Refs #316. Implemented empty framework for Peak PCAN-USB interface.

git-svn-id: 5dc33758-31d5-4daf-9ae8-b24bf3d40d73
This commit is contained in:
Frank Voorburg 2017-07-24 16:08:20 +00:00
parent 49c50f77cf
commit 970c5411fc
11 changed files with 880 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -88,8 +88,21 @@ endforeach( OUTPUTCONFIG CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES )
# Includes
# Source:
macro (header_directories return_list dir)
file(GLOB_RECURSE new_list ${dir}/*.h)
set(dir_list "")
foreach(file_path ${new_list})
get_filename_component(dir_path ${file_path} PATH)
set(dir_list ${dir_list} ${dir_path})
list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES dir_list)
set(${return_list} ${dir_list})
# Set include directories
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PROJECT_PORT_DIR}")
include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PROJECT_PORT_INC_DIRS}")
@ -97,22 +110,18 @@ include_directories("${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${PROJECT_PORT_DIR}")
# Get header files from the root directory and the port directory.
file(GLOB INCS_ROOT "*.h")
# Get source files from the root directory and the port directory.
file(GLOB SRCS_ROOT "*.c")
# Add sources

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file candriver.c
* \brief Generic CAN driver source file.
* \ingroup Session
* \ingroup CanDriver
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file candriver.h
* \brief Generic CAN driver header file.
* \ingroup Session
* \ingroup CanDriver
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
* \endinternal
* \defgroup CanDriver CAN driver
* \brief This module implements a generic CAN driver.
* \ingroup Session

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file port/linux/serialport.c
* \brief Serial port source file.
* \ingroup Session
* \ingroup SerialPort
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T

View File

@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
// PCANBasic.h
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
// PCAN-Basic API
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author : Keneth Wagner
// Last change: 18.05.2016 Wagner
// Language: ANSI-C
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 PEAK-System Technik GmbH, Darmstadt
// more Info at
#ifndef __PCANBASICH__
#define __PCANBASICH__
// Value definitions
// Currently defined and supported PCAN channels
#define PCAN_NONEBUS 0x00U // Undefined/default value for a PCAN bus
#define PCAN_ISABUS1 0x21U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_ISABUS2 0x22U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 2
#define PCAN_ISABUS3 0x23U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 3
#define PCAN_ISABUS4 0x24U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 4
#define PCAN_ISABUS5 0x25U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 5
#define PCAN_ISABUS6 0x26U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 6
#define PCAN_ISABUS7 0x27U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 7
#define PCAN_ISABUS8 0x28U // PCAN-ISA interface, channel 8
#define PCAN_DNGBUS1 0x31U // PCAN-Dongle/LPT interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_PCIBUS1 0x41U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_PCIBUS2 0x42U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 2
#define PCAN_PCIBUS3 0x43U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 3
#define PCAN_PCIBUS4 0x44U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 4
#define PCAN_PCIBUS5 0x45U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 5
#define PCAN_PCIBUS6 0x46U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 6
#define PCAN_PCIBUS7 0x47U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 7
#define PCAN_PCIBUS8 0x48U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 8
#define PCAN_PCIBUS9 0x409U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 9
#define PCAN_PCIBUS10 0x40AU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 10
#define PCAN_PCIBUS11 0x40BU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 11
#define PCAN_PCIBUS12 0x40CU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 12
#define PCAN_PCIBUS13 0x40DU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 13
#define PCAN_PCIBUS14 0x40EU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 14
#define PCAN_PCIBUS15 0x40FU // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 15
#define PCAN_PCIBUS16 0x410U // PCAN-PCI interface, channel 16
#define PCAN_USBBUS1 0x51U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_USBBUS2 0x52U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 2
#define PCAN_USBBUS3 0x53U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 3
#define PCAN_USBBUS4 0x54U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 4
#define PCAN_USBBUS5 0x55U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 5
#define PCAN_USBBUS6 0x56U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 6
#define PCAN_USBBUS7 0x57U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 7
#define PCAN_USBBUS8 0x58U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 8
#define PCAN_USBBUS9 0x509U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 9
#define PCAN_USBBUS10 0x50AU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 10
#define PCAN_USBBUS11 0x50BU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 11
#define PCAN_USBBUS12 0x50CU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 12
#define PCAN_USBBUS13 0x50DU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 13
#define PCAN_USBBUS14 0x50EU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 14
#define PCAN_USBBUS15 0x50FU // PCAN-USB interface, channel 15
#define PCAN_USBBUS16 0x510U // PCAN-USB interface, channel 16
#define PCAN_PCCBUS1 0x61U // PCAN-PC Card interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_PCCBUS2 0x62U // PCAN-PC Card interface, channel 2
#define PCAN_LANBUS1 0x801U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 1
#define PCAN_LANBUS2 0x802U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 2
#define PCAN_LANBUS3 0x803U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 3
#define PCAN_LANBUS4 0x804U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 4
#define PCAN_LANBUS5 0x805U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 5
#define PCAN_LANBUS6 0x806U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 6
#define PCAN_LANBUS7 0x807U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 7
#define PCAN_LANBUS8 0x808U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 8
#define PCAN_LANBUS9 0x809U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 9
#define PCAN_LANBUS10 0x80AU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 10
#define PCAN_LANBUS11 0x80BU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 11
#define PCAN_LANBUS12 0x80CU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 12
#define PCAN_LANBUS13 0x80DU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 13
#define PCAN_LANBUS14 0x80EU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 14
#define PCAN_LANBUS15 0x80FU // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 15
#define PCAN_LANBUS16 0x810U // PCAN-LAN interface, channel 16
// Represent the PCAN error and status codes
#define PCAN_ERROR_OK 0x00000U // No error
#define PCAN_ERROR_XMTFULL 0x00001U // Transmit buffer in CAN controller is full
#define PCAN_ERROR_OVERRUN 0x00002U // CAN controller was read too late
#define PCAN_ERROR_BUSLIGHT 0x00004U // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'light' limit
#define PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY 0x00008U // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'heavy' limit
#define PCAN_ERROR_BUSWARNING PCAN_ERROR_BUSHEAVY // Bus error: an error counter reached the 'warning' limit
#define PCAN_ERROR_BUSPASSIVE 0x40000U // Bus error: the CAN controller is error passive
#define PCAN_ERROR_BUSOFF 0x00010U // Bus error: the CAN controller is in bus-off state
#define PCAN_ERROR_QRCVEMPTY 0x00020U // Receive queue is empty
#define PCAN_ERROR_QOVERRUN 0x00040U // Receive queue was read too late
#define PCAN_ERROR_QXMTFULL 0x00080U // Transmit queue is full
#define PCAN_ERROR_REGTEST 0x00100U // Test of the CAN controller hardware registers failed (no hardware found)
#define PCAN_ERROR_NODRIVER 0x00200U // Driver not loaded
#define PCAN_ERROR_HWINUSE 0x00400U // Hardware already in use by a Net
#define PCAN_ERROR_NETINUSE 0x00800U // A Client is already connected to the Net
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLHW 0x01400U // Hardware handle is invalid
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLNET 0x01800U // Net handle is invalid
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLCLIENT 0x01C00U // Client handle is invalid
#define PCAN_ERROR_RESOURCE 0x02000U // Resource (FIFO, Client, timeout) cannot be created
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE 0x04000U // Invalid parameter
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMVAL 0x08000U // Invalid parameter value
#define PCAN_ERROR_UNKNOWN 0x10000U // Unknown error
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLDATA 0x20000U // Invalid data, function, or action
#define PCAN_ERROR_CAUTION 0x2000000U // An operation was successfully carried out, however, irregularities were registered
#define PCAN_ERROR_INITIALIZE 0x4000000U // Channel is not initialized [Value was changed from 0x40000 to 0x4000000]
#define PCAN_ERROR_ILLOPERATION 0x8000000U // Invalid operation [Value was changed from 0x80000 to 0x8000000]
// PCAN devices
#define PCAN_NONE 0x00U // Undefined, unknown or not selected PCAN device value
#define PCAN_PEAKCAN 0x01U // PCAN Non-Plug&Play devices. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
#define PCAN_ISA 0x02U // PCAN-ISA, PCAN-PC/104, and PCAN-PC/104-Plus
#define PCAN_DNG 0x03U // PCAN-Dongle
#define PCAN_PCI 0x04U // PCAN-PCI, PCAN-cPCI, PCAN-miniPCI, and PCAN-PCI Express
#define PCAN_USB 0x05U // PCAN-USB and PCAN-USB Pro
#define PCAN_PCC 0x06U // PCAN-PC Card
#define PCAN_VIRTUAL 0x07U // PCAN Virtual hardware. NOT USED WITHIN PCAN-Basic API
#define PCAN_LAN 0x08U // PCAN Gateway devices
// PCAN parameters
#define PCAN_DEVICE_NUMBER 0x01U // PCAN-USB device number parameter
#define PCAN_5VOLTS_POWER 0x02U // PCAN-PC Card 5-Volt power parameter
#define PCAN_RECEIVE_EVENT 0x03U // PCAN receive event handler parameter
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_FILTER 0x04U // PCAN message filter parameter
#define PCAN_API_VERSION 0x05U // PCAN-Basic API version parameter
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_VERSION 0x06U // PCAN device channel version parameter
#define PCAN_BUSOFF_AUTORESET 0x07U // PCAN Reset-On-Busoff parameter
#define PCAN_LISTEN_ONLY 0x08U // PCAN Listen-Only parameter
#define PCAN_LOG_LOCATION 0x09U // Directory path for log files
#define PCAN_LOG_STATUS 0x0AU // Debug-Log activation status
#define PCAN_LOG_CONFIGURE 0x0BU // Configuration of the debugged information (LOG_FUNCTION_***)
#define PCAN_LOG_TEXT 0x0CU // Custom insertion of text into the log file
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_CONDITION 0x0DU // Availability status of a PCAN-Channel
#define PCAN_HARDWARE_NAME 0x0EU // PCAN hardware name parameter
#define PCAN_RECEIVE_STATUS 0x0FU // Message reception status of a PCAN-Channel
#define PCAN_CONTROLLER_NUMBER 0x10U // CAN-Controller number of a PCAN-Channel
#define PCAN_TRACE_LOCATION 0x11U // Directory path for PCAN trace files
#define PCAN_TRACE_STATUS 0x12U // CAN tracing activation status
#define PCAN_TRACE_SIZE 0x13U // Configuration of the maximum file size of a CAN trace
#define PCAN_TRACE_CONFIGURE 0x14U // Configuration of the trace file storing mode (TRACE_FILE_***)
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_IDENTIFYING 0x15U // Physical identification of a USB based PCAN-Channel by blinking its associated LED
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_FEATURES 0x16U // Capabilities of a PCAN device (FEATURE_***)
#define PCAN_BITRATE_ADAPTING 0x17U // Using of an existing bit rate (PCAN-View connected to a channel)
#define PCAN_BITRATE_INFO 0x18U // Configured bit rate as Btr0Btr1 value
#define PCAN_BITRATE_INFO_FD 0x19U // Configured bit rate as TPCANBitrateFD string
#define PCAN_BUSSPEED_NOMINAL 0x1AU // Configured nominal CAN Bus speed as Bits per seconds
#define PCAN_BUSSPEED_DATA 0x1BU // Configured CAN data speed as Bits per seconds
#define PCAN_IP_ADDRESS 0x1CU // Remote address of a LAN channel as string in IPv4 format
#define PCAN_LAN_SERVICE_STATUS 0x1DU // Status of the Virtual PCAN-Gateway Service
// PCAN parameter values
#define PCAN_PARAMETER_OFF 0x00U // The PCAN parameter is not set (inactive)
#define PCAN_PARAMETER_ON 0x01U // The PCAN parameter is set (active)
#define PCAN_FILTER_CLOSE 0x00U // The PCAN filter is closed. No messages will be received
#define PCAN_FILTER_OPEN 0x01U // The PCAN filter is fully opened. All messages will be received
#define PCAN_FILTER_CUSTOM 0x02U // The PCAN filter is custom configured. Only registered messages will be received
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_UNAVAILABLE 0x00U // The PCAN-Channel handle is illegal, or its associated hardware is not available
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE 0x01U // The PCAN-Channel handle is available to be connected (Plug&Play Hardware: it means furthermore that the hardware is plugged-in)
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED 0x02U // The PCAN-Channel handle is valid, and is already being used
#define PCAN_CHANNEL_PCANVIEW (PCAN_CHANNEL_AVAILABLE | PCAN_CHANNEL_OCCUPIED) // The PCAN-Channel handle is already being used by a PCAN-View application, but is available to connect
#define LOG_FUNCTION_DEFAULT 0x00U // Logs system exceptions / errors
#define LOG_FUNCTION_ENTRY 0x01U // Logs the entries to the PCAN-Basic API functions
#define LOG_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS 0x02U // Logs the parameters passed to the PCAN-Basic API functions
#define LOG_FUNCTION_LEAVE 0x04U // Logs the exits from the PCAN-Basic API functions
#define LOG_FUNCTION_WRITE 0x08U // Logs the CAN messages passed to the CAN_Write function
#define LOG_FUNCTION_READ 0x10U // Logs the CAN messages received within the CAN_Read function
#define LOG_FUNCTION_ALL 0xFFFFU // Logs all possible information within the PCAN-Basic API functions
#define TRACE_FILE_SINGLE 0x00U // A single file is written until it size reaches PAN_TRACE_SIZE
#define TRACE_FILE_SEGMENTED 0x01U // Traced data is distributed in several files with size PAN_TRACE_SIZE
#define TRACE_FILE_DATE 0x02U // Includes the date into the name of the trace file
#define TRACE_FILE_TIME 0x04U // Includes the start time into the name of the trace file
#define TRACE_FILE_OVERWRITE 0x80U // Causes the overwriting of available traces (same name)
#define FEATURE_FD_CAPABLE 0x01U // Device supports flexible data-rate (CAN-FD)
#define SERVICE_STATUS_STOPPED 0x01U // The service is not running
#define SERVICE_STATUS_RUNNING 0x04U // The service is running
// PCAN message types
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_STANDARD 0x00U // The PCAN message is a CAN Standard Frame (11-bit identifier)
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_RTR 0x01U // The PCAN message is a CAN Remote-Transfer-Request Frame
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_EXTENDED 0x02U // The PCAN message is a CAN Extended Frame (29-bit identifier)
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_FD 0x04U // The PCAN message represents a FD frame in terms of CiA Specs
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_BRS 0x08U // The PCAN message represents a FD bit rate switch (CAN data at a higher bit rate)
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_ESI 0x10U // The PCAN message represents a FD error state indicator(CAN FD transmitter was error active)
#define PCAN_MESSAGE_STATUS 0x80U // The PCAN message represents a PCAN status message
// Frame Type / Initialization Mode
// Baud rate codes = BTR0/BTR1 register values for the CAN controller.
// You can define your own Baud rate with the BTROBTR1 register.
// Take a look at for our free software "BAUDTOOL"
// to calculate the BTROBTR1 register for every bit rate and sample point.
#define PCAN_BAUD_1M 0x0014U // 1 MBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_800K 0x0016U // 800 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_500K 0x001CU // 500 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_250K 0x011CU // 250 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_125K 0x031CU // 125 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_100K 0x432FU // 100 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_95K 0xC34EU // 95,238 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_83K 0x852BU // 83,333 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_50K 0x472FU // 50 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_47K 0x1414U // 47,619 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_33K 0x8B2FU // 33,333 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_20K 0x532FU // 20 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_10K 0x672FU // 10 kBit/s
#define PCAN_BAUD_5K 0x7F7FU // 5 kBit/s
// Represents the configuration for a CAN bit rate
// Note:
// * Each parameter and its value must be separated with a '='.
// * Each pair of parameter/value must be separated using ','.
// Example:
// f_clock=80000000,nom_brp=0,nom_tseg1=13,nom_tseg2=0,nom_sjw=0,data_brp=0,data_tseg1=13,data_tseg2=0,data_sjw=0
#define PCAN_BR_CLOCK __T("f_clock")
#define PCAN_BR_CLOCK_MHZ __T("f_clock_mhz")
#define PCAN_BR_NOM_BRP __T("nom_brp")
#define PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG1 __T("nom_tseg1")
#define PCAN_BR_NOM_TSEG2 __T("nom_tseg2")
#define PCAN_BR_NOM_SJW __T("nom_sjw")
#define PCAN_BR_NOM_SAMPLE __T("nom_sam")
#define PCAN_BR_DATA_BRP __T("data_brp")
#define PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG1 __T("data_tseg1")
#define PCAN_BR_DATA_TSEG2 __T("data_tseg2")
#define PCAN_BR_DATA_SJW __T("data_sjw")
#define PCAN_BR_DATA_SAMPLE __T("data_ssp_offset")
// Type of PCAN (non plug&play) hardware
#define PCAN_TYPE_ISA 0x01U // PCAN-ISA 82C200
#define PCAN_TYPE_ISA_SJA 0x09U // PCAN-ISA SJA1000
#define PCAN_TYPE_DNG 0x02U // PCAN-Dongle 82C200
#define PCAN_TYPE_DNG_EPP 0x03U // PCAN-Dongle EPP 82C200
#define PCAN_TYPE_DNG_SJA 0x05U // PCAN-Dongle SJA1000
#define PCAN_TYPE_DNG_SJA_EPP 0x06U // PCAN-Dongle EPP SJA1000
// Type definitions
#define TPCANHandle WORD // Represents a PCAN hardware channel handle
#define TPCANStatus DWORD // Represents a PCAN status/error code
#define TPCANParameter BYTE // Represents a PCAN parameter to be read or set
#define TPCANDevice BYTE // Represents a PCAN device
#define TPCANMessageType BYTE // Represents the type of a PCAN message
#define TPCANType BYTE // Represents the type of PCAN hardware to be initialized
#define TPCANMode BYTE // Represents a PCAN filter mode
#define TPCANBaudrate WORD // Represents a PCAN Baud rate register value
#define TPCANBitrateFD LPSTR // Represents a PCAN-FD bit rate string
#define TPCANTimestampFD UINT64 // Represents a timestamp of a received PCAN FD message
// Structure definitions
// Represents a PCAN message
typedef struct tagTPCANMsg
DWORD ID; // 11/29-bit message identifier
TPCANMessageType MSGTYPE; // Type of the message
BYTE LEN; // Data Length Code of the message (0..8)
BYTE DATA[8]; // Data of the message (DATA[0]..DATA[7])
// Represents a timestamp of a received PCAN message
// Total Microseconds = micros + 1000 * millis + 0x100000000 * 1000 * millis_overflow
typedef struct tagTPCANTimestamp
DWORD millis; // Base-value: milliseconds: 0.. 2^32-1
WORD millis_overflow; // Roll-arounds of millis
WORD micros; // Microseconds: 0..999
} TPCANTimestamp;
// Represents a PCAN message from a FD capable hardware
typedef struct tagTPCANMsgFD
DWORD ID; // 11/29-bit message identifier
TPCANMessageType MSGTYPE; // Type of the message
BYTE DLC; // Data Length Code of the message (0..15)
BYTE DATA[64]; // Data of the message (DATA[0]..DATA[63])
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define _DEF_ARG =0
#define _DEF_ARG
// PCAN-Basic API function declarations
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="Btr0Btr1">"The speed for the communication (BTR0BTR1 code)"</param>
/// <param name="HwType">"NON PLUG&PLAY: The type of hardware and operation mode"</param>
/// <param name="IOPort">"NON PLUG&PLAY: The I/O address for the parallel port"</param>
/// <param name="Interrupt">"NON PLUG&PLAY: Interrupt number of the parallel port"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_Initialize(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANBaudrate Btr0Btr1,
WORD Interrupt _DEF_ARG);
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a FD capable PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="BitrateFD">"The speed for the communication (FD bit rate string)"</param>
/// <remarks>See PCAN_BR_* values
/// * Parameter and values must be separated by '='
/// * Couples of Parameter/value must be separated by ','
/// * Following Parameter must be filled out: f_clock, data_brp, data_sjw, data_tseg1, data_tseg2,
/// nom_brp, nom_sjw, nom_tseg1, nom_tseg2.
/// * Following Parameters are optional (not used yet): data_ssp_offset, nom_samp
/// <example>f_clock_mhz=80,nom_brp=0,nom_tseg1=13,nom_tseg2=0,nom_sjw=0,data_brp=0,
/// data_tseg1=13,data_tseg2=0,data_sjw=0</example>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_InitializeFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANBitrateFD BitrateFD);
/// <summary>
/// Uninitializes one or all PCAN Channels initialized by CAN_Initialize
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Giving the TPCANHandle value "PCAN_NONEBUS",
/// uninitialize all initialized channels</remarks>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_Uninitialize(
TPCANHandle Channel);
/// <summary>
/// Resets the receive and transmit queues of the PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// A reset of the CAN controller is not performed.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_Reset(
TPCANHandle Channel);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current status of a PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_GetStatus(
TPCANHandle Channel);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a CAN message from the receive queue of a PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="MessageBuffer">"A TPCANMsg structure buffer to store the CAN message"</param>
/// <param name="TimestampBuffer">"A TPCANTimestamp structure buffer to get
/// the reception time of the message. If this value is not desired, this parameter
/// should be passed as NULL"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_Read(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer,
TPCANTimestamp* TimestampBuffer);
/// <summary>
/// Reads a CAN message from the receive queue of a FD capable PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="MessageBuffer">"A TPCANMsgFD structure buffer to store the CAN message"</param>
/// <param name="TimestampBuffer">"A TPCANTimestampFD buffer to get
/// the reception time of the message. If this value is not desired, this parameter
/// should be passed as NULL"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_ReadFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer,
TPCANTimestampFD *TimestampBuffer);
/// <summary>
/// Transmits a CAN message
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="MessageBuffer">"A TPCANMsg buffer with the message to be sent"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_Write(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsg* MessageBuffer);
/// <summary>
/// Transmits a CAN message over a FD capable PCAN Channel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a FD capable PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="MessageBuffer">"A TPCANMsgFD buffer with the message to be sent"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_WriteFD(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMsgFD* MessageBuffer);
/// <summary>
/// Configures the reception filter.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The message filter will be expanded with every call to
/// this function. If it is desired to reset the filter, please use
/// the CAN_SetValue function</remarks>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="FromID">"The lowest CAN ID to be received"</param>
/// <param name="ToID">"The highest CAN ID to be received"</param>
/// <param name="Mode">"Message type, Standard (11-bit identifier) or
/// Extended (29-bit identifier)"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_FilterMessages(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANMode Mode);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves a PCAN Channel value
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Parameters can be present or not according with the kind
/// of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a parameter is not available,
/// a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be returned</remarks>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="Parameter">"The TPCANParameter parameter to get"</param>
/// <param name="Buffer">"Buffer for the parameter value"</param>
/// <param name="BufferLength">"Size in bytes of the buffer"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_GetValue(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANParameter Parameter,
void* Buffer,
DWORD BufferLength);
/// <summary>
/// Configures or sets a PCAN Channel value
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>Parameters can be present or not according with the kind
/// of Hardware (PCAN Channel) being used. If a parameter is not available,
/// a PCAN_ERROR_ILLPARAMTYPE error will be returned</remarks>
/// <param name="Channel">"The handle of a PCAN Channel"</param>
/// <param name="Parameter">"The TPCANParameter parameter to set"</param>
/// <param name="Buffer">"Buffer with the value to be set"</param>
/// <param name="BufferLength">"Size in bytes of the buffer"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_SetValue(
TPCANHandle Channel,
TPCANParameter Parameter,
void* Buffer,
DWORD BufferLength);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a descriptive text of a given TPCANStatus error
/// code, in any desired language
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The current languages available for translation are:
/// Neutral (0x00), German (0x07), English (0x09), Spanish (0x0A),
/// Italian (0x10) and French (0x0C)</remarks>
/// <param name="Error">"A TPCANStatus error code"</param>
/// <param name="Language">"Indicates a 'Primary language ID'"</param>
/// <param name="Buffer">"Buffer for a null terminated char array"</param>
/// <returns>"A TPCANStatus error code"</returns>
TPCANStatus __stdcall CAN_GetErrorText(
TPCANStatus Error,
WORD Language,
LPSTR Buffer);
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
* \file pcanusb.c
* \brief Peak PCAN-USB interface source file.
* \ingroup PCanUsb
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* Include files
#include <assert.h> /* for assertions */
#include <stdint.h> /* for standard integer types */
#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL declaration */
#include <stdbool.h> /* for boolean type */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for standard library */
#include <string.h> /* for string library */
#include "candriver.h" /* Generic CAN driver module */
#include "pcanusb.h" /* Peak PCAN-USB interface */
#include <windows.h> /* for Windows API */
#include "PCANBasic.h" /* for PCAN-Basic API */
* Function prototypes
static void PCanUsbInit(tCanSettings const * settings);
static void PCanUsbTerminate(void);
static bool PCanUsbConnect(void);
static void PCanUsbDisconnect(void);
static bool PCanUsbTransmit(tCanMsg const * msg);
static void PCanUsbRegisterEvents(tCanEvents const * events);
* Local constant declarations
/** \brief CAN interface structure filled with Peak PCAN-USB specifics. */
static const tCanInterface pCanUsbInterface =
* Local data declarations
/** \brief The settings to use in this CAN interface. */
static tCanSettings pCanUsbSettings;
/** \brief List with callback functions that this driver should use. */
static tCanEvents * pCanUsbEventsList;
/** \brief Total number of event entries into the \ref pCanUsbEventsList list. */
static uint32_t pCanUsbEventsEntries;
** \brief Obtains a pointer to the CAN interface structure, so that it can be linked
** to the generic CAN driver module.
** \return Pointer to CAN interface structure.
tCanInterface const * PCanUsbGetInterface(void)
return &pCanUsbInterface;
} /*** end of PCanUsbGetInterface ***/
** \brief Initializes the CAN interface.
** \param settings Pointer to the CAN interface settings.
static void PCanUsbInit(tCanSettings const * settings)
char * canDeviceName;
/* Initialize locals. */
pCanUsbEventsList = NULL;
pCanUsbEventsEntries = 0;
/* Reset CAN interface settings. */
pCanUsbSettings.devicename = ""; = 0;
pCanUsbSettings.baudrate = CAN_BR500K;
pCanUsbSettings.code = 0x00000000u;
pCanUsbSettings.mask = 0x00000000u;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(settings != NULL);
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (settings != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Shallow copy the CAN interface settings for later usage. */
pCanUsbSettings = *settings;
/* The devicename is a pointer and it is not gauranteed that it stays valid so we need
* to deep copy this one. note the +1 for '\0' in malloc.
assert(settings->devicename != NULL);
if (settings->devicename != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
canDeviceName = malloc(strlen(settings->devicename) + 1);
assert(canDeviceName != NULL);
if (canDeviceName != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
strcpy(canDeviceName, settings->devicename);
pCanUsbSettings.devicename = canDeviceName;
/* ##Vg TODO Perform initialization of PCAN-Basic API. */
} /*** end of PCanUsbInit ***/
** \brief Terminates the CAN interface.
static void PCanUsbTerminate(void)
/* ##Vg TODO Perform termination of PCAN-Basic API. */
/* Release memory that was allocated for storing the device name. */
if (pCanUsbSettings.devicename != NULL)
free((char *)pCanUsbSettings.devicename);
/* Reset CAN interface settings. */
pCanUsbSettings.devicename = ""; = 0;
pCanUsbSettings.baudrate = CAN_BR500K;
pCanUsbSettings.code = 0x00000000u;
pCanUsbSettings.mask = 0x00000000u;
/* Release memory that was allocated for CAN events and reset the entry count. */
if ( (pCanUsbEventsList != NULL) && (pCanUsbEventsEntries != 0) )
pCanUsbEventsEntries = 0;
} /*** end of PCanUsbTerminate ***/
** \brief Connects the CAN interface.
** \return True if connected, false otherwise.
static bool PCanUsbConnect(void)
bool result = false;
/* ##Vg TODO Check CAN interface settings. */
/* ##Vg TODO Connect to CAN interface, if settings are valid. */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of PCanUsbConnect ***/
** \brief Disconnects the CAN interface.
static void PCanUsbDisconnect(void)
/* ##Vg TODO Disconnect from the CAN interface. */
} /*** end of PCanUsbDisconnect ***/
** \brief Submits a message for transmission on the CAN bus.
** \param msg Pointer to CAN message structure.
** \return True if successful, false otherwise.
static bool PCanUsbTransmit(tCanMsg const * msg)
bool result = false;
/* Check parameters. */
assert(msg != NULL);
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (msg != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* ##Vg TODO Submit CAN message for transmission */
/* Give the result back to the caller. */
return result;
} /*** end of PCanUsbTransmit ***/
** \brief Registers the event callback functions that should be called by the CAN
** interface.
** \param events Pointer to structure with event callback function pointers.
static void PCanUsbRegisterEvents(tCanEvents const * events)
/* Check parameters. */
assert(events != NULL);
/* ##Vg TODO Test with multiple event entries to check that realloc approach works. */
/* Only continue with valid parameters. */
if (events != NULL) /*lint !e774 */
/* Increase length of the list to make space for one more event entry. Note that
* it is okay to call realloc with a NULL pointer. In this case it simply behaves
* as malloc.
pCanUsbEventsList = realloc(pCanUsbEventsList,
(sizeof(tCanEvents) * (pCanUsbEventsEntries + 1)));
/* Assert reallocation. */
assert(pCanUsbEventsList != NULL);
/* Only continue if reallocation was successful. */
if (pCanUsbEventsList != NULL)
/* Increment events entry count. */
/* Store the events in the new entry. */
pCanUsbEventsList[pCanUsbEventsEntries - 1] = *events;
/* Reallocation failed. */
/* Reset events entry count. */
pCanUsbEventsEntries = 0;
} /*** end of PCanUsbRegisterEvents ***/
/*********************************** end of pcanusb.c **********************************/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
* \file pcanusb.h
* \brief Peak PCAN-USB interface header file.
* \ingroup PCanUsb
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
* Copyright (c) 2017 by Feaser All rights reserved
* L I C E N S E
* This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. It
* should be located in ".\Doc\license.html". If not, contact Feaser to obtain a copy.
* \endinternal
* \defgroup PCanUsb Peak PCAN-USB interface
* \brief This module implements the CAN interface for the Peak PCAN-USB.
* \ingroup CanDriver
#ifndef PCANUSB_H
#define PCANUSB_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Function prototypes
tCanInterface const * PCanUsbGetInterface(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* PCANUSB_H */
/*********************************** end of pcanusb.h **********************************/

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file port/windows/serialport.c
* \brief Serial port source file.
* \ingroup Session
* \ingroup SerialPort
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file serialport.h
* \brief Serial port header file.
* \ingroup Session
* \ingroup SerialPort
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
* \endinternal
* \defgroup SerialPort Serial port driver
* \brief This module implements a generic serial port driver.
* \ingroup Session

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file xcptpuart.c
* \brief XCP UART transport layer source file.
* \ingroup XcpLoader
* \ingroup XcpTpUart
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
* \file xcptpuart.h
* \brief XCP UART transport layer header file.
* \ingroup XcpLoader
* \ingroup XcpTpUart
* \internal
* C O P Y R I G H T
@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
* \endinternal
* \defgroup XcpTpUart XCP UART transport layer
* \brief This module implements the XCP transport layer for UART.
* \ingroup XcpLoader