/* * Copyright (C) 2019 by Sukchan Lee * * This file is part of Open5GS. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "ogs-crypt.h" #include "hss-context.h" #include "hss-fd-path.h" /* handler for fallback cb */ static struct disp_hdl *hdl_swx_fb = NULL; /* handler for Multimedia-Auth-Request cb */ static struct disp_hdl *hdl_swx_mar = NULL; /* handler for Server-Assignment-Request cb */ static struct disp_hdl *hdl_swx_sar = NULL; /* Default callback for the application. */ static int hss_ogs_diam_swx_fb_cb(struct msg **msg, struct avp *avp, struct session *session, void *opaque, enum disp_action *act) { /* This CB should never be called */ ogs_warn("Unexpected message received!"); return ENOTSUP; } /* Callback for incoming Multimedia-Auth-Request messages */ static int hss_ogs_diam_swx_mar_cb( struct msg **msg, struct avp *avp, struct session *session, void *opaque, enum disp_action *act) { int rv, ret; uint32_t result_code = 0; struct msg *ans, *qry; struct avp *sip_auth_data_item_avp = NULL; struct avp *authentication_scheme_avp = NULL; struct avp *sip_authorization_avp = NULL; struct avp *avpch = NULL; struct avp_hdr *hdr; union avp_value val; char *user_name = NULL; char *authentication_scheme = NULL; char imsi_bcd[OGS_MAX_IMSI_BCD_LEN+1]; ogs_dbi_auth_info_t auth_info; uint8_t zero[OGS_RAND_LEN]; uint8_t authenticate[OGS_KEY_LEN*2]; uint8_t opc[OGS_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t sqn[OGS_SQN_LEN]; uint8_t autn[OGS_AUTN_LEN]; uint8_t ik[OGS_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t ck[OGS_KEY_LEN]; uint8_t ak[OGS_AK_LEN]; uint8_t xres[OGS_MAX_RES_LEN]; size_t xres_len = 8; uint8_t mac_s[OGS_MAC_S_LEN]; ogs_assert(msg); ogs_debug("Multimedia-Auth-Request"); /* Create answer header */ qry = *msg; ret = fd_msg_new_answer_from_req(fd_g_config->cnf_dict, msg, 0); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ans = *msg; /* Get User-Name AVP (Mandatory) */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp(qry, ogs_diam_user_name, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); user_name = ogs_strndup( (char*)hdr->avp_value->os.data, hdr->avp_value->os.len); ogs_assert(user_name); ogs_extract_digit_from_string(imsi_bcd, user_name); /* Get the SIP-Auth-Data-Item AVP (Mandatory) */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp( qry, ogs_diam_cx_sip_auth_data_item, &sip_auth_data_item_avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(sip_auth_data_item_avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Get the Authentication-Scheme AVP */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp(sip_auth_data_item_avp, ogs_diam_cx_sip_authentication_scheme, &authentication_scheme_avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); if (authentication_scheme_avp) { ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(authentication_scheme_avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); authentication_scheme = ogs_strndup( (char*)hdr->avp_value->os.data, hdr->avp_value->os.len); ogs_assert(authentication_scheme); } /* EAP-AKA is only supported */ if (authentication_scheme && ogs_strcasecmp(authentication_scheme, OGS_DIAM_SWX_AUTH_SCHEME_EAP_AKA) != 0) { ogs_error("Authentication-Scheme[%s] is not supported", authentication_scheme); result_code = OGS_DIAM_CX_ERROR_AUTH_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } /* DB : HSS Auth-Info */ rv = hss_db_auth_info(imsi_bcd, &auth_info); if (rv != OGS_OK) { ogs_error("Cannot get IMS-Data for IMSI:'%s'", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_CX_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN; goto out; } memset(zero, 0, sizeof(zero)); if (memcmp(auth_info.rand, zero, OGS_RAND_LEN) == 0) { ogs_random(auth_info.rand, OGS_RAND_LEN); } if (auth_info.use_opc) memcpy(opc, auth_info.opc, sizeof(opc)); else milenage_opc(auth_info.k, auth_info.op, opc); /* Get the SIP-Authorization AVP */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp(sip_auth_data_item_avp, ogs_diam_cx_sip_authorization, &sip_authorization_avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); if (sip_authorization_avp) { ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(sip_authorization_avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ogs_auc_sqn(opc, auth_info.k, hdr->avp_value->os.data, hdr->avp_value->os.data + OGS_RAND_LEN, sqn, mac_s); if (memcmp(mac_s, hdr->avp_value->os.data + OGS_RAND_LEN + OGS_SQN_LEN, OGS_MAC_S_LEN) == 0) { ogs_random(auth_info.rand, OGS_RAND_LEN); auth_info.sqn = ogs_buffer_to_uint64(sqn, OGS_SQN_LEN); /* 33.102 C.3.4 Guide : IND + 1 */ auth_info.sqn = (auth_info.sqn + 32 + 1) & OGS_MAX_SQN; } else { ogs_error("Re-synch MAC failed for IMSI:`%s`", imsi_bcd); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_ERROR, "MAC_S: "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_ERROR, mac_s, OGS_MAC_S_LEN); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_ERROR, (void*)(hdr->avp_value->os.data + OGS_RAND_LEN + OGS_SQN_LEN), OGS_MAC_S_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_ERROR, "SQN: "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_ERROR, sqn, OGS_SQN_LEN); result_code = OGS_DIAM_CX_ERROR_AUTH_SCHEME_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto out; } } rv = hss_db_update_sqn(imsi_bcd, auth_info.rand, auth_info.sqn); if (rv != OGS_OK) { ogs_error("Cannot update rand and sqn for IMSI:'%s'", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_CX_ERROR_IN_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE; goto out; } rv = hss_db_increment_sqn(imsi_bcd); if (rv != OGS_OK) { ogs_error("Cannot increment sqn for IMSI:'%s'", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_CX_ERROR_IN_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE; goto out; } milenage_generate(opc, auth_info.amf, auth_info.k, ogs_uint64_to_buffer(auth_info.sqn, OGS_SQN_LEN, sqn), auth_info.rand, autn, ik, ck, ak, xres, &xres_len); memcpy(authenticate, auth_info.rand, OGS_RAND_LEN); memcpy(authenticate + OGS_RAND_LEN, autn, OGS_AUTN_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "K - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, auth_info.k, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "AMF - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, auth_info.amf, OGS_AMF_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "OPc - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, opc, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "RAND - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, auth_info.rand, OGS_RAND_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "SQN - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, sqn, OGS_SQN_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "AUTN - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, autn, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "ck - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, ck, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "ik - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, ik, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "ak - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, ak, OGS_KEY_LEN); ogs_log_print(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, "xles - "); ogs_log_hexdump(OGS_LOG_DEBUG, xres, xres_len); /* Set Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP */ ret = ogs_diam_message_vendor_specific_appid_set( ans, OGS_DIAM_SWX_APPLICATION_ID); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Auth-Session-State AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_auth_session_state, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_AUTH_SESSION_NO_STATE_MAINTAINED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, and Result-Code AVPs */ ret = fd_msg_rescode_set(ans, (char*)"DIAMETER_SUCCESS", NULL, NULL, 1); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the User-Name AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_user_name, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = (uint8_t *)user_name; val.os.len = strlen(user_name); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Number-Auth-Items AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_number_auth_items, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = 1; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Auth-Data-Item AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_auth_data_item, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Item-Number AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_item_number, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = 1; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Authentication-Scheme AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_authentication_scheme, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = (uint8_t *)OGS_DIAM_SWX_AUTH_SCHEME_EAP_AKA; val.os.len = strlen(OGS_DIAM_SWX_AUTH_SCHEME_EAP_AKA); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Authenticatie AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_authenticate, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = authenticate; val.os.len = OGS_KEY_LEN * 2; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the SIP-Authorization AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_sip_authorization, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = xres; val.os.len = xres_len; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Confidentiality-Key AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_confidentiality_key, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = ck; val.os.len = OGS_KEY_LEN; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Integirty-Key AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_cx_integrity_key, 0, &avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = ik; val.os.len = OGS_KEY_LEN; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avpch, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avpch); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Send the answer */ ret = fd_msg_send(msg, NULL, NULL); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ogs_debug("Multimedia-Auth-Answer"); /* Add this value to the stats */ ogs_assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats_lock) == 0); ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats.nb_echoed++; ogs_assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats_lock) == 0); if (authentication_scheme) ogs_free(authentication_scheme); ogs_free(user_name); return 0; out: /* Set Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP */ ret = ogs_diam_message_vendor_specific_appid_set( ans, OGS_DIAM_SWX_APPLICATION_ID); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Experimental-Result, Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs */ ret = ogs_diam_message_experimental_rescode_set(ans, result_code); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Auth-Session-State AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_auth_session_state, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_AUTH_SESSION_NO_STATE_MAINTAINED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_send(msg, NULL, NULL); ogs_assert(ret == 0); if (authentication_scheme) ogs_free(authentication_scheme); ogs_free(user_name); return 0; } /* Callback for incoming Server-Assignment-Request messages */ static int hss_ogs_diam_swx_sar_cb( struct msg **msg, struct avp *avp, struct session *session, void *opaque, enum disp_action *act) { int rv, ret; uint32_t result_code = 0; struct msg *ans, *qry; struct avp_hdr *hdr; union avp_value val; char *user_name = NULL; char imsi_bcd[OGS_MAX_IMSI_BCD_LEN+1]; ogs_subscription_data_t subscription_data; ogs_slice_data_t *slice_data = NULL; struct sockaddr_in sin; struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; ogs_assert(msg); ogs_debug("Server-Assignment-Request"); memset(&subscription_data, 0, sizeof(ogs_subscription_data_t)); /* Create answer header */ qry = *msg; ret = fd_msg_new_answer_from_req(fd_g_config->cnf_dict, msg, 0); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ans = *msg; /* Get User-Name AVP (Mandatory) */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp(qry, ogs_diam_user_name, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); user_name = ogs_strndup( (char*)hdr->avp_value->os.data, hdr->avp_value->os.len); ogs_assert(user_name); ogs_extract_digit_from_string(imsi_bcd, user_name); /* DB : HSS Subscription Data */ rv = hss_db_subscription_data(imsi_bcd, &subscription_data); if (rv != OGS_OK) { ogs_error("Cannot get Subscription-Data for IMSI:'%s'", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_S6A_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN; goto out; } /* Set Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP */ ret = ogs_diam_message_vendor_specific_appid_set( ans, OGS_DIAM_SWX_APPLICATION_ID); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Auth-Session-State AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_auth_session_state, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_AUTH_SESSION_NO_STATE_MAINTAINED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Origin-Host, Origin-Realm, and Result-Code AVPs */ ret = fd_msg_rescode_set(ans, (char*)"DIAMETER_SUCCESS", NULL, NULL, 1); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the User-Name AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_user_name, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = (uint8_t *)user_name; val.os.len = strlen(user_name); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Get Server-Assignment-Type AVP (Mandatory) */ ret = fd_msg_search_avp(qry, ogs_diam_cx_server_assignment_type, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_hdr(avp, &hdr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); if (hdr->avp_value->i32 == OGS_DIAM_CX_SERVER_ASSIGNMENT_REGISTRATION || hdr->avp_value->i32 == OGS_DIAM_CX_SERVER_ASSIGNMENT_AAA_USER_DATA_REQUEST) { struct avp *avp_subscription_id; struct avp *avp_subscription_id_type, *avp_subscription_id_data; struct avp *avp_non_3gpp_ip_access, *avp_non_3gpp_ip_access_apn; struct avp *avp_ambr, *avp_max_bandwidth_ul, *avp_max_bandwidth_dl; /* Set the APN Configuration Profile */ struct avp *context_identifier; int i; /* Set the Non-3GPP-User-Data */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_swx_non_3gpp_user_data, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set Subscription-Id */ if (subscription_data.num_of_msisdn >= 1) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_subscription_id, 0, &avp_subscription_id); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_subscription_id_type, 0, &avp_subscription_id_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_TYPE_END_USER_E164; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue (avp_subscription_id_type, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp_subscription_id, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_subscription_id_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_subscription_id_data, 0, &avp_subscription_id_data); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.os.data = (uint8_t *)subscription_data.msisdn[0].bcd; val.os.len = strlen(subscription_data.msisdn[0].bcd); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue (avp_subscription_id_data, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add (avp_subscription_id, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_subscription_id_data); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_subscription_id); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } /* Set Non-3GPP-IP-Access */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_swx_non_3gpp_ip_access, 0, &avp_non_3gpp_ip_access); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_SWX_NON_3GPP_SUBSCRIPTION_ALLOWED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_non_3gpp_ip_access, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_non_3gpp_ip_access); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set Non-3GPP-IP-Access-APN */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_swx_non_3gpp_ip_access_apn, 0, &avp_non_3gpp_ip_access_apn); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_SWX_NON_3GPP_APNS_ENABLE; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_non_3gpp_ip_access_apn, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_non_3gpp_ip_access_apn); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the AMBR */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_ambr, 0, &avp_ambr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new( ogs_diam_s6a_max_bandwidth_ul, 0, &avp_max_bandwidth_ul); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = ogs_uint64_to_uint32(subscription_data.ambr.uplink); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_max_bandwidth_ul, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add( avp_ambr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_max_bandwidth_ul); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new( ogs_diam_s6a_max_bandwidth_dl, 0, &avp_max_bandwidth_dl); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = ogs_uint64_to_uint32(subscription_data.ambr.downlink); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_max_bandwidth_dl, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add( avp_ambr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_max_bandwidth_dl); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_ambr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* For EPC, we'll use first Slice in Subscription */ if (subscription_data.num_of_slice) slice_data = &subscription_data.slice[0]; if (!slice_data) { ogs_error("[%s] Cannot find S-NSSAI", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_S6A_ERROR_UNKNOWN_EPS_SUBSCRIPTION; goto out; } if (!slice_data->num_of_session) { ogs_error("[%s] No PDN", imsi_bcd); result_code = OGS_DIAM_S6A_ERROR_UNKNOWN_EPS_SUBSCRIPTION; goto out; } ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_context_identifier, 0, &context_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = 1; /* Context Identifier : 1 */ ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(context_identifier, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, context_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); for (i = 0; i < slice_data->num_of_session; i++) { /* Set the APN Configuration */ struct avp *apn_configuration, *context_identifier, *pdn_type; struct avp *served_party_ip_address, *service_selection; struct avp *eps_subscribed_qos_profile, *qos_class_identifier; struct avp *allocation_retention_priority, *priority_level; struct avp *pre_emption_capability, *pre_emption_vulnerability; struct avp *mip6_agent_info, *mip_home_agent_address; struct avp *pdn_gw_allocation_type; struct avp *vplmn_dynamic_address_allowed; ogs_session_t *session = &slice_data->session[i]; ogs_assert(session); session->context_identifier = i+1; ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_apn_configuration, 0, &apn_configuration); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set Context-Identifier */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_context_identifier, 0, &context_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = session->context_identifier; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(context_identifier, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, context_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set PDN-Type */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_pdn_type, 0, &pdn_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_TO_DIAMETER(session->session_type); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(pdn_type, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pdn_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set Served-Party-IP-Address */ if ((session->session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV4 || session->session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV4V6) && session->ue_ip.ipv4) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_served_party_ip_address, 0, &served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = session->ue_ip.addr; ret = fd_msg_avp_value_encode(&sin, served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } if ((session->session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV6 || session->session_type == OGS_PDU_SESSION_TYPE_IPV4V6) && session->ue_ip.ipv6) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_served_party_ip_address, 0, &served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, session->ue_ip.addr6, OGS_IPV6_LEN); ret = fd_msg_avp_value_encode(&sin6, served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, served_party_ip_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } /* Set Service-Selection */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_service_selection, 0, &service_selection); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ogs_assert(session->name); val.os.data = (uint8_t *)session->name; val.os.len = strlen(session->name); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(service_selection, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, service_selection); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the EPS Subscribed QoS Profile */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_eps_subscribed_qos_profile, 0, &eps_subscribed_qos_profile); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_qos_class_identifier, 0, &qos_class_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = session->qos.index; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(qos_class_identifier, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(eps_subscribed_qos_profile, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, qos_class_identifier); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set Allocation retention priority */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_allocation_retention_priority, 0, &allocation_retention_priority); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new( ogs_diam_s6a_priority_level, 0, &priority_level); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = session->qos.arp.priority_level; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(priority_level, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(allocation_retention_priority, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, priority_level); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_pre_emption_capability, 0, &pre_emption_capability); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = OGS_EPC_PRE_EMPTION_DISABLED; if (session->qos.arp.pre_emption_capability == OGS_5GC_PRE_EMPTION_ENABLED) val.u32 = OGS_EPC_PRE_EMPTION_ENABLED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(pre_emption_capability, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(allocation_retention_priority, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pre_emption_capability); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_pre_emption_vulnerability, 0, &pre_emption_vulnerability); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = OGS_EPC_PRE_EMPTION_DISABLED; if (session->qos.arp.pre_emption_vulnerability == OGS_5GC_PRE_EMPTION_ENABLED) val.u32 = OGS_EPC_PRE_EMPTION_ENABLED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(pre_emption_vulnerability, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(allocation_retention_priority, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pre_emption_vulnerability); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(eps_subscribed_qos_profile, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, allocation_retention_priority); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, eps_subscribed_qos_profile); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set MIP6-Agent-Info */ if (session->smf_ip.ipv4 || session->smf_ip.ipv6) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_mip6_agent_info, 0, &mip6_agent_info); ogs_assert(ret == 0); if (session->smf_ip.ipv4) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_mip_home_agent_address, 0, &mip_home_agent_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = session->smf_ip.addr; ret = fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( &sin, mip_home_agent_address ); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(mip6_agent_info, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, mip_home_agent_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } if (session->smf_ip.ipv6) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_mip_home_agent_address, 0, &mip_home_agent_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(sin6.sin6_addr.s6_addr, session->smf_ip.addr6, sizeof session->smf_ip.addr6); ret = fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( &sin6, mip_home_agent_address ); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(mip6_agent_info, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, mip_home_agent_address); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, mip6_agent_info); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_pdn_gw_allocation_type, 0, &pdn_gw_allocation_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = OGS_DIAM_S6A_PDN_GW_ALLOCATION_DYNAMIC; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(pdn_gw_allocation_type, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, pdn_gw_allocation_type); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } /* Set VPLMN-Dynamic-Address-Allowed */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_vplmn_dynamic_address_allowed, 0, &vplmn_dynamic_address_allowed); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = OGS_DIAM_S6A_VPLMN_DYNAMIC_ADDRESS_ALLOWED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(vplmn_dynamic_address_allowed, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, vplmn_dynamic_address_allowed); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set AMBR */ if (session->ambr.downlink || session->ambr.uplink) { ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_ambr, 0, &avp_ambr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_max_bandwidth_ul, 0, &avp_max_bandwidth_ul); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = ogs_uint64_to_uint32(session->ambr.uplink); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_max_bandwidth_ul, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp_ambr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_max_bandwidth_ul); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_s6a_max_bandwidth_dl, 0, &avp_max_bandwidth_dl); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.u32 = ogs_uint64_to_uint32(session->ambr.downlink); ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp_max_bandwidth_dl, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp_ambr, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_max_bandwidth_dl); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(apn_configuration, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp_ambr); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } ret = fd_msg_avp_add(avp, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, apn_configuration); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); } /* Send the answer */ ret = fd_msg_send(msg, NULL, NULL); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ogs_debug("Server-Assignment-Answer"); /* Add this value to the stats */ ogs_assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats_lock) == 0); ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats.nb_echoed++; ogs_assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&ogs_diam_logger_self()->stats_lock) == 0); ogs_subscription_data_free(&subscription_data); ogs_free(user_name); return 0; out: /* Set Vendor-Specific-Application-Id AVP */ ret = ogs_diam_message_vendor_specific_appid_set( ans, OGS_DIAM_SWX_APPLICATION_ID); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Experimental-Result, Origin-Host and Origin-Realm AVPs */ ret = ogs_diam_message_experimental_rescode_set(ans, result_code); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Set the Auth-Session-State AVP */ ret = fd_msg_avp_new(ogs_diam_auth_session_state, 0, &avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); val.i32 = OGS_DIAM_AUTH_SESSION_NO_STATE_MAINTAINED; ret = fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_avp_add(ans, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ret = fd_msg_send(msg, NULL, NULL); ogs_assert(ret == 0); ogs_subscription_data_free(&subscription_data); ogs_free(user_name); return 0; } int hss_swx_init(void) { int ret; struct disp_when data; /* Install objects definitions for this application */ ret = ogs_diam_swx_init(); ogs_assert(ret == 0); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data)); data.app = ogs_diam_swx_application; /* Fallback CB if command != unexpected message received */ ret = fd_disp_register(hss_ogs_diam_swx_fb_cb, DISP_HOW_APPID, &data, NULL, &hdl_swx_fb); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Specific handler for Multimedia-Auth-Request */ data.command = ogs_diam_cx_cmd_mar; ret = fd_disp_register(hss_ogs_diam_swx_mar_cb, DISP_HOW_CC, &data, NULL, &hdl_swx_mar); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Specific handler for Server-Assignment-Request */ data.command = ogs_diam_cx_cmd_sar; ret = fd_disp_register(hss_ogs_diam_swx_sar_cb, DISP_HOW_CC, &data, NULL, &hdl_swx_sar); ogs_assert(ret == 0); /* Advertise the support for the application in the peer */ ret = fd_disp_app_support(ogs_diam_swx_application, ogs_diam_vendor, 1, 0); ogs_assert(ret == 0); return OGS_OK; } void hss_swx_final(void) { if (hdl_swx_fb) (void) fd_disp_unregister(&hdl_swx_fb, NULL); if (hdl_swx_mar) (void) fd_disp_unregister(&hdl_swx_mar, NULL); if (hdl_swx_sar) (void) fd_disp_unregister(&hdl_swx_sar, NULL); }