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* \file srecparser.c
* \brief S-record parser source file.
* \ingroup SerialBoot
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL declaration */
#include <stdio.h> /* for standard I/O library */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for standard library */
#include <string.h> /* for string library */
#include <ctype.h> /* for character testing */
#include <assert.h> /* for assertions */
#include "srecparser.h" /* S-record parser */
* Macro definitions
/** \brief Maximum number of characters that can be on a line in the firmware file. */
/** \brief Maximum number of data bytes that can be on a line in the firmware file
* (S-record).
* Type definitions
/** \brief Layout of a firmware segment node in the linked list. */
typedef struct t_segment_node
/** \brief The firmware segment stored in this node. */
tFirmwareSegment segment;
/** \brief Pointer to the next node, or NULL if it is the last one. */
struct t_segment_node *next;
} tSegmentNode;
/** \brief Enumeration for the different S-record line types. */
typedef enum
LINE_TYPE_S1, /**< 16-bit address line */
LINE_TYPE_S2, /**< 24-bit address line */
LINE_TYPE_S3, /**< 32-bit address line */
LINE_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED /**< unsupported line */
} tSrecordLineType;
/** \brief Structure type for grouping the parsing results of an S-record line. */
typedef struct
uint8_t data[SRECORD_MAX_DATA_BYTES_PER_LINE]; /**< array for S1,S2 or S3 data bytes */
uint32_t address; /**< address on S1,S2 or S3 line */
uint16_t length; /**< number of bytes written to array */
} tSrecordLineParseResults;
* Function prototypes
static void SRecParserInit(void);
static void SRecParserDeinit(void);
static bool SRecParserLoadFromFile(char *firmwareFile);
static uint32_t SRecParserGetSegmentCount(void);
static const tFirmwareSegment *SRecParserGetSegment(uint32_t segmentIdx);
static void SRecParserSegmentListInit(void);
static void SRecParserSegmentListDeinit(void);
static tSegmentNode *SRecParserSegmentListCreateNode(void);
static uint32_t SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount(void);
static tSegmentNode *SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(uint32_t nodeIdx);
/* S-record utility functions */
static bool SrecordParseNextDataLine(FILE* srecordHandle, tSrecordLineParseResults *parseResults);
static tSrecordLineType SrecordGetLineType(const char *line);
static bool SrecordVerifyChecksum(const char *line);
static uint8_t SrecordHexStringToByte(const char *hexstring);
static bool SrecordReadLine(FILE *srecordHandle, char *line);
* Local constant declarations
/** \brief XCP transport structure filled with CAN specifics. */
static const tFirmwareParser srecParser =
* Local data declarations
/** \brief Linked list with firmware segments. */
static tSegmentNode *segmentList;
** \brief Obtains a pointer to the parser structure, so that it can be linked to the
** firmware loader module.
** \return Pointer to firmware parser structure.
tFirmwareParser const * const SRecParserGetParser(void)
return &srecParser;
} /*** end of SRecParserGetParser ***/
** \brief Initializes the parser.
** \return None.
static void SRecParserInit(void)
/* initialize the segment list */
} /*** end of SRecParserInit ***/
** \brief Uninitializes the parser.
** \return None.
static void SRecParserDeinit(void)
/* uninitialize the segment list */
} /*** end of SRecParserDeinit ***/
** \brief Parses the data in the specified firmware file into firmware segments that
** are stored internally in this module.
** \return True is successful, false otherwise.
static bool SRecParserLoadFromFile(char *firmwareFile)
FILE *fp;
tSrecordLineParseResults lineResults;
tSegmentNode *node;
uint32_t nodeIdx;
bool matchFound;
uint32_t byteIdx;
uint32_t byteOffset;
/* verify parameters */
assert(firmwareFile != NULL);
/* open the file for reading */
fp = fopen(firmwareFile, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
/* could not open the file */
return false;
/* start at the beginning of the file */
/* -------------------------- file type validation --------------------------------- */
/* validate S-record file. all lines should be formatted as S-records. read the first
* one to check this.
if (!SrecordReadLine(fp, line))
/* could not read a line. file must be empty */
return false;
/* check if the line starts with the 'S' character, followed by a digit */
if ( (toupper(line[0]) != 'S') || (isdigit(line[1]) == 0) )
return false;
/* -------------------------- extract segment info --------------------------------- */
/* start at the beginning of the file */
/* loop through all S-records with program data to obtain segment info */
while (SrecordParseNextDataLine(fp, &lineResults))
/* reset flag that indicates that the line data was matched to an existing segment */
matchFound = false;
/* loop through all segment nodes */
for (nodeIdx=0; nodeIdx < SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount(); nodeIdx++)
/* get node access */
node = SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(nodeIdx);
/* does the line data fit at the start of this node's segment? */
if ((lineResults.address + lineResults.length) == node->segment.base)
/* update the node's segment */
node->segment.base -= lineResults.length;
node->segment.length += lineResults.length;
/* match found so continue with the next line */
matchFound = true;
/* does the line data fit at the end of this node's segment? */
else if (lineResults.address == (node->segment.base + node->segment.length))
/* update the node's segment */
node->segment.length += lineResults.length;
/* match found so continue with the next line */
matchFound = true;
/* check if the line data was matched and added to an existing segment */
if (!matchFound)
/* create a new segment */
node = SRecParserSegmentListCreateNode();
node->segment.base = lineResults.address;
node->segment.length = lineResults.length;
/* -------------------------- allocate data memory --------------------------------- */
/* loop through all segment nodes */
for (nodeIdx=0; nodeIdx < SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount(); nodeIdx++)
/* get node access */
node = SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(nodeIdx);
/* sanity check */
assert(node->segment.length > 0);
/* allocate data */
node-> = malloc(node->segment.length);
/* check results */
if (node-> == NULL)
return false;
/* -------------------------- extract segment data --------------------------------- */
/* start at the beginning of the file */
/* loop through all S-records with program data to obtain segment info */
while (SrecordParseNextDataLine(fp, &lineResults))
/* loop through all segment nodes */
for (nodeIdx=0; nodeIdx < SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount(); nodeIdx++)
/* get node access */
node = SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(nodeIdx);
/* does the line data belong in this segment? */
if ( (lineResults.address >= node->segment.base) && \
((lineResults.address+lineResults.length) <= (node->segment.base+node->segment.length)) )
/* determine offset of the line data into the segment */
byteOffset = lineResults.address - node->segment.base;
/* store bytes in this segment */
for (byteIdx=0; byteIdx<lineResults.length; byteIdx++)
node->[byteOffset + byteIdx] =[byteIdx];
/* line data stored, so continue with the next S-record */
/* close the file */
/* s-record successfully loaded and parsed */
return true;
} /*** end of SRecParserLoadFromFile ***/
** \brief Returns the number of firmware segments that were loaded by this parser.
** \return Number of firmware segments.
static uint32_t SRecParserGetSegmentCount(void)
return SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount();
} /*** end of SRecParserGetSegmentCount ***/
** \brief Obtains a pointer to the firmware segment at the specified index.
** \return Pointer to firmware segment.
static const tFirmwareSegment *SRecParserGetSegment(uint32_t segmentIdx)
/* validate the parameter */
assert(segmentIdx < SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount());
return &(SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(segmentIdx)->segment);
} /*** end of SRecParserGetSegment ***/
** \brief Initializes the linked list with firmware segments.
** \return None.
static void SRecParserSegmentListInit(void)
segmentList = NULL;
} /*** end of SRecParserSegmentListInit ***/
** \brief Uninitializes the linked list with firmware segments.
** \return None.
static void SRecParserSegmentListDeinit(void)
tSegmentNode *currentNode;
tSegmentNode *nodeToFree;
/* free all nodes */
if (segmentList != NULL)
currentNode = segmentList;
/* store pointer to the node that should be released for later usage */
nodeToFree = currentNode;
/* move to the next node before freeing it */
currentNode = currentNode->next;
/* sanity check */
assert(nodeToFree != NULL);
/* free the node */
if (nodeToFree-> != NULL)
while(currentNode != NULL);
} /*** end of SRecParserSegmentListDeinit ***/
** \brief Creates a new node in the linked list with firmware segments.
** \return Pointer to the new node.
static tSegmentNode *SRecParserSegmentListCreateNode(void)
tSegmentNode *newNode;
tSegmentNode *currentNode;
/* allocate memory for the node */
newNode = malloc(sizeof(tSegmentNode));
assert(newNode != NULL);
/* initialize the node */
newNode->next = NULL;
newNode->segment.base = 0x00000000;
newNode->segment.length = 0;
newNode-> = NULL;
/* add the first node if the list is empty */
if (segmentList == NULL)
segmentList = newNode;
/* add the node to the end of the list */
/* find last entry in to list */
currentNode = segmentList;
while(currentNode->next != NULL)
currentNode = currentNode->next;
/* add the now */
currentNode->next = newNode;
return newNode;
} /*** end of SRecParserSegmentListCreateNode ***/
** \brief Obtains the number of nodes in the linked list with firmware segments.
** \return Number of nodes.
static uint32_t SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount(void)
tSegmentNode *currentNode;
uint32_t nodeCount = 0;
/* iterate over all nodes to determine to total count */
if (segmentList != NULL)
currentNode = segmentList;
currentNode = currentNode->next;
while(currentNode != NULL);
return nodeCount;
} /*** end of SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount ***/
** \brief Obtains the node at the specified index from the linked list with firmware
** segments.
** \return Pointer to the node.
static tSegmentNode *SRecParserSegmentListGetNode(uint32_t nodeIdx)
tSegmentNode *currentNode = NULL;
uint32_t currentIdx = 0;
/* validate the parameter */
assert(nodeIdx < SRecParserSegmentListGetNodeCount());
/* iterate until the specified index is found */
currentNode = segmentList;
for (currentIdx=0; currentIdx<nodeIdx; currentIdx++)
currentNode = currentNode->next;
return currentNode;
} /*** end of SRecParserSegmentListGetNode ***/
** \brief Reads the next S-record with program data, parses it and returns the
** results.
** \param srecordHandle The S-record file handle. It is returned by SrecordOpen.
** \param parseResults Pointer to where the parse results should be stored.
** \return SB_TRUE is valid parse results were stored. SB_FALSE in case of end-of-
** file.
static bool SrecordParseNextDataLine(FILE* srecordHandle, tSrecordLineParseResults *parseResults)
bool data_line_found = false;
tSrecordLineType lineType;
uint16_t bytes_on_line;
uint16_t i;
char *linePtr;
/* first set the length paramter to 0 */
parseResults->length = 0;
while (!data_line_found)
/* read the next line from the file */
if (!SrecordReadLine(srecordHandle, line))
/* end-of-file encountered */
return false;
/* we now have a line. check if it is a S-record data line */
lineType = SrecordGetLineType(line);
/* check if the checksum on the line is correct */
if (SrecordVerifyChecksum(line))
/* found a valid line that can be parsed. loop will stop */
data_line_found = true;
/* still here so we have a valid S-record data line. start parsing */
linePtr = &line[0];
/* all good so far, now read out the address and databytes for the line */
switch (lineType)
/* ---------------------------- S1 line type ------------------------------------- */
case LINE_TYPE_S1:
/* adjust pointer to point to byte count value */
linePtr += 2;
/* read out the number of byte values that follow on the line */
bytes_on_line = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* read out the 16-bit address */
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 8;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* adjust pointer to point to the first data byte after the address */
linePtr += 2;
/* determine how many data bytes are on the line */
parseResults->length = bytes_on_line - 3; /* -2 bytes address, -1 byte checksum */
/* read and store data bytes if requested */
for (i=0; i<parseResults->length; i++)
parseResults->data[i] = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
linePtr += 2;
/* ---------------------------- S2 line type ------------------------------------- */
case LINE_TYPE_S2:
/* adjust pointer to point to byte count value */
linePtr += 2;
/* read out the number of byte values that follow on the line */
bytes_on_line = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* read out the 32-bit address */
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 16;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 8;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* adjust pointer to point to the first data byte after the address */
linePtr += 2;
/* determine how many data bytes are on the line */
parseResults->length = bytes_on_line - 4; /* -3 bytes address, -1 byte checksum */
/* read and store data bytes if requested */
for (i=0; i<parseResults->length; i++)
parseResults->data[i] = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
linePtr += 2;
/* ---------------------------- S3 line type ------------------------------------- */
case LINE_TYPE_S3:
/* adjust pointer to point to byte count value */
linePtr += 2;
/* read out the number of byte values that follow on the line */
bytes_on_line = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* read out the 32-bit address */
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 24;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 16;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr) << 8;
linePtr += 2;
parseResults->address += SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
/* adjust pointer to point to the first data byte after the address */
linePtr += 2;
/* determine how many data bytes are on the line */
parseResults->length = bytes_on_line - 5; /* -4 bytes address, -1 byte checksum */
/* read and store data bytes if requested */
for (i=0; i<parseResults->length; i++)
parseResults->data[i] = SrecordHexStringToByte(linePtr);
linePtr += 2;
/* will not happen */
/* parsing all done */
return true;
} /*** end of SrecordParseNextDataLine ***/
** \brief Inspects a line from a Motorola S-Record file to determine its type.
** \param line A line from the S-Record.
** \return the S-Record line type.
static tSrecordLineType SrecordGetLineType(const char *line)
/* check if the line starts with the 'S' character, followed by a digit */
if ( (toupper(line[0]) != 'S') || (isdigit(line[1]) == 0) )
/* not a valid S-Record line type */
/* determine the line type */
if (line[1] == '1')
return LINE_TYPE_S1;
if (line[1] == '2')
return LINE_TYPE_S2;
if (line[1] == '3')
return LINE_TYPE_S3;
/* still here so not a supported line type found */
} /*** end of SrecordGetLineType ***/
** \brief Inspects an S1, S2 or S3 line from a Motorola S-Record file to
** determine if the checksum at the end is corrrect.
** \param line An S1, S2 or S3 line from the S-Record.
** \return SB_TRUE if the checksum is correct, SB_FALSE otherwise.
static bool SrecordVerifyChecksum(const char *line)
uint16_t bytes_on_line;
uint8_t checksum = 0;
/* adjust pointer to point to byte count value */
line += 2;
/* read out the number of byte values that follow on the line */
bytes_on_line = SrecordHexStringToByte(line);
/* byte count is part of checksum */
checksum += bytes_on_line;
/* adjust pointer to the first byte of the address */
line += 2;
/* add byte values of address and data, but not the final checksum */
/* add the next byte value to the checksum */
checksum += SrecordHexStringToByte(line);
/* update counter */
/* point to next hex string in the line */
line += 2;
while (bytes_on_line > 1);
/* the checksum is calculated by summing up the values of the byte count, address and
* databytes and then taking the 1-complement of the sum's least signigicant byte */
checksum = ~checksum;
/* finally verify the calculated checksum with the one at the end of the line */
if (checksum != SrecordHexStringToByte(line))
/* checksum incorrect */
return false;
/* still here so the checksum was correct */
return true;
} /*** end of SrecordVerifyChecksum ***/
** \brief Helper function to convert a sequence of 2 characters that represent
** a hexadecimal value to the actual byte value.
** Example: SrecordHexStringToByte("2f") --> returns 47.
** \param hexstring String beginning with 2 characters that represent a hexa-
** decimal value.
** \return The resulting byte value.
static uint8_t SrecordHexStringToByte(const char *hexstring)
uint8_t result = 0;
char c;
uint8_t counter;
/* a hexadecimal character is 2 characters long (i.e 0x4F minus the 0x part) */
for (counter=0; counter < 2; counter++)
/* read out the character */
c = toupper(hexstring[counter]);
/* check that the character is 0..9 or A..F */
if ( (c < '0') || (c > 'F') || ( (c > '9') && (c < 'A') ) )
/* character not valid */
return 0;
/* convert character to 4-bit value (check ASCII table for more info) */
c -= '0';
if (c > 9)
c -= 7;
/* add it to the result */
result = (result << 4) + c;
/* return the results */
return result;
} /*** end of SrecordHexStringToByte ***/
** \brief Reads the next line from the S-record file handle.
** \param srecordHandle The S-record file handle. It is returned by SrecordOpen.
** \param line Destination buffer for the line characters. Should be of size
** \return SB_TRUE if successful, SB_FALSE otherwise.
static bool SrecordReadLine(FILE *srecordHandle, char *line)
/* init the line as an empty line */
line[0] = '\0';
/* loop as long as we find a non-empty line or end-of-file */
while (line[0] == '\0')
if (fgets(line, SRECORD_MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE, srecordHandle) == NULL)
/* no more lines available */
return false;
/* replace the line termination with a string termination */
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = '\0';
/* still here so not EOF and not and empty line, so success */
return true;
} /*** end of SrecordReadLine ***/
/*********************************** end of srecparser.c *******************************/