/**************************************************************************************** | Description: demo program bootloader interface source file | File Name: boot.c | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | C O P Y R I G H T |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright (c) 2011 by Feaser http://www.feaser.com All rights reserved | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | L I C E N S E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | This file is part of OpenBLT. OpenBLT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free | Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later | version. | | OpenBLT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; | without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR | PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. | | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenBLT. | If not, see . | | A special exception to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a combined work | that includes OpenBLT without being obliged to provide the source code for any | proprietary components. The exception text is included at the bottom of the license | file . | ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Include files ****************************************************************************************/ #include "header.h" /* generic header */ /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: BootActivate ** PARAMETER: none ** RETURN VALUE: none ** DESCRIPTION: Bootloader activation function. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static void BootActivate(void) { void (*pEntryFromProgFnc)(void); /* set pointer to the address of function EntryFromProg in the bootloader. note that * 1 is added to this address to enable a switch from Thumb2 to Thumb mode */ pEntryFromProgFnc = (void*)0x08000150 + 1; /* call EntryFromProg to activate the bootloader. */ pEntryFromProgFnc(); } /*** end of BootActivate ***/ #if (BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * U N I V E R S A L A S Y N C H R O N O U S R X T X I N T E R F A C E ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Macro definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Function prototypes ****************************************************************************************/ static unsigned char UartReceiveByte(unsigned char *data); /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: BootComInit ** PARAMETER: none ** RETURN VALUE: none ** DESCRIPTION: Initializes the UART communication interface ** ****************************************************************************************/ void BootComInit(void) { UartInit(BOOT_COM_UART_BAUDRATE); } /*** end of BootComInit ***/ /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: BootComCheckActivationRequest ** PARAMETER: none ** RETURN VALUE: none ** DESCRIPTION: Receives the CONNECT request from the host, which indicates that the ** bootloader should be activated and, if so, activates it. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void BootComCheckActivationRequest(void) { static unsigned char xcpCtoReqPacket[BOOT_COM_UART_RX_MAX_DATA+1]; static unsigned char xcpCtoRxLength; static unsigned char xcpCtoRxInProgress = 0; /* start of cto packet received? */ if (xcpCtoRxInProgress == 0) { /* store the message length when received */ if (UartReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[0]) == 1) { /* indicate that a cto packet is being received */ xcpCtoRxInProgress = 1; /* reset packet data count */ xcpCtoRxLength = 0; } } else { /* store the next packet byte */ if (UartReceiveByte(&xcpCtoReqPacket[xcpCtoRxLength+1]) == 1) { /* increment the packet data count */ xcpCtoRxLength++; /* check to see if the entire packet was received */ if (xcpCtoRxLength == xcpCtoReqPacket[0]) { /* done with cto packet reception */ xcpCtoRxInProgress = 0; /* check if this was an XCP CONNECT command */ if ((xcpCtoReqPacket[1] == 0xff) && (xcpCtoReqPacket[2] == 0x00)) { /* connection request received so start the bootloader */ BootActivate(); } } } } } /*** end of BootComCheckActivationRequest ***/ /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: UartReceiveByte ** PARAMETER: data pointer to byte where the data is to be stored. ** RETURN VALUE: 1 if a byte was received, 0 otherwise. ** DESCRIPTION: Receives a communication interface byte if one is present. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static unsigned char UartReceiveByte(unsigned char *data) { /* check flag to see if a byte was received */ if (USART_GetFlagStatus(USART2, USART_FLAG_RXNE) == SET) { /* retrieve and store the newly received byte */ *data = (unsigned char)USART_ReceiveData(USART2); /* all done */ return 1; } /* still here to no new byte received */ return 0; } /*** end of UartReceiveByte ***/ #endif /* BOOT_COM_UART_ENABLE > 0 */ #if (BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE > 0) /**************************************************************************************** * C O N T R O L L E R A R E A N E T W O R K I N T E R F A C E ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Macro definitions ****************************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************************** * Type definitions ****************************************************************************************/ typedef struct t_can_bus_timing { unsigned char tseg1; /* CAN time segment 1 */ unsigned char tseg2; /* CAN time segment 2 */ } tCanBusTiming; /* bus timing structure type */ /**************************************************************************************** * Local constant declarations ****************************************************************************************/ /* According to the CAN protocol 1 bit-time can be made up of between 8..25 time quanta * (TQ). The total TQ in a bit is SYNC + TSEG1 + TSEG2 with SYNC always being 1. * The sample point is (SYNC + TSEG1) / (SYNC + TSEG1 + SEG2) * 100%. This array contains * possible and valid time quanta configurations with a sample point between 68..78%. */ static const tCanBusTiming canTiming[] = { /* TQ | TSEG1 | TSEG2 | SP */ /* ------------------------- */ { 5, 2 }, /* 8 | 5 | 2 | 75% */ { 6, 2 }, /* 9 | 6 | 2 | 78% */ { 6, 3 }, /* 10 | 6 | 3 | 70% */ { 7, 3 }, /* 11 | 7 | 3 | 73% */ { 8, 3 }, /* 12 | 8 | 3 | 75% */ { 9, 3 }, /* 13 | 9 | 3 | 77% */ { 9, 4 }, /* 14 | 9 | 4 | 71% */ { 10, 4 }, /* 15 | 10 | 4 | 73% */ { 11, 4 }, /* 16 | 11 | 4 | 75% */ { 12, 4 }, /* 17 | 12 | 4 | 76% */ { 12, 5 }, /* 18 | 12 | 5 | 72% */ { 13, 5 }, /* 19 | 13 | 5 | 74% */ { 14, 5 }, /* 20 | 14 | 5 | 75% */ { 15, 5 }, /* 21 | 15 | 5 | 76% */ { 15, 6 }, /* 22 | 15 | 6 | 73% */ { 16, 6 }, /* 23 | 16 | 6 | 74% */ { 16, 7 }, /* 24 | 16 | 7 | 71% */ { 16, 8 } /* 25 | 16 | 8 | 68% */ }; /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: CanGetSpeedConfig ** PARAMETER: baud The desired baudrate in kbps. Valid values are 10..1000. ** prescaler Pointer to where the value for the prescaler will be stored. ** tseg1 Pointer to where the value for TSEG2 will be stored. ** tseg2 Pointer to where the value for TSEG2 will be stored. ** RETURN VALUE: 1 if the CAN bustiming register values were found, 0 otherwise. ** DESCRIPTION: Search algorithm to match the desired baudrate to a possible bus ** timing configuration. ** ****************************************************************************************/ static unsigned char CanGetSpeedConfig(unsigned short baud, unsigned short *prescaler, unsigned char *tseg1, unsigned char *tseg2) { unsigned char cnt; /* loop through all possible time quanta configurations to find a match */ for (cnt=0; cnt < sizeof(canTiming)/sizeof(canTiming[0]); cnt++) { if (((BOOT_CPU_SYSTEM_SPEED_KHZ/2) % (baud*(canTiming[cnt].tseg1+canTiming[cnt].tseg2+1))) == 0) { /* compute the prescaler that goes with this TQ configuration */ *prescaler = (BOOT_CPU_SYSTEM_SPEED_KHZ/2)/(baud*(canTiming[cnt].tseg1+canTiming[cnt].tseg2+1)); /* make sure the prescaler is valid */ if ( (*prescaler > 0) && (*prescaler <= 1024) ) { /* store the bustiming configuration */ *tseg1 = canTiming[cnt].tseg1; *tseg2 = canTiming[cnt].tseg2; /* found a good bus timing configuration */ return 1; } } } /* could not find a good bus timing configuration */ return 0; } /*** end of CanGetSpeedConfig ***/ /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: BootComInit ** PARAMETER: none ** RETURN VALUE: none ** DESCRIPTION: Initializes the CAN communication interface ** ****************************************************************************************/ void BootComInit(void) { GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; CAN_InitTypeDef CAN_InitStructure; CAN_FilterInitTypeDef CAN_FilterInitStructure; unsigned short prescaler; unsigned char tseg1, tseg2; /* GPIO clock enable */ RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, ENABLE); RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE); /* Configure CAN pin: RX */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_8; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_IPU; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Configure CAN pin: TX */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; GPIO_Init(GPIOB, &GPIO_InitStructure); /* Remap CAN1 pins to PortB */ GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_Remap1_CAN1 , ENABLE); /* CAN1 Periph clock enable */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_CAN1, ENABLE); /* CAN register init */ CAN_DeInit(CAN1); CAN_StructInit(&CAN_InitStructure); /* obtain the bittiming configuration for this baudrate */ CanGetSpeedConfig(BOOT_COM_CAN_BAUDRATE/1000, &prescaler, &tseg1, &tseg2); /* CAN controller init */ CAN_InitStructure.CAN_TTCM = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_ABOM = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_AWUM = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_NART = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_RFLM = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_TXFP = DISABLE; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_Mode = CAN_Mode_Normal; /* CAN Baudrate init */ CAN_InitStructure.CAN_SJW = CAN_SJW_1tq; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_BS1 = tseg1 - 1; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_BS2 = tseg2 - 1; CAN_InitStructure.CAN_Prescaler = prescaler; CAN_Init(CAN1, &CAN_InitStructure); /* CAN filter init - receive all messages */ CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterNumber = 0; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterMode = CAN_FilterMode_IdMask; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterScale = CAN_FilterScale_32bit; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterIdHigh = 0x0000; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterIdLow = 0x0000; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterMaskIdHigh = 0x0000; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterMaskIdLow = 0x0000; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterFIFOAssignment = 0; CAN_FilterInitStructure.CAN_FilterActivation = ENABLE; CAN_FilterInit(&CAN_FilterInitStructure); } /*** end of BootComInit ***/ /**************************************************************************************** ** NAME: BootComCheckActivationRequest ** PARAMETER: none ** RETURN VALUE: none ** DESCRIPTION: Receives the CONNECT request from the host, which indicates that the ** bootloader should be activated and, if so, activates it. ** ****************************************************************************************/ void BootComCheckActivationRequest(void) { CanRxMsg RxMessage; /* check if a new message was received */ if (CAN_MessagePending(CAN1, CAN_FIFO0) > 0) { /* receive the message */ CAN_Receive(CAN1, CAN_FIFO0, &RxMessage); if (RxMessage.StdId == BOOT_COM_CAN_RX_MSG_ID) { /* check if this was an XCP CONNECT command */ if ((RxMessage.Data[0] == 0xff) && (RxMessage.Data[1] == 0x00)) { /* connection request received so start the bootloader */ BootActivate(); } } } } /*** end of BootComCheckActivationRequest ***/ #endif /* BOOT_COM_CAN_ENABLE > 0 */ /*********************************** end of boot.c *************************************/