/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vendor.h" #include "gatchat.h" #include "gatresult.h" #include "common.h" #include "atmodem.h" /* Amount of ms we wait between CLCC calls */ #define POLL_CLCC_INTERVAL 500 /* Amount of time we give for CLIP to arrive before we commence CLCC poll */ #define CLIP_INTERVAL 200 /* When +VTD returns 0, an unspecified manufacturer-specific delay is used */ #define TONE_DURATION 1000 static const char *clcc_prefix[] = { "+CLCC:", NULL }; static const char *none_prefix[] = { NULL }; /* According to 27.007 COLP is an intermediate status for ATD */ static const char *atd_prefix[] = { "+COLP:", NULL }; #define FLAG_NEED_CLIP 1 #define FLAG_NEED_CNAP 2 struct voicecall_data { GSList *calls; unsigned int local_release; unsigned int clcc_source; GAtChat *chat; unsigned int vendor; unsigned int tone_duration; guint vts_source; unsigned int vts_delay; unsigned char flags; }; struct release_id_req { struct ofono_voicecall *vc; ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb; void *data; int id; }; struct change_state_req { struct ofono_voicecall *vc; ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb; void *data; int affected_types; }; static gboolean poll_clcc(gpointer user_data); static int class_to_call_type(int cls) { switch (cls) { case 1: return 0; case 4: return 2; case 8: return 9; default: return 1; } } static struct ofono_call *create_call(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, int type, int direction, int status, const char *num, int num_type, int clip) { struct voicecall_data *d = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct ofono_call *call; /* Generate a call structure for the waiting call */ call = g_try_new0(struct ofono_call, 1); if (call == NULL) return NULL; call->id = ofono_voicecall_get_next_callid(vc); call->type = type; call->direction = direction; call->status = status; if (clip != 2) { strncpy(call->phone_number.number, num, OFONO_MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH); call->phone_number.type = num_type; } call->clip_validity = clip; call->cnap_validity = CNAP_VALIDITY_NOT_AVAILABLE; d->calls = g_slist_insert_sorted(d->calls, call, at_util_call_compare); return call; } static void clcc_poll_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GSList *calls; GSList *n, *o; struct ofono_call *nc, *oc; gboolean poll_again = FALSE; if (!ok) { ofono_error("We are polling CLCC and received an error"); ofono_error("All bets are off for call management"); return; } calls = at_util_parse_clcc(result); n = calls; o = vd->calls; while (n || o) { nc = n ? n->data : NULL; oc = o ? o->data : NULL; if (nc && nc->status >= 2 && nc->status <= 5) poll_again = TRUE; if (oc && (nc == NULL || (nc->id > oc->id))) { enum ofono_disconnect_reason reason; if (vd->local_release & (0x1 << oc->id)) reason = OFONO_DISCONNECT_REASON_LOCAL_HANGUP; else reason = OFONO_DISCONNECT_REASON_REMOTE_HANGUP; if (!oc->type) ofono_voicecall_disconnected(vc, oc->id, reason, NULL); o = o->next; } else if (nc && (oc == NULL || (nc->id < oc->id))) { /* new call, signal it */ if (nc->type == 0) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, nc); n = n->next; } else { /* * Always use the clip_validity from old call * the only place this is truly told to us is * in the CLIP notify, the rest are fudged * anyway. Useful when RING, CLIP is used, * and we're forced to use CLCC and clip_validity * is 1 */ if (oc->clip_validity == 1) nc->clip_validity = oc->clip_validity; /* * CNAP doesn't arrive as part of CLCC, always * re-use from the old call */ strncpy(nc->name, oc->name, OFONO_MAX_CALLER_NAME_LENGTH); nc->name[OFONO_MAX_CALLER_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; nc->cnap_validity = oc->cnap_validity; /* * If the CLIP is not provided and the CLIP never * arrives, or RING is used, then signal the call * here */ if (nc->status == 4 && (vd->flags & FLAG_NEED_CLIP)) { if (nc->type == 0) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, nc); vd->flags &= ~FLAG_NEED_CLIP; } else if (memcmp(nc, oc, sizeof(*nc)) && nc->type == 0) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, nc); n = n->next; o = o->next; } } g_slist_foreach(vd->calls, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(vd->calls); vd->calls = calls; vd->local_release = 0; if (poll_again && !vd->clcc_source) vd->clcc_source = g_timeout_add(POLL_CLCC_INTERVAL, poll_clcc, vc); } static gboolean poll_clcc(gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, vc, NULL); vd->clcc_source = 0; return FALSE; } static void generic_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct change_state_req *req = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(req->vc); struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (ok && req->affected_types) { GSList *l; struct ofono_call *call; for (l = vd->calls; l; l = l->next) { call = l->data; if (req->affected_types & (0x1 << call->status)) vd->local_release |= (0x1 << call->id); } } g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, req->vc, NULL); /* We have to callback after we schedule a poll if required */ req->cb(&error, req->data); } static void release_id_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct release_id_req *req = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(req->vc); struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (ok) vd->local_release = 0x1 << req->id; g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, req->vc, NULL); /* We have to callback after we schedule a poll if required */ req->cb(&error, req->data); } static void atd_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct ofono_voicecall *vc = cbd->user; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; GAtResultIter iter; const char *num; int type = 128; int validity = 2; struct ofono_error error; struct ofono_call *call; GSList *l; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) goto out; /* On a success, make sure to put all active calls on hold */ for (l = vd->calls; l; l = l->next) { call = l->data; if (call->status != 0) continue; call->status = 1; ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, call); } g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+COLP:")) { g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &num); g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &type); if (strlen(num) > 0) validity = 0; else validity = 2; DBG("colp_notify: %s %d %d", num, type, validity); } /* Generate a voice call that was just dialed, we guess the ID */ call = create_call(vc, 0, 0, 2, num, type, validity); if (call == NULL) { ofono_error("Unable to malloc, call tracking will fail!"); return; } /* oFono core will generate a call with the dialed number * inside its dial callback. Unless we got COLP information * we do not need to communicate that a call is being * dialed */ if (validity != 2) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, call); if (!vd->clcc_source) vd->clcc_source = g_timeout_add(POLL_CLCC_INTERVAL, poll_clcc, vc); out: cb(&error, cbd->data); } static void at_dial(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, const struct ofono_phone_number *ph, enum ofono_clir_option clir, enum ofono_cug_option cug, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); char buf[256]; if (cbd == NULL) goto error; cbd->user = vc; if (ph->type == 145) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ATD+%s", ph->number); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "ATD%s", ph->number); switch (clir) { case OFONO_CLIR_OPTION_INVOCATION: strcat(buf, "I"); break; case OFONO_CLIR_OPTION_SUPPRESSION: strcat(buf, "i"); break; default: break; } switch (cug) { case OFONO_CUG_OPTION_INVOCATION: strcat(buf, "G"); break; default: break; } strcat(buf, ";"); if (g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, buf, atd_prefix, atd_cb, cbd, g_free) > 0) return; error: g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); } static void at_template(const char *cmd, struct ofono_voicecall *vc, GAtResultFunc result_cb, unsigned int affected_types, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct change_state_req *req = g_try_new0(struct change_state_req, 1); if (req == NULL) goto error; req->vc = vc; req->cb = cb; req->data = data; req->affected_types = affected_types; if (g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, cmd, none_prefix, result_cb, req, g_free) > 0) return; error: g_free(req); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); } static void at_answer(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { at_template("ATA", vc, generic_cb, 0, cb, data); } static void at_hangup(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { /* Hangup active call */ at_template("AT+CHUP", vc, generic_cb, 0x3f, cb, data); } static void clcc_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GSList *l; if (!ok) return; vd->calls = at_util_parse_clcc(result); for (l = vd->calls; l; l = l->next) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, l->data); } static void at_hold_all_active(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { at_template("AT+CHLD=2", vc, generic_cb, 0, cb, data); } static void at_release_all_held(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { unsigned int held_status = 0x1 << 1; at_template("AT+CHLD=0", vc, generic_cb, held_status, cb, data); } static void at_set_udub(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { unsigned int incoming_or_waiting = (0x1 << 4) | (0x1 << 5); at_template("AT+CHLD=0", vc, generic_cb, incoming_or_waiting, cb, data); } static void at_release_all_active(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { at_template("AT+CHLD=1", vc, generic_cb, 0x1, cb, data); } static void at_release_specific(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, int id, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct release_id_req *req = g_try_new0(struct release_id_req, 1); char buf[32]; if (req == NULL) goto error; req->vc = vc; req->cb = cb; req->data = data; req->id = id; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CHLD=1%d", id); if (g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, buf, none_prefix, release_id_cb, req, g_free) > 0) return; error: g_free(req); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); } static void at_private_chat(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, int id, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CHLD=2%d", id); at_template(buf, vc, generic_cb, 0, cb, data); } static void at_create_multiparty(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { at_template("AT+CHLD=3", vc, generic_cb, 0, cb, data); } static void at_transfer(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { /* Held & Active */ unsigned int transfer = 0x1 | 0x2; /* Transfer can puts held & active calls together and disconnects * from both. However, some networks support transferring of * dialing/ringing calls as well. */ transfer |= 0x4 | 0x8; at_template("AT+CHLD=4", vc, generic_cb, transfer, cb, data); } static void at_deflect(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, const struct ofono_phone_number *ph, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { char buf[128]; unsigned int incoming_or_waiting = (0x1 << 4) | (0x1 << 5); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "AT+CTFR=%s,%d", ph->number, ph->type); at_template(buf, vc, generic_cb, incoming_or_waiting, cb, data); } static gboolean vts_timeout_cb(gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = cbd->user; ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; vd->vts_source = 0; CALLBACK_WITH_SUCCESS(cb, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); return FALSE; } static void vts_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct cb_data *cbd = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = cbd->user; ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb = cbd->cb; struct ofono_error error; decode_at_error(&error, g_at_result_final_response(result)); if (!ok) { cb(&error, cbd->data); g_free(cbd); return; } vd->vts_source = g_timeout_add(vd->vts_delay, vts_timeout_cb, cbd); } static void at_send_dtmf(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, const char *dtmf, ofono_voicecall_cb_t cb, void *data) { struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct cb_data *cbd = cb_data_new(cb, data); int len = strlen(dtmf); int s; int i; char *buf; if (cbd == NULL) goto error; cbd->user = vd; /* strlen("+VTS=T;") = 7 + initial AT + null */ buf = g_try_new(char, len * 9 + 3); if (buf == NULL) goto error; s = sprintf(buf, "AT+VTS=%c", dtmf[0]); for (i = 1; i < len; i++) s += sprintf(buf + s, ";+VTS=%c", dtmf[i]); vd->vts_delay = vd->tone_duration * len; s = g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, buf, none_prefix, vts_cb, cbd, NULL); g_free(buf); if (s > 0) return; error: g_free(cbd); CALLBACK_WITH_FAILURE(cb, data); } static void ring_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); struct ofono_call *call; /* See comment in CRING */ if (g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(5), at_util_call_compare_by_status)) return; /* RING can repeat, ignore if we already have an incoming call */ if (g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(4), at_util_call_compare_by_status)) return; /* Generate an incoming call of unknown type */ call = create_call(vc, 9, 1, 4, NULL, 128, 2); if (call == NULL) { ofono_error("Couldn't create call, call management is fubar!"); return; } /* We don't know the call type, we must run clcc */ vd->clcc_source = g_timeout_add(CLIP_INTERVAL, poll_clcc, vc); vd->flags = FLAG_NEED_CLIP | FLAG_NEED_CNAP; } static void cring_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GAtResultIter iter; const char *line; int type; /* Handle the following situation: * Active Call + Waiting Call. Active Call is Released. The Waiting * call becomes Incoming and RING/CRING indications are signaled. * Sometimes these arrive before we managed to poll CLCC to find about * the stage change. If this happens, simply ignore the RING/CRING * when a waiting call exists (cannot have waiting + incoming in GSM) */ if (g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(5), at_util_call_compare_by_status)) return; /* CRING can repeat, ignore if we already have an incoming call */ if (g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(4), at_util_call_compare_by_status)) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CRING:")) return; line = g_at_result_iter_raw_line(&iter); if (line == NULL) return; /* Ignore everything that is not voice for now */ if (!strcasecmp(line, "VOICE")) type = 0; else type = 9; /* Generate an incoming call */ create_call(vc, type, 1, 4, NULL, 128, 2); /* We have a call, and call type but don't know the number and * must wait for the CLIP to arrive before announcing the call. * So we wait, and schedule the clcc call. If the CLIP arrives * earlier, we announce the call there */ vd->clcc_source = g_timeout_add(CLIP_INTERVAL, poll_clcc, vc); vd->flags = FLAG_NEED_CLIP | FLAG_NEED_CNAP; DBG(""); } static void clip_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GAtResultIter iter; const char *num; int type, validity; GSList *l; struct ofono_call *call; l = g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(4), at_util_call_compare_by_status); if (l == NULL) { ofono_error("CLIP for unknown call"); return; } /* We have already saw a CLIP for this call, no need to parse again */ if ((vd->flags & FLAG_NEED_CLIP) == 0) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CLIP:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &num)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &type)) return; if (strlen(num) > 0) validity = CLIP_VALIDITY_VALID; else validity = CLIP_VALIDITY_NOT_AVAILABLE; /* Skip subaddr, satype and alpha */ g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); /* If we have CLI validity field, override our guessed value */ g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &validity); DBG("%s %d %d", num, type, validity); call = l->data; strncpy(call->phone_number.number, num, OFONO_MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH); call->phone_number.number[OFONO_MAX_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH] = '\0'; call->phone_number.type = type; call->clip_validity = validity; if (call->type == 0) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, call); vd->flags &= ~FLAG_NEED_CLIP; } static void cnap_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GAtResultIter iter; const char *name; int validity; GSList *l; struct ofono_call *call; l = g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(4), at_util_call_compare_by_status); if (l == NULL) { ofono_error("CNAP for unknown call"); return; } /* We have already saw a CLIP for this call, no need to parse again */ if ((vd->flags & FLAG_NEED_CNAP) == 0) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CNAP:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &name)) return; if (strlen(name) > 0) validity = CNAP_VALIDITY_VALID; else validity = CNAP_VALIDITY_NOT_AVAILABLE; /* If we have CNI validity field, override our guessed value */ g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &validity); DBG("%s %d", name, validity); call = l->data; strncpy(call->name, name, OFONO_MAX_CALLER_NAME_LENGTH); call->name[OFONO_MAX_CALLER_NAME_LENGTH] = '\0'; call->cnap_validity = validity; /* Only signal the call here if we already signaled it to the core */ if (call->type == 0 && (vd->flags & FLAG_NEED_CLIP) == 0) ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, call); vd->flags &= ~FLAG_NEED_CNAP; } static void ccwa_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GAtResultIter iter; const char *num; int num_type, validity, cls; struct ofono_call *call; /* Some modems resend CCWA, ignore it the second time around */ if (g_slist_find_custom(vd->calls, GINT_TO_POINTER(5), at_util_call_compare_by_status)) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); if (!g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+CCWA:")) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_string(&iter, &num)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &num_type)) return; if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &cls)) return; /* Skip alpha field */ g_at_result_iter_skip_next(&iter); if (strlen(num) > 0) validity = 0; else validity = 2; /* If we have CLI validity field, override our guessed value */ g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &validity); DBG("%s %d %d %d", num, num_type, cls, validity); call = create_call(vc, class_to_call_type(cls), 1, 5, num, num_type, validity); if (call == NULL) { ofono_error("Unable to malloc. Call management is fubar"); return; } if (call->type == 0) /* Only notify voice calls */ ofono_voicecall_notify(vc, call); if (vd->clcc_source == 0) vd->clcc_source = g_timeout_add(POLL_CLCC_INTERVAL, poll_clcc, vc); } static void no_carrier_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, vc, NULL); } static void no_answer_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, vc, NULL); } static void busy_notify(GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); /* Call was rejected, most likely due to network congestion * or UDUB on the other side * TODO: Handle UDUB or other conditions somehow */ g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_poll_cb, vc, NULL); } static void vtd_query_cb(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); GAtResultIter iter; int duration; if (!ok) return; g_at_result_iter_init(&iter, result); g_at_result_iter_next(&iter, "+VTD:"); if (!g_at_result_iter_next_number(&iter, &duration)) return; if (duration) vd->tone_duration = duration * 100; } static void at_voicecall_initialized(gboolean ok, GAtResult *result, gpointer user_data) { struct ofono_voicecall *vc = user_data; struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); DBG("voicecall_init: registering to notifications"); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "RING", ring_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "+CRING:", cring_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "+CLIP:", clip_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "+CNAP:", cnap_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "+CCWA:", ccwa_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); /* Modems with 'better' call progress indicators should * probably not even bother registering to these */ g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "NO CARRIER", no_carrier_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "NO ANSWER", no_answer_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_register(vd->chat, "BUSY", busy_notify, FALSE, vc, NULL); ofono_voicecall_register(vc); /* Populate the call list */ g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLCC", clcc_prefix, clcc_cb, vc, NULL); } static int at_voicecall_probe(struct ofono_voicecall *vc, unsigned int vendor, void *data) { GAtChat *chat = data; struct voicecall_data *vd; vd = g_try_new0(struct voicecall_data, 1); if (vd == NULL) return -ENOMEM; vd->chat = g_at_chat_clone(chat); vd->vendor = vendor; vd->tone_duration = TONE_DURATION; ofono_voicecall_set_data(vc, vd); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CRC=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CLIP=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CNAP=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+COLP=1", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+VTD?", NULL, vtd_query_cb, vc, NULL); g_at_chat_send(vd->chat, "AT+CCWA=1", NULL, at_voicecall_initialized, vc, NULL); return 0; } static void at_voicecall_remove(struct ofono_voicecall *vc) { struct voicecall_data *vd = ofono_voicecall_get_data(vc); if (vd->clcc_source) g_source_remove(vd->clcc_source); if (vd->vts_source) g_source_remove(vd->vts_source); g_slist_foreach(vd->calls, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_slist_free(vd->calls); ofono_voicecall_set_data(vc, NULL); g_at_chat_unref(vd->chat); g_free(vd); } static struct ofono_voicecall_driver driver = { .name = "atmodem", .probe = at_voicecall_probe, .remove = at_voicecall_remove, .dial = at_dial, .answer = at_answer, .hangup_all = at_hangup, .hold_all_active = at_hold_all_active, .release_all_held = at_release_all_held, .set_udub = at_set_udub, .release_all_active = at_release_all_active, .release_specific = at_release_specific, .private_chat = at_private_chat, .create_multiparty = at_create_multiparty, .transfer = at_transfer, .deflect = at_deflect, .swap_without_accept = NULL, .send_tones = at_send_dtmf }; void at_voicecall_init() { ofono_voicecall_driver_register(&driver); } void at_voicecall_exit() { ofono_voicecall_driver_unregister(&driver); }