#!/bin/bash # Refer to Node.js install script # # Run as root or insert `sudo -E` before `bash`: # # curl -sL http://open5gs.org/static/setup_3.x | bash - # or # wget -qO- http://open5gs.org/static/setup_3.x | bash - # PACKAGE="open5gs" VERSION="2.2.1" print_status() { echo echo "## $1" echo } if test -t 1; then # if terminal ncolors=$(which tput > /dev/null && tput colors) # supports color if test -n "$ncolors" && test $ncolors -ge 8; then termcols=$(tput cols) bold="$(tput bold)" underline="$(tput smul)" standout="$(tput smso)" normal="$(tput sgr0)" black="$(tput setaf 0)" red="$(tput setaf 1)" green="$(tput setaf 2)" yellow="$(tput setaf 3)" blue="$(tput setaf 4)" magenta="$(tput setaf 5)" cyan="$(tput setaf 6)" white="$(tput setaf 7)" fi fi print_bold() { title="$1" text="$2" echo echo "${red}================================================================================${normal}" echo "${red}================================================================================${normal}" echo echo -e " ${bold}${yellow}${title}${normal}" echo echo -en " ${text}" echo echo "${red}================================================================================${normal}" echo "${red}================================================================================${normal}" } bail() { echo 'Error executing command, exiting' exit 1 } exec_cmd_nobail() { echo "+ $1" bash -c "$1" } exec_cmd() { exec_cmd_nobail "$1" || bail } uninstall() { exec_cmd_nobail "deb-systemd-invoke stop open5gs-webui" exec_cmd_nobail "systemctl disable open5gs-webui" exec_cmd_nobail "rm -f /lib/systemd/system/${PACKAGE}-webui.service" exec_cmd_nobail "systemctl daemon-reload" exec_cmd "rm -rf ./${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}" exec_cmd "rm -rf /usr/lib/node_modules/${PACKAGE}" } setup() { PRE_INSTALL_PKGS="" if [ ! -x /usr/bin/lsb_release ]; then PRE_INSTALL_PKGS="${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS} lsb-release" fi if [ ! -x /usr/bin/node ] && [ ! -x /usr/bin/wget ]; then PRE_INSTALL_PKGS="${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS} nodejs" fi if [ ! -x /usr/bin/curl ] && [ ! -x /usr/bin/wget ]; then PRE_INSTALL_PKGS="${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS} curl" fi if [ ! -x /usr/bin/gpg ]; then PRE_INSTALL_PKGS="${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS} gnupg" fi print_status "Populating apt-get cache..." exec_cmd 'apt-get update' if [ "X${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS}" != "X" ]; then print_status "Installing packages required for setup:${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS}..." exec_cmd "apt-get install -y${PRE_INSTALL_PKGS} > /dev/null 2>&1" fi DISTRO=$(lsb_release -c -s) check_alt() { if [ "X${DISTRO}" == "X${2}" ]; then echo echo "## You seem to be using ${1} version ${DISTRO}." echo "## This maps to ${3} \"${4}\"... Adjusting for you..." DISTRO="${4}" fi } check_alt "SolydXK" "solydxk-9" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "Kali" "sana" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "Kali" "kali-rolling" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "Sparky Linux" "Tyche" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "Sparky Linux" "Nibiru" "Debian" "buster" check_alt "MX Linux 17" "Horizon" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "MX Linux 18" "Continuum" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "MX Linux 19" "patito feo" "Debian" "buster" check_alt "Linux Mint" "maya" "Ubuntu" "precise" check_alt "Linux Mint" "qiana" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "Linux Mint" "rafaela" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "Linux Mint" "rebecca" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "Linux Mint" "rosa" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "Linux Mint" "sarah" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "Linux Mint" "serena" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "Linux Mint" "sonya" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "Linux Mint" "sylvia" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "Linux Mint" "tara" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "Linux Mint" "tessa" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "Linux Mint" "tina" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "Linux Mint" "tricia" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "LMDE" "betsy" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "LMDE" "cindy" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "elementaryOS" "luna" "Ubuntu" "precise" check_alt "elementaryOS" "freya" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "elementaryOS" "loki" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "elementaryOS" "juno" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "elementaryOS" "hera" "Ubuntu" "bionic" check_alt "Trisquel" "toutatis" "Ubuntu" "precise" check_alt "Trisquel" "belenos" "Ubuntu" "trusty" check_alt "Trisquel" "flidas" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "Uruk GNU/Linux" "lugalbanda" "Ubuntu" "xenial" check_alt "BOSS" "anokha" "Debian" "wheezy" check_alt "BOSS" "anoop" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "BOSS" "drishti" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "bunsenlabs" "bunsen-hydrogen" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "bunsenlabs" "helium" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "Tanglu" "chromodoris" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "PureOS" "green" "Debian" "sid" check_alt "Devuan" "jessie" "Debian" "jessie" check_alt "Devuan" "ascii" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "Devuan" "beowulf" "Debian" "buster" check_alt "Devuan" "ceres" "Debian" "sid" check_alt "Deepin" "panda" "Debian" "sid" check_alt "Deepin" "unstable" "Debian" "sid" check_alt "Deepin" "stable" "Debian" "buster" check_alt "Pardus" "onyedi" "Debian" "stretch" check_alt "Liquid Lemur" "lemur-3" "Debian" "stretch" if [ "X${DISTRO}" == "Xdebian" ]; then print_status "Unknown Debian-based distribution, checking /etc/debian_version..." NEWDISTRO=$([ -e /etc/debian_version ] && cut -d/ -f1 < /etc/debian_version) if [ "X${NEWDISTRO}" == "X" ]; then print_status "Could not determine distribution from /etc/debian_version..." else DISTRO=$NEWDISTRO print_status "Found \"${DISTRO}\" in /etc/debian_version..." fi fi if [ "X${DISTRO}" == "Xbuster" ]; then if [ -f "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list" ]; then print_status 'Removing Launchpad PPA Repository for MongoDB...' exec_cmd "rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list" fi print_status 'Adding the MongoDB signing key to your keyring...' if [ -x /usr/bin/curl ]; then exec_cmd 'curl -s https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.2.asc | apt-key add -' else exec_cmd 'wget -qO- https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.2.asc | apt-key add -' fi print_status "Creating apt sources list file for the MongoDB repo..." exec_cmd "echo 'deb http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/debian buster/mongodb-org/4.2 main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org.list" if [ ! -x /usr/bin/mongod ]; then MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS="${MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS} mongodb-org" fi else if [ ! -x /usr/bin/mongod ]; then MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS="${MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS} mongodb" fi fi if [ "X${MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS}" != "X" ]; then print_status "Populating apt-get cache..." exec_cmd 'apt-get update' print_status "Installing packages required for setup:${MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS}..." exec_cmd "apt-get install -y${MONGODB_INSTALL_PKGS} > /dev/null 2>&1" fi } install() { print_status "Download the Open5GS Source Code (v${VERSION})..." if [ -x /usr/bin/curl ]; then exec_cmd "curl -sLf 'https://github.com/open5gs/${PACKAGE}/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz' | tar zxf -" RC=$? else exec_cmd "wget -qO- /dev/null 'https://github.com/open5gs/${PACKAGE}/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz' | tar zxf -" RC=$? fi if [[ $RC != 0 ]]; then print_status "Failed to download: https://github.com/open5gs/${PACKAGE}/archive/v${VERSION}.tar.gz" exit 1 fi print_status "Build the Open5GS WebUI..." exec_cmd "cd ./${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/webui && npm ci --no-optional && npm run build" print_status "Install the Open5GS WebUI..." exec_cmd "mv ./${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}/webui /usr/lib/node_modules/${PACKAGE}" exec_cmd_nobail "chown -R open5gs:open5gs /usr/lib/node_modules/${PACKAGE}" exec_cmd "cat << EOF > /lib/systemd/system/open5gs-webui.service [Unit] Description=Open5GS WebUI BindTo=mongodb.service After=networking.service mongodb.service [Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/usr/lib/node_modules/open5gs Environment=NODE_ENV=production ExecStart=/usr/bin/node server/index.js Restart=always RestartSec=2 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF" exec_cmd_nobail "systemctl daemon-reload" exec_cmd "systemctl enable open5gs-webui" exec_cmd "deb-systemd-invoke start open5gs-webui" exec_cmd "rm -rf ./${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}" } ## Defer setup until we have the complete script setup install