 16-bit characters. A
* 16-bit character string is modeled using an array of unsigned short
* integers.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param pvalue Pointer to character string structure to receive the
* decoded result The structure includes a count field
* containing the number of characters and an array of
* unsigned short integers to hold the 16-bit character
* values.
* @param permCharSet A pointer to the constraining character set. This
* contains an array containing all valid characters in
* the set as well as the aligned and unaligned bit
* counts required to encode the characters.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeBMPString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1BMPString* pvalue, Asn116BitCharSet* permCharSet);
* This function will position the decode bit cursor on the next byte boundary.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeByteAlign (OOCTXT* pctxt);
* This function will decode an integer constrained either by a value or value
* range constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to integer variable to receive decoded value.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConsInteger
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1INT* pvalue, ASN1INT lower, ASN1INT upper);
* This function will decode an unsigned integer constrained either by a value
* or value range constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to unsigned integer variable to receive decoded
* value.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConsUnsigned
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* pvalue, ASN1UINT lower, ASN1UINT upper);
* This function will decode an 8-bit unsigned integer constrained either by a
* value or value range constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to 8-bit unsigned integer variable to receive
* decoded value.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConsUInt8 (OOCTXT* pctxt,
ASN1UINT8* pvalue, ASN1UINT lower, ASN1UINT upper);
* This function will decode a 16-bit unsigned integer constrained either by a
* value or value range constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to 16-bit unsigned integer variable to receive
* decoded value.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConsUInt16
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1USINT* pvalue, ASN1UINT lower, ASN1UINT upper);
* This function decodes a constrained whole number as specified in Section
* 10.5 of the X.691 standard.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param padjusted_value Pointer to unsigned adjusted integer value to
* receive decoded result. To get the final value,
* this value is added to the lower boundary of the
* range.
* @param range_value Unsigned integer value specifying the total size
* of the range. This is obtained by subtracting
* the lower range value from the upper range
* value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConsWholeNumber
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* padjusted_value, ASN1UINT range_value);
* This function decodes a constrained string value. This version of the
* function allows all of the required permitted alphabet constraint parameters
* to be passed in as arguments.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param string Pointer to const char* to receive decoded string. Memory
* will be allocated for this variable using internal
* memory management functions.
* @param charSet String containing permitted alphabet character set. Can
* be null if no character set was specified.
* @param abits Number of bits in a character set character (aligned).
* @param ubits Number of bits in a character set character (unaligned).
* @param canSetBits Number of bits in a character from the canonical set
* representing this string.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeConstrainedStringEx
(OOCTXT* pctxt, const char** string, const char* charSet,
ASN1UINT abits, ASN1UINT ubits, ASN1UINT canSetBits);
* This function will decode a variable of thr ASN.1 BIT STRING type. This
* function allocates dynamic memory t store the decoded result. The ASN1C
* complier generates a call to this function to decode an unconstrained bit
* string production or element.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param pBitStr Pointer to a dynamic bit string structure to receive the
* decoded result. This structure contains a field to
* hold the number of decoded bits and a pointer to an
* octet string to hold the decoded data. Memory is
* allocated by the decoder using the memAlloc
* function. This memory is tracked within the context
* and released when the freeContext function is
* invoked.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeDynBitString (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1DynBitStr* pBitStr);
* This function will decode a value of the ASN.1 octet string type whose
* maximum size is known in advance. The ASN1C complier generates a call to
* this function to decode octet string productions or elements that contain a
* size constraint.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param pOctStr A pointer to a dynamic octet string to receive the
* decoded result.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeDynOctetString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1DynOctStr* pOctStr);
* This function will decode a length determinant value.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param pvalue A pointer to an unsigned integer variable to receive the
* decoded length value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeLength (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* pvalue);
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param bitOffset The bit offset inside the message buffer.
EXTERN int moveBitCursor (OOCTXT* pctxt, int bitOffset);
* This function decodes a value of the ASN.1 object identifier type.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to value to receive decoded result. The
* ASN1OBJID structure contains an integer to hold the
* number of subidentifiers and an array to hold the
* subidentifier values.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeObjectIdentifier (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1OBJID* pvalue);
* This function will decode a value of the ASN.1 octet string type whose
* maximun size is known in advance. The ASN1C compiler generates a call to
* this function to decode octet string productions or elements that contain a
* size constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param numocts_p A pointer to an unsigned buffer of bufsiz octets to
* receive decoded data.
* @param buffer A pointer to a pre-allocated buffer of size octets to
* receive the decoded data.
* @param bufsiz The size of the buffer to receive the decoded result.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeOctetString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* numocts_p, ASN1OCTET* buffer,
ASN1UINT bufsiz);
* This function will decode an ASN.1 open type. This used to be the ASN.1 ANY
* type, but now is used in a variety of applications requiring an encoding
* that can be interpreted by a decoder without prior knowledge of the type
* of the variable.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param numocts_p A pointer to an unsigned buffer of bufsiz octets to
* receive decoded data.
* @param object_p2 A pointer to an open type variable to receive the
* decoded data.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeOpenType
(OOCTXT* pctxt, const ASN1OCTET** object_p2, ASN1UINT* numocts_p);
* This function will decode a small non-negative whole number as specified in
* Section 10.6 of the X.691 standard. This is a number that is expected to be
* small, but whose size is potentially unlimited due to the presence of an
* extension maker.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all workings variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param pvalue Pointer to an unsigned integer value t receive decoded
* results.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeSmallNonNegWholeNumber
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* pvalue);
* This function will decode a semi-constrained integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to integer variable to receive decoded value.
* @param lower Lower range value, represented as signed
* integer.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeSemiConsInteger
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1INT* pvalue, ASN1INT lower);
* This function will decode a semi-constrained unsigned integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to unsigned integer variable to receive decoded
* value.
* @param lower Lower range value, represented as unsigned
* integer.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int decodeSemiConsUnsigned
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT* pvalue, ASN1UINT lower);
* This function will decode an unconstrained integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to integer variable to receive decoded value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
#define decodeUnconsInteger(pctxt,pvalue) \
decodeSemiConsInteger(pctxt, pvalue, ASN1INT_MIN)
* This function will decode an unconstrained unsigned integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to unsigned integer variable to receive decoded
* value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
#define decodeUnconsUnsigned(pctxt,pvalue) \
decodeSemiConsUnsigned(pctxt, pvalue, 0U)
EXTERN int decodeVarWidthCharString (OOCTXT* pctxt, const char** pvalue);
* This function will encode a variable of the ASN.1 BOOLEAN type in
* a single bit.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param value The BOOLEAN value to be encoded.
EXTERN int encodeBit (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1BOOL value);
* This function encodes multiple bits.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Unsigned integer containing the bits to be encoded.
* @param nbits Number of bits in value to encode.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeBits
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT value, ASN1UINT nbits);
* This function will encode a value of the ASN.1 bit string type.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param numocts The number of bits n the string to be encoded.
* @param data Pointer to the bit string data to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeBitString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT numocts, const ASN1OCTET* data);
* This function will encode a variable of the ASN.1 BMP character string. This
* differs from the encode routines for the character strings previously
* described in that the BMP string type is based on 16-bit characters. A
* 16-bit character string is modeled using an array of unsigned short
* integers.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param value Character string to be encoded. This structure includes
* a count field containing the number of characters to
* encode and an array of unsigned short integers to hold
* the 16-bit characters to be encoded.
* @param permCharSet Pointer to the constraining character set. This contains
* an array containing all valid characters in the set as
* well as the aligned and unaligned bit counts required
* to encode the characters.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeBMPString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1BMPString value, Asn116BitCharSet* permCharSet);
* This function will position the encode bit cursor on the next byte boundry.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeByteAlign (OOCTXT* pctxt);
* This function will determine if the given number of bytes will fit in the
* encode buffer. If not, either the buffer is expanded (if it is a dynamic
* buffer) or an error is signaled.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. This provides a
* storage area for the function to store all working
* variables that must be maintained between function
* calls.
* @param nbytes Number of bytes of space required to hold the variable
* to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeCheckBuffer (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT nbytes);
* This function encodes a constrained string value. This version of the
* function allows all of the required permitted alphabet constraint parameters
* to be passed in as arguments.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param string Pointer to string to be encoded.
* @param charSet String containing permitted alphabet character set. Can
* be null if no character set was specified.
* @param abits Number of bits in a character set character (aligned).
* @param ubits Number of bits in a character set character (unaligned).
* @param canSetBits Number of bits in a character from the canonical set
* representing this string.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeConstrainedStringEx
(OOCTXT* pctxt, const char* string, const char* charSet,
ASN1UINT abits, ASN1UINT ubits, ASN1UINT canSetBits);
* This function encodes an integer constrained either by a value or value
* range constraint.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Value to be encoded.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeConsInteger
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1INT value, ASN1INT lower, ASN1INT upper);
* This function encodes an unsigned integer constrained either by a value or
* value range constraint. The constrained unsigned integer option is used if:
* 1. The lower value of the range is >= 0, and 2. The upper value of the range
* is >= MAXINT
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Value to be encoded.
* @param lower Lower range value.
* @param upper Upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeConsUnsigned
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT value, ASN1UINT lower, ASN1UINT upper);
* This function encodes a constrained whole number as specified in Section
* 10.5 of the X.691 standard.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param adjusted_value Unsigned adjusted integer value to be encoded. The
* adjustment is done by subtracting the lower value
* of the range from the value to be encoded.
* @param range_value Unsigned integer value specifying the total size of
* the range. This is obtained by subtracting the
* lower range value from the upper range value.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeConsWholeNumber
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT adjusted_value, ASN1UINT range_value);
* This function will expand the buffer to hold the given number of bytes.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param nbytes The number of bytes the buffer is to be expanded by.
* Note that the buffer will be expanded by
* ASN_K_ENCBIFXIZ or nbytes (whichever is larger.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeExpandBuffer (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT nbytes);
* This function will return the message pointer and length of an encoded
* message. This function is called after a complier generated encode function
* to get the pointer and length of the message. It is normally used when
* dynamic encoding is specified because the message pointer is not known until
* encoding is complete. If static encoding is used, the message starts at the
* beginning of the specified buffer adn the encodeGetMsgLen function can be
* used to obtain the lenght of the message.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param pLength Pointer to variable to receive length of the encoded
* message.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN ASN1OCTET* encodeGetMsgPtr (OOCTXT* pctxt, int* pLength);
* This function will encode a length determinant value.
* @param pctxt Pointer to a context structure. This provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param value Length value to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeLength (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT value);
* This function encodes a value of the ASN.1 object identifier type.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param pvalue Pointer to value to be encoded. The ASN1OBJID structure
* contains a numids fields to hold the number of
* subidentifiers and an array to hold the subidentifier
* values.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeObjectIdentifier (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1OBJID* pvalue);
* This function encodes bits from a given octet to the output buffer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to ASN.1 PER context structure
* @param value Value of bits to be encoded
* @param nbits Number of bits to be encoded
* @return Status of operation
EXTERN int encodebitsFromOctet (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1OCTET value, ASN1UINT nbits);
* This fuction will encode an array of octets. The Octets will be encoded
* unaligned starting at the current bit offset within the encode buffer.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. The provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param pvalue A pointer to an array of octets to encode
* @param nbits The number of Octets to encode
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeOctets
(OOCTXT* pctxt, const ASN1OCTET* pvalue, ASN1UINT nbits);
* This function will encode a value of the ASN.1 octet string type.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. The provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param numocts Number of octets in the string to be encoded.
* @param data Pointer to octet string data to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeOctetString
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT numocts, const ASN1OCTET* data);
* This function will encode an ASN.1 open type. This used to be the ANY type,
* but now is used in a variety of applications requiring an encoding that can
* be interpreted by a decoder without a prior knowledge of the type of the
* variable.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. The provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param numocts Number of octets in the string to be encoded.
* @param data Pointer to octet string data to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeOpenType
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT numocts, const ASN1OCTET* data);
* This function will encode an ASN.1 open type extension. An open type
* extension field is the data that potentially resides after the ... marker in
* a version-1 message. The open type structure contains a complete encoded bit
* set including option element bits or choice index, length, and data.
* Typically, this data is populated when a version-1 system decodes a
* version-2 message. The extension fields are retained and can then be
* re-encoded if a new message is to be sent out (for example, in a store and
* forward system).
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. The provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param pElemList A pointer to the open type to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeOpenTypeExt
(OOCTXT* pctxt, DList* pElemList);
EXTERN int encodeOpenTypeExtBits
(OOCTXT* pctxt, DList* pElemList);
* This function will endcode a small, non-negative whole number as specified
* in Section 10.6 of the X.691 standard. This is a number that is expected to
* be small, but whose size is potentially unlimited due to the presence of an
* extension marker.
* @param pctxt A pointer to a context structure. The provides a storage
* area for the function to store all working variables
* that must be maintained between function calls.
* @param value An unsigned integer value to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeSmallNonNegWholeNumber (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT value);
* This function encodes a semi-constrained integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Value to be encoded.
* @param lower Lower range value, represented as signed
* integer.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeSemiConsInteger
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1INT value, ASN1INT lower);
* This function encodes an semi-constrained unsigned integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Value to be encoded.
* @param lower Lower range value, represented as unsigned
* integer.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
EXTERN int encodeSemiConsUnsigned
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT value, ASN1UINT lower);
* This function encodes an unconstrained integer.
* @param pctxt Pointer to context block structure.
* @param value Value to be encoded.
* @return Completion status of operation:
* - 0 (ASN_OK) = success,
* - negative return value is error.
#define encodeUnconsInteger(pctxt,value) \
EXTERN int encodeVarWidthCharString (OOCTXT* pctxt, const char* value);
EXTERN int addSizeConstraint (OOCTXT* pctxt, Asn1SizeCnst* pSize);
(OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1UINT len, ASN1UINT nbits, Asn1SizeCnst* pSize);
EXTERN int bitAndOctetStringAlignmentTest
(Asn1SizeCnst* pSizeList, ASN1UINT itemCount,
ASN1BOOL bitStrFlag, ASN1BOOL* pAlignFlag);
EXTERN int getPERMsgLen (OOCTXT* pctxt);
EXTERN int addSizeConstraint (OOCTXT* pctxt, Asn1SizeCnst* pSize);
EXTERN Asn1SizeCnst* getSizeConstraint (OOCTXT* pctxt, ASN1BOOL extbit);
EXTERN int checkSizeConstraint(OOCTXT* pctxt, int size);
EXTERN ASN1UINT getUIntBitCount (ASN1UINT value);
EXTERN Asn1SizeCnst* checkSize
(Asn1SizeCnst* pSizeList, ASN1UINT value, ASN1BOOL* pExtendable);
EXTERN void init16BitCharSet
(Asn116BitCharSet* pCharSet, ASN116BITCHAR first,
ASN116BITCHAR last, ASN1UINT abits, ASN1UINT ubits);
EXTERN ASN1BOOL isExtendableSize (Asn1SizeCnst* pSizeList);
EXTERN void set16BitCharSet
(OOCTXT* pctxt, Asn116BitCharSet* pCharSet, Asn116BitCharSet* pAlphabet);
#ifdef __cplusplus