echo "Installing MongoDB on your Mac using Homebrew" brew tap mongodb/brew brew install mongodb-community@4.2 echo "Registering MongoDB as a startup service" brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community declare -a dependencies=("iproute2mac" "libmongoc" "libidn" "ninja" "gnu-sed" "libusrsctp" "gnutls" "libidn" "libyaml" "pkg-config" "libgcrypt") for dependency in ${dependencies[*]} do if brew ls --version $dependency > /dev/null; then echo "[OK] $dependency is already installed." else echo "[WARN] $dependency is not installed. Going ahead and installing $dependency" brew install $dependency fi; done echo "Installing tools for IP" brew install iproute2mac brew install libmongoc brew install libidn brew install ninja echo "Installing tuntap. This would need sudo permissions and an explicit allow for Kernel Extensions to load on mac" brew cask install tuntap echo "Follow the TN2459 Documentation to allow user approved kernel extension loading for tuntap. \\" echo "Run the misc/ to configure the required TUN devices and enable IP Forwarding" echo "All dependencies are upto date. Ready to build with meson and ninja"