
146 lines
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================ Revision history ============================================
- Added Tiny Gecko and Giant Gecko support in RMU for new reset causes
- CMU_ClockFreqGet will now report correct clock rates if HFLE is set (/4)
- Added Giant Gecko specific MSC_MassErase(), erase entire flash
- Added Giant Gecko specific MSC_BusStrategy (inline) function
- MSC_Init() will now configure TIMEBASE correctly according to AUXHFRCO clock
rate for Tiny Gecko and Giant Gecko
- USART - Added USART_InitPrsTrigger to initialize USART PRS triggered
- CMU - numerous updates, now supports full clock tree of Giant/Tiny Gecko
- CMU_ClockDivSet/Get will now use real dividend and not logarithmic values
as earlier. Prior enumerated values have been kept for backward compatibility.
- Added support for CMU HFLE and DIV4 factor for core clock for LE
- Added support for alternate LCD segment animation range for Giant Gecko
- Fixed bug: Don't enable VCMP low power reference until after warm up,
allow biasprog value of 0 in VCMP_Init()
- Added support for ALTMAP (256MB address map) in EBI_BankAddress()
- TIMER_Init() will now reset CNT value
- Added DAC0 channel 0 and 1 to ACMP for Tiny and Giant devices
- Fixed bug in CMU for MSC WAITSTATE configuration, leading to too high wait
states depending on clock rate
- Fixed bug in CMU for UART1 clock enable
- UART_Reset() and LEUART_Reset() will now reset ROUTE register as well, this
will mean GPIO pins will not be driven after this call. Take care to ensure
that GPIO ROUTE register is configured after calls to *UART_Init*Sync
- Fixed problems with EFM_ASSERT when using UART in USART API
- Added Giant Gecko support for EBI (new modes and TFT direct drive)
- Added Giant Gecko support for CMU 2 WAIT STATES, and I2C1
- Added Giant Gecko support for UART1 in CMU
- Added Giant Gecko support for DMA LOOP and 2D Copy operations
- EMU_Restore will now disable HFRCO if it was not enabled when entering
an Energy Mode
- Run time changes only applies to Gecko devices, filter out Tiny and Giant
for CHIP_Init();
- Added const specificers to various initialization structures, to ensure
they can reside in flash instead of SRAM
- Bugfix in efm32_i2c.c, keep returning i2cTransferInProgress until done
- Changed enum OPAMP_PosSel_TypeDef. Enum value opaPosSelOpaIn changed from
- Bugfix in efm32_lesense.h, LESENSE_ChClk_TypeDef now contains unshifted
values, fixed the implementation in efm32_lesense.c where the bug prevented
the sampleClk to be set to AUXHFRCO.
- USART_Init-functions now calls USART_Reset() which will also disable/reset
- USART_BaudrateSyncSet() now asserts on invalid oversample configuration
- Added initialization of parity bit in LEUART_Init()
- Added Tiny Gecko support for CMU, ULFRCO, LESENSE clocks and continuous
- Added Tiny Gecko support for GPIO, EM4 pin retention and wake up support
- Added Tiny Gecko support for I2S, SPI auto TX mode on USART
- Added Tiny Gecko support for CACHE mesasurements for MSC module
- Added Tiny Gecko support for LCD module (with no HIGH segment registers)
- Added Tiny Gecko support for TIMER, PWM 2x, (DT lock not supported)
- Added Tiny Gecko support for LESENSE module
- Added Tiny Gecko support for PRS input in PCNT
- Added Tiny Gecko support for async signals in PRS, PRS_SourceAsyncSignalSet()
- Initial support for some Giant Gecko features, where overlapping with Tiny
- Removed LPFEN / LPFREQ support from DAC
- Fixed comments around interrupt functions, making it clear it is bitwise
logical or interrupt flags
- Fixed PCNT initialization for external clock configurations, making sure
config is synchronized at startup to 3 clocks. Note fix only works for
>revC EFM32G devices.
- Fixed efm32_cmu.c, EFM_ASSERT statement for LEUART clock div logic was
- Fixed ADC_InitScan, PRSSEL shift value corrected
- Fixed CMU_ClockFreqGet for devices that do not have I2C
- Fixed I2C_TransferInit for devices with more than one I2C-bus (Giant Gecko)
- Changed ACMP_Disable() implementation, now only disables the ACMP instance
by clearing the EN bit in the CTRL register
- Removed ACMP_DisableNoReset() function
- Fixed ACMP_Init(), removed automatic enabling, added new structure member
"enaReq" for ACMP_Init_TypeDef to control, fixed the EFM_ASSERT of the
biasprog parameter
- Added default configuration macro ACMP_INIT_DEFAULT for ACMP_Init_TypeDef
- Fixed ACMP_CapsenseInit(), removed automatic enabling, added new structure member
"enaReq" for ACMP_CapsenseInit_TypeDef to control, fixed the EFM_ASSERT of
the biasprog parameter
- Changed the name of the default configuration macro for
- Added RTC_Reset and RTC_CounterReset functions for RTC
- MSC is automatically enabled/disabled when using the MSC API. This saves
power, and reduces errors due to not calling MSC_Init().
- Added API for controlling Cortex-M3 MPU (memory protection unit)
- Adjusted bit fields to comply with latest CMSIS release, see EFM_CMSIS
changes file for details
- Fixed issue with bit mask clearing in ACMP
- Functions ACMP_Enable and ACMP_DisableNoReset added
- Added comment about rev.C chips in PCNT, CMD_LTOPBIM not neccessary any more
- Added missing instance validity asserts to peripherals (ACMP, LEUART, USART)
- Fixed UART0 check in CMU_ClockFreqGet()
- Fixed command sync for PCNT before setting TOPB value during init
- Fixed instance validity check macro in PCNT
- Fixed TIMER_Reset() removed write to unimplemented timer channel registers
- Fixed EFM_ASSERT statements in ACMP, VCMP
- General code style update: added missing curly braces, default cases, etc.
- Feature complete efm32lib, now also includes peripheral API for modules
- Fixed _TIMER_CC_CTRL_ICEDGE flags for correct timer configuration
- Fixed ADC calibration of Single and Scan mode of operation
- Added PCNT (ChipRev A/B PCNT0 errata NOT supported) and AES support
- Fixed conditional inclusion in efm32_emu.h
- Fixed code for LEUART0 for devices with multiple LEUARTs.
- Fixed incorrect setting of DOUT for GPIO configuration
- Added ADC, DAC, LETIMER, PRS, TIMER (except DTI) support
- Added utility for fetching chip revision (efm32_system.c/h)
- Removed RTC instance ref in API, only one RTC will be supported
(Affects also define in efm32_cmu.h)
- Added default init struct macros for LEUART, USART
- Added msbf parameter in USART synchronous init struct, USART_InitSync_TypeDef.
- Updated reset for I2C, USART, LEUART to also reset IEN register.
- Corrected fault in GPIO_PortOutSet()
- Corrected minor issues in EMU, EM3 mode when restoring clocks
- Corrected RMU reset cause checking
- Changed GPIO enumerator symbols to start with gpio (from GPIO_)
- Changed CMU and WDOG enum typedefs to start with CMU_/WDOG_ (from cmu/wdog)
- Added USART/UART, LEUART, DMA, I2C support
- First version including support for CMU, DBG, EMU, GPIO, RTC, WDOG