================ Revision history ============================================ 2.3.2: - Fixed IAR startup files, corrected alignment of interrupt vector table - Updated efm32usb library with fixes - Updated efm32lib with new Tiny Gecko and Giant Gecko features 2.3.0: - Added DEVICE_FAMILY defines to identify Gecko/Tiny/Leopard/Giant parts - Fixed missing EMU_IRQ definitions in Leopard Gecko startup files - Added USART location to Tiny Gecko parts - Added LEUART locations to Tiny Gecko parts - Updated efm32lib with new Giant Gecko features (see separate readme) - Updated efm32usb with USB Host stack support (see separate readme) 2.2.2: - Removed huge AF_PORT, AF_PIN macros from header files, only peripheral specific alternate function defines are included - Updated efm32usb library with fixes - Updated efm32lib library with fixes 2.2.1: - Added interleave to all Giant Gecko parts - Updated efm32lib with more Giant Gecko features - Added efm32usb, USB Device stack for Giant Gecko USB parts - Added LOCATION defines for all I2C alternate locations on Tiny Gecko 2.1.1: - Added header files for Giant Gecko and Leopard Gecko devices - Minor fix for Gecko devices, EMU_CTRL_MASK was wrong - Fix for linker issue alignment of .data section in codesourcery .ld files 2.0.1: - DAC_OPAnMUX_POSSEL_OPAnIN changed to DAC_OPAnMUX_POSSEL_OPAnINP for Tiny Gecko - Added CMU_ROUTE_LOCATION, LOC2 for Tiny Gecko - PRS #define fixes, remove extra IRDA fields only available on USART0 2.0.0: - This release based on CMSIS_2_00, includes DSP_Lib (for Keil MDKARM, IAR has a port included with EWARM) - Removed "shadow" example that used to be in CMSIS directory earlier, use "blink" from board examples as starting point instead - Restructured header files to comply with CMSIS_2_00 - CMU_CALCTRL_REFSEL is renamed to CMU_CALCTRL_UPSEL to match reference manual and clearify new DOWNSEL calibrartion features for Tiny Gecko - Added header files for new package types for Gecko devices - Added header files for Tiny Gecko devices 1.3.0: - DMA register WAITSTATUS changed to CHWAITSTATUS for consistency DMA test req/sreq registers added, CHSREQSTATUS and CHREQSTATUS - IFS and IFC interrupt registers are now marked as readable for several peripherals - TIMER, CCC renamed to CDTI - TIMER, QEM has been renamed to QDM - AF_DBG_SWV/TCLK/TDIO renamed to more commonly used AF_DBG_SWD/SWDIO/SWDCLK - AF_EBI_ADDRDAT renamed to AF_EBI_AD - Removed bit fields for extra LCD segment registers for Gecko parts - Fixed LCD_SEGEN_MASK, bit width was too narrow in version 1.2.x - Fixed LCD_SYNCBUSY bit fields - CMU_PCNTCTRL reset values corrected - PCNT_TOP and PCNT_TOPB reset values corrected - ADC_LPFMODE_RCFILT and LPFMOD_DECAP definitions corrected (they were reversed) - USART_RXDATAFULLRIGHT and USART_RXDATAVRIGHT removed for Gecko parts - GPIO, renamed INSENSE_PRSSENSE to INSENSE_PRS, similar for INT to be consistent with updated documentation (Reference Manual) 1.2.1: - Fixed DEVINFO calibration shift and mask value for temperature sensor fixed in rev.C Gecko devices 1.2.0: - Added new subgroup "Parts" for all part definitions in doxygen format - Removed unused _PARAM_ type definitions, less clutter in header files - _CMU_PCNTCTRL_RESETVALUE corrected - Added C startup file for IAR, can be used as replacement for assembly file - Use #defines instead of "numeric values reentered" in bit field definitions - TIMER_PARAM_CCNUM(i) changed to TIMER_PARAM_CC_NUM(i) - DPI_CHAN_COUNT changed to PRS_CHAN_COUNT 1.1.4: - TIMER_INIT_DEFAULT fix to efm32lib 1.1.3: - Removed ADC ROUTE register - Renamed DEVINFO DACCAL -> DAC0CAL for all 3 calibration registers and bit fields - Updated efm32lib with new peripherals 1.1.2: - Added support for CodeSourcery Sourcery G++ compiler and startup files - Device Information page (DEVINFO_TypeDef) - fixed several issues with endianness, and other changes to support test revision 4 and above parts. This has led to a small incompatibilty with test rev <= 4 and rev A parts, in that the flash and sram size bit fields has changed location. - DMA_CONTROL_TypeDef changed name to DMA_DESCRIPTOR_TypeDef to be better aligned with PL230 manual and code - DMA bit fields not supported on EFM32 was removed for the PL230 controller - DMA CTRL bit fields renamed to be more consistent with PL230 TRM manual - Added additional volatile statements to pointers in DMA Control structure - Fixed several registers that were readable, and was marked as __O (output only) 1.1.1: - Fixed startup code, CMSIS SystemInit cannot update global variable 1.1.0: - Note - some register bit field updates in this release are _not_ backward compatible - Updated register bit fields to comply with documentation updates, i.e. reference manual version > 0.83 - Apply patch to CMSIS core for GCC issues - Added DMA_CONTROL_TypeDef control block for PrimeCell PL230 DMA controller - Added ROMTABLE PID / CHIP revision table and masks - Revised and updated Device Information page structure "DEVINFO page" This structure is ONLY valid for rev.B production devices - GPIO EXTIPSEL bit field marked "16" changed to 15 (bug correction) - Added more bit fields to TIMER_ROUTE registers - Cosmetic updates in doxygen comments and copyright statements 1.0.4: - ACMP INPUTSEL bit fields changed from ohm rating to res-n, - Added bit-band base addresses for peripherals and sram 1.0.3: - ADC SCANMODE and SCANCTRL bit field updates and corrections - Moved Readme.txt and Changes.txt to CMSIS/Readme-EFM32.txt and CMSIS/Changes-EFM32.txt - CCPEN and CDTIPEN splitted in TIMER_ROUTE - EMVREG in EMU_CTRL enumeration changed - LCD DISPCTRL volatage levels are part specific, changed settings changed to reflect this - Added "UL" (unsigned long) to some bit fields giving warnings due to sign conversion 1.0.2: - Corrected revision numbers in file headers - Removed example code that was moved into BSP/DVK installer package 1.0.1: - Updated to use official CMSIS1V30 release - Corrected IRQ vector table in assembly startup files, IMEM to MSC, UDMA to DMA - DMA peripheral/signal names corrected - Example Blinky application updated to work on all EFM32 MCU-Modules on DVK - Added "simple" board support package to example - Added "UL" (unsigned long) tag to several fields 1.0.0: - Initial release - Includes CMSIS1V30 2nd PreRelease - Now requires two include paths, CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/EnergyMicro/EFM32 and CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport