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// usbbuffer.c - USB buffer object.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 1.1 of the Tiva USB Library.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "driverlib/debug.h"
#include "usblib/usblib.h"
#include "usblib/usblibpriv.h"
//! \addtogroup usblib_buffer_api
//! @{
// Workspace variables required by each buffer instance. This structure is
// overlaid on the pvWorkspace memory provided in the tUSBBuffer structure
// passed to USBBufferInit().
typedef struct
tUSBRingBufObject sRingBuf;
uint32_t ui32LastSent;
uint32_t ui32Flags;
// Flags which may be set in the tUSBBufferVars ui32Flags field.
#define USB_BUFFER_FLAG_SEND_ZLP 0x00000001
// Schedule the next packet transmission to the host if data remains to be
// sent.
// \param psBuffer points to the buffer from which a packet transmission is
// to be scheduled.
// This function checks to determine whether the lower layer is capable of
// accepting a new packet for transmission and, if so, schedules the next
// packet transmission if data remains in the buffer.
// \return None.
static void
ScheduleNextTransmission(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
uint32_t ui32Packet, ui32Space, ui32Total, ui32Sent;
// Get a pointer to our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Ask the lower layer if it has space to accept another packet of data.
ui32Packet = psBuffer->pfnAvailable(psBuffer->pvHandle);
// If we were returned something other than zero, we can write that number
// of bytes to the lower layer.
// How much contiguous data do we have in the buffer?
ui32Space = USBRingBufContigUsed(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// How much total data do we have in the buffer?
ui32Total = USBRingBufUsed(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// How much data will we be sending as a result of this call?
ui32Sent = (ui32Packet < ui32Total) ? ui32Packet : ui32Total;
// Write the contiguous bytes to the lower layer assuming there is
// something to send.
// There is data available to send. Update our state to indicate
// the amount we will be sending in this packet.
psBufVars->ui32LastSent = ui32Sent;
// Determine the maximum sized block we can send in this transfer.
ui32Space = (ui32Space < ui32Packet) ? ui32Space : ui32Packet;
// Call the lower layer to send the new packet. If the current
// data spans the buffer wrap, tell the lower layer that it can
// expect a second call to fill the whole packet before it
// transmits it.
(psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf +
(((ui32Space < ui32Packet) &&
(ui32Space < ui32Total)) ? false : true));
// Do we need to send a second part to fill out the packet? This
// will occur if the current packet spans the buffer wrap.
if((ui32Space < ui32Packet) && (ui32Space < ui32Total))
// The packet straddled the wrap. How much space remains in
// the packet?
ui32Packet -= ui32Space;
// How much data can we actually send?
ui32Space = ui32Total - ui32Space;
ui32Space = (ui32Space > ui32Packet) ? ui32Packet : ui32Space;
psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf, ui32Space,
// There is no data to send. Did we last send a full packet?
if(psBufVars->ui32LastSent == ui32Packet)
// Yes - if necessary, send a zero-length packet back to the
// host to complete the last transaction.
if(psBufVars->ui32Flags & USB_BUFFER_FLAG_SEND_ZLP)
psBufVars->ui32LastSent = 0;
psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf, 0,
// Don't update the ring buffer read index yet. We do this once we are
// sure the packet was correctly transmitted.
// Handles USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE for a receive buffer.
// \param psBuffer points to the buffer which is receiving the event.
// \param ui32Size is the size reported in the event.
// \param pui8Data is the pointer provided in the event.
// This function is responsible for reading data from the lower layer into
// the buffer or, if we had previously passed a section of the buffer to the
// lower layer for it to write into directly, updating the buffer write pointer
// to add the new data to the buffer.
// If the pointer provided is NULL, we call the low level pfnTransfer function
// to get the new data. If the pointer is not NULL and not within the existing
// ring buffer, we copy the data directly from the pointer to the buffer and
// return the number of bytes read.
// \return Returns the number of bytes read from the lower layer.
static uint32_t
HandleRxAvailable(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Size, uint8_t *pui8Data)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
uint32_t ui32Avail, ui32Read, ui32Packet, ui32RetCount;
// Get a pointer to our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Has the data already been read into memory?
// Yes - is it already in our ring buffer?
if((pui8Data >= psBuffer->pui8Buffer) &&
(pui8Data < psBuffer->pui8Buffer + psBuffer->ui32BufferSize))
// The data is already in our ring buffer so merely update the
// write pointer to add the new data.
USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Size);
// In this case, we pass back 0 to indicate that the lower layer
// doesn't need to make any buffer pointer updates.
ui32RetCount = 0;
// The data is not within our buffer so we need to copy it into
// the buffer.
// How much space does the buffer have available?
ui32Avail = USBRingBufFree(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// How much should we copy?
ui32Read = (ui32Avail < ui32Size) ? ui32Avail : ui32Size;
// Copy the data into the buffer.
USBRingBufWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, pui8Data, ui32Read);
// We need to return the number of bytes we read in this case
// since the buffer supplied to us was owned by the lower layer and
// it may need to update its read pointer.
ui32RetCount = ui32Read;
// We were passed a NULL pointer so the low level driver has not read
// the data into memory yet. We need to call the transfer function to
// get the packet.
// How big is the packet that we need to receive?
ui32Packet = psBuffer->pfnAvailable(psBuffer->pvHandle);
// How much contiguous space do we have in the buffer?
ui32Avail = USBRingBufContigFree(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// Get as much of the packet as we can in the available space.
ui32Read = psBuffer->pfnTransfer(psBuffer->pvHandle,
(psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf +
ui32Avail, true);
// Advance the ring buffer write pointer to add our new data.
USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Read);
// Did we get the whole packet?
if(ui32Read < ui32Packet)
// No - how much space do we have in the buffer?
ui32Avail = USBRingBufContigFree(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// If there is any space left, read as much of the remainder of
// the packet as we can.
ui32Packet =
(psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf +
ui32Avail, true);
// Update the write pointer after we read more data into the
// buffer.
USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Packet);
// We need to return 0 in this case to indicate that the lower layer
// need not perform any buffer maintenance as a result of the callback.
ui32RetCount = 0;
// How much data do we have in the buffer?
ui32Avail = USBRingBufUsed(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// Pass the event on to the client with the current read pointer and
// available data size. The client is expected to understand the ring
// structure and be able to deal with wrap if it wants to read the data
// directly from the buffer.
ui32Read = psBuffer->pfnCallback(psBuffer->pvCBData,
(psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf +
// If the client read anything from the buffer, update the read pointer.
USBRingBufAdvanceRead(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Read);
// Return the correct value to the low level driver.
// Handles USB_EVENT_DATA_REMAINING for a receive buffer.
// \param psBuffer points to the buffer which is receiving the event.
// This function determines the total number of bytes of data that remain
// unprocessed in the client and buffer and reports this back to the caller.
// \return Returns the number of bytes remaining to be processed.
static uint32_t
HandleDataRemaining(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
uint32_t ui32BufData, ui32ClientData;
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Get a pointer to our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// How much data does the client currently have buffered?
ui32ClientData = psBuffer->pfnCallback(psBuffer->pvCBData,
(void *)0);
// How much data do we have in the buffer?
ui32BufData = USBRingBufUsed(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// Return the total number of bytes of unprocessed data to the lower layer.
return(ui32BufData + ui32ClientData);
// Handles USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE for a transmit buffer.
// \param psBuffer points to the buffer which is receiving the event.
// \param ui32Size is the number of bytes that have been transmitted and
// acknowledged.
// This function informs us that data written to the lower layer from a
// transmit buffer has been successfully transmitted. We use this to update
// the buffer read pointer and attempt to schedule the next transmission if
// data remains in the buffer.
// \return Returns the number of bytes remaining to be processed.
static uint32_t
HandleTxComplete(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Size)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Get a pointer to our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Update the transmit buffer read pointer to remove the data that has
// now been transmitted.
USBRingBufAdvanceRead(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Size);
// Try to schedule the next packet transmission if data remains to be
// sent.
// The return code from this event is ignored.
// Handles USB_EVENT_REQUEST_BUFFER for a receive buffer.
// \param psBuffer points to the buffer which is receiving the event.
// \param ui32Size is the size of the buffer requested.
// \param ppui8Buffer is a pointer which is to be written with a pointer to
// the returned buffer.
// This function is called by a low level driver that wishes to receive data
// automatically and write it directly to a memory buffer, either using
// software or DMA prior to issuing USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE. The event is sent
// in advance of receiving data to provide storage for whatever is received
// next.
// If we have a contiguous block of space in the buffer of at least ui32Size
// bytes immediately in front of the current write pointer, we pass this back
// otherwise we send NULL indicating that the next packet should be notified
// using a standard USB_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE event without being received
// automatically. Note that the USB_EVENT_REQUEST_BUFFER protocol allows us to
// return less than \e ui32Size bytes if we know how much data is expected next
// but this is not possible here since the USBBuffer knows nothing about the
// protocol whose data it is handling.
// \return Returns the number of bytes remaining to be processed.
static uint32_t
HandleRequestBuffer(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Size,
uint8_t **ppui8Buffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
uint32_t ui32Space;
// Get a pointer to our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// How much contiguous space do we have available?
ui32Space = USBRingBufContigFree(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// Is there enough space available to satisfy the request?
if(ui32Space >= ui32Size)
// Yes - return the current write pointer
*ppui8Buffer = psBufVars->sRingBuf.pui8Buf +
// We do not have enough contiguous space following the current write
// pointer to satisfy the request so do not provide a buffer.
*ppui8Buffer = (uint8_t *)0;
//! Initializes a USB buffer object to be used with a given USB controller and
//! device or host class driver.
//! \param psBuffer points to a structure containing information on the buffer
//! memory to be used and the underlying device or host class driver whose data
//! is to be buffered. This structure must remain accessible for as long as
//! the buffer is in use.
//! This function is used to initialize a USB buffer object and insert it
//! into the function and callback interfaces between an underlying driver
//! and the application. The caller supplies information on both the RAM
//! to be used to buffer data, the type of buffer to be created (transmit or
//! receive) and the functions to be called in the lower layer to transfer
//! data to or from the USB controller.
//! \return Returns the original buffer structure pointer if successful or
//! NULL if an error is detected.
const tUSBBuffer *
USBBufferInit(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
ASSERT(psBuffer && psBuffer->pvWorkspace && psBuffer->pui8Buffer &&
psBuffer->ui32BufferSize && psBuffer->pfnAvailable &&
psBuffer->pfnTransfer && psBuffer->pfnCallback);
// Get a pointer to the buffer workspace and initialize the variables it
// contains.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
psBufVars->ui32Flags = 0;
USBRingBufInit(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, psBuffer->pui8Buffer,
// If all is well, return the same pointer we were originally passed.
//! Enables or disables zero-length packet insertion.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance whose information
//! is being queried.
//! \param bSendZLP is \b true to send zero-length packets or \b false to
//! prevent them from being sent.
//! This function allows the use of zero-length packets to be controlled by
//! an application. In cases where the USB buffer has sent a full (64 byte)
//! packet and then discovers that the transmit buffer is empty, the default
//! behavior is to do nothing. Some protocols, however, require that a zero-
//! length packet be inserted to signal the end of the data. When using such
//! a protocol, this function should be called with \e bSendZLP set to \b true
//! to enable the desired behavior.
//! \return None.
USBBufferZeroLengthPacketInsert(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, bool bSendZLP)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Set the flag telling us whether or not to send a zero-length packet
// after sending a 64 bytes packet and finding no more data to send.
// Enable ZLP transmission.
psBufVars->ui32Flags |= USB_BUFFER_FLAG_SEND_ZLP;
// Disable ZLP transmission.
psBufVars->ui32Flags &= ~ USB_BUFFER_FLAG_SEND_ZLP;
//! Returns the current ring buffer indices for this USB buffer.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance whose information
//! is being queried.
//! \param psRingBuf is a pointer to storage that will be written with the
//! current ring buffer control structure for this USB buffer.
//! This function is provided to aid a client wishing to write data directly
//! into the USB buffer rather than using the USBBufferWrite() function. This
//! may be necessary to control when the USBBuffer starts transmission of a
//! large block of data, for example.
//! A transmit buffer will immediately send a new packet on any call to
//! USBBufferWrite() if the underlying layer indicates that a transmission can
//! be started. In some cases this is not desirable and a client may wish to
//! wishes to write more data to the buffer in advance of starting transmission
//! to the lower layer. In such cases, this function may be called to retrieve
//! the current ring buffer indices and the buffer accessed directly. Once the
//! client has written all data it wishes to send, it should call function
//! USBBufferDataWritten() to indicate that transmission may begin.
//! \return None.
USBBufferInfoGet(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, tUSBRingBufObject *psRingBuf)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
ASSERT(psBuffer && psRingBuf);
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Copy the current ring buffer settings to the clients storage.
*psRingBuf = psBufVars->sRingBuf;
//! Indicates that a client has written data directly into the buffer and
//! wishes to start transmission.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance into which data has
//! been written.
//! \param ui32Length is the number of bytes of data that the client has
//! written.
//! This function updates the USB buffer write pointer and starts transmission
//! of the data in the buffer assuming the lower layer is ready to receive a
//! new packet. The function is provided to aid a client wishing to write
//! data directly into the USB buffer rather than using the USBBufferWrite()
//! function. This may be necessary to control when the USB buffer starts
//! transmission of a large block of data, for example.
//! A transmit buffer will immediately send a new packet on any call to
//! USBBufferWrite() if the underlying layer indicates that a transmission can
//! be started. In some cases this is not desirable and a client may wish to
//! write more data to the buffer in advance of starting transmission
//! to the lower layer. In such cases, USBBufferInfoGet() may be called to
//! retrieve the current ring buffer indices and the buffer accessed directly.
//! Once the client has written all data it wishes to send (taking care to
//! handle the ring buffer wrap), it should call this function to indicate that
//! transmission may begin.
//! \return None.
USBBufferDataWritten(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Length)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Advance the ring buffer write pointer to include the newly written
// data.
USBRingBufAdvanceWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Length);
// Try to schedule a new packet transmission.
//! Indicates that a client has read data directly out of the buffer.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance from which data has
//! been read.
//! \param ui32Length is the number of bytes of data that the client has read.
//! This function updates the USB buffer read pointer to remove data that
//! the client has read directly rather than via a call to USBBufferRead().
//! The function is provided to aid a client wishing to minimize data copying.
//! To read directly from the buffer, a client must call USBBufferInfoGet() to
//! retrieve the current buffer inpsBufVarsdices. With this information, the
//! data following the current read index can be read. Once the client has
//! processed much data as it needs, USBBufferDataRemoved() must be called to
//! advance the read pointer past the data that has been read and free up that
//! section of the buffer. The client must take care to correctly handle the
//! wrap point if accessing the buffer directly.
//! \return None.
USBBufferDataRemoved(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint32_t ui32Length)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Advance the ring buffer write pointer to include the newly written
// data.
USBRingBufAdvanceRead(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, ui32Length);
//! Sets the callback pointer supplied to clients of this buffer.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance whose callback data
//! is to be changed.
//! \param pvCBData is the pointer the client wishes to receive on all future
//! callbacks from this buffer.
//! This function sets the callback pointer which this buffer will supply
//! to clients as the \e pvCBData parameter in all future calls to the
//! event callback.
//! \note If this function is to be used, the application must ensure that the
//! tUSBBuffer structure used to describe this buffer is held in RAM rather
//! than flash. The \e pvCBData value passed is written directly into this
//! structure.
//! \return Returns the previous callback pointer set for the buffer.
void *
USBBufferCallbackDataSet(tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, void *pvCBData)
void *pvOldData;
// Keep a copy of the old callback data.
pvOldData = psBuffer->pvCBData;
// Replace the callback data with the new value.
psBuffer->pvCBData = pvCBData;
// Give the caller the old value back.
//! Writes a block of data to the transmit buffer and queues it for
//! transmission to the USB controller.
//! \param psBuffer points to the pointer instance into which data is to be
//! written.
//! \param pui8Data points to the first byte of data which is to be written.
//! \param ui32Length is the number of bytes of data to write to the buffer.
//! This function copies the supplied data into the transmit buffer. The
//! transmit buffer data will be packetized according to the constraints
//! imposed by the lower layer in use and sent to the USB controller as soon as
//! possible. Once a packet is transmitted and acknowledged, a
//! \b USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE event will be sent to the application callback
//! indicating the number of bytes that have been sent from the buffer.
//! Attempts to send more data than there is space for in the transmit buffer
//! will result in fewer bytes than expected being written. The value returned
//! by the function indicates the actual number of bytes copied to the buffer.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes actually written.
USBBufferWrite(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, const uint8_t *pui8Data,
uint32_t ui32Length)
uint32_t ui32Space;
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
ASSERT(psBuffer && pui8Data);
ASSERT(psBuffer->bTransmitBuffer == true);
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// How much space is left in the buffer?
ui32Space = USBRingBufFree(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// How many bytes will we write?
ui32Length = (ui32Length > ui32Space) ? ui32Space : ui32Length;
// Write the data to the buffer.
USBRingBufWrite(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, pui8Data, ui32Length);
// Try to transmit the next packet to the host.
// Tell the caller how many bytes we wrote to the buffer.
//! Flushes a USB buffer, discarding any data that it contains.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance which is to be
//! flushed.
//! This function discards all data currently in the supplied buffer without
//! processing (transmitting it via the USB controller or passing it to the
//! client depending upon the buffer mode).
//! \return None.
USBBufferFlush(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Flush the ring buffer.
//! Reads a block of data from a USB receive buffer into storage supplied by
//! the caller.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance from which data is
//! to be read.
//! \param pui8Data points to a buffer into which the received data will be
//! written.
//! \param ui32Length is the size of the buffer pointed to by pui8Data.
//! This function reads up to \e ui32Length bytes of data received from the USB
//! host into the supplied application buffer. If the receive buffer
//! contains fewer than \e ui32Length bytes of data, the data that is present
//! will be copied and the return code will indicate the actual number of bytes
//! copied to \e pui8Data.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes of data read.
USBBufferRead(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer, uint8_t *pui8Data,
uint32_t ui32Length)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
uint32_t ui32Avail, ui32Read;
// Check parameter validity.
ASSERT(psBuffer && pui8Data && ui32Length);
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// How much data is in the buffer?
ui32Avail = USBRingBufUsed(&psBufVars->sRingBuf);
// Determine how many bytes we can actually read.
ui32Read = (ui32Avail < ui32Length) ? ui32Avail : ui32Length;
// Read the data from the buffer assuming there is some to read.
USBRingBufRead(&psBufVars->sRingBuf, pui8Data, ui32Read);
// Tell the caller how many bytes we wrote to their buffer.
//! Returns the number of bytes of data available in the buffer.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance which is to be
//! queried.
//! This function may be used to determine the number of bytes of data in a
//! buffer. For a receive buffer, this indicates the number of bytes that the
//! client can read from the buffer using USBBufferRead(). For a transmit
//! buffer, this indicates the amount of data that remains to be sent to the
//! USB controller.
//! \return Returns the number of bytes of data in the buffer.
USBBufferDataAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Return the amount of data in the buffer.
//! Returns the number of free bytes in the buffer.
//! \param psBuffer is the pointer to the buffer instance which is to be
//! queried.
//! This function returns the number of free bytes in the buffer. For a
//! transmit buffer, this indicates the maximum number of bytes that can be
//! passed on a call to USBBufferWrite() and accepted for transmission. For a
//! receive buffer, it indicates the number of bytes that can be read from the
//! USB controller before the buffer will be full.
//! \return Returns the number of free bytes in the buffer.
USBBufferSpaceAvailable(const tUSBBuffer *psBuffer)
tUSBBufferVars *psBufVars;
// Check parameter validity.
// Get our workspace variables.
psBufVars = psBuffer->pvWorkspace;
// Return the amount of space available in the buffer.
//! Called by the USB buffer to notify the client of asynchronous events.
//! \param pvCBData is the client-supplied callback pointer associated with
//! this buffer instance.
//! \param ui32Event is the identifier of the event being sent. This will be
//! a general event identifier of the form \b USBD_EVENT_xxxx or a device
//! class-dependent event of the form \b USBD_CDC_EVENT_xxx or
//! \b USBD_HID_EVENT_xxx.
//! \param ui32MsgValue is an event-specific parameter value.
//! \param pvMsgData is an event-specific data pointer.
//! This function is the USB buffer event handler that applications should
//! register with the USB device class driver as the callback for the channel
//! which is to be buffered using this buffer.
//! \note This function will never be called by an application. It is the
//! handler that allows the USB buffer to be inserted above the device class
//! driver or host pipe driver and below the application to offer buffering
//! support.
//! \return The return value is dependent upon the event being processed.
USBBufferEventCallback(void *pvCBData, uint32_t ui32Event,
uint32_t ui32MsgValue, void *pvMsgData)
tUSBBuffer *psBuffer;
// Get our instance data pointers from the callback data.
psBuffer = (tUSBBuffer *)pvCBData;
// Which event have we been sent?
// Data is available from the lower layer.
// This event is only relevant to us if we are a receive buffer.
return(HandleRxAvailable(psBuffer, ui32MsgValue, pvMsgData));
// We are being asked how much data remains to be processed.
// A previous transmission has completed.
// This event is only relevant to us if we are a transmit buffer.
// Handle the message then drop out of the switch so that the
// event is echoed to the layer above.
HandleTxComplete(psBuffer, ui32MsgValue);
// We are being asked to provide a buffer into which the next packet
// can be received.
// This event is only relevant to us if we are a receive buffer.
return(HandleRequestBuffer(psBuffer, ui32MsgValue, pvMsgData));
// All other events are merely passed through to the client.
// If we drop out of the switch, we need to pass the event on to the client
// unmodified and return the relevant return code back to the lower layer.
return(psBuffer->pfnCallback(psBuffer->pvCBData, ui32Event, ui32MsgValue,
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}