
576 lines
23 KiB

* @file stm32f30x_opamp.c
* @author MCD Application Team
* @version V1.2.3
* @date 10-July-2015
* @brief This file provides firmware functions to manage the following
* functionalities of the operational amplifiers (OPAMP1,...OPAMP4) peripheral:
* + OPAMP Configuration
* + OPAMP calibration
##### OPAMP Peripheral Features #####
The device integrates 4 operational amplifiers OPAMP1, OPAMP2, OPAMP3 and OPAMP4:
(+) The OPAMPs non inverting input can be selected among the list shown by
table below.
(+) The OPAMPs inverting input can be selected among the list shown by
table below.
(+) The OPAMPs outputs can be internally connected to the inverting input
(follower mode)
(+) The OPAMPs outputs can be internally connected to resistor feedback
output (Programmable Gain Amplifier mode)
(+) The OPAMPs outputs can be internally connected to ADC
(+) The OPAMPs can be calibrated to compensate the offset compensation
(+) Timer-controlled Mux for automatic switch of inverting and
non-inverting input
OPAMPs inverting/non-inverting inputs:
| | | OPAMP1 | OPAMP2 | OPAMP3 | OPAMP4 |
| | PGA | OK | OK | OK | OK |
| Inverting Input | Vout | OK | OK | OK | OK |
| | IO1 | PC5 | PC5 | PB10 | PB10 |
| | IO2 | PA3 | PA5 | PB2 | PD8 |
| | IO1 | PA7 | PD14 | PB13 | PD11 |
| Non Inverting | IO2 | PA5 | PB14 | PA5 | PB11 |
| Input | IO3 | PA3 | PB0 | PA1 | PA4 |
| | IO4 | PA1 | PA7 | PB0 | PB13 |
##### How to use this driver #####
This driver provides functions to configure and program the OPAMP
of all STM32F30x devices.
To use the OPAMP, perform the following steps:
(#) Enable the SYSCFG APB clock to get write access to OPAMP
register using RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_SYSCFG, ENABLE);
(#) Configure the OPAMP input in analog mode using GPIO_Init()
(#) Configure the OPAMP using OPAMP_Init() function:
(++) Select the inverting input
(++) Select the non-inverting inverting input
(#) Enable the OPAMP using OPAMP_Cmd() function
* @attention
* <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2015 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
* Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f30x_opamp.h"
/** @addtogroup STM32F30x_StdPeriph_Driver
* @{
/** @defgroup OPAMP
* @brief OPAMP driver modules
* @{
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
#define OPAMP_CSR_DEFAULT_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFFF93)
#define OPAMP_CSR_TIMERMUX_MASK ((uint32_t)0xFFFFF8FF)
#define OPAMP_CSR_TRIMMING_MASK ((uint32_t)0x0000001F)
/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
/* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/
/** @defgroup OPAMP_Private_Functions
* @{
/** @defgroup OPAMP_Group1 Initialization and Configuration functions
* @brief Initialization and Configuration functions
##### Initialization and Configuration functions #####
* @{
* @brief Deinitializes OPAMP peripheral registers to their default reset values.
* @note Deinitialization can't be performed if the OPAMP configuration is locked.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param None
* @retval None
void OPAMP_DeInit(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection)
/*!< Set OPAMP_CSR register to reset value */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) = ((uint32_t)0x00000000);
* @brief Initializes the OPAMP peripheral according to the specified parameters
* in OPAMP_InitStruct
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, initialization can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param OPAMP_InitStruct: pointer to an OPAMP_InitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the specified OPAMP peripheral.
* - OPAMP_InvertingInput specifies the inverting input of OPAMP
* - OPAMP_NonInvertingInput specifies the non inverting input of OPAMP
* @retval None
void OPAMP_Init(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, OPAMP_InitTypeDef* OPAMP_InitStruct)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/*!< Get the OPAMPx_CSR register value */
tmpreg = *(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection);
/*!< Clear the inverting and non inverting bits selection bits */
tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_DEFAULT_MASK);
/*!< Configure OPAMP: inverting and non inverting inputs */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_InvertingInput | OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_NonInvertingInput);
/*!< Write to OPAMPx_CSR register */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) = tmpreg;
* @brief Fills each OPAMP_InitStruct member with its default value.
* @param OPAMP_InitStruct: pointer to an OPAMP_InitTypeDef structure which will
* be initialized.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_StructInit(OPAMP_InitTypeDef* OPAMP_InitStruct)
OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_NonInvertingInput = OPAMP_NonInvertingInput_IO1;
OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_InvertingInput = OPAMP_InvertingInput_IO1;
* @brief Configure the feedback resistor gain.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, gain configuration can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the OPAMP peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_PGAConfig(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, uint32_t OPAMP_PGAGain, uint32_t OPAMP_PGAConnect)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Reset the configuration bits */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_PGGAIN);
/* Set the new configuration */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_PGAGain | OPAMP_PGAConnect);
* @brief Configure the OPAMP's internal reference.
* @note This feature is used when calibration enabled or OPAMP's reference
* connected to the non inverting input.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, Vref configuration can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param OPAMP_Vref: This parameter can be:
* OPAMP_Vref_3VDDA: OPMAP Vref = 3.3% VDDA
* OPAMP_Vref_10VDDA: OPMAP Vref = 10% VDDA
* OPAMP_Vref_50VDDA: OPMAP Vref = 50% VDDA
* OPAMP_Vref_90VDDA: OPMAP Vref = 90% VDDA
* @retval None
void OPAMP_VrefConfig(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, uint32_t OPAMP_Vref)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/*!< Get the OPAMPx_CSR register value */
tmpreg = *(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection);
/*!< Clear the CALSEL bits */
tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (~OPAMP_CSR_CALSEL);
/*!< Configure OPAMP reference */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(OPAMP_Vref);
/*!< Write to OPAMPx_CSR register */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) = tmpreg;
* @brief Connect the internal reference to the OPAMP's non inverting input.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, Vref configuration can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the OPAMP peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_VrefConnectNonInvertingInput(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Connect the internal reference to the OPAMP's non inverting input */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_FORCEVP);
/* Disconnect the internal reference to the OPAMP's non inverting input */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_FORCEVP);
* @brief Enables or disables connecting the OPAMP's internal reference to ADC.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, Vref connection can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param NewState: new state of the Vrefint output.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_VrefConnectADCCmd(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable output internal reference */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_TSTREF);
/* Disable output internal reference */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_TSTREF);
* @brief Configure the OPAMP peripheral (secondary inputs) for timer-controlled
* mux mode according to the specified parameters in OPAMP_InitStruct.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, timer-controlled mux configuration
* can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param OPAMP_InitStruct: pointer to an OPAMP_InitTypeDef structure that contains
* the configuration information for the specified OPAMP peripheral.
* - OPAMP_InvertingInput specifies the inverting input of OPAMP
* - OPAMP_NonInvertingInput specifies the non inverting input of OPAMP
* @note PGA and Vout can't be selected as secondary inverting input.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_TimerControlledMuxConfig(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, OPAMP_InitTypeDef* OPAMP_InitStruct)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/*!< Get the OPAMPx_CSR register value */
tmpreg = *(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection);
/*!< Clear the secondary inverting bit, secondary non inverting bit and TCMEN bits */
tmpreg &= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_TIMERMUX_MASK);
/*!< Configure OPAMP: secondary inverting and non inverting inputs */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)((uint32_t)(OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_InvertingInput<<3) | (uint32_t)(OPAMP_InitStruct->OPAMP_NonInvertingInput<<7));
/*!< Write to OPAMPx_CSR register */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) = tmpreg;
* @brief Enable or disable the timer-controlled mux mode.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, enable/disable can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the OPAMP peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_TimerControlledMuxCmd(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the timer-controlled Mux mode */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_TCMEN);
/* Disable the timer-controlled Mux mode */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_TCMEN);
* @brief Enable or disable the OPAMP peripheral.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, enable/disable can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the OPAMP peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_Cmd(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Enable the selected OPAMPx peripheral */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_OPAMPxEN);
/* Disable the selected OPAMPx peripheral */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_OPAMPxEN);
* @brief Return the output level (high or low) during calibration of the selected OPAMP.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* - OPAMP output is low when the non-inverting input is at a lower
* voltage than the inverting input
* - OPAMP output is high when the non-inverting input is at a higher
* voltage than the inverting input
* @note OPAMP output level is provided only during calibration phase.
* @retval Returns the selected OPAMP output level: low or high.
uint32_t OPAMP_GetOutputLevel(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection)
uint32_t opampout = 0x0;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check if selected OPAMP output is high */
if ((*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) & (OPAMP_CSR_OUTCAL)) != 0)
opampout = OPAMP_OutputLevel_High;
opampout = OPAMP_OutputLevel_Low;
/* Return the OPAMP output level */
return (uint32_t)(opampout);
* @brief Select the trimming mode.
* @param OffsetTrimming: the selected offset trimming mode.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg OPAMP_Trimming_Factory: factory trimming values are used for offset
* calibration
* @arg OPAMP_Trimming_User: user trimming values are used for offset
* calibration
* @note When OffsetTrimming_User is selected, use OPAMP_OffsetTrimConfig()
* function or OPAMP_OffsetTrimLowPowerConfig() function to adjust
* trimming value.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_OffsetTrimModeSelect(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, uint32_t OPAMP_Trimming)
/* Check the parameters */
/* Reset USERTRIM bit */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (~(uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_USERTRIM));
/* Select trimming mode */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= OPAMP_Trimming;
* @brief Configure the trimming value of the OPAMP.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param OPAMP_Input: the selected OPAMP input.
* This parameter can be one of the following values:
* @arg OPAMP_Input_Inverting: Inverting input is selected to configure the trimming value
* @arg OPAMP_Input_NonInverting: Non inverting input is selected to configure the trimming value
* @param OPAMP_TrimValue: the trimming value. This parameter can be any value lower
* or equal to 0x0000001F.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_OffsetTrimConfig(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, uint32_t OPAMP_Input, uint32_t OPAMP_TrimValue)
uint32_t tmpreg = 0;
/* Check the parameters */
/*!< Get the OPAMPx_CSR register value */
tmpreg = *(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection);
/*!< Clear the trimming bits */
tmpreg &= ((uint32_t)~(OPAMP_CSR_TRIMMING_MASK<<OPAMP_Input));
/*!< Configure the new trimming value */
tmpreg |= (uint32_t)(OPAMP_TrimValue<<OPAMP_Input);
/*!< Write to OPAMPx_CSR register */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) = tmpreg;
* @brief Start or stop the calibration of selected OPAMP peripheral.
* @note If the selected OPAMP is locked, start/stop can't be performed.
* To unlock the configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @param NewState: new state of the OPAMP peripheral.
* This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_StartCalibration(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection, FunctionalState NewState)
/* Check the parameters */
if (NewState != DISABLE)
/* Start the OPAMPx calibration */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_CALON);
/* Stop the OPAMPx calibration */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) &= (uint32_t)(~OPAMP_CSR_CALON);
* @}
/** @defgroup OPAMP_Group2 OPAMP configuration locking function
* @brief OPAMP1,...OPAMP4 configuration locking function
* OPAMP1,...OPAMP4 configuration can be locked each separately.
* Unlocking is performed by system reset.
##### Configuration Lock function #####
* @{
* @brief Lock the selected OPAMP configuration.
* @note Locking the configuration means that all control bits are read-only.
* To unlock the OPAMP configuration, perform a system reset.
* @param OPAMP_Selection: the selected OPAMP.
* This parameter can be OPAMP_Selection_OPAMPx where x can be 1 to 4
* to select the OPAMP peripheral.
* @retval None
void OPAMP_LockConfig(uint32_t OPAMP_Selection)
/* Check the parameter */
/* Set the lock bit corresponding to selected OPAMP */
*(__IO uint32_t *) (OPAMP_BASE + OPAMP_Selection) |= (uint32_t) (OPAMP_CSR_LOCK);
* @}
/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/