## Open5GS Python Library Basic Python library to interface with MongoDB subscriber DB in Open5GS HSS / PCRF. Requires Python 3+, pymongo and bson. (All available through PIP) If you are planning to run this on a different machine other than localhost (the machine hosting the MongoDB service) you will need to enable remote access to MongoDB by binding it's IP to This is done by editing ```/etc/mongodb.conf``` and changing the bind IP to: ``` bind_ip = ``` Restart MongoDB for changes to take effect. ``` $ /etc/init.d/mongodb restart ``` Basic Example: ``` import Open5GS Open5GS_1 = Open5GS("", 27017) slice_data = [ { "sst": 1, "default_indicator": True, "session": [ { "name": "internet", "type": 3, "pcc_rule": [], "ambr": {"uplink": {"value": 1, "unit": 3}, "downlink": {"value": 1, "unit": 3}}, "qos": { "index": 9, "arp": {"priority_level": 8, "pre_emption_capability": 1, "pre_emption_vulnerability": 1} } } ] } ] sub_data = { "imsi": "001010000000004", "subscribed_rau_tau_timer": 12, "network_access_mode": 0, "subscriber_status": 0, "operator_determined_barring": 0, "access_restriction_data": 32, "slice" : slice_data, "ambr": {"uplink": {"value": 1, "unit": 3}, "downlink": {"value": 1, "unit": 3}}, "security": { "k": "465B5CE8 B199B49F AA5F0A2E E238A6BC", "amf": "8000", 'op': None, "opc": "E8ED289D EBA952E4 283B54E8 8E6183CA" }, "schema_version": 1, "__v": 0 } print(Open5GS_1.AddSubscriber(sub_data)) #Add Subscriber using dict of sub_data print(Open5GS_1.GetSubscriber('891012222222300')) #Get added Subscriber's details print(Open5GS_1.UpdateSubscriber('891012222222300', sub_data)) #Update subscriber print(Open5GS_1.DeleteSubscriber('891012222222300')) #Delete Subscriber Subscriber_List = Open5GS_1.GetSubscribers() for subscribers in Subscriber_List: print(subscribers['imsi']) ```