/** \defgroup Core Bootloader Core \brief Target independent code. \details The bootloader core contains the main functionality of the bootloader, independent of the microcontroller/compiler and independent of your specific application. There in generally no need for you to make changes here, unless you are adding new functionality such as the support for a new communication interface or a different communication protocol. By default the XCP version 1.0 is used as the communication transport layer for remote firmware updates, for example via UART or CAN. Its official name is ASAM MCD-1 XCP V1.0.0 and it is a universal measurement and calibration protocol that defines a bus-independent, master-slave communication protocol to connect ECU's with calibration systems. More information can be found at http://www.asam.net/. For local firmware updates, for example from a locally attached SD-card, the FATFS file system is used as a target independent interface to access files. More information can be found at http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html */