//***************************************************************************** // // usblib.h - Main header file for the USB Library. // // Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved. // Software License Agreement // // Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and // exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by // TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright // laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source // software in order to form a larger program. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS. // NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT // NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. TI SHALL NOT, UNDER ANY // CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL // DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER. // // This is part of revision 1.1 of the Tiva USB Library. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef __USBLIB_H__ #define __USBLIB_H__ //***************************************************************************** // // If building with a C++ compiler, make all of the definitions in this header // have a C binding. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //***************************************************************************** // // This is the maximum number of devices we can support when in host mode and // using a hub. By default, we support up to 4 devices (plus 1 internally for // the hub itself). // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef MAX_USB_DEVICES #define MAX_USB_DEVICES 5 #endif //***************************************************************************** // // This is the maximum number of endpoints supported by the usblib. // //***************************************************************************** #ifndef USBLIB_NUM_EP #define USBLIB_NUM_EP 8 // Number of supported endpoints. #endif //***************************************************************************** // // The following macro allows compiler-independent syntax to be used to // define packed structures. A typical structure definition using these // macros will look similar to the following example: // // #ifdef ewarm // #pragma pack(1) // #endif // // typedef struct _PackedStructName // { // uint32_t ui32FirstField; // int8_t i8CharMember; // uint16_t ui16Short; // } // PACKED tPackedStructName; // // #ifdef ewarm // #pragma pack() // #endif // // The conditional blocks related to ewarm include the #pragma pack() lines // only if the IAR Embedded Workbench compiler is being used. Unfortunately, // it is not possible to emit a #pragma from within a macro definition so this // must be done explicitly. // //***************************************************************************** #if defined(ccs) || \ defined(codered) || \ defined(gcc) || \ defined(rvmdk) || \ defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) || \ defined(sourcerygxx) #define PACKED __attribute__ ((packed)) #elif defined(ewarm) #define PACKED #else #error Unrecognized COMPILER! #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Assorted language IDs from the document "USB_LANGIDs.pdf" provided by the // USB Implementers' Forum (Version 1.0). // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_LANG_CHINESE_PRC 0x0804 // Chinese (PRC) #define USB_LANG_CHINESE_TAIWAN 0x0404 // Chinese (Taiwan) #define USB_LANG_EN_US 0x0409 // English (United States) #define USB_LANG_EN_UK 0x0809 // English (United Kingdom) #define USB_LANG_EN_AUS 0x0C09 // English (Australia) #define USB_LANG_EN_CA 0x1009 // English (Canada) #define USB_LANG_EN_NZ 0x1409 // English (New Zealand) #define USB_LANG_FRENCH 0x040C // French (Standard) #define USB_LANG_GERMAN 0x0407 // German (Standard) #define USB_LANG_HINDI 0x0439 // Hindi #define USB_LANG_ITALIAN 0x0410 // Italian (Standard) #define USB_LANG_JAPANESE 0x0411 // Japanese #define USB_LANG_KOREAN 0x0412 // Korean #define USB_LANG_ES_TRAD 0x040A // Spanish (Traditional) #define USB_LANG_ES_MODERN 0x0C0A // Spanish (Modern) #define USB_LANG_SWAHILI 0x0441 // Swahili (Kenya) #define USB_LANG_URDU_IN 0x0820 // Urdu (India) #define USB_LANG_URDU_PK 0x0420 // Urdu (Pakistan) //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup usbchap9_src //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Note: // // Structure definitions which are derived directly from the USB specification // use field names from the specification. Since a somewhat different version // of Hungarian prefix notation is used from the standard, beware of making // assumptions about field sizes based on the field prefix when using // these structures. Of particular note is the difference in the meaning of // the 'i' prefix. In USB structures, this indicates a single byte index // whereas in other code, this is an integer or enumeration variable. // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // All structures defined in this section of the header require byte packing of // fields. This is usually accomplished using the PACKED macro but, for IAR // Embedded Workbench, this requires a pragma. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef ewarm #pragma pack(1) #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Definitions related to standard USB device requests (sections 9.3 & 9.4) // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! The standard USB request header as defined in section 9.3 of the USB 2.0 //! specification. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! Determines the type and direction of the request. // uint8_t bmRequestType; // //! Identifies the specific request being made. // uint8_t bRequest; // //! Word-sized field that varies according to the request. // uint16_t wValue; // //! Word-sized field that varies according to the request; typically used //! to pass an index or offset. // uint16_t wIndex; // //! The number of bytes to transfer if there is a data stage to the //! request. // uint16_t wLength; } PACKED tUSBRequest; //***************************************************************************** // // The following defines are used with the bmRequestType member of tUSBRequest. // // Request types have 3 bit fields: // 4:0 - Is the recipient type. // 6:5 - Is the request type. // 7 - Is the direction of the request. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_RTYPE_DIR_IN 0x80 #define USB_RTYPE_DIR_OUT 0x00 #define USB_RTYPE_TYPE_M 0x60 #define USB_RTYPE_VENDOR 0x40 #define USB_RTYPE_CLASS 0x20 #define USB_RTYPE_STANDARD 0x00 #define USB_RTYPE_RECIPIENT_M 0x1f #define USB_RTYPE_OTHER 0x03 #define USB_RTYPE_ENDPOINT 0x02 #define USB_RTYPE_INTERFACE 0x01 #define USB_RTYPE_DEVICE 0x00 //***************************************************************************** // // Standard USB requests IDs used in the bRequest field of tUSBRequest. // //***************************************************************************** #define USBREQ_GET_STATUS 0x00 #define USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 #define USBREQ_SET_FEATURE 0x03 #define USBREQ_SET_ADDRESS 0x05 #define USBREQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 #define USBREQ_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07 #define USBREQ_GET_CONFIG 0x08 #define USBREQ_SET_CONFIG 0x09 #define USBREQ_GET_INTERFACE 0x0a #define USBREQ_SET_INTERFACE 0x0b #define USBREQ_SYNC_FRAME 0x0c //***************************************************************************** // // Data returned from a USBREQ_GET_STATUS request to a device. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_STATUS_SELF_PWR 0x0001 // Currently self powered. #define USB_STATUS_BUS_PWR 0x0000 // Currently bus-powered. #define USB_STATUS_PWR_M 0x0001 // Mask for power mode. #define USB_STATUS_REMOTE_WAKE 0x0002 // Remote wake-up is currently enabled. //***************************************************************************** // // Feature Selectors (tUSBRequest.wValue) passed on USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE and // USBREQ_SET_FEATURE. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_FEATURE_EP_HALT 0x0000 // Endpoint halt feature. #define USB_FEATURE_REMOTE_WAKE 0x0001 // Remote wake feature, device only. #define USB_FEATURE_TEST_MODE 0x0002 // Test mode //***************************************************************************** // // Endpoint Selectors (tUSBRequest.wIndex) passed on USBREQ_CLEAR_FEATURE, // USBREQ_SET_FEATURE and USBREQ_GET_STATUS. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_REQ_EP_NUM_M 0x007F #define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_M 0x0080 #define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_IN 0x0080 #define USB_REQ_EP_DIR_OUT 0x0000 //***************************************************************************** // // Standard USB descriptor types. These values are passed in the upper bytes // of tUSBRequest.wValue on USBREQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR and also appear in the // bDescriptorType field of standard USB descriptors. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_DTYPE_DEVICE 1 #define USB_DTYPE_CONFIGURATION 2 #define USB_DTYPE_STRING 3 #define USB_DTYPE_INTERFACE 4 #define USB_DTYPE_ENDPOINT 5 #define USB_DTYPE_DEVICE_QUAL 6 #define USB_DTYPE_OSPEED_CONF 7 #define USB_DTYPE_INTERFACE_PWR 8 #define USB_DTYPE_OTG 9 #define USB_DTYPE_INTERFACE_ASC 11 #define USB_DTYPE_CS_INTERFACE 36 #define USB_DTYPE_HUB 41 //***************************************************************************** // // Definitions related to USB descriptors (sections 9.5 & 9.6) // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes a generic descriptor header. These fields are to //! be found at the beginning of all valid USB descriptors. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor (including this length byte) expressed //! in bytes. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type identifier of the descriptor whose information follows. For //! standard descriptors, this field could contain, for example, //! USB_DTYPE_DEVICE to identify a device descriptor or USB_DTYPE_ENDPOINT //! to identify an endpoint descriptor. // uint8_t bDescriptorType; } PACKED tDescriptorHeader; //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB device descriptor as defined in USB //! 2.0 specification section 9.6.1. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All device descriptors are //! 18 bytes long. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For a device descriptor, this will be //! USB_DTYPE_DEVICE (1). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The USB Specification Release Number in BCD format. For USB 2.0, this //! will be 0x0200. // uint16_t bcdUSB; // //! The device class code. // uint8_t bDeviceClass; // //! The device subclass code. This value qualifies the value found in the //! bDeviceClass field. // uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; // //! The device protocol code. This value is qualified by the values of //! bDeviceClass and bDeviceSubClass. // uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; // //! The maximum packet size for endpoint zero. Valid values are 8, 16, 32 //! and 64. // uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; // //! The device Vendor ID (VID) as assigned by the USB-IF. // uint16_t idVendor; // //! The device Product ID (PID) as assigned by the manufacturer. // uint16_t idProduct; // //! The device release number in BCD format. // uint16_t bcdDevice; // //! The index of a string descriptor describing the manufacturer. // uint8_t iManufacturer; // //! The index of a string descriptor describing the product. // uint8_t iProduct; // //! The index of a string descriptor describing the device's serial //! number. // uint8_t iSerialNumber; // //! The number of possible configurations offered by the device. This //! field indicates the number of distinct configuration descriptors that //! the device offers. // uint8_t bNumConfigurations; } PACKED tDeviceDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // // USB Device Class codes used in the tDeviceDescriptor.bDeviceClass field. // Definitions for the bDeviceSubClass and bDeviceProtocol fields are device // specific and can be found in the appropriate device class header files. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_CLASS_DEVICE 0x00 #define USB_CLASS_AUDIO 0x01 #define USB_CLASS_CDC 0x02 #define USB_CLASS_HID 0x03 #define USB_CLASS_PHYSICAL 0x05 #define USB_CLASS_IMAGE 0x06 #define USB_CLASS_PRINTER 0x07 #define USB_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE 0x08 #define USB_CLASS_HUB 0x09 #define USB_CLASS_CDC_DATA 0x0a #define USB_CLASS_SMART_CARD 0x0b #define USB_CLASS_SECURITY 0x0d #define USB_CLASS_VIDEO 0x0e #define USB_CLASS_HEALTHCARE 0x0f #define USB_CLASS_DIAG_DEVICE 0xdc #define USB_CLASS_WIRELESS 0xe0 #define USB_CLASS_MISC 0xef #define USB_CLASS_APP_SPECIFIC 0xfe #define USB_CLASS_VEND_SPECIFIC 0xff #define USB_CLASS_EVENTS 0xffffffff //***************************************************************************** // // Generic values for undefined subclass and protocol. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_SUBCLASS_UNDEFINED 0x00 #define USB_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED 0x00 //***************************************************************************** // // The following are the miscellaneous subclass values. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_MISC_SUBCLASS_SYNC 0x01 #define USB_MISC_SUBCLASS_COMMON \ 0x02 //***************************************************************************** // // These following are miscellaneous protocol values. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_MISC_PROTOCOL_IAD 0x01 //***************************************************************************** // // These following are hub protocol values. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_HUB_PROTOCOL_FS 0x00 #define USB_HUB_PROTOCOL_SINGLE 0x01 #define USB_HUB_PROTOCOL_MULTI 0x02 //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB device qualifier descriptor as defined in //! the USB 2.0 specification, section 9.6.2. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All device qualifier //! descriptors are 10 bytes long. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For a device descriptor, this will be //! USB_DTYPE_DEVICE_QUAL (6). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The USB Specification Release Number in BCD format. For USB 2.0, this //! will be 0x0200. // uint16_t bcdUSB; // //! The device class code. // uint8_t bDeviceClass; // //! The device subclass code. This value qualifies the value found in the //! bDeviceClass field. // uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; // //! The device protocol code. This value is qualified by the values of //! bDeviceClass and bDeviceSubClass. // uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; // //! The maximum packet size for endpoint zero when operating at a speed //! other than high speed. // uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; // //! The number of other-speed configurations supported. // uint8_t bNumConfigurations; // //! Reserved for future use. Must be set to zero. // uint8_t bReserved; } PACKED tDeviceQualifierDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB configuration descriptor as defined in //! USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.3. This structure also applies to the //! USB other speed configuration descriptor defined in section 9.6.4. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All configuration descriptors //! are 9 bytes long. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For a configuration descriptor, this will //! be USB_DTYPE_CONFIGURATION (2). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The total length of data returned for this configuration. This //! includes the combined length of all descriptors (configuration, //! interface, endpoint and class- or vendor-specific) returned for this //! configuration. // uint16_t wTotalLength; // //! The number of interface supported by this configuration. // uint8_t bNumInterfaces; // //! The value used as an argument to the SetConfiguration standard request //! to select this configuration. // uint8_t bConfigurationValue; // //! The index of a string descriptor describing this configuration. // uint8_t iConfiguration; // //! Attributes of this configuration. // uint8_t bmAttributes; // //! The maximum power consumption of the USB device from the bus in this //! configuration when the device is fully operational. This is expressed //! in units of 2mA so, for example, 100 represents 200mA. // uint8_t bMaxPower; } PACKED tConfigDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // // Flags used in constructing the value assigned to the field // tConfigDescriptor.bmAttributes. Note that bit 7 is reserved and must be set // to 1. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_CONF_ATTR_PWR_M 0xC0 #define USB_CONF_ATTR_SELF_PWR 0xC0 #define USB_CONF_ATTR_BUS_PWR 0x80 #define USB_CONF_ATTR_RWAKE 0xA0 //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB interface descriptor as defined in USB //! 2.0 specification section 9.6.5. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All interface descriptors //! are 9 bytes long. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For an interface descriptor, this will //! be USB_DTYPE_INTERFACE (4). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The number of this interface. This is a zero based index into the //! array of concurrent interfaces supported by this configuration. // uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; // //! The value used to select this alternate setting for the interface //! defined in bInterfaceNumber. // uint8_t bAlternateSetting; // //! The number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding endpoint //! zero). // uint8_t bNumEndpoints; // //! The interface class code as assigned by the USB-IF. // uint8_t bInterfaceClass; // //! The interface subclass code as assigned by the USB-IF. // uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; // //! The interface protocol code as assigned by the USB-IF. // uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; // //! The index of a string descriptor describing this interface. // uint8_t iInterface; } PACKED tInterfaceDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB endpoint descriptor as defined in USB //! 2.0 specification section 9.6.6. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. All endpoint descriptors //! are 7 bytes long. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For an endpoint descriptor, this will //! be USB_DTYPE_ENDPOINT (5). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The address of the endpoint. This field contains the endpoint number //! ORed with flag USB_EP_DESC_OUT or USB_EP_DESC_IN to indicate the //! endpoint direction. // uint8_t bEndpointAddress; // //! The endpoint transfer type, USB_EP_ATTR_CONTROL, USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC, //! USB_EP_ATTR_BULK or USB_EP_ATTR_INT and, if isochronous, additional //! flags indicating usage type and synchronization method. // uint8_t bmAttributes; // //! The maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or //! receiving when this configuration is selected. For high speed //! isochronous or interrupt endpoints, bits 11 and 12 are used to //! pass additional information. // uint16_t wMaxPacketSize; // //! The polling interval for data transfers expressed in frames or //! micro frames depending upon the operating speed. // uint8_t bInterval; } PACKED tEndpointDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // // Flags used in constructing the value assigned to the field // tEndpointDescriptor.bEndpointAddress. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_EP_DESC_OUT 0x00 #define USB_EP_DESC_IN 0x80 #define USB_EP_DESC_NUM_M 0x0f //***************************************************************************** // // Mask used to extract the maximum packet size (in bytes) from the // wMaxPacketSize field of the endpoint descriptor. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_EP_MAX_PACKET_COUNT_M \ 0x07FF //***************************************************************************** // // Endpoint attributes used in tEndpointDescriptor.bmAttributes. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_EP_ATTR_CONTROL 0x00 #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC 0x01 #define USB_EP_ATTR_BULK 0x02 #define USB_EP_ATTR_INT 0x03 #define USB_EP_ATTR_TYPE_M 0x03 #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_M 0x0c #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_NOSYNC 0x00 #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_ASYNC 0x04 #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_ADAPT 0x08 #define USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC_SYNC 0x0c #define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGE_M 0x30 #define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGE_DATA 0x00 #define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGE_FEEDBACK \ 0x10 #define USB_EP_ATTR_USAGE_IMPFEEDBACK \ 0x20 //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB string descriptor for index 0 as defined //! in USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.7. Note that the number of language //! IDs is variable and can be determined by examining bLength. The number of //! language IDs present in the descriptor is given by ((bLength - 2) / 2). // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. This value will vary //! depending upon the number of language codes provided in the descriptor. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For a string descriptor, this will be //! USB_DTYPE_STRING (3). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The language code (LANGID) for the first supported language. Note that //! this descriptor may support multiple languages, in which case, the //! number of elements in the wLANGID array will increase and bLength will //! be updated accordingly. // uint16_t wLANGID[1]; } PACKED tString0Descriptor; //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure describes the USB string descriptor for all string indexes //! other than 0 as defined in USB 2.0 specification section 9.6.7. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The length of this descriptor in bytes. This value will be 2 greater //! than the number of bytes comprising the UNICODE string that the //! descriptor contains. // uint8_t bLength; // //! The type of the descriptor. For a string descriptor, this will be //! USB_DTYPE_STRING (3). // uint8_t bDescriptorType; // //! The first byte of the UNICODE string. This string is not NULL //! terminated. Its length (in bytes) can be computed by subtracting 2 //! from the value in the bLength field. // uint8_t bString; } PACKED tStringDescriptor; //***************************************************************************** // //! Write a 16-bit value to a USB descriptor block. //! //! \param ui16Value is the 16-bit value to write to the descriptor. //! //! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write two-byte //! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and //! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are //! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures. //! //! \return Not a function. // //***************************************************************************** #define USBShort(ui16Value) (ui16Value & 0xff), (ui16Value >> 8) //***************************************************************************** // //! Write a 24-bit value to a USB descriptor block. //! //! \param ui32Value is the 24-bit value that to write to the descriptor. //! //! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write three-byte //! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and //! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are //! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures. //! //! \return Not a function. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB3Byte(ui32Value) (ui32Value & 0xff), \ ((ui32Value >> 8) & 0xff), \ ((ui32Value >> 16) & 0xff) //***************************************************************************** // //! Write a 32-bit value to a USB descriptor block. //! //! \param ui32Value is the 32-bit value that to write to the descriptor. //! //! This helper macro is used in descriptor definitions to write four-byte //! values. Since the configuration descriptor contains all interface and //! endpoint descriptors in a contiguous block of memory, these descriptors are //! typically defined using an array of bytes rather than as packed structures. //! //! \return Not a function. // //***************************************************************************** #define USBLong(ui32Value) (ui32Value & 0xff), \ ((ui32Value >> 8) & 0xff), \ ((ui32Value >> 16) & 0xff), \ ((ui32Value >> 24) & 0xff) //***************************************************************************** // //! Traverse to the next USB descriptor in a block. //! //! \param ptr points to the first byte of a descriptor in a block of //! USB descriptors. //! //! This macro aids in traversing lists of descriptors by returning a pointer //! to the next descriptor in the list given a pointer to the current one. //! //! \return Returns a pointer to the next descriptor in the block following //! \e ptr. //! //***************************************************************************** #define NEXT_USB_DESCRIPTOR(ptr) \ (tDescriptorHeader *)(((uint8_t *)(ptr)) + \ *((uint8_t *)(ptr))) //***************************************************************************** // // Return to default packing when using the IAR Embedded Workbench compiler. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef ewarm #pragma pack() #endif //***************************************************************************** // // Close the usbchap9_src Doxygen group. //! @} // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup device_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Function prototype for any standard USB request. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tStdRequest)(void *pvInstance, tUSBRequest *pUSBRequest); //***************************************************************************** // // Data callback for receiving data from an endpoint. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tInfoCallback)(void *pvInstance, uint32_t ui32Info); //***************************************************************************** // // Callback made to indicate that an interface alternate setting change has // occurred. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tInterfaceCallback)(void *pvInstance, uint8_t ui8InterfaceNum, uint8_t ui8AlternateSetting); //***************************************************************************** // // Generic interrupt handler callbacks. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tUSBIntHandler)(void *pvInstance); //***************************************************************************** // // Interrupt handler callbacks that have status information. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tUSBEPIntHandler)(void *pvInstance, uint32_t ui32Status); //***************************************************************************** // // Generic handler callbacks that are used when the callers needs to call into // an instance of class. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (* tUSBDeviceHandler)(void *pvInstance, uint32_t ui32Request, void *pvRequestData); //***************************************************************************** // //! USB event handler functions used during enumeration and operation of the //! device stack. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! This callback is made whenever the USB host requests a non-standard //! descriptor from the device. // tStdRequest pfnGetDescriptor; // //! This callback is made whenever the USB host makes a non-standard //! request. // tStdRequest pfnRequestHandler; // //! This callback is made in response to a SetInterface request from the //! host. // tInterfaceCallback pfnInterfaceChange; // //! This callback is made in response to a SetConfiguration request from //! the host. // tInfoCallback pfnConfigChange; // //! This callback is made when data has been received following to a call //! to USBDCDRequestDataEP0. // tInfoCallback pfnDataReceived; // //! This callback is made when data has been transmitted following a call //! to USBDCDSendDataEP0. // tInfoCallback pfnDataSent; // //! This callback is made when a USB reset is detected. // tUSBIntHandler pfnResetHandler; // //! This callback is made when the bus has been inactive long enough to //! trigger a suspend condition. // tUSBIntHandler pfnSuspendHandler; // //! This is called when resume signaling is detected. // tUSBIntHandler pfnResumeHandler; // //! This callback is made when the device is disconnected from the USB bus. // tUSBIntHandler pfnDisconnectHandler; // //! This callback is made to inform the device of activity on all endpoints //! other than endpoint zero. // tUSBEPIntHandler pfnEndpointHandler; // //! This generic handler is provided to allow requests based on //! a given instance to be passed into a device. This is commonly used //! by a top level composite device that is using multiple instances of //! a class. // tUSBDeviceHandler pfnDeviceHandler; } tCustomHandlers; //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure defines a contiguous block of data which contains a group //! of descriptors that form part of a configuration descriptor for a device. //! It is assumed that a config section contains only whole descriptors. It is //! not valid to split a single descriptor across multiple sections. //! //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The number of bytes of descriptor data pointed to by pui8Data. // uint16_t ui16Size; // //! A pointer to a block of data containing an integral number of //! USB descriptors which form part of a larger configuration descriptor. // const uint8_t *pui8Data; } tConfigSection; //***************************************************************************** // //! This is the top level structure defining a USB device configuration //! descriptor. A configuration descriptor contains a collection of device- //! specific descriptors in addition to the basic config, interface and //! endpoint descriptors. To allow flexibility in constructing the //! configuration, the descriptor is described in terms of a list of data //! blocks. The first block must contain the configuration descriptor itself //! and the following blocks are appended to this in order to produce the //! full descriptor sent to the host in response to a GetDescriptor request //! for the configuration descriptor. //! //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The number of sections comprising the full descriptor for this //! configuration. // uint8_t ui8NumSections; // //! A pointer to an array of ui8NumSections section pointers which must //! be concatenated to form the configuration descriptor. // const tConfigSection * const *psSections; } tConfigHeader; //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup general_usblib_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Predeclare of the DMA instance structure. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct tUSBDMAInstance tUSBDMAInstance; //***************************************************************************** // // USB descriptor parsing functions found in usbdesc.c // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! The USB_DESC_ANY label is used as a wild card in several of the descriptor //! parsing APIs to determine whether or not particular search criteria should //! be ignored. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_DESC_ANY 0xFFFFFFFF extern uint32_t USBDescGetNum(tDescriptorHeader *psDesc, uint32_t ui32Size, uint32_t ui32Type); extern tDescriptorHeader *USBDescGet(tDescriptorHeader *psDesc, uint32_t ui32Size, uint32_t ui32Type, uint32_t ui32Index); extern uint32_t USBDescGetNumAlternateInterfaces(tConfigDescriptor *psConfig, uint8_t ui8InterfaceNumber); extern tInterfaceDescriptor *USBDescGetInterface(tConfigDescriptor *psConfig, uint32_t ui32Index, uint32_t ui32AltCfg); extern tEndpointDescriptor * USBDescGetInterfaceEndpoint(tInterfaceDescriptor *psInterface, uint32_t ui32Index, uint32_t ui32Size); //***************************************************************************** // //! The operating mode required by the USB library client. This type is used //! by applications which wish to be able to switch between host and device //! modes by calling the USBStackModeSet() API. // //***************************************************************************** typedef enum { // //! Operate in USB device mode with active monitoring of VBUS and the //! ID pin must be pulled to a logic high value. // eUSBModeDevice = 0, // //! Operate in USB host mode with active monitoring of VBUS and the ID pin //! must be pulled to a logic low value. // eUSBModeHost, // //! Operate as an On-The-Go device which requires both VBUS and ID to be //! connected directly to the USB controller from the USB connector. // eUSBModeOTG, // //! A marker indicating that no USB mode has yet been set by the //! application. // eUSBModeNone, // //! Force host mode so that the VBUS and ID pins are not used or monitored //! by the USB controller. // eUSBModeForceHost, // //! Forcing device mode so that the VBUS and ID pins are not used or //! monitored by the USB controller. // eUSBModeForceDevice, } tUSBMode; //***************************************************************************** // // A pointer to a USB mode callback function. This function is called by the // USB library to indicate to the application which operating mode it should // use, host or device. // //***************************************************************************** typedef void (*tUSBModeCallback)(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBMode iMode); //***************************************************************************** // //! USB callback function. //! //! \param pvCBData is the callback pointer associated with the instance //! generating the callback. This is a value provided by the client during //! initialization of the instance making the callback. //! \param ui32Event is the identifier of the asynchronous event which is being //! notified to the client. //! \param ui32MsgParam is an event-specific parameter. //! \param pvMsgData is an event-specific data pointer. //! //! A function pointer provided to the USB layer by the application //! which will be called to notify it of all asynchronous events relating to //! data transmission or reception. This callback is used by device class //! drivers and host pipe functions. //! //! \return Returns an event-dependent value. // //***************************************************************************** typedef uint32_t (* tUSBCallback)(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgParam, void *pvMsgData); //***************************************************************************** // // Error sources reported via USB_EVENT_ERROR. // //***************************************************************************** // //! The host received an invalid PID in a transaction. // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_PID_ERROR \ 0x01000000 // //! The host did not receive a response from a device. // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_NOT_COMP 0x00100000 // //! The host received a stall on an IN endpoint. // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_STALL 0x00400000 // //! The host detected a CRC or bit-stuffing error (isochronous mode). // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_DATA_ERROR \ 0x00080000 // //! The host received NAK on an IN endpoint for longer than the specified //! timeout period (interrupt, bulk and control modes). // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_NAK_TO 0x00080000 // //! The host failed to communicate with a device via an IN endpoint. // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_ERROR 0x00040000 // //! The host receive FIFO is full. // #define USBERR_HOST_IN_FIFO_FULL \ 0x00020000 // //! The host received NAK on an OUT endpoint for longer than the specified //! timeout period (bulk, interrupt and control modes). // #define USBERR_HOST_OUT_NAK_TO 0x00000080 // //! The host did not receive a response from a device (isochronous mode). // #define USBERR_HOST_OUT_NOT_COMP \ 0x00000080 // //! The host received a stall on an OUT endpoint. // #define USBERR_HOST_OUT_STALL 0x00000020 // //! The host failed to communicate with a device via an OUT endpoint. // #define USBERR_HOST_OUT_ERROR 0x00000004 // //! The host received NAK on endpoint 0 for longer than the configured //! timeout. // #define USBERR_HOST_EP0_NAK_TO 0x00000080 // //! The host failed to communicate with a device via an endpoint zero. // #define USBERR_HOST_EP0_ERROR 0x00000010 // //! The device detected a CRC error in received data. // #define USBERR_DEV_RX_DATA_ERROR \ 0x00080000 // //! The device was unable to receive a packet from the host since the receive //! FIFO is full. // #define USBERR_DEV_RX_OVERRUN 0x00040000 // //! The device receive FIFO is full. // #define USBERR_DEV_RX_FIFO_FULL 0x00020000 //***************************************************************************** // // Close the general_usblib_api Doxygen group. //! @} // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup usblib_events //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! This structure is used to return generic event based information to an //! application. The following events are currently supported: //! USB_EVENT_CONNECTED, USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED, USB_EVENT_POWER_FAULT, //! USB_EVENT_POWER_FAULT, USB_EVENT_POWER_ENABLE, //! USB_EVENT_POWER_DISABLE and USB_EVENT_SOF. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! One of the USB_EVENT_ values. // uint32_t ui32Event; // //! The caller supplied instance value that is passed to event handlers. // uint32_t ui32Instance; } tEventInfo; //***************************************************************************** // // Base identifiers for groups of USB events. These are used by both the // device class drivers and host layer. // // USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE is the lowest identifier that should be used for // a class-specific event. Individual event bases are defined for each // of the supported device class drivers. Events with IDs between // USB_EVENT_BASE and USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE are reserved for stack use. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_EVENT_BASE 0x0000 #define USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE 0x8000 //***************************************************************************** // // Event base identifiers for the various device classes supported in host // and device modes. // The first 0x800 values of a range are reserved for the device specific // messages and the second 0x800 values of a range are used for the host // specific messages for a given class. // //***************************************************************************** #define USBD_CDC_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0) #define USBD_HID_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0x1000) #define USBD_HID_KEYB_EVENT_BASE \ (USBD_HID_EVENT_BASE + 0x100) #define USBD_BULK_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0x2000) #define USBD_MSC_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0x3000) #define USBD_AUDIO_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0x4000) #define USBD_DFU_EVENT_BASE (USB_CLASS_EVENT_BASE + 0x5000) #define USBH_CDC_EVENT_BASE (USBD_CDC_EVENT_BASE + 0x800) #define USBH_HID_EVENT_BASE (USBD_HID_EVENT_BASE + 0x800) #define USBH_BULK_EVENT_BASE (USBD_BULK_EVENT_BASE + 0x800) #define USBH_MSC_EVENT_BASE (USBD_MSC_EVENT_BASE + 0x800) #define USBH_AUDIO_EVENT_BASE (USBD_AUDIO_EVENT_BASE + 0x800) //***************************************************************************** // // General events supported by device classes and host pipes. // //***************************************************************************** // //! The device is now attached to a USB host and ready to begin sending //! and receiving data (used by device classes only). // #define USB_EVENT_CONNECTED (USB_EVENT_BASE + 0) // //! The device has been disconnected from the USB host (used by device classes //! only). //! //! \note In device mode, the USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED will not be reported if //! the MCU's PB1/USB0VBUS pin is connected to a fixed +5 Volts rather than //! directly to the VBUS pin on the USB connector. // #define USB_EVENT_DISCONNECTED (USB_EVENT_BASE + 1) // //! Data has been received and is in the buffer provided or is ready to be //! read from the FIFO. // #define USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE (USB_EVENT_BASE + 2) // //! This event is sent by a lower layer to inquire about the amount of //! unprocessed data buffered in the layers above. It is used in cases //! where a low level driver needs to ensure that all preceding data has //! been processed prior to performing some action or making some notification. //! Clients receiving this event should return the number of bytes of data //! that are unprocessed or 0 if no outstanding data remains. // #define USB_EVENT_DATA_REMAINING \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 3) // //! This event is sent by a lower layer supporting DMA to request a buffer in //! which the next received packet may be stored. The \e ui32MsgValue //! parameter indicates the maximum size of packet that can be received in this //! channel and \e pvMsgData points to storage which should be written with the //! returned buffer pointer. The return value from the callback should be the //! size of the buffer allocated (which may be less than the maximum size //! passed in \e ui32MsgValue if the client knows that fewer bytes are expected //! to be received) or 0 if no buffer is being returned. // #define USB_EVENT_REQUEST_BUFFER \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 4) // //! Data has been sent and acknowledged. If this event is received via the //! USB buffer callback, the \e ui32MsgValue parameter indicates the number of //! bytes from the transmit buffer that have been successfully transmitted //! and acknowledged. // #define USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE (USB_EVENT_BASE + 5) // //! An error has been reported on the channel or pipe. The \e ui32MsgValue //! parameter indicates the source(s) of the error and is the logical OR //! combination of "USBERR_" flags defined below. // #define USB_EVENT_ERROR (USB_EVENT_BASE + 6) // //! The bus has entered suspend state. // #define USB_EVENT_SUSPEND (USB_EVENT_BASE + 7) // //! The bus has left suspend state. // #define USB_EVENT_RESUME (USB_EVENT_BASE + 8) // //! A scheduler event has occurred. // #define USB_EVENT_SCHEDULER (USB_EVENT_BASE + 9) // //! A device or host has detected a stall condition. // #define USB_EVENT_STALL (USB_EVENT_BASE + 10) // //! The host detected a power fault condition. // #define USB_EVENT_POWER_FAULT (USB_EVENT_BASE + 11) // //! The controller has detected a A-Side cable and needs power applied This is //! only generated on OTG parts if automatic power control is disabled. // #define USB_EVENT_POWER_ENABLE (USB_EVENT_BASE + 12) // //! The controller needs power removed, This is only generated on OTG parts //! if automatic power control is disabled. // #define USB_EVENT_POWER_DISABLE (USB_EVENT_BASE + 13) // //! This define is used with a device class's pfnDeviceHandler handler function //! to indicate that the USB library has changed the interface number. This //! event is typically due to the class being included in a composite device. //! //! The \e pvInstance is a pointer to an instance of the device being accessed. //! //! The \e ui32Request is USB_EVENT_COMP_IFACE_CHANGE. //! //! The \e pvRequestData is a pointer to a two byte array where the first value //! is the old interface number and the second is the new interface number. // #define USB_EVENT_COMP_IFACE_CHANGE \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 14) // //! This define is used with a device class's pfnDeviceHandler handler function //! to indicate that the USB library has changed the endpoint number. This //! event is typically due to the class being included in a composite device. //! //! The \e pvInstance is a pointer to an instance of the device being accessed. //! //! The \e ui32Request is USB_EVENT_COMP_EP_CHANGE. //! //! The \e pvRequestData is a pointer to a two byte array where the first value //! is the old endpoint number and the second is the new endpoint number. The //! endpoint numbers should be exactly as USB specification defines them and //! bit 7 set indicates an IN endpoint and bit 7 clear indicates an OUT //! endpoint. // #define USB_EVENT_COMP_EP_CHANGE \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 15) // //! This define is used with a device class's pfnDeviceHandler handler function //! to indicate that the USB library has changed the string index number for a //! string. This event is typically due to the class being included in a //! composite device. //! //! The \e pvInstance is a pointer to an instance of the device being accessed. //! //! The \e ui32Request is USB_EVENT_COMP_STR_CHANGE. //! //! The \e pvRequestData is a pointer to a two byte array where the first value //! is the old string index and the second is the new string index. // #define USB_EVENT_COMP_STR_CHANGE \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 16) // //! This define is used with a device class's pfnDeviceHandler handler function //! to indicate that the USB library has changed the configuration descriptor. //! This allows the class to make final adjustments to the configuration //! descriptor. This event is typically due to the class being included in a //! composite device. //! //! The \e pvInstance is a pointer to an instance of the device being accessed. //! //! The \e ui32Request is USB_EVENT_COMP_CONFIG. //! //! The \e pvRequestData is a pointer to the beginning of the configuration //! descriptor for the device instance. // #define USB_EVENT_COMP_CONFIG (USB_EVENT_BASE + 17) // //! An unknown device is now attached to a USB host. This value is only valid //! for the generic event handler and not other device handlers. It is //! useful for applications that want to know when an unknown device is //! connected and what the class is of the unknown device. //! //! The \e ui32Instance is actually the class of the unsupported //! device that was connected. // #define USB_EVENT_UNKNOWN_CONNECTED \ (USB_EVENT_BASE + 18) // //! A start of frame event has occurred. This event is disabled by default //! and must be enabled via a call from the application to USBHCDEventEnable(). // #define USB_EVENT_SOF (USB_EVENT_BASE + 19) //***************************************************************************** // // Close the usblib_events Doxygen group. //! @} // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! \addtogroup usblib_buffer_api //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // //! A function pointer type which describes either a class driver packet read //! or packet write function (both have the same prototype) to the USB //! buffer object. // //***************************************************************************** typedef uint32_t (* tUSBPacketTransfer)(void *pvHandle, uint8_t *pi8Data, uint32_t ui32Length, bool bLast); //***************************************************************************** // //! A function pointer type which describes either a class driver transmit //! or receive packet available function (both have the same prototype) to the //! USB buffer object. // //***************************************************************************** typedef uint32_t (* tUSBPacketAvailable)(void *pvHandle); //***************************************************************************** // //! The number of bytes of workspace that each USB buffer object requires. //! This workspace memory is provided to the buffer on USBBufferInit() in //! the \e pvWorkspace field of the \e tUSBBuffer structure. // //***************************************************************************** #define USB_BUFFER_WORKSPACE_SIZE \ 24 //***************************************************************************** // //! The structure used by the application to initialize a buffer object that //! will provide buffered access to either a transmit or receive channel. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! This field sets the mode of the buffer. If true, the buffer //! operates as a transmit buffer and supports calls to USBBufferWrite //! by the client. If false, the buffer operates as a receive buffer //! and supports calls to USBBufferRead. // bool bTransmitBuffer; // //! A pointer to the callback function which will be called to notify //! the application of all asynchronous events related to the operation //! of the buffer. // tUSBCallback pfnCallback; // //! A pointer that the buffer will pass back to the client in the //! first parameter of all callbacks related to this instance. // void *pvCBData; // //! The function which should be called to transmit a packet of data //! in transmit mode or receive a packet in receive mode. // tUSBPacketTransfer pfnTransfer; // //! The function which should be called to determine if the endpoint is //! ready to accept a new packet for transmission in transmit mode or //! to determine the size of the buffer required to read a packet in //! receive mode. // tUSBPacketAvailable pfnAvailable; // //! The handle to pass to the low level function pointers //! provided in the pfnTransfer and pfnAvailable members. For USB device //! use, this is the psDevice parameter required by the relevant device //! class driver APIs. For USB host use, this is the pipe identifier //! returned by USBHCDPipeAlloc. // void *pvHandle; // //! A pointer to memory to be used as the ring buffer for this //! instance. // uint8_t *pui8Buffer; // //! The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by pi8Buffer. // uint32_t ui32BufferSize; // //! A pointer to USB_BUFFER_WORKSPACE_SIZE bytes of RAM that the buffer //! object can use for workspace. // void *pvWorkspace; } tUSBBuffer; //***************************************************************************** // //! The structure used for encapsulating all the items associated with a //! ring buffer. // //***************************************************************************** typedef struct { // //! The ring buffer size. // uint32_t ui32Size; // //! The ring buffer write index. // volatile uint32_t ui32WriteIndex; // //! The ring buffer read index. // volatile uint32_t ui32ReadIndex; // //! The ring buffer. // uint8_t *pui8Buf; } tUSBRingBufObject; //***************************************************************************** // // Close the Doxygen group. //! @} // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // USB buffer API function prototypes. // //***************************************************************************** extern const tUSBBuffer *USBBufferInit(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer); extern void USBBufferZeroLengthPacketInsert(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, bool bSendZLP); extern void USBBufferInfoGet(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, tUSBRingBufObject *psRingBuf); extern void *USBBufferCallbackDataSet(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, void *pvCBData); extern uint32_t USBBufferWrite(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, const uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Length); extern void USBBufferDataWritten(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Length); extern void USBBufferDataRemoved(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Length); extern void USBBufferFlush(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer); extern uint32_t USBBufferRead(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Length); extern uint32_t USBBufferDataAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer); extern uint32_t USBBufferSpaceAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer); extern uint32_t USBBufferEventCallback(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event, uint32_t ui32MsgValue, void *pvMsgData); extern bool USBRingBufFull(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern bool USBRingBufEmpty(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern void USBRingBufFlush(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint32_t USBRingBufUsed(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint32_t USBRingBufFree(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint32_t USBRingBufContigUsed(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint32_t USBRingBufContigFree(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint32_t USBRingBufSize(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern uint8_t USBRingBufReadOne(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf); extern void USBRingBufRead(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Length); extern void USBRingBufWriteOne(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint8_t ui8Data); extern void USBRingBufWrite(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, const uint8_t *pui8Data, uint32_t ui32Length); extern void USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint32_t ui32NumBytes); extern void USBRingBufAdvanceRead(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint32_t ui32NumBytes); extern void USBRingBufInit(tUSBRingBufObject *psUSBRingBuf, uint8_t *pui8Buf, uint32_t ui32Size); //***************************************************************************** // // Mode selection and dual mode interrupt steering functions. // //***************************************************************************** extern void USBStackModeSet(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBMode iUSBMode, tUSBModeCallback pfnCallback); extern void USBDualModeInit(uint32_t ui32Index); extern void USBDualModeTerm(uint32_t ui32Index); extern void USBOTGMain(uint32_t ui32MsTicks); extern void USBOTGPollRate(uint32_t ui32Index, uint32_t ui32PollRate); extern void USBOTGModeInit(uint32_t ui32Index, uint32_t ui32PollRate, void *pHostData, uint32_t ui32HostDataSize); extern void USBOTGModeTerm(uint32_t ui32Index); extern void USB0OTGModeIntHandler(void); extern void USB0DualModeIntHandler(void); //***************************************************************************** // // Mark the end of the C bindings section for C++ compilers. // //***************************************************************************** #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __USBLIB_H__