#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Author: Alexander Couzens # (C) 2021 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH XML_NS = { 'soap-env': 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', 'cwmp': 'urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0' } def get_cwmp_method(root): """ retrieve the cwmp method from the xml root Node """ body = root.find('soap-env:Body', XML_NS) if body is None: return None for child in body: if child.tag == '{urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0}Fault': return ('Fault', child) if child.tag == '{urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0}Inform': return ('Inform', child) if child.tag == '{urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0}SetParameterValuesResponse': return ('SetParameterValuesResponse', child) return None def get_cwmp_id(root): """ retrieve the cwmp id """ header = root.find('soap-env:Header', XML_NS) if header is None: return None cwmpid = header.find('{urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0}ID', XML_NS) if cwmpid is not None: return cwmpid.text return None def get_cwmp_inform_events(inform): """ return a list of Inform Events """ eventnode = inform.find('Event') if eventnode is None: return None events = [] """ parse 4 VALUE CHANGE 0 BOOTSTRAP """ for ev in eventnode: if ev.tag != "EventStruct": continue evcodenode = ev.find('EventCode') events.append(evcodenode.text) return events def get_cwmp_inform_serial(inform): """ retrieve the serial from an inform node """ device_id = inform.find('DeviceId') if device_id is None: return None serial = device_id.find('SerialNumber') if serial is None: return None return serial.text def get_cwmp_setresponse_status(setparametervaluesresponse): """ retrieve the status from a setparametervaluesresponse node """ statusnode = setparametervaluesresponse.find('Status') if statusnode is None: return None return statusnode.text