
759 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
# Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Sukchan Lee <>
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
# This file is part of Open5GS.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
from docx import Document
from docx.document import Document as _Document
from docx.oxml.text.paragraph import CT_P
from docx.oxml.table import CT_Tbl
from docx.table import _Cell, Table
from docx.text.paragraph import Paragraph
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
import re, os, sys, string
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
import datetime
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
import getopt
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
import getpass
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
version = "0.1.0"
2017-03-15 04:39:57 +00:00
msg_list = {}
type_list = {}
group_list = {}
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
verbosity = 0
filename = ""
outdir = './'
cachedir = './cache/'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
INFO = '\033[93m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def d_print(string):
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if verbosity > 0:
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def d_info(string):
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
sys.stdout.write(INFO + string + ENDC + "\n")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def d_error(string):
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
sys.stderr.write(FAIL + string + ENDC + "\n")
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
def write_file(f, string):
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def output_header_to_file(f):
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
now =
2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 by Sukchan Lee <>
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
* This file is part of Open5GS.
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2019-06-11 09:28:25 +00:00
f.write(" * This file had been created by script v%s\n" % (version))
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
f.write(" * Please do not modify this file but regenerate it via script.\n")
f.write(" * Created on: %s by %s\n * from %s\n" % (str(now), getpass.getuser(), filename))
f.write(" ******************************************************************************/\n\n")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
def usage():
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
print("Python generating TLV build/parser for GTPv2-C v%s" % (version))
print("Usage: python [options]")
print("Available options:")
print("-d Enable script debug")
print("-f [file] Input file to parse")
print("-o [dir] Output files to given directory")
print("-c [dir] Cache files to given directory")
print("-h Print this help and return")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
def v_upper(v):
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
return re.sub('3GPP', '', re.sub('\'', '_', re.sub('/', '_', re.sub('-', '_', re.sub(' ', '_', v)))).upper())
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
def v_lower(v):
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
return re.sub('3gpp', '', re.sub('\'', '_', re.sub('/', '_', re.sub('-', '_', re.sub(' ', '_', v)))).lower())
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def get_cells(cells):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
instance = cells[4].text
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
if instance.isdigit() is not True:
return None
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
ie_type = re.sub('\s*$', '', re.sub('\s*\n*\s*\([A-z]*\s*NOTE.*\)*', '', cells[3].text))
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
if ie_type.find('LDN') != -1:
ie_type = 'LDN'
elif ie_type.find('APCO') != -1:
ie_type = 'APCO'
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
elif ie_type.find('Charging Id') != -1:
ie_type = 'Charging ID'
2017-03-31 00:06:07 +00:00
elif ie_type.find('H(e)NB Information Reporting') != -1:
ie_type = 'eNB Information Reporting'
elif ie_type.find('IPv4 Configuration Parameters (IP4CP)') != -1:
ie_type = 'IP4CP'
elif ie_type.find('Charging characteristics') != -1:
ie_type = 'Charging Characteristics'
elif ie_type.find('Change To Report Flags') != -1:
ie_type = 'Change to Report Flags'
elif ie_type.find('APN RATE Control Status') != -1:
ie_type = 'APN Rate Control Status'
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
if ie_type not in type_list.keys():
assert False, "Unknown IE type : [" \
+ cells[3].text + "]" + "(" + ie_type + ")"
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
presence = cells[1].text
presence = re.sub('\n', '', presence);
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
ie_value = re.sub('\s*\n*\s*\([^\)]*\)*', '', cells[0].text)
2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
ie_value = re.sub('\n', '', ie_value);
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
comment = cells[2].text.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
comment = re.sub('\n|\"|\'|\\\\', '', comment);
2017-03-15 04:39:57 +00:00
2017-03-15 06:49:56 +00:00
if int(instance) > int(type_list[ie_type]["max_instance"]):
2017-03-15 04:39:57 +00:00
type_list[ie_type]["max_instance"] = instance
write_file(f, "type_list[\"" + ie_type + "\"][\"max_instance\"] = \"" + instance + "\"\n")
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
return { "ie_type" : ie_type, "ie_value" : ie_value, "presence" : presence, "instance" : instance, "comment" : comment }
def write_cells_to_file(name, cells):
write_file(f, name + ".append({ \"ie_type\" : \"" + cells["ie_type"] + \
"\", \"ie_value\" : \"" + cells["ie_value"] + \
"\", \"presence\" : \"" + cells["presence"] + \
"\", \"instance\" : \"" + cells["instance"] + \
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
"\", \"comment\" : \"" + cells["comment"] + "\"})\n")
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
def document_paragraph_tables(document):
tables = []
# iterate .docx objects
def iter_block_items(parent):
if isinstance(parent, _Document):
parent_elm = parent.element.body
elif isinstance(parent, _Cell):
parent_elm = parent._tc
elif isinstance(parent, _Row):
parent_elm = parent._tr
raise ValueError("Document format error.")
for child in parent_elm.iterchildren():
if isinstance(child, CT_P):
yield Paragraph(child, parent)
elif isinstance(child, CT_Tbl):
yield Table(child, parent)
idx = -1
paragraph = ''
for block in iter_block_items(document):
# memoize the paragraph
if isinstance(block, Paragraph):
paragraph = block.text
# fetch the table
if isinstance(block, Table):
idx += 1
table = block
# store table having a paragraph name
tables.append([idx, paragraph, table])
return tables
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "df:ho:c:", ["debug", "file", "help", "output", "cache"])
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# print help information and exit:
for o, a in opts:
if o in ("-d", "--debug"):
verbosity = 1
if o in ("-f", "--file"):
filename = a
if o in ("-o", "--output"):
outdir = a
if outdir.rfind('/') != len(outdir):
outdir += '/'
if o in ("-c", "--cache"):
cachedir = a
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if cachedir.rfind('/') != len(cachedir):
cachedir += '/'
if o in ("-h", "--help"):
if os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
file = open(filename, 'r')
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
d_error("Cannot find file : " + filename)
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
d_info("[Message List]")
2019-07-06 13:52:09 +00:00
cachefile = cachedir + ''
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
print("Read from " + cachefile)
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
document = Document(filename)
f = open(cachefile, 'w')
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
msg_table = ""
for i, paragraph, table in document_paragraph_tables(document):
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
cell = table.rows[0].cells[0]
if cell.text.find('Message Type value') != -1:
msg_table = table
d_print("Table Index = %d Name = [%s]\n" % (i, paragraph))
write_file(f, "# [%s] Index = %d\n" % (paragraph, i))
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
for row in msg_table.rows[2:-4]:
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
key = row.cells[1].text
type = row.cells[0].text
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if type.isdigit() is False:
if int(type) in range(128, 160):
if int(type) in range(231, 240):
if key.find('Reserved') != -1:
key = re.sub('\s*\n*\s*\([^\)]*\)*', '', key)
2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
key = re.sub('\n', '', key);
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
msg_list[key] = { "type": type }
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
write_file(f, "msg_list[\"" + key + "\"] = { \"type\" : \"" + type + "\" }\n")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
d_info("[IE Type List]")
2019-12-07 04:17:00 +00:00
cachefile = cachedir + ''
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
print("Read from " + cachefile)
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
document = Document(filename)
f = open(cachefile, 'w')
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
ie_table = ""
for i, paragraph, table in document_paragraph_tables(document):
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
cell = table.rows[0].cells[0]
if cell.text.find('IE Type value') != -1:
ie_table = table
d_print("Table Index = %d Name = [%s]\n" % (i, paragraph))
write_file(f, "# [%s] Index = %d\n" % (paragraph, i))
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
for row in ie_table.rows[1:-5]:
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
key = row.cells[1].text
2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
type = row.cells[0].text
if type.isdigit() is False:
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if key.find('Reserved') != -1:
if key.find('MM Context') != -1:
elif key.find('Recovery') != -1:
key = 'Recovery'
elif key.find('Trusted WLAN Mode Indication') != -1:
key = 'TWMI'
elif key.find('LDN') != -1:
key = 'LDN'
elif key.find('APCO') != -1:
key = 'APCO'
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
elif key.find('Remote UE IP information') != -1:
key = 'Remote UE IP Information'
elif key.find('Procedure Transaction ID') != -1:
key = 'PTI'
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
key = re.sub('.*\(', '', row.cells[1].text)
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
key = re.sub('\)', '', key)
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
key = re.sub('\s*$', '', key)
2022-06-11 14:51:00 +00:00
2017-03-15 04:39:57 +00:00
type_list[key] = { "type": type , "max_instance" : "0" }
write_file(f, "type_list[\"" + key + "\"] = { \"type\" : \"" + type)
write_file(f, "\", \"max_instance\" : \"0\" }\n")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-15 04:39:57 +00:00
type_list['MM Context'] = { "type": "107", "max_instance" : "0" }
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
d_info("[Group IE List]")
2019-07-06 13:52:09 +00:00
cachefile = cachedir + ''
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
print("Read from " + cachefile)
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
document = Document(filename)
f = open(cachefile, 'w')
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
for i, paragraph, table in document_paragraph_tables(document):
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
if table.rows[0].cells[0].text.find('Octet') != -1 and \
table.rows[0].cells[2].text.find('IE Type') != -1:
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
d_print("Table Index = %d\n" % i)
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
row = table.rows[0];
if len(re.findall('\d+', row.cells[2].text)) == 0:
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
ie_type = re.findall('\d+', row.cells[2].text)[0]
ie_name = re.sub('\s*IE Type.*', '', row.cells[2].text)
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
write_file(f, "# [%s] Index = %d\n" % (paragraph, i))
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
if ie_name not in group_list.keys():
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies = []
write_file(f, "ies = []\n")
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
for row in table.rows[4:]:
cells = get_cells(row.cells)
if cells is None:
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies_is_added = True
for ie in ies:
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
if (cells["ie_type"], cells["instance"]) == (ie["ie_type"], ie["instance"]):
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies_is_added = False
if ies_is_added is True:
write_cells_to_file("ies", cells)
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
ie_idx = str(int(ie_type)+100)
group_list[ie_name] = { "index" : ie_idx, "type" : ie_type, "ies" : ies }
write_file(f, "group_list[\"" + ie_name + "\"] = { \"index\" : \"" + ie_idx + "\", \"type\" : \"" + ie_type + "\", \"ies\" : ies }\n")
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
group_list_is_added = False
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
added_ies = group_list[ie_name]["ies"]
write_file(f, "added_ies = group_list[\"" + ie_name + "\"][\"ies\"]\n")
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
for row in table.rows[4:]:
cells = get_cells(row.cells)
if cells is None:
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies_is_added = True
for ie in group_list[ie_name]["ies"]:
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
if (cells["ie_type"], cells["instance"]) == (ie["ie_type"], ie["instance"]):
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies_is_added = False
for ie in ies:
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
if (cells["ie_type"], cells["instance"]) == (ie["ie_type"], ie["instance"]):
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
ies_is_added = False
if ies_is_added is True:
write_cells_to_file("added_ies", cells)
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
group_list_is_added = True
if group_list_is_added is True:
ie_idx = str(int(ie_type)+100)
group_list[ie_name] = { "index" : ie_idx, "type" : ie_type, "ies" : added_ies }
write_file(f, "group_list[\"" + ie_name + "\"] = { \"index\" : \"" + ie_idx + "\", \"type\" : \"" + ie_type + "\", \"ies\" : added_ies }\n")
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
msg_list["Echo Request"]["table"] = 8
msg_list["Echo Response"]["table"] = 9
msg_list["Create Session Request"]["table"] = 10
msg_list["Create Session Response"]["table"] = 15
msg_list["Create Bearer Request"]["table"] = 20
msg_list["Create Bearer Response"]["table"] = 24
msg_list["Bearer Resource Command"]["table"] = 27
msg_list["Bearer Resource Failure Indication"]["table"] = 29
msg_list["Modify Bearer Request"]["table"] = 31
msg_list["Modify Bearer Response"]["table"] = 35
msg_list["Delete Session Request"]["table"] = 40
msg_list["Delete Bearer Request"]["table"] = 42
msg_list["Delete Session Response"]["table"] = 46
msg_list["Delete Bearer Response"]["table"] = 49
msg_list["Downlink Data Notification"]["table"] = 52
msg_list["Downlink Data Notification Acknowledge"]["table"] = 55
msg_list["Downlink Data Notification Failure Indication"]["table"] = 56
msg_list["Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request"]["table"] = 57
msg_list["Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response"]["table"] = 58
msg_list["Modify Bearer Command"]["table"] = 59
msg_list["Modify Bearer Failure Indication"]["table"] = 62
msg_list["Update Bearer Request"]["table"] = 64
msg_list["Update Bearer Response"]["table"] = 68
msg_list["Delete Bearer Command"]["table"] = 71
msg_list["Delete Bearer Failure Indication"]["table"] = 74
msg_list["Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request"]["table"] = 77
msg_list["Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response"]["table"] = 79
msg_list["Release Access Bearers Request"]["table"] = 81
msg_list["Release Access Bearers Response"]["table"] = 82
msg_list["Modify Access Bearers Request"]["table"] = 86
msg_list["Modify Access Bearers Response"]["table"] = 89
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
for key in msg_list.keys():
if "table" in msg_list[key].keys():
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
d_info("[" + key + "]")
2019-07-06 13:52:09 +00:00
cachefile = cachedir + "tlv-msg-" + msg_list[key]["type"] + ".py"
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
if os.path.isfile(cachefile) and os.access(cachefile, os.R_OK):
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
print("Read from " + cachefile)
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
document = Document(filename)
f = open(cachefile, 'w')
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
ies = []
write_file(f, "ies = []\n")
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
table = document.tables[msg_list[key]["table"]]
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
for row in table.rows[1:]:
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
cells = get_cells(row.cells)
if cells is None:
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
ies_is_added = True
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
for ie in ies:
if (cells["ie_type"], cells["instance"]) == (ie["ie_type"], ie["instance"]):
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
ies_is_added = False
if ies_is_added is True:
2017-03-14 14:56:12 +00:00
write_cells_to_file("ies", cells)
2017-03-14 04:50:13 +00:00
msg_list[key]["ies"] = ies
2017-03-15 02:54:08 +00:00
write_file(f, "msg_list[key][\"ies\"] = ies\n")
2017-03-14 02:24:15 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
type_list["Recovery"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 3
type_list["EBI"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 73
type_list["RAT Type"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 82
type_list["Delay Value"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 92
2021-06-21 13:36:38 +00:00
type_list["Charging ID"]["size"] = 4 # Type : 94
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
type_list["PDN Type"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 99
type_list["PTI"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 100
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
type_list["Port Number"]["size"] = 2 # Type : 126
type_list["APN Restriction"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 127
type_list["Selection Mode"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 128
type_list["Node Type"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 135
type_list["Node Features"]["size"] = 1 # Type : 152
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f = open(outdir + 'message.h', 'w')
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write("""#if !defined(OGS_GTP_INSIDE) && !defined(OGS_GTP_COMPILATION)
#error "This header cannot be included directly."
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
2019-06-11 09:28:25 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
/* 5.1 General format */
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
#define OGS_GTP2_TEID_LEN 4
typedef struct ogs_gtp2_header_s {
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
union {
struct {
#define OGS_GTP2_VERSION_0 0
#define OGS_GTP2_VERSION_1 1
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
ED4(uint8_t version:3;,
uint8_t piggybacked:1;,
uint8_t teid_presence:1;,
uint8_t spare1:3;)
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
/* GTU-U flags */
#define OGS_GTPU_FLAGS_V 0x20
#define OGS_GTPU_FLAGS_PT 0x10
#define OGS_GTPU_FLAGS_E 0x04
#define OGS_GTPU_FLAGS_S 0x02
#define OGS_GTPU_FLAGS_PN 0x01
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint8_t flags;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
2020-06-26 02:44:28 +00:00
/* GTP-U message type, defined in 3GPP TS 29.281 Release 11 */
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint8_t type;
uint16_t length;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
union {
struct {
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint32_t teid;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
/* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */
#define OGS_GTP2_XID_TO_SQN(__xid) htobe32(((__xid) << 8))
#define OGS_GTP2_SQN_TO_XID(__sqn) (be32toh(__sqn) >> 8)
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint32_t sqn;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
/* sqn : 31bit ~ 8bit, spare : 7bit ~ 0bit */
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint32_t sqn_only;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
} __attribute__ ((packed)) ogs_gtp2_header_t;
2017-08-31 01:48:14 +00:00
/* GTPv2-C message type */
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
tmp = [(k, v["type"]) for k, v in msg_list.items()]
sorted_msg_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1]))
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
f.write("#define OGS_GTP2_" + v_upper(k) + "_TYPE " + v + "\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
tmp = [(k, v["type"]) for k, v in type_list.items()]
sorted_type_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1]))
for (k, v) in sorted_type_list:
f.write("#define OGS_GTP2_" + v_upper(k) + "_TYPE " + v + "\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
f.write("/* Information Element TLV Descriptor */\n")
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_type_list:
if k in group_list.keys():
for instance in range(0, int(type_list[k]["max_instance"])+1):
f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_" + v_lower(k))
f.write("_" + str(instance) + ";\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
for k, v in group_list.items():
if v_lower(k) == "pc5_qos_parameters":
v["index"] = "1"
if v_lower(k) == "remote_ue_context":
v["index"] = "2"
tmp = [(k, v["index"]) for k, v in group_list.items()]
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
sorted_group_list = sorted(tmp, key=lambda tup: int(tup[1]))
2017-03-15 05:10:34 +00:00
f.write("/* Group Information Element TLV Descriptor */\n")
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_group_list:
2017-03-15 05:10:34 +00:00
for instance in range(0, int(type_list[k]["max_instance"])+1):
f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_" + v_lower(k))
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("_" + str(instance) + ";\n")
2017-03-14 12:02:15 +00:00
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("/* Message Descriptor */\n")
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
f.write("extern ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_" + v_lower(k) + ";\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
f.write("/* Structure for Information Element */\n")
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_type_list:
if k in group_list.keys():
if "size" in type_list[k]:
if type_list[k]["size"] == 1:
f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint8_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 2:
f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint16_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 3:
f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint24_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 4:
f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_uint32_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
assert False, "Unknown size = %d for key = %s" % (type_list[k]["size"], k)
f.write("typedef ogs_tlv_octet_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
f.write("/* Structure for Group Information Element */\n")
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_group_list:
f.write("typedef struct ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_s {\n")
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" ogs_tlv_presence_t presence;\n")
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
for ies in group_list[k]["ies"]:
f.write(" ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + \
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
if ies["ie_type"] == "F-TEID":
if ies["ie_value"] == "S2b-U ePDG F-TEID":
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("_" + ies["instance"] + ";")
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
elif ies["ie_value"] == "S2a-U TWAN F-TEID":
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("_" + ies["instance"] + ";")
2017-03-15 03:05:10 +00:00
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write(" /* Instance : " + ies["instance"] + " */\n")
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("} ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write("/* Structure for Message */\n")
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
if "ies" in msg_list[k]:
f.write("typedef struct ogs_gtp2_" + v_lower(k) + "_s {\n")
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
for ies in msg_list[k]["ies"]:
if ((k == 'Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request' or k == 'Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response') and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts') or (k == 'Create Session Request' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts to be created') or (k == 'Create Session Response' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts created') or (k == 'Modify Bearer Request' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts to be modified') or (k == 'Modify Bearer Response' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts modified'):
f.write(" ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + \
v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + "[OGS_BEARER_PER_UE];\n")
2020-07-09 05:38:09 +00:00
f.write(" ogs_gtp2_tlv_" + v_lower(ies["ie_type"]) + "_t " + \
2020-07-09 05:38:09 +00:00
v_lower(ies["ie_value"]) + ";\n")
f.write("} ogs_gtp2_" + v_lower(k) + "_t;\n")
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
f.write("typedef struct ogs_gtp2_message_s {\n")
f.write(" ogs_gtp2_header_t h;\n")
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
f.write(" union {\n")
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
if "ies" in msg_list[k]:
f.write(" ogs_gtp2_" + v_lower(k) + "_t " + v_lower(k) + ";\n");
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
f.write(" };\n");
f.write("} ogs_gtp2_message_t;\n\n")
2017-03-15 07:07:52 +00:00
f.write("""int ogs_gtp2_parse_msg(ogs_gtp2_message_t *gtp2_message, ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf);
ogs_pkbuf_t *ogs_gtp2_build_msg(ogs_gtp2_message_t *gtp2_message);
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
#ifdef __cplusplus
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2019-06-11 09:28:25 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
#endif /* OGS_GTP2_MESSAGE_H */
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f = open(outdir + 'message.c', 'w')
2017-03-14 13:44:48 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write("""#include "ogs-gtp.h"
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_type_list:
if k in group_list.keys():
for instance in range(0, int(type_list[k]["max_instance"])+1):
f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s_%d =\n" % (v_lower(k), instance))
if "size" in type_list[k]:
if type_list[k]["size"] == 1:
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT8,\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 2:
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT16,\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 3:
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT24,\n")
elif type_list[k]["size"] == 4:
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_UINT32,\n")
2017-03-15 13:28:04 +00:00
assert False, "Unknown size = %d for key = %s" % (type_list[k]["size"], k)
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_VAR_STR,\n")
f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k)
f.write(" OGS_GTP2_%s_TYPE,\n" % v_upper(k))
if "size" in type_list[k]:
f.write(" %d,\n" % type_list[k]["size"])
f.write(" 0,\n")
f.write(" %d,\n" % instance)
f.write(" sizeof(ogs_gtp2_tlv_%s_t),\n" % v_lower(k))
f.write(" { NULL }\n")
2017-03-15 05:10:34 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_group_list:
for instance in range(0, int(type_list[k]["max_instance"])+1):
f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s_%d =\n" % (v_lower(k), instance))
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_COMPOUND,\n")
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k)
f.write(" OGS_GTP2_%s_TYPE,\n" % v_upper(k))
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write(" 0,\n")
f.write(" %d,\n" % instance)
f.write(" sizeof(ogs_gtp2_tlv_%s_t),\n" % v_lower(k))
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write(" {\n")
2017-03-15 07:26:29 +00:00
for ies in group_list[k]["ies"]:
f.write(" &ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s_%s,\n" % (v_lower(ies["ie_type"]), v_lower(ies["instance"])))
2017-03-17 11:20:37 +00:00
f.write(" NULL,\n")
f.write(" }\n")
2017-03-15 01:53:33 +00:00
2017-03-15 07:20:13 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
if "ies" in msg_list[k]:
f.write("ogs_tlv_desc_t ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s =\n" % v_lower(k))
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
f.write(" OGS_TLV_MESSAGE,\n")
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
f.write(" \"%s\",\n" % k)
f.write(" 0, 0, 0, 0, {\n")
2017-03-15 07:20:13 +00:00
for ies in msg_list[k]["ies"]:
f.write(" &ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s_%s,\n" % (v_lower(ies["ie_type"]), v_lower(ies["instance"])))
if ((k == 'Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request' or k == 'Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response') and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts') or (k == 'Create Session Request' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts to be created') or (k == 'Create Session Response' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts created') or (k == 'Modify Bearer Request' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts to be modified') or (k == 'Modify Bearer Response' and ies["ie_value"] == 'Bearer Contexts modified'):
2020-07-09 05:38:09 +00:00
f.write(" &ogs_tlv_desc_more8,\n")
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
f.write(" NULL,\n")
f.write("""int ogs_gtp2_parse_msg(ogs_gtp2_message_t *gtp2_message, ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf)
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
int rv = OGS_ERROR;
ogs_gtp2_header_t *h = NULL;
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
uint16_t size = 0;
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
2018-01-23 07:48:40 +00:00
h = (ogs_gtp2_header_t *)pkbuf->data;
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
memset(gtp2_message, 0, sizeof(ogs_gtp2_message_t));
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
if (h->teid_presence)
2019-09-13 12:07:47 +00:00
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
ogs_assert(ogs_pkbuf_pull(pkbuf, size));
memcpy(&gtp2_message->h, pkbuf->data - size, size);
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
if (h->teid_presence)
gtp2_message->h.teid = be32toh(gtp2_message->h.teid);
2017-08-31 03:06:11 +00:00
2020-08-13 00:31:22 +00:00
if (pkbuf->len == 0) {
ogs_assert(ogs_pkbuf_push(pkbuf, size));
2019-04-27 14:54:30 +00:00
return OGS_OK;
2020-08-13 00:31:22 +00:00
2017-09-14 05:18:47 +00:00
switch(gtp2_message->h.type) {
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
if "ies" in msg_list[k]:
f.write(" case OGS_GTP2_%s_TYPE:\n" % v_upper(k))
f.write(" rv = ogs_tlv_parse_msg(&gtp2_message->%s,\n" % v_lower(k))
f.write(" &ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s, pkbuf, OGS_TLV_MODE_T1_L2_I1);\n" % v_lower(k))
2019-12-01 11:14:47 +00:00
f.write(" break;\n")
f.write(""" default:
ogs_warn("Not implmeneted(type:%d)", gtp2_message->h.type);
2019-12-01 11:14:47 +00:00
2017-04-02 13:30:58 +00:00
2020-08-13 00:31:22 +00:00
ogs_assert(ogs_pkbuf_push(pkbuf, size));
2017-04-02 13:30:58 +00:00
return rv;
f.write("""ogs_pkbuf_t *ogs_gtp2_build_msg(ogs_gtp2_message_t *gtp2_message)
2017-04-02 13:30:58 +00:00
2019-11-30 07:45:09 +00:00
ogs_pkbuf_t *pkbuf = NULL;
2017-04-02 13:30:58 +00:00
switch(gtp2_message->h.type) {
2017-04-02 13:30:58 +00:00
for (k, v) in sorted_msg_list:
if "ies" in msg_list[k]:
f.write(" case OGS_GTP2_%s_TYPE:\n" % v_upper(k))
f.write(" pkbuf = ogs_tlv_build_msg(&ogs_gtp2_tlv_desc_%s,\n" % v_lower(k))
f.write(" &gtp2_message->%s, OGS_TLV_MODE_T1_L2_I1);\n" % v_lower(k))
2019-11-30 07:45:09 +00:00
f.write(" break;\n")
f.write(""" default:
ogs_warn("Not implmeneted(type:%d)", gtp2_message->h.type);
2019-11-30 07:45:09 +00:00
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
2019-11-30 07:45:09 +00:00
return pkbuf;
2017-03-29 10:31:39 +00:00
2017-03-15 07:20:13 +00:00
2017-03-14 08:09:27 +00:00