/* * * oFono - Open Source Telephony * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #define OFONO_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" static int example_history_probe(struct ofono_history_context *context) { ofono_debug("Example History Probe for modem: %p", context->modem); return 0; } static void example_history_remove(struct ofono_history_context *context) { ofono_debug("Example History Remove for modem: %p", context->modem); } static void example_history_call_ended(struct ofono_history_context *context, const struct ofono_call *call, time_t start, time_t end) { const char *from = "Unknown"; char buf[128]; ofono_debug("Call Ended on modem: %p", context->modem); if (call->type != 0) return; ofono_debug("Voice Call, %s", call->direction ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing"); if (call->clip_validity == 0) from = phone_number_to_string(&call->phone_number); if (call->direction == 0) ofono_debug("To: %s", from); else ofono_debug("From: %s", from); if (call->cnap_validity == 0) ofono_debug("Name from Network: %s\n", call->name); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&start)); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("StartTime: %s", buf); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&end)); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("EndTime: %s", buf); } static void example_history_call_missed(struct ofono_history_context *context, const struct ofono_call *call, time_t when) { const char *from = "Unknown"; char buf[128]; ofono_debug("Call Missed on modem: %p", context->modem); if (call->type != 0) return; ofono_debug("Voice Call, %s", call->direction ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing"); if (call->clip_validity == 0) from = phone_number_to_string(&call->phone_number); ofono_debug("From: %s", from); if (call->cnap_validity == 0) ofono_debug("Name from Network: %s\n", call->name); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&when)); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("When: %s", buf); } static void example_history_sms_received(struct ofono_history_context *context, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, const char *from, const struct tm *remote, const struct tm *local, const char *text) { char buf[128]; ofono_debug("Incoming SMS on modem: %p", context->modem); ofono_debug("InternalMessageId: %s", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid)); ofono_debug("From: %s", from); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", local); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("Local Sent Time: %s", buf); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", remote); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("Remote Sent Time: %s", buf); ofono_debug("Text: %s", text); } static void example_history_sms_send_pending(struct ofono_history_context *context, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, const char *to, time_t when, const char *text) { char buf[128]; ofono_debug("Sending SMS on modem: %p", context->modem); ofono_debug("InternalMessageId: %s", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid)); ofono_debug("To: %s:", to); strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&when)); buf[127] = '\0'; ofono_debug("Local Time: %s", buf); ofono_debug("Text: %s", text); } static void example_history_sms_send_status( struct ofono_history_context *context, const struct ofono_uuid *uuid, time_t when, enum ofono_history_sms_status s) { char buf[128]; strftime(buf, 127, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z", localtime(&when)); buf[127] = '\0'; switch (s) { case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_PENDING: break; case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMITTED: ofono_debug("SMS %s submitted successfully", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid)); ofono_debug("Submission Time: %s", buf); break; case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMIT_FAILED: ofono_debug("Sending SMS %s failed", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid)); ofono_debug("Failure Time: %s", buf); break; case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_SUBMIT_CANCELLED: ofono_debug("Submission of SMS %s was canceled", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid)); ofono_debug("Cancel time: %s", buf); break; case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_DELIVERED: ofono_debug("SMS delivered, msg_id: %s, time: %s", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid), buf); break; case OFONO_HISTORY_SMS_STATUS_DELIVER_FAILED: ofono_debug("SMS undeliverable, msg_id: %s, time: %s", ofono_uuid_to_str(uuid), buf); break; default: break; } } static struct ofono_history_driver example_driver = { .name = "Example Call History", .probe = example_history_probe, .remove = example_history_remove, .call_ended = example_history_call_ended, .call_missed = example_history_call_missed, .sms_received = example_history_sms_received, .sms_send_pending = example_history_sms_send_pending, .sms_send_status = example_history_sms_send_status, }; static int example_history_init(void) { return ofono_history_driver_register(&example_driver); } static void example_history_exit(void) { ofono_history_driver_unregister(&example_driver); } OFONO_PLUGIN_DEFINE(example_history, "Example Call History Plugin", VERSION, OFONO_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, example_history_init, example_history_exit)